Chapter 198 Arrogance (ask for a monthly ticket)

Until the end of May, the new issue of "Science Fiction World" announced the release time of "Resident Evil", which was set on July [-]th.

And this day is not only the release time of "Resident Evil", but also the award ceremony of the Galaxy Awards.

Yang Xiao also thought about it for a long time before putting these two things on the same day, so as to expand his influence. Later, when the news reported "Resident Evil", he could also mention the Galaxy Award, so that the Galaxy Award would also be published. Out of circle.

Coincidentally, just after "Science Fiction World" announced the release of "Resident Evil", Yu Dong received a call from Zhang Yimou, who told Yu Dong that "Soft Knife" was scheduled to be released nationwide on July [-].

"Such a coincidence?" Yu Dong asked unexpectedly.

"What's so coincidental?"

"My novel "Resident Evil" was also released during this time." Yu Dong said with a smile, "And the Galaxy Awards are also on the same day, so things are crowded together."

"That's really a coincidence. I saw the "Resident Evil" on the news. I didn't expect your field to develop so well. Then I congratulate you in advance for the big sale of your new book."

Regarding "Resident Evil", Zhang Yimou's reaction was relatively flat, and he never thought of relying on "Resident Evil" to increase the exposure of "Soft Knife".

Afterwards, Yu Dong asked a few more questions about "To Live", and Zhang Yimou said with a smile that he had already started preparations. Recently, he and Yu Hua met twice in Yanjing, and they discussed a lot about the script.

Hearing that Zhang Yimou was full of confidence, Yu Dong still reminded him to pay more attention. It may not be a problem of scale, but it may also be a problem of process.

It is said that "Alive" was banned in the previous life because it was sent for awards without consent, although it may not be the real reason, but it is better to be careful.

It’s just that it’s hard for Zhang Yimou to listen to such words at this time. Over the years, his filmmaking has been so smooth that every film has been successful. Now that “Soft Knife” has not been hindered at all, he has nothing to worry about.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Zhang Yimou laughed, he didn't want to talk about this issue with Yu Dong directly, but he was actually thinking that Yu Dong was great in literature, but he was a layman in movies after all, so he didn't need to talk about these issues with a layman.

Yu Dong also heard Zhang Yimou's perfunctory, so he didn't say anything more.

If it was just the first time they met, Yu Dong wouldn't say a word, but he and Zhang Yimou had some kind of friendship, after all, they had to do their best.


Li Yong distributed the incoming manuscript, and when he saw the author's name, he didn't even read the manuscript, and sent it directly to the office of the editor-in-chief He Qizhi.

At one o'clock at noon, He Qizhi took a nap on the table. When Li Yong went in with the manuscript, he was washing his face.

Hearing the knock on the door, He Qizhi pulled down the washcloth to reveal his eyes, saw Li Yong standing at the door, and asked, "What's the matter, Xiao Li?"

Li Yong pointed to the manuscript in his hand, "It seems to be Yu Dong's manuscript."

"Yu Dong's manuscript?" He Qizhi became interested, quickly wiped off the water, and waved to Li Yong: "Come in."

After receiving the manuscript from Li Yong, He Qizhi asked, "Have you read it?"

"Not yet, I sent it as soon as I saw the name."

He Qizhi nodded, "Yu Dong is famous now. I didn't expect him to contribute to us. I heard that he has a good relationship with Su Tong from "Zhong Shan". Okay, you can go to work first. I'll read the manuscript."

After Li Yong left, He Qizhi opened the manuscript and read it.

The words are good, this is He Qizhi's first impression, and it is rare that it is neat.

Although magazines require manuscripts to be neatly written, many writers, especially well-known writers, are usually unable to do so.

He Qizhi read it quickly. There were thirty pages in total, and he finished it in just over ten minutes.

It wasn't until he finished reading that he realized that this was only a small part of the whole manuscript.On the last page, there is an explanation written by Yu Dong himself. The novel has a total of about 40 words. Because the length is too long, it is not convenient to send it all at once, so I sent the beginning first, and also attached his contact number.

Seeing this explanation, He Qizhi couldn't help shaking his head. From the beginning, it can be seen that the novel is good, but Yu Dong's work is so good that it makes people think he is a little arrogant.

Since it was a 40-word novel, he should have brought the manuscript with him. He thought it would be easy to publish a novel, and he could draw conclusions from the beginning.

Or, let the magazine side read the beginning and then run to him?
But He Qizhi still picked up the phone and dialed the number on the letter.

Maybe Yu Dong was a little young and frivolous, but as the editor-in-chief of a news agency, he, He Qizhi, naturally couldn't play his temper because of this.


When the phone was connected, He Qizhi said, "Hello, is this Teacher Yu Dong?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"I'm He Qizhi from "Contemporary". Because I received your submission, I specially called to talk to you about this matter."

Hearing that it was He Qizhi, Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's editor-in-chief He, I'm sorry, because the school has been a little busy recently, so I didn't go over, but sent some manuscripts to you first. Not long after reading "White Deer Plain", I wonder if there is still space to publish this "Xiang Xi"."

Yu Dong apologized when he came up, and immediately wiped away the grudge in He Qizhi's heart. He said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, it's understandable. But this manuscript only has the beginning, and it's not easy for our agency to judge. As for your concern There is no problem at all, as long as the work is suitable, no matter how long it is, we can publish it, it is nothing more than a question of how many issues."

Hearing what He Qizhi said, Yu Dong felt relieved, "Then Editor-in-Chief He, do you think I should send my remaining manuscripts, or should I take the manuscripts to the agency after my holiday in July?"

"The manuscript of 40 yuan is not easy to send, so I'd better wait for you to come over." He Qizhi thought about it again, and said, "I'll send someone to go to your place, and bring the manuscript here first, and wait until you have time on vacation." Come here, what do you think?"

"Of course it's good, but it's a little troublesome for you."

"No trouble, I'll arrange it later."

"OK, thanks."

"You're welcome, then it's settled, keep in touch."

After hanging up the phone, He Qizhi took the manuscript to find Li Yong again, "You read this manuscript, and find a time to go to Jinling later, contact Yu Dong, and bring the rest back to the agency. This time In the past, it happened to visit all the writers in the neighborhood, so you make a list of the writers in the neighborhood and show it to me at night."

"Is it a novel?" Li Yong asked.

"It's a long story with a good beginning, so read it first."

After He Qizhi finished speaking, he returned to his office. Li Yong scratched his head and read the manuscript.


Uncle Zhou has become very busy during this time. Every day, he has to stop those people who come to Yu Dong, no matter if they are admiring readers or reporters who come to interview.

But such busyness made him happy.

Moreover, in order to receive these reporters, the school equipped their communication room with a lot of things.

There are plenty of stools, tea, and a lot of office supplies, making it a serious office.

Sometimes when he is not busy, he likes to invite the reporters who come to interview to sit down in the office and chat with them, like a host meeting a guest.

"I'm not bragging to you, I can't find a school in Jinling that has a reception room with my style..."

This is Uncle Zhou's classic opening, which caused some reporters who couldn't catch Yu Dong to interview them to be brainwashed. After returning, they could only write: In the whole Jinling, there is no school with the style of Jinyi's reception room...



Guiqiu monthly ticket
 Thanks for the 100 rewards from the boss of [Minmo Chenhua]
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  During this period of time, the project in hand is over, and there should be more updates.

(End of this chapter)

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