Chapter 189 A Bowl

For everyone working in Jinyi, Gulin Park is really not a novel place, because it is too close.

But for such a whimsical outing, Gulin Park is another good place.

There are many tourists in Gulin Park. Last autumn, the third largest peony and peony base in China was just built here, attracting many tourists.

It's just that the peonies and peonies haven't bloomed yet, and the scenery in the park is very ordinary.

But looking at the new greenery in the garden is enough to make people happy.

Feng Ming said with a smile: "How about it, come out to smell the fragrance of flowers and enjoy the spring breeze, is your mind not so confused?"

Before Yu Dong could answer, Hu Changqing jokingly said, "The spring breeze is intoxicating, so I'm afraid that if you blow too much, it will blow your mind out."

"It's better if it's empty." Yu Dong said with a smile, and walked into the park.

A group of people strolled around the park for half a circle, and finally walked to the circular corridor of the Far Champs Elysees, where they were attracted by a group of college students.

There were about eight or nine of them, both men and women. Several teachers looked at each other and shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know each other. These students probably didn't belong to Jinyi.

They get together as if discussing words and movies.

One of the boys said: "Words do have advantages, but when film and television dramas become popular in the future, the real pictures cannot be compared with words. No matter how good the words are, they can't give people as intuitive feelings as the pictures."

Another person retorted: "The picture of the film does have advantages, not only the color, but also the soundtrack. But the imagination space given by the text is also something that the film cannot give. The picture has the advantage of the picture, and the text has the advantage of the text."

"That's wrong. Words give people room for imagination, but in fact movie images can do the same. For example, symbolism is found in literary works, as well as in film and television works, and it is done more extreme. The same freeze-frame picture can give Innumerable symbols."

These students don't know why they are talking about this topic. They all have a copy of "Zhong Shan", which seems to be organizing a reading club.

Yu Dong and the others found it interesting, so they sat down and listened.

The boy who said that the film picture is fully dominant believes that with the development of the times, the text will eventually be reduced to a simple recording tool, and all literary expression and emotional output will be in charge of the picture and sound.

This kind of argument sounds weird, but it is not new. With the development of the times, some people do think that the function of writing will gradually become single, leaving only two functions of recording and communication.

In fact, the function of words in social applications is indeed gradually degrading, or giving way.

Especially in later generations, social software is extremely developed, and this situation is particularly obvious.Many people have begun to use various emoticons and emoticons instead of normal text when communicating on social software.

Many people think that what an emoji expresses is richer and more appropriate than words.

Yu Dong has not seriously studied this topic, but he has different opinions on what the boy said.

After eleven of them sat down, they also attracted the attention of these students.

One of the girls poked the companion next to her and whispered a few words, then the companion opened her eyes wide and said a few words to the other person next to her.

After a while, more than half of the students in this group looked at Yu Dong and the others.

Feng Ming thought that he was waiting for others to disturb them, so he said with a smile, "You guys are talking about you, we are just tired from walking, so sit down and rest."

Unexpectedly, one of the other party said: "Teacher, you are all teachers of Jinyi, right? We are members of the Jinling University branch of the Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club."


Yu Dong and the others were all taken aback, they didn't expect to meet a member of the Poetry Reading Club here.

The man continued: "Some of our classmates have been to Jinyi, and met Teacher Yu Dong and Teacher Bi Feiyu."

Yu Dong patted his head, "I see, why are you here today?"

"Jia Zhangke invited us to come, and the appointment was at three o'clock, so we came here first."

Feng Ming looked at Liu Changmin at this time, and teased: "Old Liu, you are also the president of the Poetry Reading Club, why don't your members know each other? It really shouldn't be."

Liu Changmin yelled that he was wronged, "As the president, I usually don't care about things. It's Jia Zhangke and his students who are doing it. I just read the list of which members I have recruited."

Several students from Jinling University over there heard that Liu Changmin was the president, and they all came over to say hello: "Hello, president."

Liu Changmin nodded, and asked again: "Is the topic of text and movies you discussed just now the topic that Jia Zhangke asked you to talk about today?"

"No, we chatted nonsense while waiting for someone."

"Teacher, what do you think about this topic? Do you think words will eventually be reduced?"

"Of course not." Feng Ming hurriedly said, "Writing has carried thousands of years of history, and it has been deeply imprinted in people's bones. As long as writing is not abolished for a day, then the function of writing is not just as simple as recording and communicating. .”

"This teacher, I have a different opinion." The former student who was the main "picture" stood up, "History is constantly changing, and the history we are learning now does endow words with more functions, but in the future In decades or hundreds of years, other functions of writing may be eliminated in history."

"Student, let's not discuss the future, let's just say that right now, pictures can never replace words..."

"It's just that it can't be completely replaced. In fact, in most cases, the picture can be replaced. For example, in the past, there were all kinds of compliments in advertisements, but now there is no use at all. A simple picture is better than all of them. Description. The fear, joy, love, and dislike that people want to express can all be expressed in pictures.”

Before Feng Ming could refute, the classmate continued: "The function of words is indeed degrading, for example... sorry, let me give an inappropriate example, such as the word shit, now when I say shit, I usually also I don’t think it’s disgusting, unless some words of description are added to make it more disgusting. But a picture of shit can immediately cause people’s discomfort... At least the text will not be as intuitive as the picture.”

Hearing this example, Yu Dong and the others all laughed, thinking that this kid was quite wild.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Student, I won't refute you for the rest, but when it comes to intuitiveness, I have a different opinion."

"Teacher Yu, tell me, I will listen with all my ears."

"The example you gave just shows that words have infinite possibilities, because the word you said can not only express its original meaning."

"Isn't this degeneration?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "This is not degeneration, but a normal development, and the picture in your mouth will also have such a development. Besides the intuitive thing, a picture may be intuitive, but the expression of text can be intuitive, It can also be deep and long.”

"Deep, long?"

"For example, instead of talking about a lump of shit or a bubble of shit, try talking about a bowl of shit."

As soon as Yu Dong said this, there were nearly 20 people present, and none of them wanted to vomit.

Of course, except for Yu Dong, he was smiling mischievously looking at everyone's expressions.

Today's outing is really interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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