Chapter 196 Where to send it
Since the end of the 50s, when "Reference News" expanded its circulation and entered the homes of ordinary people, the circulation of the newspaper has increased year by year, and it has become the daily with the largest circulation in China, with a stable volume of about 300 million copies and a record of more than 900 copies. Thousands of volumes.

The influence of such a newspaper with a huge circulation can be imagined.

Therefore, once the news of "Resident Evil" was published in the newspaper, it quickly spread throughout the country.

Shao Tianjun saw the news early in the morning. "Reference News" is a must-subscribe newspaper in their unit, and they must read every issue.

When he saw that the author of "Resident Evil" was Yu Dong, his jaw almost dropped in shock.

"It's only been a while, and he's got another big news. Well, I have to make another trip."

Thinking about it, he picked up the phone to call Yu Dong, but as soon as he picked up the phone, Zhu Mingzuo, the deputy editor-in-chief, ran into his office.

Holding a copy of "Reference News" in his hand, he said as soon as he came in, "Tianjun, have you read today's little reference?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the "Reference News" spread out on Shao Tianjun's desk, and said, "Have you seen the news about Yu Dong in it?"

Shao Tianjun pointed to the phone in his hand, "I'm about to call him."

Hearing that Shao Tianjun wanted to make a call, Zhu Mingzuo stopped talking and waited for Shao Tianjun to finish the call.

"Hey, Yu Dong, my old Shao, I guess I have to trouble you... Well, there is another interview... This time it won't take long... Okay, then I will go there tomorrow..."

After hanging up the phone, Shao Tianjun said with a smile: "Mr. Zhu, I have already agreed with Yu Dong. I will go over tomorrow and interview him again."

Zhu Mingzuo came here for this matter, and when he heard that it was settled, he smiled and said: "I don't worry if you handle the matter. But you have to reflect on this matter. I told you last time that you need to dig more. Dig out this news, and now this news is ours."

"Yes, yes, I didn't do my job well."

Shao Tianjun nodded again and again. He didn't dare to offend Zhu Mingzuo. Although Zhu Mingzuo is only the deputy editor-in-chief now, if nothing happens, he will be promoted to the editor-in-chief in the next few years.Moreover, Shao Tianjun was able to become the director of the reporter department now because of Zhu Mingzuo's support.

"I don't want to criticize you, but I just want to remind you that this interview can't be more sloppy, and we have to dig out something. Our newspaper is the first to interview Yu Dong. You contact Yu Dong Many, this is our advantage. Yu Dong may or may not be trying to hide something from you, you should spread your thoughts more and ask more questions." Zhu Mingzuo instructed.

"I know, I will definitely make more preparations this time."

Zhu Mingzuo nodded and said with a smile: "It's different now, Yu Dong is famous now, you should also pay attention to maintaining the relationship, you can chat with him more when you are free, there is no need to go, he is not It’s okay to talk on the phone, or invite him to come to the club, it’s not far away anyway, since it’s close to the water, let’s think about it more.”

Shao Tianjun also laughed: "I think Yu Dong and Mr. Zhu must have a lot of topics to talk about. You are both excellent students who graduated from the Chinese Department."

"Come on, take this matter to heart, I'll go back first."


It was only in the morning that Yu Dong found out that the news of "Resident Evil" had appeared on "Reference News". This matter was not directly operated by Jimmy, but it was also related to Jimmy.

"Reference News" likes to translate this kind of foreign news commentary, to show Chinese people how foreigners see the world and how foreigners see China.Jimmy just gave it a push, and he didn't know if it would succeed. After all, this newspaper doesn't cost money to publish.

Now that the news is out, "Science Fiction World" should soon announce the release time of the Chinese version of "Resident Evil".

Yu Dong himself doesn't have much time to pay attention to these things now, and his recent focus is still on "Xiang Xi".

Su Tong read the manuscript and gave his comments. He rated it very highly. He said that it has some shadows of magic realism, but it is not the same as the current magic realism works in China.

Since Marquez became popular, many magical realism works have been published in China. Not to mention, "White Deer Plain" published by Chen Zhongshi a few days ago is a typical magical realism work.

From the first sentence of "White Deer Plain", we can see that this novel has a lot of Marquez's shadow.

"Bai Jiaxuan later cited his heroism as having married seven women in his life."

Writers of their generation were greatly influenced by Marquez, including Yu Dong himself.

When Yu Dong was writing "Xiang Xi", he almost used a similar narrative method at the beginning. "Westward" is not a typical magical realism, but it definitely has the shadow of "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

Now Yu Dong has to face a problem, where should his novel be published.

This is the first time since his rebirth that he needs to seriously think about it, or it has become a difficult problem.

Su Tong likes this novel very much, but "Zhong Shan" really can't be published now because the length is too long.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Dong decided to contact "Contemporary" first. Although they have just serialized "White Deer Plain", they probably won't accept "Xiang Xi", but in Yu Dong's opinion, "Contemporary" is the most suitable for "Xiang Xi" .

Moreover, "Contemporary" is backed by the People's Publishing House, so it will be convenient if you want to publish a separate edition in the future.

Yu Dong took out the first few dozen pages of "Xiang Xi" and sent it to "Contemporary".

In fact, the best way is for Yu Dong to go directly to the magazine office and show them the full manuscript, but the school is about to start exams recently, and he really has no resources at his disposal, so he can only use this inefficient way.

But he is not in a hurry, the book has already been written, and it is okay to publish it later.


On the way back to school after Yu Dong sent the manuscript, he happened to meet two boys, Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin, who were having an activity with the students from the Science Fiction Association.

"Hello, Teacher Yu."

The members all greeted Yu Dong, and Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin rushed over, "Brother Dong, when will the Chinese version of "Resident Evil" come out? Everyone is very concerned about this."

Yu Dong didn't answer his question, but looked at the other students and asked, "Didn't the school give you an activity classroom? Why are you still doing activities outside?"

"The atmosphere is good, and there are so many people, it's boring to be crowded in the classroom." Qu Aiguo laughed.

Wang Hailin also said, "Yes, the classrooms provided by the school are still too small."

Yu Dong glanced at Wang Hailin, "Small? Shall I tell Principal Wu to assign the school lecture hall to your association?"

Wang Hailin beat the snake with a stick, "That's a good thing!"

 Thank you for the 100 reward of [Feng Yichengsha]
(End of this chapter)

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