Chapter 186 Premiere
In New York, at the entrance of Bear Bookstore, Hahns suddenly said to Cardi: "Have you heard? The movie version of "Resident Evil" has come out."

Cardi looked surprised and said: "Impossible, how long has this book been out, how can it be so fast to make a movie?"

"I passed by the movie theater this morning and saw a promotional poster, which seems to be written like this." Hahns thought for a while, and said, "Maybe the filming of the novel started before it was published, isn't this kind of thing common? "

Cardi still doesn't believe it, and such an important matter, why was there no publicity in the book before?
It stands to reason that since the filming has already started, when the new book goes on sale, it should be followed by the promotion of the film.

But Hans said so, and he couldn't help but believe it.

Since the last time Cady rubbed Hahns' book, the two have become fast friends.

Although they are very different in age, they have similar interests and hobbies, so it is easy to play together.

"I'll invite you to watch a movie. Maybe it's true. Anyway, I don't have anything to do for a while, and I don't have any good books recently." Hahns suggested.

Cardi thought for a while and said, "Let me treat you today. I have also saved some pocket money recently."

Hahns has a good job and a high salary, so he is not short of money. When the two of them are together, Hahns will always send something to Cardi, and Cardi is a little embarrassed to go back and forth, so he said that.

"Alright, but I'll buy popcorn and drinks." Hahns said with a smile.

Then the two found a nearby movie theater, Cady went to buy tickets, and Hahns went to buy popcorn.

When Cardi bought the tickets and came back, Hahns stood in front of the poster of "Groundhog Day" and patted his head angrily: "I read it wrong before, it's not the movie version of "Resident Evil", but "Resident Evil" "The film version of another book by the author."

Cardi was taken aback: "YU has other books?"

Hahns shook his head and pointed to the poster in front of him: "I don't know, anyway, it says so."

Cardi looked at the poster and said with a smile: "It's okay, since we're here, let's go in and have a look. It just so happens that we haven't read any other books by YU."

Come, come, this sentence is common anywhere in the world.

Moreover, the tickets and popcorn had already been bought, so the two simply entered the cinema.

After entering the theater, the two of them felt that something was wrong, because the people watching the movie were all couples.

Although usually there are more couples watching movies, but such a situation is really rare today.

Could it be that this is a love movie?
When some young couples saw the two men coming in, they cast kind...and encouraging glances.

Hahns felt uncomfortable at first, but as the movie played, he gradually focused on the movie.

The beginning of the movie is very flat, the hero is older, not good-looking, and very negative.As a weather reporter, he disliked the job.

It wasn't until later that the hero started repeating the same day that the story became interesting.


The more than one-hour movie ended quickly. After watching it, Hahns also understood why all the people watching the movie were couples. It turned out that the main thread of the story was love.

He felt that whether there was love or not would not affect the development of the story.Of course, he can also understand that the reason why the shoot revolves around love is naturally for the box office.

This full house of couples is proof, if there is no love line, would there still be these people watching movies? The consumption potential of bachelors is completely incomparable with that of couples.

"Hahns, what do you think of the movie?" Cardi asked Hahns after the movie ended.

Hahns nodded, "I think it's pretty good. If the full score is five, I'll give it four."

"I give five points!" Cardi laughed, "I think the love in the movie is very precious. If I can reap such a love in the future, then life will really be perfect, but it's a pity that I don't have a boyfriend." The main character is so lucky to live the same day over and over again."

Hahns said with a smile, "I think you are luckier than the male lead. He has lived in a muddle... Judging by his appearance, he must be at least 40 years old. When he was 40 years old, it took an endless cycle of years to understand the true meaning of life. But you are different, you are still young, as long as you understand the value of life from now on, and face life positively, you will be happier than him and get a better love than him."

Cardi was thoughtful. While watching the movie, he kept thinking about what would happen if he also had such superpowers. Later, when he saw the male protagonist reaping love, he was just very envious and didn't think more.

"By the way, I read on the poster just now that the original book of this movie is called "One Day". I don't know if it is sold in the bookstore."

Hans shook his head, "I don't know, anyway, there are no bear bookstores or the surrounding bookstores. I asked the people in those stores, and YU only has one book."

"Okay." Cady was a little disappointed, "I always feel that movies of more than an hour are not very enjoyable. It would be great if there are novels to read. I don't know if the storylines of novels and movies are the same."

When the two walked out of the cinema, the conversation between a man and a woman beside them caught their attention.

The boy said to the girl: "Honey, I have actually passed this day hundreds of times, and I have watched this movie hundreds of times. If you want to break the curse, you must agree to be with me."

These two people should have just finished watching the movie, so the boy said such things.

But the girl ignored the boy, rolled her eyes, turned around and left.

Hahns said to the boy with a smile: "Man, it seems that you have to repeat it again."

The boy also smiled: "Then we'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Hahns."

After finishing speaking, the boy kicked the girl away.

Hahns froze in place. How could this guy know his name? Could it be that he really...

Seeing the expression on Hahns's face, Cardi knew what he was thinking, and said with a smile: "When the two of us were talking just now, that man was right next to us, he must have heard me call your name. And he called you Mr. Harnes, and your surname is not Harnes."

Hearing what Kadi said, Hahns reacted: "That's right, my surname is not Hahns, hahaha, watching this movie really has sequelae."


Harold felt that he also had sequelae and was caught in a cycle. During the three days from February 660th to February [-]th, the box office data he got every day was exactly the same: [-] million.

For three consecutive days, the box office was 660 million, which is completely unreasonable. How could the box office be the same on Saturday and Sunday?
But the time on the calendar told him that it was all real, not some time loop.

In the end, the box office in the first week was set at 1980 million.

This box office is not too high, but it is definitely enough for him to pay a job.

If it is maintained well, it may even exceed 6000 million. Even if the follow-up motivation is insufficient, [-] to [-] million should be no problem.

For a movie with a cost of 400 million, a box office of 6000 to [-] million can already make a small profit.

Of course, this number is only a preliminary statistic, and specific data will be announced later, and it should be possible to see the ability of this movie to continue to harvest box office in two weeks.

 Thank you for the 100 reward of [Feng Yichengsha]
  Thank you [午初-QvQ] for your 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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