Chapter 19 Trees

When it was three o'clock, he was sure that no one else would come. Feng Ming stood up, walked to the podium in the classroom, and said, "I'll start by throwing some bricks to attract jade."

Seeing Feng Ming who volunteered to come to power, several others, including Yu Dong, felt bad.

This guy must be reading that poem again!
Sure enough, Feng Ming did not disappoint everyone, he raised his chest, made a high gesture, and said loudly:
I don't think about it,

whether it can be successful,

Now that you have chosen the distance,
Just take care of the wind and rain.

I don't think about it,

whether to win love,

Since I love roses,

Courage to speak sincerity...

This is a song from Wang Guozhen's "Love of Life", which was published in 1988, and it has been three years since then.

Among the current literary youth, not only poets such as Gu Cheng and Haizi are popular, but also poets such as Wang Guozhen.

Wang Guozhen's poems are always positive and full of enthusiasm, and when you read them, you can feel a vigorous spirit from the inside out.

Different from Gu Cheng and Hai Zi, Wang Guozhen's poems can always see the image of a warrior who has overcome difficulties and forged ahead on the road of life.

Some people say that Wang Guozhen's poems have no profound meaning and have too little exploration of the inner world, like a bowl of chicken soup.But I have to say that even if Wang Guozhen's poem is chicken soup, it is also a bowl of chicken soup carefully prepared by a five-star chef, which is unforgettable.


No matter how memorable the poems are, Feng Ming cannot resist reading them every time.

Feng Ming is a loyal fan of Wang Guozhen, and he often tells people that he already likes his poems when Wang Guozhen was not very famous, and he is the kind of very old poetry friend.

As a physical education teacher, he likes to let his classmates read "Love of Life" with him before the physical education class starts.

The students found it interesting at first, since reading poetry aloud in gym class is not uncommon.But after a long time, the students have doubts again: Does Mr. Feng know this poem?
But in any case, Feng Ming has made a great contribution to the dissemination of Wang Guozhen's poetry. After all, there are very few physical education teachers in the school, but every student has to take physical education class.

Now at least a quarter of the students in the school have read this poem aloud. If someone goes to Jinling Art Institute to do a survey and see which poem is read the most in the school, "Love of Life" will surely top the list.

On the podium, the people below Feng Mingchao clasped their fists, and then walked off the stage.

Wu Eiyuan quipped: "How strange is this world, it's obviously a poem I've never read before, and now I can recite it in full."

Several other people nodded in agreement. Zhu Yu said, "Mr. Feng is going to be a political counselor, and he must be very good."

Feng Ming laughed: "Thank you for the compliment."

Seeing him like this, Wu Eiyuan whispered, "No shame or shame."

Yu Dong was sitting next to Wu Aiyuan and could hear what she said.This inevitably reminded him of the story of Wu Aiyuan and Feng Ming. The two have always been interested in each other, but Feng Ming's family conditions are average, not a local, and he is only a physical education teacher, so Wu Aiyuan's parents are not satisfied.

Wu Eiyuan never violated her parents' wishes. In the end, she was introduced by her family to marry an executive of a state-owned enterprise. This executive was not very good to Wu Eiyuan.

Twenty years later, when they were almost 20 years old, the executive of the company died in a car accident, and Feng Ming and Wu Aiyuan got together again. Feng Ming was never married at that time.

When Yu Dong heard this from the hospital bed, he couldn't help sighing. Although it was a lover who finally got married, the twists and turns in the middle made people almost lose hope.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong took the initiative to stand up and face Feng Ming who stepped down.

The aisle is narrow, and it is a bit reluctant to pass two people at a time, so Feng Ming had to lean on his side.Just as the two passed by, Yu Dong seemed to have tripped over something and suddenly bumped into Feng Ming.

Although Feng Ming is tall, Yu Dong is not small. Besides, if he accidentally bumped into him, Feng Ming couldn't keep his balance at all and fell directly towards Wu Aiyuan.

Feng Ming's reaction was quicker, he supported the table with both hands, and finally didn't hit Wu Aiyuan, but even so, they were close enough.

Wu Eiyuan shrunk, the two faces were only [-] to [-] centimeters apart, and they could even feel each other's breath.

Feng Ming felt his heart pounding, and he didn't know what to do next, but Wu Aiyuan pushed him and he stood up.

Yu Dong apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this, and I stumbled suddenly."

Feng Ming waved his hands blankly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Yu Dong smiled and patted Feng Ming on the shoulder, and said, "Mr. Feng, why don't you sit with me, and I'll go up and read a poem to everyone."

Feng Ming didn't know why, but Yu Dong sat down with such a light tap, as if Yu Dong's hand had infinite power.

Others didn't pay attention to Feng Ming's strangeness, but they all became interested when they heard that Yu Dong wanted to read poetry.

Liu Meiqin put her hand on her chin, looked at Yu Dong and asked, "Mr. Yu, whose poem are you going to read?"

Yu Dong shook his head and didn't answer, then walked slowly to the stage and wrote a word on the blackboard with chalk - tree.

He lowered his head and brewed his feelings, then said:
"I walked through the gardens of past lives

see the tree by the road
they talk to me

I looked up at their branches
some prosperous
Some are thin and simple
I waved

haven't seen you for a long time"

A very short poem, Yu Dong finished reading the poem and quietly stepped down from the stage.He gave up his original seat to Feng Ming, and went to sit next to Liu Changmin.

Everyone else is seriously reminiscing about this poem, and also recalling in their minds who wrote this poem.

After a while, Liu Meiqin asked again, "Whose poem is this?"

Before Dong could answer, Zhu Yu said, "I feel like Xi Murong's."

Lin Hui has a different opinion: "I think it looks like Shu Ting, and the style is very similar."

Liu Changmin shook his head, "I don't think it looks like it, it's too simple."

He turned his eyes to Yu Dong, his eyes full of questions, waiting for Yu Dong to give an answer.

Yu Dong shrugged: "This is my own poem."

Several people were a little surprised, but they all showed restraint. Feng Ming thought about it and said, "I'm sorry, teacher, I have some doubts. In your poem, it is written that you walked to the garden in your previous life, and the trees in the garden were I don't know you, but you know the tree in the garden. It's a bit illogical, shouldn't it be the other way around? I'm not mistaken, the image of the tree should refer to your friend in the previous life."

(End of this chapter)

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