Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 185 The Day of the Groundhog

Chapter 185 The Day of the Groundhog

Jimmy didn't ask anyone else from the company to discuss it, but let him do it himself, because he felt that this was the first film and television adaptation of a purely literary work that he talked about, and Yu Hua was also a writer he had just signed, which was of great significance.

His contact with Zhang Yimou's team this time will definitely make their company famous in the Chinese film industry.

After talking for several days, Zhang Yimou wanted to give [-] to [-] yuan at first, but Jimmy insisted on [-] yuan and did not let go. In the end, Zhang Yimou agreed to the price.

After the authorization letter was issued and the money was received, Yu Hua felt like a dream.He just came to Shanghai to see Yu Dong, and he planned to leave in two days, but he didn't expect to stay for more than a week, and even talked about the film and television adaptation of "To Live".

He originally wanted to give Jimmy some commission, but Jimmy didn't want it, saying that everything would be done according to the contract, and he would wait until his income from his works reached more than [-] this year.

Yu Dong recently took a vacation for himself, sometimes accompanied his parents to visit relatives, and took Yu Hua to drink tea and look at the scenery in his spare time. As for the novel about big eggs, he has not started writing for a long time. .

But not writing doesn't mean he didn't take it to heart. In fact, he would think about it whenever he had time.

In the beginning, he just wanted to write something about Dadan, but after thinking about it, he wanted to add another story about Hongzi to it. With such an idea, the story suddenly became bigger, and his ambition was also bigger. up.

He also thought of Wu Changxin's big family over there, so he wanted to include things about this kind of family.

With great ambition, my thoughts are confused, and I don't know where to start writing.

After his thoughts got messed up, Yu Dong was still a little anxious at first, but then he didn't feel anxious at all, thinking that it would be good to relax and wait until he was no longer anxious.

Until the end of the holiday, Yu Dong didn't write a single word.


When Yu Dong arrived at the school, most of the teachers in the dormitory compound had already arrived, as did Liu Changmin and Feng Ming.

When he passed by Liu Changmin's dormitory, he looked inside and saw that Bi Feiyu was playing cards with three veteran players.

"Hehe, Feiyu is also at the poker table." Yu Dong smiled curiously.

Seeing Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, and raised the card in his hand, "Yu Dong, you are here, come and replace me."

Yu Dong pointed to the backpack on his body: "I have just returned to school, and I haven't put down my luggage yet, so I don't have time to play cards with them."

"Then hurry up and put away your bags, and come over to replace me in a while. I'm on the table because I can't stand being pestered by these old couples."

Bi Feiyu had a bitter look on his face. He was dragged over by Feng Ming and the others when he arrived yesterday. At first he resisted to death, but later Feng Ming and the others insisted that he could only accept it.

Seeing that Yu Dong was indifferent, Bi Feiyu said viciously again, "Come on."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, Bi Feiyu often has a bad temper, but he also likes to act like a baby, and the way of acting like a baby is very different.

Talking aggressively like now is also a way of acting like a baby.

Another example is that when he went out for a run before, he strained his thigh, and when he saw Yu Dong, he said with a sad face that he had strained his thigh.

At first Yu Dong asked him how the injury was with concern, but after he repeated this several times, Yu Dong realized that this guy was just acting like a baby.

Yu Dong waved his hand, "All right, all right, I'll be over in a while."

In about a quarter of an hour, Yu Dong packed up and came over, but Bi Feiyu didn't want to leave the table.

"I'll play for a while."

Yu Dong looked at the other three people inexplicably, "What's the situation? It's only been ten minutes, and he's possessed by a ghost."

Feng Ming said with a smile: "You think this kid doesn't play cards? He is good at counting cards, but he has been unlucky before, and he always catches bad cards and doesn't want to play. While you are leaving, his luck suddenly came , of course I can’t bear to leave the table.”

"Tch." Yu Dong snorted, expressing his contempt for Bi Feiyu.

This kid has been putting on airs, thinking that he doesn't play cards, but he is also a veteran player.

But that's good too, after this time, Feng Ming and the others will ask him to play cards again, he may not be able to shirk it, and Yu Dong can also take a rest.

"Come on, work hard." Yu Dong patted Bi Feiyu on the shoulder, turned and went back to his room.

No one lives in the house for a month, so it's time to clean it up.


Although Harold is relatively free these days, he has been very nervous because "Groundhog Day" is about to be released.

He now regrets that he didn't use the title "One Day" at that time.

When deciding on the name, Yu Dong’s “Resident Evil” hadn’t come out yet. Harold felt that using the name “One Day” would not bring much popularity. Instead, “Groundhog Day” could just cater to local audiences in North America. .

Unexpectedly, Yu Dong published a best-selling book "Resident Evil" later. It is said that the sales volume has exceeded 70, and it is absolutely certain that it will eventually exceed one million.

The impact of a bestseller with millions of sales cannot be underestimated.

So in order to remedy this, Harold has been asking the company to change its publicity plan for more than half a month, linking "Groundhog Day" with "Resident Evil".

Some of the promotions are even highly misleading, and some readers don't take it seriously, thinking that "Groundhog Day" is the movie version of "Resident Evil".

The schedule in February is not good, but there is also an advantage, that is, there are no other strong movies competing with them at the box office during the same period, so "Groundhog Day" with a budget of more than 1000 million should basically be able to win the weekly crown and the monthly crown. crown.

But what Harold is thinking about now is not Zhou Guan and Yue Guan at all. He hopes that the movie can compete for a place in the annual box office list, even if it can't get the top few, it will also strive for the top ten.

This year's box office champion is almost certain which movie it is.

With an investment of more than 4000 million, Spielberg's latest masterpiece "Jurassic Park" has attracted the attention of all parties before the filming started. No matter how bad the film is, with Spielberg's reputation and film The publicity and distribution, the box office will not be bad.

Another thing Harold felt was a pity that Yu Dong was supposed to be invited to the film conference, but at that time Yu Dong was at home celebrating the Chinese New Year and couldn't find time to come.

But generally speaking, Harold felt that his luck was pretty good. He only spent [-] US dollars at the time, and now just a gimmick of "resident evil author's debut film adaptation" may bring him hundreds of times the value of.

Of course, "One Day" is not Yu Dong's debut novel, but who cares?

"Everything, just wait until February 2th."

(End of this chapter)

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