Chapter 197 Public Thanks

"What a fart!" Qu Aiguo pulled Wang Hailin back, smiled and said to Dong: "Brother Dong, don't listen to this kid's nonsense, our association is contented and happy, and it is very good to have a fixed activity classroom. "

"That's right, after the new building is built, you don't need to move anymore?" Yu Dong looked at Qu Aiguo with a smile.

Qu Aiguo became coy, "If the school has this plan, of course we have no objection."

"Okay." Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Go on with your activities, I'm going back."

Seeing that Yu Dong was about to leave, Wang Hailin hurriedly shouted: "Brother Dong, you haven't said when "Resident Evil" will be released, so many people in our association are waiting for the news. Besides, Brother Dong, what you have done is not authentic. Why should the novels written by us Chinese be published in the United States?"

Qu Aiguo was startled, and wanted to cover Wang Hailin's mouth, but it was too late.

Yu Dong stopped in his tracks and looked back at Wang Hailin. This kid has a really bad temper.

However, he was not annoyed, and instead explained to Wang Hailin seriously, "Because the style of this novel is different from the past, it is not suitable for publishing in China first."

"Then...then you should tell us the news earlier..."

Yu Dong frowned, and said with a half-smile, "Do I have this obligation?"

After speaking, Yu Dong glanced at Qu Aiguo, turned around and walked away.

When Yu Dong walked away, Qu Aiguo sighed, "Hai Lin, did you take the wrong medicine today? Why did you suddenly say this? Brother Dong is usually gentle and kind, but he's really not easy to mess with. Besides, What you said is really interesting. If someone writes a novel, why should he report it to us? Which rule says that novels by Chinese writers must be released in China first? Brother Dong has his own plan, so we really don’t need to ask. "

"I know that it is a good thing that the books of our country's authors are selling well abroad, but it makes me feel a little uncomfortable when I think that we will read them later than foreigners."

Qu Aiguo shook his head, "You are a man, sometimes you are very clever, sometimes you are too clever, I really can't tell you. And let me tell you clearly, I am on Brother Dong's side in this matter. Think about it, this The book will be released abroad first. If it becomes popular, it is easy to negotiate terms with the publishing house in China. However, it is not easy to negotiate terms if there is a publishing house willing to publish the book first. It’s not unclear. And even if the book sells well in China, it won’t affect its sale abroad. Don’t you understand such a simple truth?”

Seeing that Wang Hailin didn't speak, Qu Aiguo continued: "I can tell you, it's not just a matter of earning more or less. Only by doing this can we arouse the interest of domestic readers, let more domestic readers read this book, and stimulate domestic readers. book market."

Wang Hailin was completely speechless, because everything Qu Aiguo said made sense.

"Let's go, the students are waiting for the two of us. Today's event is hosted by you, the vice president." Qu Aiguo patted Wang Hailin on the shoulder, and walked towards the students first.

Wang Hailin bit his lip and followed.


Wang Hailin's matter, Yu Dong turned his head and left it behind, he would not be serious with a child.

In the evening, Jimmy brought someone to look for Yu Dong.

"Dong, this is our company's newly recruited colleague, with a margin." Jimmy introduced.

The margin followed by a sentence: "Excess surplus, the amount of quantity."

Not to mention, his supplement is meaningful, because Yu Dong's first reaction was Yu Liang, because it was a bit like Yu Liang for a while.

The balance is about 30 years old, of medium height, with a cropped cut, and looks very capable.

Later, Jimmy added a few more words, and Yu Dong found out that he was the literary editor of the Writer's Publishing House, and he was poached by Jimmy within two years of entering the Writer's Publishing House.

Jimmy's selection of candidates is very characteristic, and the margin is very good at talking, without making people feel noisy, and the proportion is just right.Coupled with his experience working in the publishing industry, he is really suitable for a writer's agent.

However, the margin is not yet able to take the lead. I usually do some auxiliary work and study by Jimmy's side.

"I may have to stay in the United States for a long time in the future, so I will leave the domestic affairs to the margin for the time being. Although he is not proficient in business, he can usually handle some tasks. If there is really something If you can’t handle it, you can call me. Bringing him here this time is also to identify the door. If you have anything to do in the future, just tell him to do it.”

Yu Dong nodded, "Then I'll trouble Manager Yu from now on."

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what I should do."

In fact, when Yu Yu received Jimmy's invitation before, he was still a little hesitant. After all, the job at the writer's publishing house is a solid job. Even if Jimmy's salary is much higher, it may not be stable.

Today, Jimmy suddenly told him that he would take him to meet the boss of the company, and he was a little surprised, because he always thought that Jimmy was the boss.

When he learned that the boss behind the company was Yu Dong, he was even more surprised. Isn't Yu Dong the company's top sign?How did he suddenly become the boss behind the scenes?

However, Yu Yu's previously uneasy heart has settled down a lot. During this period of time, Yu Dong's news has been constant, and his works are popular both at home and abroad.He is the boss, so he will definitely not leave the company. With such a Dinghaishenzhen, there is no need to worry too much about the company's development.

Jimmy explained a few words, and then talked about his mission to return to the United States on this trip.

"Second World" has all been printed and is ready to go on sale.There is also the English version of "One Day", which has to be finalized when I go back this time.

In addition, Jimmy is going to go back this time to burn a fire for "Resident Evil".

To be precise, it should be two fires.

The first fire, started the release of several other major languages.

The second fire is to find someone to get out the comic version of "Resident Evil".

Regarding the second fire, Jimmy has the idea to set up a company's own comic studio for his own use.

He thought that it would be okay to spend more money now, and he would definitely save more money in the future, and he could still hold the initiative in his hands.

It's just that he and Yu Dong don't know much about comics, so it's not good to rush to make a decision. Jimmy wants to go back to the United States to see the situation first.


After Jimmy returned to the United States, the news of "Resident Evil" continued to ferment, and major media rushed to report.

However, most of the news is based on "Reference News". If you change the format and add your own guesses, it is considered a news report.

This also caused a problem. Everyone added some guesses, and the rumors were passed around. In the end, Song people dug wells and spread a lot of rumors.

Some news reports that "Resident Evil" sold over one million copies just after its release, while other news said that "Resident Evil" sold 500 million copies, which is even more exaggerated than Jimmy's boast.

Yu Dong has seen one of the most exaggerated rumors, that for the printing of "Resident Evil", a paper factory in India exhausted several workers...

And it's awesome, the latter half is still real news, but these two things have nothing to do with each other, they were abruptly brought together by the news.

There is another piece of news that made Yu Dong feel funny recently, that is, "Reader's Digest" was renamed "Reader", and boasted that Yu Dong had mentioned the name.

In March, they proposed several names to solicit opinions from the society, among them was this "reader", and they marked that "reader" was proposed by Yu Dong at that time, and the name "reader" was indeed elected with a high number of votes.

Now that Yu Dong suddenly became popular, they jumped out to catch the wave of popularity, and publicly thanked Yu Dong in the magazine.




Kneeling for a monthly ticket, you can also participate in the event in the comment area, vote for a monthly ticket and get a reward of [-] starting coins.This month's monthly pass is estimated to be a thousand hopeless. If I had known that there is a monthly pass event at the starting point, I should have asked for a wave every day. I was rash.

 Thanks to [JESSICAXI] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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