Chapter 190
Yu Dong actually didn't want to refute anything, but he had been bored in the room for too long recently, and he had accumulated a lot of negative emotions in his heart. It made him feel more comfortable to play a joke on them like this.

The debate about words and pictures is by no means a debate that can be sorted out, and time will give the answer.

Even if writing disappears someday, it is a choice of history. Maybe when human civilization will evolve to the point where writing is not needed, who can say for sure?
When Yu Dong relaxed, his brain seemed to open a hole, and many entangled problems before were solved at once.

He originally wanted to turn the new book into a thick family history, but his later ideas were all in this direction, but he forgot how he felt when he heard this story.

When I heard the story of Big Egg, apart from being sad, I actually found it funny and interesting.So this story doesn't have to be serious, it can also be funny.

Some inspiration flashed in his mind, Yu Dong got up and said to Liu Changmin and the others: "I still have some things to do, I'm going back first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their response, Yu Dong ran towards the gate of the park.

When Liu Changmin and the others reacted, Yu Dong had already run out for a long time.

"This guy..." Liu Changmin sighed, "How long has it been since he came out, why does he seem to have lost his nerve all of a sudden."

Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "We're here to accompany him out today. Seeing him like this, it should be because he has an idea for a new book. This is a good thing."

The others also nodded one after another.

"Looking at the situation, there is an idea."

Feng Ming said with a smile, "Well, it's right that I suggested going out for an outing. But we people can't come out for nothing. I will arrange it later and let him treat us to dinner."

"I agree with this matter. It's not wrong to eat a big family." He Yu echoed, "And what he said about the 'one bowl' today made us sick enough, and he has to make up for it."

Zhu Yu said with a look of disgust, "Don't mention the bowl anymore, I feel nauseous when I hear the word bowl now."

Feng Ming said with a smile: "Then what should you do when you go back to dinner at night? Don't use a bowl?"

Zhu Yu stared, then said to Wu Aiyuan, "Aiyuan, don't you care about this guy?"

"I can't help it."

Several people quarreled for a while, and Liu Changmin asked for everyone's opinions and asked what to do next.

The big guys discussed a few words and decided to act on their own. Those who want to go back to school go back to school, and those who want to continue their outings make their own arrangements.

After discussing it, they greeted the students of Jinling University and dispersed.

After the teachers had left, the students in Jinling were still a little dazed.

"Teachers like Jin Yi are...somewhat different."

"You're an artist, and haven't you heard that Yu Dong seems to have a new book coming out?"

"Listening to them, it seems to mean that."

"Teacher Yu is really interesting, but that one bowl is a bit too wicked."

"That's not what Qi Sheng mentioned first, otherwise, would Teacher Yu say that?"

Qi Sheng was the student who was arguing with Feng Ming and the others just now, and he was also a little dazed at this moment. Although others thought it was a joke when they heard "one bowl", he was deeply moved.

The example of Yu Dong immediately reflected the charm of words. No matter how many people say it, it is not as intuitive as the change of this quantifier.


By the evening, Yu Dong had already written the beginning of [-] words.

At the beginning of the story, a man named Li Xiangxi migrated all the way west alone because of a disaster in his hometown.

Li Xiangxi's original name was Li Houqing. When he was seven years old, a wandering Taoist told his fortune when he passed by their village. He told him that he would be transported to the west and settle in the west before the age of 40, which would ensure prosperity for at least three generations.

The family members doubted what the old man said, but it was impossible for the family to move westward, so they thought of a compromise and changed Li Houqing's name to Li Xiangxi.

It was not until he was in his 30s that there was a famine in his hometown that this statement was brought up again.Moreover, he didn't get married until he was 30 years old, and his parents died, which seems to confirm the old saying.

Since it was difficult to live in my hometown, I simply believed the old way and went to settle in the west.

But the old Taoist didn't say clearly at that time, he only said that it was the west side, but he didn't say where the west side was.

Li Xiangxi could only keep heading west, taking one step at a time.I spent more than two months walking, eating and sleeping in the open. When I arrived at a village, I met a family looking for a son-in-law.

He was also tired from walking, so he just went to try it out, but he was caught by someone at first glance, and he has settled down in this village since then.

Later, as the old Taoist said, Ding Xingwang, the next three generations of Li Xiangxi, gradually became a local big family.

The fact that the old Taoist gave Li Xiangxi a fortune-telling was also widely spread in the clan. Many people in the clan believed in this legend, so when it came to the fourth generation, the clan members were a little anxious.

Because the old Taoist only said that it can be guaranteed for three generations, but there is no guarantee for the fourth generation.

After coming and going, there was a saying in the family: a prodigal son will come out of these people in the fourth generation, and the Li family will be defeated by this person.

Dadan is the fourth generation. He has heard adults talk about this since he was a child. When he was ten years old, he often had a dream. In the dream, an old man driving a crane pointed at him and said that he was the prodigal son.

He told his mother about his dream, which frightened the mother out of her wits, and told him not to tell others about his dream.

It is not easy for a ten-year-old child to keep a secret. As a result, his dreams become more and more frequent, and in the end it is a must every night.

Under tremendous pressure, Dadan was in a trance all day long, until a rainstorm, he was exposed to the rain for half a day, and continued to have a high fever after returning home.

Later, the fever faded, and people became stupid.

After Dadan was dumbfounded, his mother was relieved, because Dadan never had the previous dream again.

Later, there were constant disputes within the family, and sometimes they would fight over the ownership of a piece of land. Da Dan has always been an outsider, watching the development of things, he is just living his own stupid life, and no one takes him seriously.

The family continued to decline, and the relationship between the clan members became worse and worse. Everyone remembered the saying of the prodigal son again, and they all accused each other of being the prodigal son, but Dadan survived.

Although Dadan is stupid, he has become the happiest person in Lijia Village. Every day he either fishes and catches shrimps, or takes his younger brother Hongzi to the village primary school to "domineering".

Later, Dadan went out to work and met a woman who treated him very well, so Dadan gave all the money he earned to the woman.

A woman has a husband, but the husband likes to beat her. Once, Da Dan touched her, and Da Dan tried to beat her husband, but was seriously injured.

The police came to investigate, and the woman said that Dadan wanted to molested her, so she was injured by her husband.

This matter is so muddled and let it go.

Dadan nursed the injury for a month, but it got worse and worse, and finally died.

(End of this chapter)

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