Chapter 202 YU Book Club

After a meal, Gu Qian drank too much alone, Han Dong drove him off.

Su Tong was in good condition, so he rode away by himself. Li Yong lived nearby, and he arrived within a few steps.

After seeing them off, Bi Feiyu and Yu Dong walked slowly towards the school.

The place to eat is not far from the school, only two miles away, and it can be reached after a short stroll.

Bi Feiyu can't drink, but she seems to like to drink, but because she can't drink, she often "live broadcasts", so when encountering a drinking situation, she will be a little scared.

He didn't drink much tonight, because Yu Dong understood his drinking capacity and protected him.

But this guy didn't appreciate it at all, and complained halfway: "I can't drink so badly."

He said this several times.

Once a person often repeats a sentence after drinking, it is basically related to the word drunk.

He began to tell Yu Dong about his drinking again, complaining that his family education was not good enough-his father was not good at drinking.

But he worships people who drink well.

He said that he watched "John Christopher" when he was 17 years old, and his favorite line was: pouring all kinds of colors into his stomach.

After walking for a while, passing by a newsstand, he saw a pictorial posted on the window. Bi Feiyu took a closer look, pointed at the pictorial and said to Dong, "It seems to be your book."

Yu Dong followed suit, and it was indeed his "Resident Evil".The pictorial is small in size and poor in workmanship, but it is not easy to post such a colorful pictorial on the newsstand.

This proves that "Science Fiction World" has worked hard and invested heavily in the promotion of "Resident Evil".

This pictorial looks rough, but if most of the bookstores and newsstands give a copy, it will definitely cost a lot.

Bi Feiyu pointed at the pictorial again and said, "Remember to give me a copy later, and I won't buy it."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Aren't you supporting the sales?"

"No money." Bi Feiyu answered simply, "I bought your copy of "The Last City" with my own money."

"Okay, when you come out with a booklet, give me a copy too."

"The booklet, then you may have to wait for a long time."

Yu Dong looked at Bi Feiyu, he already knew this guy very well, and it wasn't that he was unconfident when he said such a thing.

On the contrary, Bi Feiyu is very confident and always thinks that she can succeed.

And the reason why he said this was because he wanted Yu Dong to comfort him, or even brag about him.

Yu Dong had been tricked several times, but this time he ignored him and walked forward in silence.

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't respond, Bi Feiyu couldn't help herself, and continued, "Actually, I think, you shouldn't have to wait too long, let alone one book, it's fine to give you eight or ten copies. "

Yu Dong smiled, he knew that Bi Feiyu had this kind of virtue.


Jimmy has been very busy recently. While he is busy recruiting troops for the company, he is also busy running "Resident Evil" and "Second World".

In addition, the English version of "One Day" is also on the agenda.

Several things piled up to keep him busy every day.

But everything is going smoothly. Although "Resident Evil" has passed its initial hot period, because of its good reputation, the follow-up sales are not bad, and it can still sell thousands of copies every day.

Unsurprisingly, it won't be long before Bantam has to consider printing again.

It’s just that Jimmy is still not satisfied. He believes that if a good cultural product wants to be popular and long-lasting, it must open up its surroundings.

The comic book club is the first step for Jimmy to operate peripherals, and he will find cooperation with some toy companies in the future to produce a batch of toys, and he has been paying attention to video games.

The promotion of "Second World" has been in full swing, because of the popularity of "Resident Evil" and "Groundhog Day", Bantam has increased the promotion budget of "Second World".

They even hired Harlan Ellison and Joe Haldeman to write reviews for Second World, and Haldeman's reviews were put on the cover of the novel as a tribute.

In addition, George Martin also made a recommendation for this book.

With the joint recommendation of several Hugo award-winning writers, and the fame brought to Yu Dong by "Resident Evil" and "Groundhog Day", this novel has already been expected by science fiction fans before it is released.

Of course, in addition to science fiction fans, Yu Dong also gained a group of fans in the United States.

They focus on Dong because of "Resident Evil" and don't care what the subject matter of his work is.

After watching "Groundhog Day", Hahns has become a fan of YU. He also organized a YU book club, but so far, the only members of the book club are him and Cardi.

In fact, Hahns has no ambitions in organizing this book club. He just wants to share his favorite books with like-minded friends.

In fact, there was no need to organize a book club, but the two thought it was cool, so they made one.

This time it's the YU Book Club. After a while, maybe I will meet other good writers, and I will also organize other writers' book clubs. Whatever it is, just be happy.

When "Second World" was first promoted, Hahns had already been paying attention. Although the release date of the book was set for July [-], Hahns would go to the bookstore every day to "reconnaissance" the situation.

The publishing house has set a date, but it may not necessarily abide by it, and sometimes it will be earlier.

With the lessons learned from the last "Resident Evil", Hahns was afraid that he would miss the first release day and not be able to buy the first edition.

On this day, Hahns came to the Little Bear Bookstore as usual, but "The Second World" still hadn't been released.

Wandering around the bookstore, Hans was about to leave, but the store manager stopped him: "Hahns, please wait."

Because Hahns often came to Little Bear Bookstore, he had known the store manager for a long time, so the store manager knew his name and knew that he had a book club with a young man named Cady.

"What's the matter? Hal." Hahns asked.

Hal smiled and said, "Today, a customer asked me if there is a YU book club. Maybe I want to join the book club too."

"But... Hal, you know, our book club is just for fun, and the only members are me and Cardi."

"Aren't you willing to let others join in?"

"It's not that we don't want others to join, but our book club may not be what that customer thinks."

"It's nothing different. He just wants to communicate with someone who likes YU. Isn't that what you want? Why don't you meet him first, and then decide whether to let him join."

Hans thought for a while, nodded and said, "Alright then."

 Thank you [I don’t like to eat squid] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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