Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 195 Reporting to the Organization

Chapter 195 Reporting to the Organization

There are indeed descriptions of sex in "Xiang Xi", but they are not detailed. The most typical one is probably the scene where Dadan meets his cousin and has an affair.

Dadan's cousin lied to Dadan to work for him, saying that he would give him money after the work was done, but he only gave him fifty cents after the work was done.

The big egg that only got fifty cents would definitely not do it. The next day, he sneaked into the yard of his cousin's house to steal chickens, but suddenly heard movement in the house. He went to the window to look, only to see two bodies entwined Together, one is dark and the other is white.

The dark one is his cousin, and the white one is another cousin's daughter-in-law.

Da Dan looked at it for a while and found it boring. He was about to catch chickens when two people inside heard him.The cousin ran out and saw that Da Dan was catching chickens, so he smiled and gave Da Dan two chickens, telling Da Dan not to tell the story.


Su Tong pressed the manuscript with his hand, "I'm afraid I don't have time to read it now. If you have no objections, I'll take it back to read at night, and you can come and pick it up tomorrow."

Yu Dong nodded: "Yes."

"Okay." Su Tong received the manuscript and put it aside, looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "I saw the news, the box office of the movie adapted from your science fiction novel "One Day" is very good, the box office of [-] million US dollars is in the United States What's the level over there?"

"Above the middle, I will definitely not be able to win this year's box office champion, or even the top three. Last year, the top ten box office box office in North America all exceeded [-] million U.S. dollars."

Su Tong raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise, "Is the movie box office so high in the United States... However, it is already very good to get the upper middle class. I think this matter has aroused strong reactions in China. But I suggest you You still have to pay attention, be careful of backlash, there are a lot of red eyes in the cultural circle, before "Wives and Concubines" took a licensing fee of several thousand dollars from Zhang Yimou, and was approved by others. Your box office is [-] million US dollars, that's even worse .”

"I don't get a penny from the box office."

"I believe what you say, but others don't believe it, or they don't want to believe it. Okay, let me just say this, let's do our own thing well, and there is nothing we can do if people are jealous. This is all on the road to fame. It has to be experienced. I won't keep you anymore, I have a lot of things to do." Su Tong waved his hand and saw off the guests directly.

Yu Dong curled his lips and muttered, "I didn't even take a sip of tea."

"If you want to drink tea, go to Liu Xuemin's office, his tea is better than mine." Su Tong said with his head buried.

Yu Dong smiled and went to Liu Xuemin's office to say hello, but he didn't sit down and drink tea.


"Master, we are really students of Jinling Middle School, please let us in."

On Sunday morning, at the gate of Jinyi, Fang Tao took Zhu Fuxian and they wanted to go in, but they were stopped by Uncle Zhou.

Zhu Fu first begged a few words, but Uncle Zhou was unmoved, "My little friend, I believe you are students of Jinling Middle School, but there are a lot of people here, I really can't let you in, our school has been under management recently. strict."


"I wanted to be accommodating, but you didn't cooperate. I asked you why you came here, but you didn't understand. There were a few girls a few days ago, and I let them in with a soft heart. Who will succeed?" Think, they went directly to Teacher Yu's dormitory."

Thinking of what happened a few days ago, Uncle Zhou became angry. Later, he was reprimanded by the leader of the security unit, and his old face was completely humiliated.

Hearing Uncle Zhou's words, several students blushed.

Because Uncle Zhou really hit the mark, they just wanted to find Yu Dong.

Of course, meeting Yu Dong was not the only purpose. They heard that Jin Yi had set up a Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, which was very popular in Jinling recently, so they came here because of the name and wanted to join the association.

Several people saw that they couldn't get in, and they couldn't force it, so they left dejectedly.

After walking for a while, Zhu Fu first asked, "Brother Tao, what should we do now, we can't even get in."

Fang Tao looked back at Jinyi's school gate, shook his head and said, "I don't know, and now that I think about it, it's really not very good to see Yu Dong."

"But even if we don't see Yudong, what about the Science Fiction Association?" Zhu Fuxian asked again.

Fang Tao thought for a while and said, "I heard that they have a liaison station at Jinling University. Since we can't go to the headquarters, let's go to the liaison station. Maybe we have a chance."

"Okay, then let's go to the contact station."

A group of people headed towards Jinling University again.

Jinling University is opposite their school, and they often hang out nearby. Before the group of people reached the gate of Jinling University, they saw another classmate in a nearby bookstore.

"Chen Chao, why are you here?"

When Super Chen saw them, he ran over excitedly: "Have you read today's news?"

"You think everyone is like you, caring about the country's affairs every day, what news do we usually watch?" Zhu Fuxian said with blank eyes.

"It's not about the great affairs of the country, it's about Yu Dong's news, and he's going to publish a booklet again."

Fang Tao frowned and asked, "What booklet, "Second World"?"

"No, it's another novel called "Resident Evil". According to the news, this book has been published in the United States before, and it has sold millions of copies."


Fang Tao and others all looked in disbelief.

Super Chen was questioned, so he quickly went into the bookstore and took out a newspaper. He pointed to the news on it and said, "Look, this is how the news is written."

Fang Tao didn't read the content, but read the headline of the newspaper first, then raised his eyebrows, hey, it was still "Reference News".

This is not a gossip tabloid, the news on it should be fine.

Then he looked at the news content.

Chen Chao was right. The news said that there has been a wave of zombies in the American novel circle these days, and this wave comes from a novel called "Resident Evil".

It is reported that this novel was written by Chinese sci-fi writer Yu Dong last year, and was published by the American publishing company Bantam. As soon as it was released, American readers rushed to buy it. So far, it has sold more than one million copies.

More than one million... Fang Tao glanced at Chen Chao. This guy is really talented if he can say more than one million into several million.

Of course, more than one million is already very powerful.

After being glanced at by Fang Tao, Chen Chao scratched his head, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Fang Tao didn't bother to ask the question of more than one million and several million. All he was thinking about now was "Resident Evil". According to the news, it was a novel about the living dead, which was very frightening.

But the news did not say when the Chinese version will be released.

Fang Tao looked at the time of the newspaper again, it was today's newspaper, that's right, so not many people knew the news.

He changed his mind, went to buy the newspaper, and then walked towards Jinling University with the newspaper.

The others didn't understand, so they asked from behind: "Brother Tao, what's the situation?"

Fang Tao raised the newspaper in his hand and said without looking back: "Let's report the situation to the organization."

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 1500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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