Chapter 194
Jimmy didn't keep Yang Xiao waiting too long, and gave her the Chinese manuscript of "Resident Evil" just after May Day.

"After the last talk, I went back to Jinling non-stop, just to show you this manuscript as soon as possible."

In Yang Xiao's office, Jimmy has a dusty look on his face, giving the impression that he has indeed driven a lot.

In fact, Jimmy didn't go anywhere these days, just stayed in Rongcheng, traveling all day long, eating and drinking.During this period of time, he ran both in China and the United States, and he was so tired that he couldn't bear it. He just took this opportunity to give himself a few days off to relax.

Yang Xiao doesn't quite believe that Jimmy is so active, but she is not sure, so she can only express her gratitude to Jimmy: "Jimmy, you have worked hard on this matter, and I will be the host to take you to the tooth-fighting festival tonight."

Jimmy smiled and said: "Eating is the second priority. I brought the manuscript in such a hurry that I wanted to discuss the matter of publication as soon as possible. I will also tell you the truth. In more than a week, I will publish "Biochemistry The news that "Crisis" is selling well in the United States has been announced."

Yang Xiao nodded, "It's a bit rushed."

Jimmy spread his hands and said: "I can't help it. I didn't expect that the box office news of "Groundhog Day" would be released in China in advance, which caught me off guard. Now I have to take advantage of the last wave of news. "Resident Evil" is out."

"Well, I won't waste your time. You sit by my side for a while. I'll go to Editor-in-Chief Tan and try to discuss a result today."


Yang Xiao's work efficiency was really fast, and he came up with a plan in the afternoon, but the two parties inevitably bargained, and the final result was a five-year contract, [-] points in royalties, and an initial print of [-].

Let’s not talk about the royalties, because the country used to be in the form of remuneration before, and there was no reference, but the number of first prints is already very high.

Now in the domestic book market, it is not easy to be published. Even if it is published, the first printing is generally [-] copies.Well-known martial arts writers such as Gu Long and Liang Yusheng, when they were published in the mainland, they basically sold [-] copies, or better, [-] copies.

So this time "Science Fiction World" was very sincere, and Jimmy didn't play any more tricks, and the contract was finalized on the same day.

For Jimmy, who has seen a lot of money, the [-] domestic first printings are actually nothing, and he can't make much money in total.What he is thinking about now is to try his best to spread the fame of these novels, so that more people can read these novels. If he wants to make money, there will be opportunities in the future.

Recently, he has been paying attention to the reorganization of China's radio and television department. He believes that as long as the domestic film and television market is liberalized, the main position for them to make money in the future will be the film and television industry.


Among the media that came to register and make an appointment these days, Yu Dong selected several important ones to be interviewed, including the "Yangtze Evening News".

Just when Shao Tianjun came back from the field, he came over in person.

Seeing Yu Dong again, Shao Tianjun was filled with emotion, "The first time I came to interview you, it was because the novel "Mending the Sky" had Jinling characteristics, and the page I gave was only the size of a palm. How long has it passed, you Your reputation has reached this point. You don't know, before leaving, the editor-in-chief specifically asked me to dig hard and get first-hand news, and you must take care of me, an old acquaintance."

As he spoke, he pointed to the videographer next to him, "We have all the equipment this time, and we will record a video for you."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "You are a paper media, what are you doing with the pictures?"

"Isn't this a rare opportunity, it's always good to keep one."

"Okay, then let's start. You know, I still have a teaching position. I don't have much time. I can only give you an hour."

"Enough." Shao Tianjun smiled, opened his notebook, and began to ask Yu Dong questions one by one.

This time, there was no right question, so Shao Tianjun asked directly. When encountering a question that he didn't want to answer, Yu Dong just skipped it.

Shao Tianjun first asked a few questions related to "One Day", and then began to ask some other questions, such as how life is in Jinling, whether there is a new book plan, and so on.

This time they are not just doing news about the film adaptation of "One Day", but are going to do a good interview with Yu Dong.

This is not only because Yu Dong is famous now, but also because Yu Dong is in Jinling, and reports on him are beneficial to the publicity of Suzhou Province.

Since you want to promote Suzhou Province, you must involve things around Yu Dong. Try to use questions to guide him to talk more about the local culture and culture.

Yu Dong is also very good, during the interview he praised Jinling greatly.

And what he said is well-founded, ranging from the surrounding tourist attractions to the small streets and alleys, he counts the treasures like a local.

Shao Tianjun was very moved when he heard that, it has been less than two years since Yu Dong came to Jinling, and he has integrated so well and understood so thoroughly.

At the same time, he also settled down in his heart. Before, he was afraid that Yu Dong would be bored in school and didn't know much about Jinling, so he wanted to remind him. Now it seems that it is completely unnecessary, and only needs Yu Dong to play freely.

In fact, Yu Dong's understanding of Jinling is only limited to the area around the Drum Tower, and he really doesn't know anything further away. He has stayed here for more than ten years in his previous life and has not traveled far.

But that's totally enough.

After the interview was over and Yu Dong sent Shao Tianjun away, he himself took the manuscript of "Xiang Xi" to "Zhongshan" magazine.

Yu Dong didn't intend to submit this novel to "Zhong Shan", but Su Tong specifically said last time that if there is a manuscript, he will take it to him for a preview, and Yu Dong also agreed at that time.

The manuscripts of nearly 40 words are piled up in a large pile, and the thickness is close to one stroke.

When Yu Dong put such a stack of manuscripts on Su Tong's desk, his senior brother didn't realize it.

"This is the draft of my new book." Yu Dong explained with a smile.

"New book? How many words are there?" Su Tong flipped through the manuscript, "I guess there are 40 to [-] words."

"About 40 words." Yu Dong nodded, "Brother, you are troubled, please give me some advice."

Su Tong rolled his eyes at Yu Dong, "You still have a foreign accent when you talk to me. Your novel is a bit difficult for us to deal with. The same goes for "Harvest". Their length, your novel is serialized in two parts. "October" and "Flower City" are not a problem, and "Contemporary" has just finished serializing "White Deer Plain", so it is probably not enough."

"Oh, that's right." Su Tong thought of something again, and asked, "How much does your novel describe sex?"

Yu Dong was about to answer, but Su Tong waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll see for myself. I'm asking you this question because it has been strictly controlled in recent years. I heard that "White Deer Plain" also deleted tens of thousands of words. Just came out."

 Thank you [Book Friend 20200204003243761] for the 200 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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