Chapter 193 Almost 200 copies
Yu Dong led the students for a long walk, and finally a few students couldn't help themselves, slapping their thighs and laughing wildly.

"Teacher Yu, you are too hurt."

"Yes, Teacher Yu, if they recognize you in the future, they will not regret it."

"Uncle Zhou is also a talent, he answered the words really quickly."

"Teacher Yu, we will major in acting in the future, and you can also play a guest role as a teacher. This performance is too good."

"Experience school, Mr. Yu, this must be experience school."

"Why do I feel like an expressionist..."

Yu Dong looked at them with his hands behind his back and smiled, and when they were almost done laughing, he said, "Add one more item to today's homework. After returning home, describe what happened at the door in words. The subject matter is not limited, but it must not be less than [-] yuan." Character."

"Five thousand words! Isn't this killing people?"

Yu Dong ignored their complaints and continued walking forward.

Today's trick of deceiving the world is easy to use this time. In the future, he will show up more often and the communication will be more developed. There will be more reporters who know him. This trick will not work well.


Harold looked at the box office data and felt very comfortable.

Since then, he has also been the director of a movie with a box office of over 400 million. This movie has a budget of [-] million, and now it has made a lot of money for Columbia.

Moreover, the word-of-mouth of the movie is very good. Whether it is the audience survey or various film critics, the situation reflected proves that this is an excellent movie.

Unlike Harold, Dante's mood is getting worse and worse.

"Groundhog Day" had both a good box office and word-of-mouth success, and as the social response got better and better, the later negotiations on the novel "One Day" were even more unfavorable to them.

As far as he knew, several publishers were already looking for Jimmy.

Although he had an agreement with Jimmy, he knew better than anyone else how binding this agreement was.

Jimmy is a businessman, he does everything for profit.

And even if Jimmy abides by the agreement, other publishers can offer better conditions.

These days, Jimmy is in China and can't be contacted. The more he can't be contacted, the more anxious Dante becomes.

If it's just the novel "One Day", Dante doesn't need to be so concerned. There are many good books released by Bantam every year, and there are naturally many good books that are missed.

But this cooperation is very likely to affect their follow-up contact with the author YU. As long as this collection of novels can be taken down, there will be an intersection of three works between them, and YU's works will basically be marked with them. Bantam's brand, other publishers should weigh it when they want to contact it.

Thinking of this, Dante picked up the phone on the table and ordered: "I don't care what you do, try to find Jimmy as much as possible."


Jimmy, who was missed by Dante, was talking to Yang Xiao and the others about the "One Day" novel collection in Rongcheng. They said it was a novel collection, but in fact there were only three novels, namely "One Day", "Closed Loop" and "Number Seven". prison".

If "One Day" hadn't been made into a movie, this collection of novels should be called "Prison No. [-]", because among the three novels, "Prison No. [-]" is the longest, much longer than the other two combined.

The three novels add up to more than [-] words, and the length is not long, but "Science Fiction World" plans to make the book better this time, so that it can be sold more expensively.

In the end, Jimmy negotiated with them and the result was a ten-year contract, [-] points in royalties, and an initial printing of [-] copies.

This time, "Science Fiction World" was full of confidence, and directly set the first printing at [-] copies. They believed that just the word "one day" would be able to sell the [-] copies.

After talking about "One Day", Yang Xiao asked Jimmy with a smile: "Jimmy, we are also old friends, tell me the truth, you have signed so many writers from our magazine, are you going to do something big? "

Jimmy said with a smile: "President Yang, what you said is too loose. How come these writers belong to your magazine? They have an equal cooperative relationship with me and with the magazine."

Yang Xiao stared at Jimmy for a long time, then suddenly laughed again, "Brother, I just said it casually, there is no other meaning."

"I also think about it. President Yang has always been the image of a big sister in the hearts of these writers. Now that China's domestic science fiction has just started again, these writers still need your serious care."

Yang Xiao squinted his eyes, thinking that this foreigner really has a lot of eyes.

Of course, she didn't just say it casually, but she just wanted to give Jimmy a nod. After all, Jimmy signed so many sci-fi writers at once, which was a very threatening thing for their magazine.

If a magazine wants to continue, it must rely on the support of a group of capable authors. Now that these capable authors have been signed by Jimmy, it will be easy for them to want other magazines' legs in the future.

But when Jimmy said these two sentences, he not only pointed out that they would not be controlled by the magazine, but also expressed his support for the magazine.

The two drank tea for a while, and Jimmy suddenly patted his forehead, "Oh, there is something I almost forgot to tell you."

Yang Xiao put down the teacup and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's like this. Yu Dong published a novel abroad, and the sales volume is not bad. I plan to publish the Chinese version of this book later."

Yang Xiao paused for a moment, she had never heard of this, and she did not believe that Jimmy thought of it suddenly.

"What kind of book is it, is it also science fiction?"

"Science fiction plus horror, the title of the book is "Resident Evil"."

"Resident Evil... You just said that the sales are not bad, how many copies have you sold?"

"It's almost 200 million copies." Jimmy said lightly, and then picked up the cup and drank tea.

If Dante heard Jimmy's words, he would definitely scold "you fart". During this period of time, because of the promotion of "Groundhog Day", the sales volume of "Resident Evil" has indeed increased a bit, but it has just passed 100 million copies .

Moreover, the popularity has decreased these days, and the daily sales volume has dropped a lot. Even the 160 million copies printed in the previous period may take a long time to sell.

Yang Xiao was taken aback by the news.

200 million copies!

This is unimaginable data.

Is the science fiction environment in the United States so good now?

It shouldn't be.

As far as Yang Xiao knows, although the science fiction environment in the United States is much better than that in China, it is definitely not the mainstream of popular reading.

"Brother Jimmy, do you have the Chinese manuscript of this book with you? Can you show it to me?"

Jimmy shook his head regretfully, "I still remembered to bring the manuscript here, but in the end I forgot all about it. It's really my fault. Well, when I come back next time, I must remember it Show it to you."

Yang Xiaoming knew that Jimmy did it on purpose, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only say earnestly: "Brother, you must not forget next time. Chinese science fiction is not easy, we have to watch and help each other."

Jimmy nodded again and again, "I understand this even if you don't tell me, and Yu Dong likes our "Science Fiction World" very much, and he told me to show you the manuscript. It's really my fault that I forgot about it. Yu Dong I also said that even if you don’t make money, try to cooperate with this side.”

"Yu Dong has a heart. Next time I have a chance, I must thank him in person." Yang Xiao said with a smile.

 Thank you [Little White Rabbit's Black Spot] for the 300 reward
  Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 1700 reward
(End of this chapter)

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