Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 192 The counselor looks great

Chapter 192 The Counselor Is Quite Awesome
A group of people with long guns and short cannons surrounded the gate of Jinyi. They wanted to enter the school, but they were stopped by the gatekeeper, Uncle Zhou.

Uncle Zhou stood at the crossing of the pedestrian crossing with his arms outstretched.

"The principal has ordered that if you want to interview, you need to make an appointment in advance. Our Jinyi is a well-known institution, and you guys want to break into it without saying a word. What if it affects the normal study and life of the students?"

"Grandpa, I'm Teacher Yu Dong, who was interviewed by the "Yangtze Evening News" before, can you be more accommodating?"

Uncle Zhou looked at the young man who was speaking, and said, "It wasn't you who came last time."

The young man hurriedly took out his ID to show Uncle Zhou, "I am indeed from the "Yangtze Evening News". The last time it was our director Shao, he happened to be out of work these two days, so the agency sent me here. "

Uncle Zhou carefully checked the young man's ID, nodded and said, "It really belongs to the "Yangtze Evening News". Is it?"

The young man quickly explained: "Isn't this because you want to get closer to the lives of our common people? If you don't like it, sir, I will pass your opinion to our editor-in-chief later and ask him to change it."

Uncle Zhou nodded. This young man is very clever, but when he thought of his responsibilities, he straightened his face again, "It's true that you belong to the "Yangtze Evening News", but we also treat everyone equally. If you want to interview, you must make an appointment first."


The young man wanted to say something, but Uncle Zhou waved his hand, "Don't say anything else, register early, make an appointment early, and you can interview early."

All the reporters who came today were from the surrounding newspapers. When they heard that the "Yangtze Evening News" was an old friendship, they couldn't get in, and they didn't say anything. According to Uncle Zhou's guidance, they left information on the roster and waited for Jin Yi. Flip the sign.

In fact, they were not the first batch of reporters to interview. The reporters from Jinling TV station came to Jinyi last night, and there was a bit of trouble at that time.

The TV station thinks that since they are here, the school and Yu Dong should naturally cooperate well, but Wu Changxin and Yu Dong think that if you want to interview, it’s okay, but you have to say hello in advance, how can you keep silent in order to grab the news? just ran over.

So Wu Changxin directly rejected the interview with Jinling TV Station on the grounds that Yu Dong was busy with work, and then ordered the guards to guard against death and not let people from the public enter the school. If there are reporters who want to interview, they must first register and make an appointment.

Wu Changxin did not expect that so many reporters would come to interview, because in his opinion, Yu Dong had already published novels in "Zhongshan" and "Harvest" successively, and won two awards in science fiction and traditional literature. He was already very famous, but There is no media to interview.

In fact, Wu Changxin didn't understand what the media was paying attention to. For these media, no matter how many articles Yu Dongfa wrote, it was not as good as this news.

Ordinary people will pay attention to "Zhongshan" and "Harvest", and will they pay attention to the Yinhe Award and Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award?

of course not.

So the media doesn't pay much attention to these things.

Yu Dong was only famous in the circle before, but as soon as the news came out this time, he followed suit.


"Old Yu, I came back from the outside just now and saw a group of reporters standing at the door, all of them came to interview you." As soon as He Yu returned to the office, he leaned over to Yu Dong's desk and said with a smile.

Liu Changmin pointed out the window, "It's up to you to say, we've seen it from above."

"Tsk tsk, this is just the beginning. I guess more reporters will come later. Old Yu, you can just set a date, hold a press conference or something, and solve them all at once."

Yu Dong raised his eyes and looked at He Yu, "Is it worth holding a press conference on this matter?"

"Haha, the tone is not small." He Yu smiled and continued, "Old Wu is very happy now. Once your incident happens, what else do we have to worry about in the construction of our drama department? By the way, your drama department will be in the next semester Need more majors, is there a lack of counselors, Lao Wu and I applied to lead a class, and it just so happens that Gongmei is about to graduate this year."

Liu Changmin on the side smiled and said: "You kid is going to defect, you have been wronged by leading us, right?"

"Old Liu, you have wronged me. This school is a big family. Why are you in our department? Are you all together? As a member of the school, of course I have to share the school's worries."

Yu Dong looked at his watch, got up and said, "It's time, I'm going to class."

Today happened to be the last writing class before the festival, and the course arrangement still organized students to go out of the school to observe life.

The syllabus was written in advance, and it took a total of two weeks to organize a school trip to observe life. I did it once last week, and today is the second week.

So just now when Yu Dong saw a circle of reporters around the door, he frowned.

If he wanted to take the students out, he might run into reporters, and if they stopped him, it would be another troublesome matter.

On the way to the classroom, Yu Dong was also considering whether to change the observation class into prose training, but when he arrived in the classroom, he couldn't bear to see the students looking forward.

What these students like most is extracurricular classes. Because they have to go out, they are all fully armed. Many students are carrying bags, which are full of snacks and drinks.

Yu Dong finally decided to take the students out, but before leaving, he specifically asked the students not to call his name along the way.

Although the students didn't know what it meant, they all nodded in agreement.

After giving the instructions, Yu Dong swaggered and led the students towards the gate.

At this time, some reporters did not leave and were queuing up to register.

Uncle Zhou saw Yu Dong coming and was about to say hello, but Yu Dong spoke up first: "Uncle Zhou, are these reporters here to interview Teacher Yu Dong?"

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Uncle Zhou was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, and replied: "Yes, leader, but Teacher Yu is busy now and has no time for an interview."

Yu Dong nodded and said, "It's not easy for the reporters, Mr. Zhou, please cooperate with them as much as possible. I will take the students out to participate in activities."

"Okay, leader."

Then Yu Dong raised his hand to signal to the reporters, "Everyone has worked hard. Once you have registered and made an appointment, the school will arrange an interview for you. Don't be in a hurry."

"Thank you, leader." A reporter thanked him.

"You're welcome, it should be." Yu Dong smiled and waved his hand, then led the students out.

After Yu Dong and the others left, the reporter asked Uncle Zhou, "Master, who is this? He is the leader at such a young age."

Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "It's just a counselor."

The reporters were taken aback, "Counselor, you also call him the leader?"

"I am a doorman, who is not my leader in the school?"

The reporters rolled their eyes. Those who called the leader just now felt a little disadvantaged.

One of them clicked his lips and said: "Don't say it, this counselor is quite powerful."


ps: Asking for a monthly ticket, I am quite greedy for the monthly ticket lottery at the starting point. I haven’t asked for a monthly ticket once this month until now, and the [-] monthly ticket has not arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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