Chapter 183
In the afternoon, Yu Dong and his old cousins ​​"parted ways". They ran to play cards, and Yu Dong moved a stool to the entrance of the alley to bask in the sun.

After half an hour in the sun, the melon seeds in his hand had been eaten, and Yu Dong heard someone talking in a daze.

"It's New Year's Eve, can you say hello to me? How many times have I told you that my absence from school is not for fun, but for work."

"Skipping class for work? Who would believe that? Besides, you're only a junior, what kind of job are you considering?"

"If you don't believe me, why do you ask me?"

Yu Dong heard the voice familiar, and slowly opened his eyes to look, but suddenly he opened his eyes and the sun was dazzling, so he could only squint his eyes.

There were two men standing in the alley, one was a middle-aged man, the other was wearing a hat and his back was facing Yu Dong, he couldn't tell his age.

But his voice was really familiar, Yu Dong thought for a while and felt that it sounded like Xu Zheng.

But Yu Dong didn't dare to be sure, because the other party in the winter was tightly wrapped, and this person was still facing him.

The two quarreled for a while, the middle-aged man went into the house, and the one in the hat moved a bench to bask in the sun in the alley.

At this time, Yu Dong saw the side face and bald sideburns of the other party.

It was indeed Xu Zheng, and Xu Zheng was bald.

Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it's been more than a year since I saw him, what happened to this child.

"Cough cough." Yu Dong coughed lightly.

However, the distance between the two was seven or eight meters, and Yu Dong's cough did not attract Xu Zheng's attention.

Yu Dong could only speak directly: "Xu Zheng."

Xu Zheng turned his head and saw someone sitting at the entrance of the alley. At first he thought it was a neighbor of the alley, but after a closer look he found out that it was not.

But this person looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Bro, who are you?" Xu Zheng asked.

"I'm Yu Dong. You and Fu Chengpeng met a thief on the bus before, and we talked."

Xu Zheng thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "I said you look so familiar."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards Yu Dong with a chair in his hand, "I remember you seem to be teaching in Jinling, are you back from vacation? Are you here to visit relatives today?"

Xu Zheng saw that the Li family was very lively, so he had such a guess.

Yu Dong nodded, pointed to Li's house and said, "My cousin's house."

"I just said that Uncle Li's house is busy today." Xu Zheng put the chair next to Yu Dong, and sat down very familiarly: "We are also destined, we met on the bus before, I didn't expect you to go away today Relatives can still meet."

But Yu Dong smiled and said: "This fate is still a bit late. I used to come here every year, but this is the first time I see you in so many years."

"That's true."

In fact, after seeing Xu Zheng, Yu Dong remembered one thing. In his last life, it seemed that Li Xiaobo said that he knew Xu Zheng as a big star. Arranged to Yanjing.

It could be seen that Xu Zheng was not quite used to his bald head, sitting next to Yu Dong, he kept pushing down the brim of his hat from time to time.

But after a while, he still took the initiative to point to his temples, and said with a smile: "When you saw me last time, my hair was still there."

Yu Dong pretended to notice that his hair was gone, "Oh, did you shave your head?"

"Shaved." Xu Zheng lifted half of his hat, revealing his bald head for Yu Dong to see: "Now I'm bald, don't think I shaved my hair or something, I was just forced to help, the hair loss is too serious , I don't shave it, it has to be shaved sooner or later, and a bald head is always better than a bald one."

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu Zheng. This kid was quite self-deprecating, but although he was laughing at himself, it could be seen that he cared a lot about his hair. It might not be a good time.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask last time, what do you teach in Jinling?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Your memory is not very good. I remember I told you that I was working as a political counselor in Jinyi."

"Really? I don't really remember, but I remember that you were teaching."

"However, I am indeed teaching now. Our school has opened a drama creation major, and I teach writing."

"Oh, by the way, you graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University, right? I remember correctly now." Xu Zheng patted his head and said.

"That's right." Yu Dong smiled and nodded.

"I have also listened to the screenwriting class in our school. I don't understand it well, so I don't have this talent."

"There is no talent or talent..."

While Yu Dong was talking, Li Xiaobo came out of the room, saw Yu Dong sitting with Xu Zheng, and said with a smile, "Xiao Zheng, my cousin is a great writer, your hair is gone, and being an actor is probably not good enough, and My cousin communicates a lot, and he will also write books in the future, but he can earn more money than being an actor. I will go to a small shop and you will chat."

After saying this, Li Xiaobo walked out of the alley.

After Xu Zheng heard this, the boss was not happy, and then looked at Yu Dong with a puzzled expression: "Are you still a writer?"

"I've written a few novels."

"It can't be that simple, Li Xiaobo's dog eyes..." Halfway through speaking, Xu Zheng remembered that Yu Dong was Li Xiaobo's cousin, and then changed the subject, "He has a very high vision, even if he can say that you are a great writer, even if there is something teasing about it, You must be famous too. Maybe I have read some novels you have written."

Yu Dong talked about "Death of a Widow" and "Mending the Sky", Xu Zheng thought about it for a long time, and finally shook his head, expressing that he hadn't heard of it.

"Hi, I usually only read professional books, and read relatively few novels. I haven't heard of your novels, but it doesn't mean you are not famous." Xu Zheng added another sentence.

Yu Dong smiled and didn't talk about this topic any more. The two sat side by side and chatted for a while. The man who had quarreled with Xu Zheng just now called him out.

Xu Zheng responded, and then said to Dong: "My uncle called me, and I will chat with you when I have time."

Yu Dong nodded.

Not a while after Xu Zheng went in, he ran back again and handed Yu Dong a piece of paper, "This is my home phone number, if you have time, senior, you can call me here."

Yu Dong took the paper, tore off the blank part, took out a pen and wrote two numbers on it, "The one above belongs to my family, and the one below belongs to my school. You can find me if you have time."

After Xu Zheng left, Yu Dong still basked in the sun with his eyes squinted.Just now he actually thought about taking Xu Zheng to meet Zhang Yimou and the others, but then he dismissed the idea, not to mention that Xu Zheng and Zhang Yimou were not compatible, he and Xu Zheng had only met twice, so it was not appropriate to bring them to meet Zhang Yimou and the others.

The last time we ran into each other on the bus, Yu Dong was just surprised and didn't think otherwise.When we met again this time, he felt that he might be able to cooperate with Xu Zheng if he had the opportunity in the future.

 Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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