Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 184 Coming to live so soon?

Chapter 184 Coming to live so soon?
Zhang Yimou came here this time with quite a big battle. He brought several actors with him. Of course, Gong Li was also there. Besides her, there were also Li Xuejian and Liu Peiqi.

The last time Liu Heng recommended Li Xuejian to act in Yu Xi, Yu Dong thought it was unlikely at the time, but he didn't expect things to go smoothly, and Li Xuejian quickly agreed after getting the script.

Another Liu Peiqi played the role of the local principal, and he didn't have many roles.

Compared with Li Xuejian, Liu Peiqi is still not well-known. Last year, he just participated in Zhang Yimou's "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit". Although he played Qiu Ju's husband, he didn't have many roles.

There are only seven scenes in total, and Zhang Yimou added it because he thought he was good. It is said that there was only one scene at the beginning.

Yu Hua came to Shanghai first, and then went to the hotel with Yu Dong to meet Zhang Yimou and the others.

Zhang Yimou met Yu Hua before, so he took the initiative to introduce him.

The main purpose is to introduce Li Xuejian and Liu Peiqi to Yu Dong and the others, because Gong Li and Yu Dong have known each other before.

After the introduction, Li Xuejian said: "It is my honor to meet the two gentlemen. Director Zhang told me to meet people in Shanghai, and I asked who to meet. He said to meet you two, and I agreed on the spot. "

Li Xuejian has no problem with his throat now, and although he speaks with a bit of an accent, he can enunciate clearly.

Although he looked very simple and honest, he spoke beautifully on the scene. After Yu Dong and the others answered a few words, everyone took their seats.

After sitting down, Yu Dong, as the landlord, took the initiative to start the conversation: "Director Zhang, is the film business going well?"

"It's going well for the time being." Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "No problem, I've already started preparing for the next movie."

"The next movie?" Yu Dong asked in surprise, "Already have an idea?"

"No." Zhang Yimou shook his head, "It's just that I have this preparation. I haven't decided what to shoot. I have a few scripts in my hand, but I'm not very satisfied with them."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Did Director Zhang pay attention to these issues of "Harvest"?"

Zhang Yimou just picked up his glass to drink water, when he heard Yu Dong's words, he put down the glass with a smirk: "I've been very busy recently, I really haven't paid attention to it, I have no other thoughts when making movies. Teacher Yu has a new work Is it?"

He thought that Yu Dong was going to talk about his own work, but he didn't pay attention to it recently, so he felt a little embarrassed.

"I have published a new work, but I told you this is for another novel, I think you might be interested."

"Oh?" Zhang Yimou was really interested, "I wonder which writer it is from?"

Yu Dong pointed to Yu Hua who was next to him: "It's his. The title of the work is "To Live". You can pay attention to it when you have time."

Yu Hua was nibbling melon seeds and listening to them, but Yu Dong suddenly mentioned him, and felt a little embarrassed, "I'm afraid "To Live" won't be able to make a movie."

Hearing Yu Hua's words, Zhang Yimou became more interested, "I heard what you said, I really have to look for it later, maybe there is a chance for cooperation."

Regarding "To Live", Yu Dong just clicked on it, and did not continue to talk in depth. As for whether Zhang Yimou still has such a relationship with this novel, it really depends on God's will.

Although Yu Hua felt embarrassed that her book was promoted by Yu Dong in person, she was still very grateful to Dong. If "To Live" was really adapted into a movie, among other things, at least a licensing fee would be able to slow him down. slow.

The food was served relatively quickly, and they didn't play cards, so they just chatted while eating.After eating, Zhang Yimou and the others left.

Of course they came here this time not only to meet Yu Dong, the movie also needs to be promoted. Although the current promotion is different from that of later generations, Zhang Yimou will still take the actors around, also to open up relationships.

After Zhang Yimou left, Yu Hua talked about the film adaptation of "To Live", a little hopeless: "This novel is not dared to be published by magazines like ordinary ones, and it is even more difficult to make a movie. During dinner, I listened to Zhang Yimou. Said, your "Widow's Death" has also been changed a lot."

"It has been changed a bit. Movies are definitely different from novels. Even if there are no sensitive parts, they must be changed. That's what I mentioned tonight. As for whether to shoot and how to shoot, it depends on Zhang Yimou. By the way, if Zhang Yimou is really interested in your novel and wants to authorize it, you don’t have to talk to him yourself, ask Jimmy or ask Jimmy to send someone to talk to him. I heard that he has a lot of licensing fees now, maybe We can negotiate a high price." Yu Dong said.

"How high can it be?"

"There should be [-] to [-], and maybe [-] to [-]."

"So much?" Yu Hua couldn't believe it, "Your "Death of a Widow" seems to be only a few thousand?"

"Nowadays is different from the past. I estimate that the manuscript fee will rise very slowly, but the authorization fee should increase faster and faster. Zhang Yimou mentioned this when I was discussing the authorization fee with me before. Think about it, 800 yuan Only a few years have passed since the era, and the licensing fee has doubled several times."

Yu Hua nodded, thinking that what Yu Dong said was indeed reasonable.That is, a few years ago, the authorization fee was uniformly 800 yuan, and later when "Wives and Concubines" was adapted into a movie, it suddenly rose to several thousand.

But it's not going to work if things don't change.

It doesn’t matter that writers within the system receive subsidies, but writers outside the system, or writers with little allowances, can’t write a few short stories a year, and middle- and lower-level writers are getting more and more difficult to live.

Moreover, the price of goods has also risen rapidly in the past two years. Yu Hua usually takes care of Chen Hong in his daily life, and occasionally goes shopping by himself, only to realize that the price of goods has already made him unable to understand.

"Okay, if Zhang Yimou really comes to me later, I will ask Jimmy to find someone to talk to him. In fact, I want to do the same thing if you don't tell me. When it comes to money, I get scared. It's not that I don't love money, but I just don't have the talent. I usually go to the street to buy something and I am too embarrassed to haggle over the price.”

"Since you signed an agent, you can use it." Yu Dong smiled.


It was three days later that Zhang Yimou went to the bookstore to buy two copies of "Harvest", which happened to be the two issues of the serial "To Live".

After finishing the novel, Zhang Yimou quickly contacted Yu Dong and asked him if Yu Hua was still in Shanghai.

After learning that Yu Hua was still in Shanghai, Zhang Yimou hurried to the hotel where Yu Hua was staying and asked him about the authorization of the novel, but was stopped by Yu Hua with his agent.

When Zhang Yimou heard the word agent, he was at a loss. Most of the actors and singers in China did not have an agent yet, so why did the writer even have an agent.

But since Yu Hua said so, Zhang Yimou also respected him very much and said that he could talk to his agent.

Jimmy was spending the holidays in Yanjing, and he was also very surprised when he got the news. It was less than a month since he signed Yu Hua, and he came to work so soon?

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 2000 tip
  Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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