Chapter 187
Jimmy is also always paying attention to the box office situation of "Groundhog Day". When the box office came out in the first weekend, he was instantly relieved.

Although it did not reach 2000 million, he believes that with the quality of "Groundhog Day", the final box office will be at least 8000 to [-] million.

With such a box office in this schedule, in the next few months, "Groundhog Day" should be the top box office this year.

Jimmy checked the movie schedule for this year, and the movies that were watched were basically concentrated in June, July and August.

For example, "Jurassic Park", "Wire of Fire", "Sleepless in Seattle", "Law Firm", etc., the closest to "Groundhog Day" is Paramount's "Groundhog Day", which will be released in April. Unethical Transactions".

For Jimmy, the longer Groundhog Day stayed at the top of the charts, the happier he was, and the easier it would be to promote it when the One Day book came out.

Now Columbia has begun to introduce movies to Yu Dong and his "Resident Evil", which is also a good thing for Dong. When Columbia promoted "Groundhog Day", it also promoted Yu Dong.

In the past two days, Jimmy has heard more than one person asking about the novel "One Day" when he was in the bookstore.

After lunch outside, Jimmy got a call from Dante when he returned to the apartment.

When the call was connected, Jimmy said with a smile: "Dante, you really know how to check the time. I just came back, and you called."

Dante said angrily, "It's not a coincidence. I've been calling you every 10 minutes for an hour."

"Oh, what makes Mr. Dante, who has always been calm, so anxious?"

"Is it convenient for you to come to our company? I want to talk to you about YU's novel "One Day"."

"For such a trivial matter, you need to call yourself. You can ask the editorial department or other departments to tell me. You are a dignified minister of the commercial department, and you are doing the work of other people's editorial department every day. This is not very good." Jimmy said with a smile: "But your speed is slower than I imagined. I thought you would find me when the movie wasn't released."

Dante explained, "James from the editorial department is also to blame for this matter. I told him a long time ago that he would contact you to discuss the matter of "One Day". This guy has too many things at home these two days. I forgot about it, I only found out after I asked today that he hadn’t called you yet, so I made this call myself. I called you here because I wanted James to apologize to you in person. "

"There is nothing to apologize for. The matter of "One Day" is not in a hurry. If he had called me before, I don't know what to do."

While replying to Dante's words, Jimmy slandered that they were all thousand-year-old foxes, and they were still playing chat.

There are too many things in James' family. This is an excuse. Dante and the others must also be waiting to see how the box office of "Groundhog Day" will be.

Now that the box office has come out a few days ago, it is already certain that the box office of this movie will not be low, and the reputation will not be bad, so I decided to ask him to talk about "One Day".


The next day, when Jimmy arrived at Bantam Company, James from the editorial department actually came to apologize to him and did a full set of tricks.

Dante pretentiously trained James a few words next to him, and then let James go out.

If Jimmy was a stunned young man, he would have been bluffed by Dante and his pair of red and white faces.

After James went out, Dante cut to the chase and said, "Jimmy, I've already told you about the matter on the phone. Do you have the agency right for the novel "One Day"?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "I am the agent of all YU's novels, you can rest assured about that."

"That's easy to say, we are all old friends, you can just make a price."

"This price is not easy to open, because "One Day" is a short story, and it has not yet been translated."

Hearing that it was a short story, Dante frowned. He hadn't expected this situation before, because in the promotion of Columbia, "One Day" was described quite thickly, making people think it was a long novel.

Seeing Dante frowning, Jimmy continued: "However, YU happens to have several short and novelettes, and is preparing to make a collection recently."

Dante knew what Jimmy meant, but now it got tricky because no one knew what happened to the other stories in the collection.

"That's right, Jimmy, the company may have to read a few other articles before making a decision. You know, we didn't know before..."

Jimmy raised his hand and interrupted Dante's words, "It's okay, this matter is not urgent at all, I haven't found a translator here yet, and "Second World" is about to start, these two books are also Can't be squeezed together."

Dante glanced at Jimmy and pondered.

After a while, Dante finally said, "Well, I'll guarantee you [-]% of the royalties for five years, and you promise not to contact other companies before you talk to us."

"make a deal."

Jimmy agreed very simply, because this matter cost nothing to them at all. It was just a condition for Bantam to negotiate first, which didn't mean anything, and they would just change to another house if they couldn't reach an agreement.

Then Jimmy took a sip of coffee and said with a smile: "Your coffee here is really good, just make it, I can't find another company."

Dante also smiled and said, "If you like to drink, come here often. My coffee is always ready for you."


A member of the Cucumber Field Science Fiction Society published a story in Science Fiction World.

This incident caused quite a stir in Jinyi, because from the announcement of the previous support fund to now, a member has finally succeeded.

The student who came out on top was Li Huinan, a freshman.

In fact, Li Huinan was not the first to submit a manuscript. Two members of the Poetry Reading Club also submitted manuscripts. One wrote a novel in "Flower City" and the other wrote a poem in "Stars".

It's just that "Science Fiction World" is a monthly magazine, and the manuscript is relatively tight, so publish it quickly.

The award of the bonus is based on the publication of the work, not on the submission of the manuscript, so Li Huinan took advantage of this and became the first one.

Wu Changxin was very happy when he heard the news, and personally handed out a bonus of 50 yuan to Li Huinan.

This once again aroused the enthusiasm of the members.

Now the two associations have continued to grow. Although the number of people is not very large due to the increased entry threshold, the scope involved has been very wide, covering several colleges and universities in Jinling, and it has developed from an association of one school to an association of one city.

Even some people from the society came to ask if they could join the association, but the association stipulated that only current students and teachers could be admitted, so they could only be turned away.

As the initiator of the support funds, Yu Dong is of course very happy.

Although there are many voices in the society now, saying that such material stimulation to students should not be done, it will make the style of study unhealthy.

But Yu Dong doesn't care at all, he doesn't think material stimulation is a bad thing.

If this kind of material stimulation is a bad thing, then there is no need to establish scholarships and major literary awards, because these also belong to the category of material stimulation.

Moreover, these critics have somewhat of a problem with their positions.

(End of this chapter)

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