Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 199 Are these two boys good?

Chapter 199 How Are These Two Young Guys?

This morning, Uncle Zhou was standing at the gate of the school thinking why no reporter had come by this time.

In recent days, there are two or three waves of people coming here every day on average, and the morning wave is the most. It is estimated that they all want to arrive one step earlier than others.

Uncle Zhou was looking forward to it, but he didn't see any reporters, but he saw Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin holding a pile of magazines.

Uncle Zhou has long been accustomed to this scene. Xiao Qu and Xiao Wang are the first and second leaders of the Science Fiction Association. When "Science Fiction World" is released, they will go out to help members buy magazines.

"Xiao Qu, this matter can't always be done by you officials, but also let the subordinates do their best."

Qu Aiguo said with a smile: "What's official or not? In our association, the president serves the members."

"Are you tired, come in and have a rest?" Uncle Zhou pointed to the reception room with a smile.

Qu Aiguo glanced at Wang Hailin, he was really tired, now that there are more and more members, and there are more and more magazines to buy, even with Wang Hailin's help, this task is much heavier than before.And he suddenly remembered something, he wanted to tell Uncle Zhou.

"Okay, then let's go in and have a seat."

Wang Hailin's arms couldn't take it anymore, as soon as he heard Qu Aiguo's words, he rushed into the reception room and put the magazine down.

After putting down the magazine, Wang Hailin groaned while shaking his arms, "Next time we have to call two more people, or get a bicycle."

Uncle Zhou poured water for the two of them, and he has ready-made cups and everything.

Hearing Wang Hailin's complaint, Uncle Zhou smiled and said, "This matter is not easy to handle. You buy so many magazines, just ask the boss to send them to you directly."

Qu Aiguo took the water and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhou, I was just about to tell you about this. I mentioned what you said to the boss. The boss said that the school is currently under strict control and he can't get in."

"Nonsense, he didn't even go in, how do you know he can't get in? Next time you tell him, just say what I said, as long as you register with me, you can come in."

"That's great." Qu Aiguo picked up one from the pile of magazines and handed it to Uncle Zhou, "Master, we bought a lot, and the boss sent a copy. This is for you."

Uncle Zhou quickly waved his hand, "No, no, I can't see this."

Qu Aiguo stretched out his hand without moving, "Master, if you don't read it, you can put it in the reception room. Now that you have a lot of guests here, it is definitely the face of our Jinyi. If you don't put some books, it will be a loss. "

Speaking of Qu Aiguo, he went to the open space in the corner again, and made suggestions: "This is such a big empty space, put up a small shelf and put some books. Don't put anything else, just put things related to our school, such as this issue The "Science Fiction World" has novels published by our school students. There are also magazines where Mr. Yu and Mr. Bi published articles, as well as Mr. Yu's booklets, you can bring them here and put them on display."

When Qu Aiguo said this, Uncle Zhou's heart moved, and he took "The World of Science Fiction" without knowing it.

But then he started to worry again, "But where did you get this bookshelf, and those books you mentioned..."

Qu Aiguo patted his chest and said: "Don't worry about this old man, as long as you have the intention, Xiao Qu will help you settle it, and I will make you a shelf in the afternoon, and then I will fill it up."

As soon as he heard that he didn't need to worry about it, Uncle Zhou nodded: "Then I will trouble you, Xiao Qu."

Qu Aiguo said with a smile, "No trouble, no trouble, I will make a list later, and list the works of our school on which pages of which magazines. Someone wants to ask, sir, you can introduce it to others, right? .”

"That's good, Xiao Qu, you have a very clever mind."

"Hey, isn't it all for the school." Qu Aiguo took a sip of water from his cup, then got up and said, "It's almost time for a rest, the members are waiting for the magazines, so let's go first, the shelves and books Don't worry about the matter, sir, leave it to me."

Then the two walked towards the playground with the magazine in their arms.

Uncle Zhou looked at the backs of the two young men from behind, and nodded in relief. These two young men are not bad.

After Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin walked away, Wang Hailin looked puzzled and said, "Brother, why did you take this matter over all of a sudden?"

"Why, don't you think it's a good thing?"

"It's a good thing. I heard that their reception room now receives a lot of visitors every day. If they can display some publications and books related to our school, it will definitely help improve the image of our school. But this can be done by the school. Well, you don't have to take it yourself."

Qu Aiguo said with a smile: "Hai Lin, Hai Lin, you are still too young. Why did I take this matter down? I just wanted to seize the initiative. Think about it, if we are in charge of this display, Then why don’t all the books on it look at us?”

Wang Hailin suddenly realized, "Yeah, why didn't I expect that, in this way, we can put more sci-fi magazines and books, and then the members of our association can also be placed first on the list."

Qu Aiguo smiled and walked forward: "Learn more."

The two of them walked for a while, when Wang Hailin suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, the comrades at the Liaison Station of Jinling University... Bah, my classmate told me that there are a few high school students from Jinling Middle School who want to join our association. They have investigated it, and they are all true sci-fi fans, and asked us if we would consider absorbing it.”

"High school student? How high are you?" Qu Aiguo asked.

"Say it's a senior year in high school."

"The third year of high school...then it's time for the college entrance examination in more than a month. Tell them that if you want to join our association, you can wait until you are admitted to university. At this stage, what they have to do is to study hard, so they don't have the time to participate in association activities. If you are in the first year of high school or the second year of high school, you can consider becoming a probationary member and reduce the frequency of their participation in activities."

"Then what if they go to other places for the exam?"

"Isn't that better?" Qu Aiguo said with a smile: "Our association will go out of Jinling sooner or later. If they really go to other places, maybe they can help us establish contact stations in other places."

"It's too far away, so it's hard to communicate."

"No, Brother Dong said that the telecommunications industry will develop faster and faster. It will be very convenient to communicate in the future. We must plan ahead for everything. Even if there are difficulties in the early stage, we should lay the groundwork first so that we can develop later. "

Wang Hailin pursed his lips, he always felt that Qu Aiguo had blindly worshiped Brother Dong.

Brother Dong is amazing, but he is only a graduate of the Department of Literature. How can he really understand technology and other things? Not many people can afford a phone now. If he really wants to develop, he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Qu Aiguo didn't hear Wang Hailin's response, so he looked back at him, "Why are you in a daze, let's go quickly."



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(End of this chapter)

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