Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 201 "Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition"

Chapter 201 "Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition"

The teaching is over, and the mosquito feeding activity is also over.

Sending Cheng Yanqiu downstairs to their dormitory, when Yu Dong was about to ask "what's the name of tonight's song", Cheng Yanqiu had already gone upstairs.

On the second floor, there were two female teachers looking at Yu Dong while leaning on the railing of the corridor, "Ms. Yu Dong, come to see off Teacher Cheng again tonight."

Yu Dong looked up at them, waved and said, "Hello, two teachers, you are out to watch the moon again."

"Teacher Yu, you look at the scenery downstairs, and those who look at the scenery look at you upstairs." One of the female teachers borrowed a sentence from "Broken Chapter" to tease Yu Dong.

Yu Dong looked towards the stairs, and said with a smile: "Now the scenery is also upstairs."

This made the two teachers giggle, Yu Dong waved at them again, turned and left.

When he returned to the dormitory, Feng Ming wiped his body in the yard with his upper body naked.

"Old Feng, your bathing posture is elegant enough."

Feng Ming spat, "What about taking a shower? I've already taken a shower, but it's too hot today. After sitting in the room for a while, I sweated all over and came out to wipe it off. You and Teacher Cheng went out to feed mosquitoes again? Our Jinyi mosquitoes should really thank you, without you two, they would have starved to death long ago."

"In ancient times, there were tigers who sacrificed their lives to feed tigers. Today, we sacrifice our lives to feed mosquitoes. You should be the ones who should thank us. If we hadn't fed the mosquitoes to their full potential, they would have come to you."

"Come on, you are feeding the mosquitoes outside, and none of the mosquitoes in our yard are being fed."

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and Yu Dong suddenly remembered something, and said, "Old Feng, I have a question for you."

Feng Ming glanced at Yu Dong: "What question do you want to test for a physical education teacher?"

"Music question, you have a relationship with Mr. Wu, and you have been fascinated by it. You must have some musical attainments."

"That is, I listen to music every day now. My ears are not the same as before. It seems that I can feel any sound that enters my ears..."

Yu Dong immediately interrupted Feng Ming's bragging, "Then let me hum a few words, listen to what the song is."

"Humph." Feng Ming looked confident.

Yu Dong nodded and hummed a few words based on his impression.

Then he asked expectantly: "How is it? Did you hear the song?"

"Well, it sounds familiar." Feng Ming held his chin in thought for a while, then suddenly patted his head: "I remembered, it must be "Fur Elise"."

Yu Dong looked at Feng Ming and blinked his eyes a few times. He was sure that Feng Ming was definitely better than himself in music. He at least knew what the melody of "To Alice" was like, and the tune he hummed It doesn't match up at all.

"Come on, if you want to have some common interests with Teacher Wu, you should teach her to play volleyball. The road of music will not work."

Yu Dong waved his hands and walked towards his room.

Feng Ming was wiping his face, and he didn't realize that Yu Dong was taunting him until Yu Dong walked a little bit away. He picked up the washbasin and ran towards Yu Dong: "I'll splash you—me!"

Feeling the killing intent behind him, Yu Dong quickened his pace and entered the room.


In such a big place like Jinyi, some gossip spread quickly. In the next few days, the news about Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu's dating partner spread in the school.

In the beginning, it was spread among the students, and then the teachers also knew about it.

For this reason, several leaders also specially called Yu Dong to take care of their personal problems.

This is not Yu Dong's exclusive treatment. When Feng Ming and Wu Aiyuan started dating, Wu Changxin also called Feng Ming over to talk about it.

The school does not prohibit romantic relationships among faculty and staff.On the contrary, the school still encourages the faculty and staff of the same school to date. If young teachers of the same school get married, even if other conditions do not meet the standards, they can still share a house in the school.Of course, this has also created a problem, that is, for the purpose of room allocation, some teachers will deliberately pair up at school.

Perhaps from the perspective of future generations, falling in love is a private matter, and it would be weird for school leaders to pay attention to it, but in the 90s, it was really normal for leaders to pay attention to their subordinates' marriage and love affairs.Although these years have not been managed as much as in previous years, I still ask a few questions.

As the leader, Wu Changxin must first confirm whether Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu are dating, and if not, he must also consider the impact of the matter on the school.

In fact, Wu Changxin was quite happy when he heard the news.

Yu Dong is a talented person. If he wants to change jobs, he can ask other units to send a note at any time.

Su Tong was a precedent before. The "Zhongshan" magazine wanted Su Tong to come over, but Jin Yi couldn't keep him.

So Wu Changxin had been worrying about this before. He was afraid that history would repeat itself and Yu Dong would be poached by others.

Now that Yu Dong is in a relationship with Cheng Yanqiu, Yu Dong has a bond in Jinyi. Even if he wants to leave in the future, he must first consider Cheng Yanqiu, which is not that simple.

So after asking a few simple words, Wu Changxin said to Dong with a smile: "Jinyi is a big family, work is very important, and life is equally important. I am naturally very happy that you can solve personal problems here. I love Yanqiu's parents." I know, both of you are very good people."

Yu Dong didn't expect that Wu Changxin and Cheng Yanqiu's parents also knew each other. Hearing what he said now, he felt a little curious.

It's just that it was inappropriate to ask Wu Changxin about Cheng Yanqiu's parents, so Yu Dong didn't ask.

Wu Changxin didn't continue talking, and let Yu Dong go out after saying a few more words.

As soon as Yu Dong arrived at the big office, He Yu shouted, "Old Gao, someone is looking for you."

He Yu pointed to Yu Dong's seat, where a man was sitting now.

The man was a little puzzled when he heard He Yu calling Lao Gao, and then he saw Yu Dong walking towards him.

"Hello, I'm Yu Dong, you are the editor Li of "Contemporary"." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm Li Yong. Hello, Teacher Yu." Li Yong shook hands with Yu Dong, "I talked to you on the phone before, and I only knew that you were young, but I didn't expect you to be so young."

Yu Dong smiled: "Editor Li, this is not suitable for talking about work. I'll take you to my dormitory. My manuscript is over there."

Li Yong nodded and followed Yu Dong out.

When walking halfway, Li Yong couldn't help asking: "Teacher Yu, why did that teacher call you Lao Gao just now?"

Yu Dong had expected this question a long time ago, and replied with a smile: "My colleague likes to give people random nicknames. This time it's Lao Gao, and next time it might be Lao Low."

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought Yu Dong was your pen name."

Li Yong looks about 30 years old, and looks very ordinary, except for a pair of very bright eyes, giving people a feeling of clarity, which is rarely seen in the eyes of 30-year-old men.

When the two arrived at the dormitory, Yu Dong gave Li Yong the remaining manuscript of "Xiang Xi".

Li Yong didn't read it carefully, but just flipped through it. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he said to Dong: "The agency attaches great importance to this novel, otherwise it would not have specially sent me here. And if you choose our "Contemporary", I definitely won't regret it. The "White Deer Plain" that was serialized in our magazine last year will be published in July, and the sales volume will definitely not be low. The publishing house has already signed an autograph for Mr. Chen Zhongshi."

Yu Dong knew that Li Yong was telling the truth, and the sales of "White Deer Plain" would not be low. In fact, the sales of "Shaanjun" works in the next two years were surprisingly high.

In the past two years, Shaanxi writers such as Lu Yao, Zou Zhi'an, and Du Pengcheng have lost one after another.

However, since last year, the Shaanxi Army has begun to shine, and several consecutive novels have been published, directly showing the momentum of the Shaanxi Army.

Later, someone brought up the term "the Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition", which refers to the development of Shaanxi writers in the literary world in Yanjing in the past two years.

In recent years, the domestic book market has declined, but the works of Shaanxi writers have bucked the trend and created sales miracles.

For example, Gao Jianqun's "The Last Hun" has more than 100 million copies printed, not to mention pirated copies.

The sales of the following two novels, "White Deer Plain" and "Abandoned City", were also terrific. Some people said that "Abandoned City" and pirated copies sold tens of millions of copies.

Although this data is not necessarily reliable, it certainly shows how popular "Abandoned City" is.

Some people commented that the works of "Shaanjun" are too bold in their sexual descriptions, and they are suspected of selling meat, which is why there is such a sales miracle.

This makes sense, at least in terms of book sales alone.

It is undeniable that these works are literary, but many people buy them back not to appreciate literature, but to see how explicit the contents are.

"I haven't thought about publication yet, I just want to publish the work first." Yu Dong said.

Li Yong smiled, "Yes, your "Resident Evil" has sold well abroad, so your vision is naturally very high. In fact, our People's Literature Publishing House is also very interested in popular literature. If you want to publish novels, you might as well consider our publishing house."

"Of course." Yu Dong said with a smile.

But although he said yes, he thought that books like "Resident Evil" were not suitable for People's Publishing House to publish.For "Science Fiction World", on the one hand, the audience has a high degree of overlap and is easy to promote, and on the other hand, Yang Xiao and the others will definitely work hard.

The two chatted for a while, Li Yong stood up holding the manuscript, "By the way, do you know Teacher Bi Feiyu?"

"Huh?" Yu Dong was a little surprised.

"I'm asking if you know Teacher Bi Feiyu?" Li Yong repeated, and then continued: "To tell you the truth, I'm here this time, and I also want to visit other local writers in Jinling. Teacher Han Dong and Teacher Su Tong I know where it is, but I don't know the address of this teacher Bi Feiyu."

Yu Dong couldn't help but smiled, "The person sitting diagonally across from me just now was Bi Feiyu. You greeted him when you left just now. I thought you had already chatted with him."

"Ah?" Now it was Li Yong's turn to be surprised: "This... Is Teacher Bi Feiyu also teaching at Jinyi? I really didn't think of this. When you said that, I remembered it. Just now Bi Feiyu Teacher Yu also chatted with me a few words. Oh, it’s my fault too, I should ask his name, how embarrassing it is now.”

Seeing Li Yong's self-reproach, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Hey, it's okay, I'll take you back to the office to find him."

"Thank you so much. I'll go over and apologize to Teacher Bi in a while."


That night, Yu Dong was the host, took Bi Feiyu and Li Yong, called Su Tong, Han Dong and Gu Qian, and went to the restaurant to have a meal together.

Han Dong and Gu Qian were a little awkward at first, because Yu Dong is also famous now, and he seems to be even more famous than Su Tong, so they couldn't help feeling a little bit acid.

But this kind of acid is not easy to express.

They didn't want to come at first, but they thought about not coming. On the one hand, they seemed to be stage-frightened, and on the other hand, they were a little disregarding their friendship, so they finally decided to come.

However, a few people gathered at a table to play cards, and while they were playing, Han Dong and Gu Qian let go, directly showing the sourness in their hearts, and started teasing Yu Dong and Su Tong instead.

Once the sourness in the heart is released, the sourness will fade away, and the estrangement created before will also fade away.

In fact, they also knew that Yu Dong saved this game for their own good, and they were somewhat grateful in their hearts.

Of course, it was Li Yong who was most grateful to Yu Dong.

Before he came to Jinling, he was still a little apprehensive, fearing that he would not find anyone in Jinling during his trip, but now Yu Dong gathered all the writers he wanted to meet at a dinner, allowing him to easily establish communication with them.

"By the way, Lao Han, there is a fan of your poetry in the drama creation class I teach, and he wrote a poem for you, and recited it in public at the beginning of last semester."

At the poker table, Yu Donggang took Bi Feiyu's seat and partnered with Su Tong, and his opponents were Han Dong and Li Yong.

He thought of Jia Zhangke and said something with a smile.

Han Dong glanced at the cards in his hand and said, "Really? This is rare."

"That said, you have a lot of poetry fans." Su Tong said.

"Not many, even fewer who can write poems for me. How about his poems?"

"not bad."

"Come back and show me the copy. If it's well written, I'll go see him."

"Is the writing not good?" Gu Qian stood behind Han Dong and asked with a smile.

"If it's not good, forget it, but since Yu Dong said it's good, it won't be bad. One-on-two... When did your school have a play creation class?"

"It just started last semester."

"Oh, that's no wonder. I think your school may have opened this major because you are such a great writer and you want to make the most of it."

"That makes the best use of one's talents." Gu Qian said.

"One meaning... a pair of brats."

Seeing Han Dong throwing out a pair of brats, Gu Qian immediately exploded: "Can you play cards? If a pair of brats are released, what should I do with the next sheet?"

With that said, Gu Qian squeezed Han Dong away, grabbed the cards in his hand, and took over the rest of the game.

Han Dong was pushed away, but he was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "Can't help it, didn't you say you quit the card, why did you sit on it again?"

Hearing Han Dong's words, the whole audience laughed.Just now other people dragged Gu Qian to the table, but this guy refused to do it, insisting that he had quit playing poker.

Gu Qian didn't take everyone's laughter seriously, and asked loudly: "Is there no one who wants a pair of little ghosts? No one wants, so I'll just play my cards."

 I was drunk, squinted for a while, it was past twelve o'clock.

  Another leave slip
(End of this chapter)

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