Chapter 191 Unprepared
After Da Dan died, it took more than a week before he was buried, because he died in a foreign land, and it was troublesome to transport his body to his hometown.

His younger sister hid far away, and although other members of the same family did not want to contribute, the Li family still had to lose face. Everyone gathered together to discuss for several days, and finally collected some money to bring Da Dan back.

Hongzi cried a lot at the funeral, but he had no idea about death. Dadan died a long time ago, and he often went to elementary school to bully the children. Maybe he thought Dadan would jump out like a hero and drive away He is a bad guy.

One month after the funeral, several brothers from the Li family ran to Dadan's house to drive away younger sister Dadan's family.

His sister's household registration has been moved long ago, and Dadan's funeral didn't help, so both love and reason are at a disadvantage, and he was kicked out before he resisted for a long time.

After the younger sister's family left, the land and real estate became public property, but the Li family was very powerful in the village, and they discussed collecting the real estate and the world and sharing it equally with other families.

Something happened at this point, and no matter how it was divided, some people complained.Originally, the various families had accumulated a lot of grievances over the years, but this matter broke out all of a sudden. There were two main families, and several other families cheered, and a fight broke out.

A few people were injured, and the matter suddenly became serious, and a group of people were imprisoned, which implicated the Li family's embezzlement of public property.

The wall fell and everyone pushed it. There are many Li family members. Others dare not provoke them, but they are easy to make enemies. This time when something happened, many people came up to step on it.

Later, someone said that the old Taoist back then was a real god, not bad at all, and the Li family had prospered for three generations, and only three generations.

Others said that when the Li family members were arrested by the police station, an old man passed by in the village and sang a few lines:

A high-rise building erected for a hundred years collapses in an instant, flourishes for three generations in the west, and declines in one day to the east. Don't ask about the past, only the future.

It sounded like a doggerel, but some people believed it, and even made an analysis, pushing the downfall of the Li family on Dadan, saying that he should not disrespect the teachings of his ancestors and insist on going to Shanghai to work.

Later, two sunflowers grew in front of Dadan's grave, one facing east and the other facing west.


In Yu Dong's novel, of course, not only the story of Dadan, but also many family disputes, who stole whose daughter-in-law, who raised whose child...

Absurdity and humor run through the history of the Li family.

Once the beginning is started, the subsequent writing is very fast. Even if he still has work, Yu Dong has to write more than 1 words a day on average.

This book was written until the end of April, and the draft came out, with a total of 36 words.

Even if you add the two months of brewing, it will only take more than three months.

A 36-word novel was completed in just over three months, and anyone who comes here will be amazed at the extremely high efficiency.

Yu Dong himself was also surprised. He originally thought it would take at least half a year.

When he wrote "The Last City" before, although he was also very fast, but because he had done a lot of preparations and had references, the writing was naturally very fast.But this time is different, this time is a completely new work.

When writing, he had a strange feeling, as if the book was already there, but it was hidden in a warehouse, and now the warehouse was suddenly opened, and he took it out easily.

But the work is not over yet, the draft is not the final draft, and there are still many things to be revised.

Of course, there is no need to worry now, all the stories have been written, and the rest will be much easier.

However, when he was about to put down his pen and relax for a while, a big news exploded in the country.

"The box office of the adaptation of "One Day" broke through [-] million U.S. dollars and won the North American annual box office championship!"

This news is actually a play on the mind, because this year is only a third of the way, and there is no way to determine the annual box office champion at this time.But the content of the news is true, at least for the first four months, "Groundhog Day" was the box office champion.

And it doesn't matter whether he is the champion or not at this time, the word "[-] million dollars" is already explosive enough.

Chinese people don't know much about the box office in North America, and they don't know what the box office of [-] million US dollars is in North America, but [-] million US dollars is too much for the domestic people, so much that they can't figure out how much it is. .

Calculated by the exchange rate, [-] million U.S. dollars converted into RMB is five or six billion, but in reality, it is basically impossible to exchange five or six billion RMB for [-] million U.S. dollars.

If [-] million US dollars is handled well, it can be exchanged for nearly one billion RMB.

Assuming a salary of 2000 yuan a year for one person, it takes 50 people to earn that much money a year.

If you do that, it's too scary.

So as soon as this news came out, it quickly caused a sensation in the country.

Who is Yu Dong?

What kind of book is "One Day"?

Seeing this news, nothing is more happiest than Yang Xiao and the others. To them, this is like a huge pie falling from the sky, directly hitting their foreheads, making them dizzy of.

Yang Xiao's reaction was quick, and he gave three orders that day.

First, reprint [-] copies of "The Last City".

Second, modify the cover of the next issue of the magazine.

Third, contact Jimmy to prepare for the "One Day" novel collection.

When Yu Dong saw this news, he was also very surprised. He didn't expect that "Groundhog Day" would break the box office record of 9000 million. I remember Jimmy said that the box office was stuck at more than [-] million. go.

It may be that the word-of-mouth has exploded in the end, or that Columbia has made another wave of publicity, or it may even be that they themselves have made a wave of box office.

When Yu Dong first saw the news, he subconsciously thought that it was Jimmy who manipulated it, but then he thought it was unlikely. If it was Jimmy who manipulated it, he should have been prepared long ago, and it was definitely not just this news.

Last time, Jimmy said that he would wait for a period of time to wait for the sales of "Resident Evil" to increase again. The two news will be published together, and the effect will be better.

And Jimmy is also planning to finish the "One Day" novel collection before it goes into operation, and the book will be sold as soon as the news comes out.

Now that the news came out one step earlier, Jimmy was passive instead.


In fact, Yu Dong guessed right.

When Jimmy saw the news, he immediately scolded his mother.

He originally planned to release the news after he was ready for a while, which would be much more calm.

Well now, he has to hurry up to talk about the "One Day" novel collection, and then rush out the news of "Resident Evil" to push the public opinion, so that it will be convenient to operate the Chinese version of "Resident Evil" later .

But this incident also reminded Jimmy that the information between China and the United States is not as closed as he imagined, and these things need to be considered one more step in the future.

 Thank you [Lao Zhu is a thin man] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 20180308134635069] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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