Chapter 18 Poems
On the afternoon of September [-], Yu Dong was about to finish the unfinished manuscript of "Second World" after taking a nap, when Liu Changmin's voice came from outside the window.

"Mr. Yu, don't forget the poetry reading session at three o'clock."

Liu Changmin had a book under his arm. He couldn't read the title of the book, but it was probably a collection of poems.

With a smile on his face, he took another look at the manuscript in front of Yu Dong. Although he was curious, he didn't ask.

Liu Changmin is good at this. He always keeps a distance from people. He already knows what Yu Dong is writing about, and he has seen Yu Dong writing a lot of times, but he just can't stop asking. .

Hearing Liu Changmin's words, Yu Dong smiled apologetically, "I almost forgot about it."

He looked at the time, it was already past 30:10, and it would take about [-] minutes to walk to Teaching Building No. [-] from here, so it was time to start now.

"I am with you."

Yu Dong cleaned up the table and then locked the door.

Liu Changmin looked at Yu Dong who was empty-handed and asked, "Mr. Yu, don't you bring a book, a collection of poems or something else?"

"Oh, I really didn't bring a collection of poems with me this time."

"Whose poem do you like, or I'll lend you a copy." Liu Changmin said enthusiastically.

Yu Dong thought about it and said, "Do you have Haizi's poetry collection?"

Liu Changmin raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't expect Yu Dong to mention Haizi.

Haizi is Liu Changmin's favorite writer, but this is not something that Liu Changmin was surprised by. After all, Haizi was really popular in the past few years after his death.

What really surprised Liu Changmin was that Yu Dong mentioned Hai Zi's poetry collection.

However, Haizi did not publish poetry collections.

Then there are two possibilities, either Yu Dong didn't know that Haizi didn't have a collection of poems published, or he knew that he had a "book of poems" in his hand.

Liu Changmin had no way to determine which category Yu Dong belonged to. He pondered for a while and said, "Yes, I'll go get it for you."

After speaking, he ran back to his dormitory, and after a while, he took out a notebook.

"Here are some of my own." Liu Changmin handed the book to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong took the book, and his eyes were full of surprise. He didn't expect Liu Changmin to take out his treasure -- by the way, Yu Dong suddenly remembered, as if Haizi has not published a poetry collection yet.

In Yudong's impression, after Haizi's death, his poems were organized by his good friends Yihe and Xichuan, and published a few years later.

Liu Changmin kept staring at Yu Dong. When he saw the surprised expression in Yu Dong's eyes, he was relieved. It seemed that Yu Dong didn't know that Haizi didn't publish a collection of poems, rather than knowing that he had compiled a collection of poems.

When I went to pick up the book just now, Liu Changmin kept thinking, if Yu Dong really knew that he had organized a collection of poems, it would be too scary, because he had never told anyone about this.

Yu Dong flipped through Liu Changmin's book, which contained poems handwritten with a fountain pen. The fonts were neat. It could be seen that Liu Changmin was very careful when writing.

I had seen this handwritten poetry collection in Dong's last life, but that was after I met Liu Changmin for several years. I didn't expect to see it so soon in this life.

It is not easy to organize such a collection of poems. Nowadays, there is no Internet, and it is not easy to find anything by searching. Many of Haizi's poems have not been found in well-known publications, so it takes a lot of effort to collect information.

There are also some imitation poems in some tabloids, and the name of Shanghai Zi is also signed, so Liu Changmin needs to be carefully screened.Some poems were indeed written by Haizi, but they were not published publicly, but were passed on orally by others. There were inevitably errors and omissions, and several versions were needed to be compared.

Yu Dong gently stroked the book with his hand, feeling Liu Changmin's painstaking efforts soaked in it, and finally returned the book to Liu Changmin: "This book is too precious, you should keep it well, so as not to suffer any damage in my hands. If it is damaged, then I am guilty of a big sin."

"Hey, it's just some poems I copied by hand when I was bored. How can you exaggerate." Liu Changmin said with a smile.

Although he said so, his hand had already squeezed the book involuntarily.

Seeing his coy appearance, Yu Dong secretly thought it was funny, and he couldn't bear to tease him any more, so he loosened the book and gave it to him.

"I'll find another book of other people's poetry for you, or get two poetry magazines." Liu Changmin said.

Yu Dong waved his hand, indicating no need: "I still have some poems in my head, so if I can't do it, just use the one you brought."

"Alright." Liu Changmin nodded, but he didn't really care.

Their poetry reading club is just for exchanging emotions in their free time, and they don't pay much attention to it. Today in Yudong, even if they just listen to other people's words, it doesn't matter.

After Liu Changmin went back and put the notebook away, the two went to the No. [-] teaching building.

When we got to the place, the others had already arrived, there were six of them.

Yu Dong glanced at them, all of them were familiar faces.

He Yu, the third grade counselor of Gongmei, two female teachers Liu Meiqin and Zhu Yu from the Oil Painting Department, Lin Hui from the Performance Department, Wu Aiyuan from the Vocal Department, and Feng Ming, the school's physical education teacher.

These six people plus Liu Changmin are the core members of their poetry reading club, and there are others, but they are not as diligent as the seven of them.For example, Yu Dong, in his last life, was the poetry reading club that Liu Changmin brought him, but he usually came once a month or two.

Seeing a newcomer coming, the six people who were chatting all looked over with burning eyes.

Especially Liu Meiqin and Wu Aiyuan, the two of them haven't had a match yet. Now that Liu Changmin came with such a handsome guy, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

It's just that Yu Dong is so young but makes them a little disappointed.

Before Liu Changmin said that he would bring someone over, and also said that Yu Dong was relatively young, but they did not expect to be so young, and they looked younger than the students in the school.

The physical education teacher Feng Ming is tall and has a tough black face. He smiled heartily: "We can be regarded as a newcomer to our poetry reading club, but this is also very beautiful. I am reading poetry. I am afraid that the throne of the first beautiful man will be lost."

It always feels weird for a man to be praised by another man for his good looks.

Zhu Yu glanced at Feng Ming and said to Dong: "Mr. Yu, don't pay attention to him, this person just doesn't hold the door."

Feng Ming smiled: "The door with the door on its mouth is not a human being, but a divine beast Jiaotu."

Yu Dong knew that Feng Ming was a joker and was a familiar person, so Yu Dong took the initiative to say hello to them: "Hello everyone, my name is Yu Dong, I am a first-year political counselor in Gongmei. Nice to meet you all."

Seeing that Yu Dong took the initiative to introduce himself, others also came up and passed their names, so that everyone knew each other.

(End of this chapter)

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