Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 200 What is the song called?

Chapter 200 What is the song called?
Yu Dong knew about the books in the reception room the next day. When he passed by the school gate, Uncle Zhou invited him in to have a look.

At first, Yu Dong was a little surprised when he saw that most of the prominent places on the shelves were sci-fi magazines and booklets, but when he heard that Qu Aiguo had proposed this idea, he felt reasonable.

Qu Aiguo really has a lot of eyes.

Uncle Zhou praised Qu Aiguo, but Yu Dong knew what this kid was thinking.

It's nothing more than wanting to occupy the high ground of publicity and let their Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association take the lead in the communication room.


At the end of June, the sun is like a fire.

The writing class originally scheduled for last Thursday was postponed to Sunday because it happened to coincide with the Dragon Boat Festival.

The school moved out Sunday and abruptly gave the students two and a half days off.

After two and a half days of free time, I have to go to class all day. In addition, the weather is very hot. The electric fan in the classroom is too weak to rotate. I can’t feel the wind when I sit a little farther away, so the students are not in a good state of mind. great.

And this week's writing class is prose training, they also feel a little boring.

Yu Dong looked at the state of the students, and knocked on the table with his book: "Do you feel that writing prose every day is a bit boring?"

"Yes, Mr. Yu, why is it always prose training? How many weeks have we been doing prose prose training just on propositions? Why don't we write sketches or scripts, or dramas are fine."

"That's right, a semester is almost over, we haven't touched the script yet, what's the point of writing prose all the time."

The students sighed, and their opinions were basically unified. They had some opinions on prose training, and felt that it was meaningless to do prose training all the time without touching the script.

After the students yelled for a while, Yu Dong patted his head and said, "I want you to touch the script earlier, but you don't live up to it."

As he spoke, he took out the prose homework handed in by the previous students, "Look for yourself, after writing prose for a semester, is it like this?"

Yu Dong found a copy from the middle, and called the name directly: "Ji Chengke, everyone says that prose is beautiful, but from your prose—let's call it prose, I don't see any beauty in this prose." Where. I counted, this prose has more than 3000 words, but it uses more than 50 idioms and seventeen or eight allusions. Do you think the prose is playing idiom solitaire?"

Ji Chengke was named, and wanted to argue a few words, but Yu Dong didn't give him a chance, and continued to call the next name: "Wang Hailin, what are you writing, diary of a primary school student? Or do you want to imitate "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond"? Go out to watch the moon without going to bed at night, and then, the grass hole is very dark, and there are many mosquitoes? What did you express?"

"Jia Zhangke." Yu Dong picked up Jia Zhangke's homework again, thought about it, and said, "The writing is not bad."

Then the roll call continued.

Except for Jia Zhangke, the homework of the entire drama creation class was severely criticized by Yu Dong.

And today Yu Dong spoke very loudly and showed no mercy at all.

This has never happened since this semester. In the past, if Yu Dong wanted to teach them something, he would speak in a gentle and devious way, and generally would not embarrass the students.

In fact, Yu Dong has been holding back for a long time. The background of these students is supposed to be pretty good, but they can't calm down at all. After teaching for a semester, most of them have not made any obvious progress.

There was an incident when I was in class before. Some students used the class time to write short essays, scripts, or novels, leaving only a little time for prose training, and the homework was also hastily done.

They didn't put their minds on prose at all.

More than once, some students asked Yu Dong to talk to them about novels.Because Yu Dong's novels are very famous, they hope that Yu Dong can pass on his experience in writing novels to them, but Yu Dong directly refuses every time.

After being criticized by Yu Dong, the students all lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.

Just kidding, who is Yu Dong?

Not to mention the novels he wrote, just his status as a graduate of the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University is enough to suppress them.

For students who want to go to the Chinese Department, there are two Chinese Departments in China that are their dream palaces, namely the Chinese Department of Yanda University and the Chinese Department of Yanshi Normal University.

As far as the Chinese department alone is concerned, Aurora University is not enough to compete against these two schools.

People can come to Jinyi to call Xichuang, which is simply teaching and helping the poor.

So for Yu Dong's criticism, they have no temper at all.

And what Yu Dong said was not aimless, they all hit the point.

After a long silence in the classroom, Yu Dong spoke again, "This week is free training, you can start by yourself, if you have any questions, come and ask me, next week's exam, essay questions."

Just as Yu Dong finished speaking with a cold face, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly appeared at the door and waved to him.

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu, Yu Dong smiled and walked out.

Seeing Yu Dong go out, all the students of Xichuang breathed a sigh of relief. Teacher Yu usually doesn't swear, so this sudden outburst puts too much pressure on people.

They also looked at Cheng Yanqiu who was standing at the door. She often came to look for Yu Dong, so the students all knew her and knew that she was the school's vocal teacher.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, come and visit the class more often in the future, and see Mr. Yu's change of face..."

Cheng Yanqiu outside the door stretched his head to look inside the classroom, and said with a smile, "The atmosphere doesn't seem right today."

"The students did something wrong, I said a few words, why are you here?"

"My class here just ended, so I passed by here to take a look. Also, I brought you some zongzi from home. I wanted to give it to you yesterday, but I didn't find a chance. I soaked the zongzi in the water. If you don't want to eat any more broken."

Before Dong could answer, Cheng Yanqiu said again, "It's meat dumplings."

"Your family is not..."

"I told my mother to eat meat dumplings, and she made a few." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "You go to class first, and then go get it during lunch break."

Yu Dong nodded, "OK."

After Cheng Yanqiu left, Yu Dong returned to the classroom with a cold face again.


At noon, Yu Dong went to Cheng Yanqiu to get rice dumplings.

When chatting with Cheng Yanqiu before, he mentioned that he would not go home during the Dragon Boat Festival, so Cheng Yanqiu wrote it down.

Her family doesn’t eat meat dumplings. Every year, white rice dumplings are dipped in sugar. However, the meat dumplings made by her mother are quite delicious.

It's just that she took too many, there were eight of them, and the zongzi couldn't hold it in this weather, and it didn't work well when soaked in cold water, so Yu Dong's lunch and dinner that day were all contracted by the zongzi.

In the evening, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu made an appointment to go out together to "feed the mosquitoes". Hearing that Yu Dong ate up eight zongzi in one day, he couldn't help feeling, "You like eating zongzi so much. I'll ask my mother to make more when I go back in two days." one."

Yu Dong quickly changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that the teaching building of your music department has been changed to the performing arts teaching building?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "Yes, but it is only temporarily changed to this, and it will be changed back after the completion of the performing arts teaching building. And now there are no students from the drama department taking classes in it. It is the same as before, and there is no change."

While talking, the two had already walked to the performing arts teaching building.

They have come out to feed mosquitoes many times before, and passed by the performing arts teaching building many times, but they have never entered.

This time, Yu Dong suddenly mentioned that Cheng Yanqiu was interested, and he dragged Yu Dong into the building, "Aren't you curious, I'll take you up there to have a look."

Halfway through the walk, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly realized, and quickly let go of Yu Dong's hand.

Before she could take her hand back, Yu Dong had already grabbed her in turn.

Yu Dong's pull seemed to cast a fixing spell on Cheng Yanqiu, making her freeze.The lights in the classroom were dim and yellow, and the part outside was hidden in the moonlight and tree shadows. Cheng Yanqiu's face was half in the tree shadows and half in the moonlight.

The half of the face under the shadow of the tree could not be seen clearly, and the half of the face under the moonlight was almost red.

These days, the two often come out together to feed the mosquitoes, and the distance between them is getting closer and closer as they walk together.Just now Cheng Yanqiu was still thinking, if it was any closer, how close would it be?But I didn't expect to hold hands at this moment.

Yu Dong squeezed Cheng Yanqiu's hand with a smile. Usually, she felt that her hand was quite big with slender fingers, but now after grasping it, she felt that her hand was small.

"Are you hot?"

"Um... ah?"

Yu Dong smiled, pulled her into the teaching building, and asked as he walked, "Which classroom do you usually take professional classes in?"

In the evening, the performing arts teaching building was quite lively, and sometimes the sound of various musical instruments could be heard. Yu Dong could tell whether it was wind music or string music, but he couldn't tell what kind of musical instrument it was.

Cheng Yanqiu was still in a dream, being dragged by Yu Dong, walking forward slowly, without even hearing what he asked clearly.

When they went up to the second floor, two girls came to meet them. When they saw Yu Dong holding Cheng Yanqiu's hand, they seemed to have seen some gossip. They opened their mouths wide because of surprise, and they could hold two eggs.

"Mr. Yu, Mr. Cheng is good."

After being surprised, they still greeted Yu Dong and the others.

"Hi, students." Yu Dong replied with a smile.

When Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu away, the two female students jumped up and down excitedly.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"I see it, I see it. I hold hands, I hold hands."

"I said that Mr. Cheng is so beautiful, he must have high vision. I didn't expect it to be Mr. Yu."

One of the girls put her hands on her chest, "Woo...they stand together, it's really nice."

The other girl nodded like pecking rice, "Yes, yes, did you see that Teacher Cheng's face is so red."


After walking for a while, passing the piano room, Yu Dong said to Cheng Yanqiu, "Your piano room seems to be closed, do you have the key?"

Cheng Yanqiu recovered a lot now, and finally dared to look up at Yu Dong, but his face was still flushed.Yu Dong found it interesting. She was so proactive before, but now she reacts so strongly when she holds hands.

"What do you want the key for?"

"Aren't you majoring in piano? Teach me."

"The piano is hard."

Yu Dong smiled and patted his chest, "Please believe in my musical talent."

Seeing Yu Dong's confident appearance, Cheng Yanqiu burst out laughing. She let go of Yu Dong's hand and walked to the door. With a slight push, the door of the piano room opened.

Yu Dong was surprised: "Does your piano room close at night?"

"It's not that the door is not closed, it's just that it hasn't arrived yet. The building management will come and close the door after a while. Now, students can come to practice the piano at this moment, but there just happens to be no one today."

With that said, Cheng Yanqiu went into the piano room and fumbled to turn on the light.

The piano room is very simple, with some portraits of pianists hanging on the wall and a piano in the middle.

It was the first time for Yu Dong to enter the piano room, and he looked around curiously, but there was really nothing to see.

Cheng Yanqiu had already sat in front of the piano, she patted the stool, "Aren't you going to learn the piano?"

"Come here, Teacher Cheng." Yu Dong sat down next to Cheng Yanqiu, "Is our teaching about to start?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Let's talk about some basic things first. This is the most common piano with 88 keys, including 52 white keys and 36 black keys..."

"Stop, stop, Mr. Cheng, how long will it take to teach like this? Is there any quick way? For example, play four-handed playing with you quickly."

Cheng Yanqiu was annoyed by Yu Dong, "Then is there any way for you to let the students in your drama creation class not practice prose and write scripts directly? I heard that you criticized them very badly today. Several girls almost They all cried."

"Hey, these unworthy people are still suing me?"

"People are just telling the truth, so do you want to hurry up?"

"It's fine if it's quick, why don't you play one for me, and I'll hear how your level is, and teach me if it's good enough."

Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a blank look, "What song are you playing?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Is there anything more difficult that can reflect technology."

"Can you pull three?"

"Forget it, it's too long."

"You still know La San?" Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong in surprise.

"Don't look at me with this expression of looking at me blindly. I told you, you have to believe in my talent."

"Okay, what are you talking about?"

Yu Dong thought about it for a long time, but he didn't think of any suitable piece of music. In fact, he didn't know many piano pieces. They were all classic pieces, such as "Fur Elise", "Pathetic", "Moonlight" and so on.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Then I'll play casually."


Cheng Yanqiu took a deep breath, played a few notes casually at first, and then played fan.

Yu Dong originally thought that she would play a somewhat difficult piece, but he didn't expect that the piece sounded light and simple, and it sounded familiar, but he couldn't name it.

The song is very smooth, like a small stream flowing through the forest, and a leaf falls into it by chance, forming circles of water patterns in the slow stream, and then the leaves follow the stream and continue to move forward, undulating with the terrain.

When Cheng Yanqiu finished playing, Yu Dong still hadn't realized it, because it was too short.


"It's over."

"What's the name of this song?"

"Aren't you talented, you don't even know this song?" Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, then got up, "Today's teaching is over, let's go."

Yu Dong chased her after her, "What is the name of this song?"

 Thank you [Red Comrade] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 100 reward
  Thank you for the 100 reward of [Feng Yichengsha]
(End of this chapter)

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