Chapter 203 Just Like
"Mr. Chris, although there are only three people in our reading club, we definitely have an advantage, because as far as I know, there is no YU reading club in this area, and we are the only one. As long as we do some publicity..."

In the leisure area of ​​Bear Bookstore, Hans picked up the coffee cup, but found that the cup was already empty.

He sighed secretly, because Hal hadn't told him before that the one who was going to join the reading club was such a... passionate young man.

More than half an hour has passed since the two met. During this period, Hahns spoke less than fifty words. The rest of the time was spent by this young man named Jeff Gonzalez. Say.

Jeff Gonzalez is in his 20s, with long blond hair that falls naturally. In addition to his thin body, Hahns thought it was a woman from behind.

"Mr. Gonzalez." Hahns finally couldn't help interrupting Jeff Gonzalez, "I think Hal should tell you that I organized this book club just to communicate with my colleagues. If you want to become famous through this, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you want. And I don't think you need to find me at all. With your ability, you can recruit a few more people and form a reading club of your own."

Jeff Gonzalez was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I am not trying to be famous, at least not just for being famous. Indeed, as you said, there are only two people in your reading club, and I can definitely form another one by myself." .The reason why I choose you is because you are the first YU reading club I have heard of during this period, which can guarantee that we all really love YU. You are very likely to be the number one in the United States or even in the world A YU reading club, and I always like to be number one."

"However, since we met until now, you haven't mentioned a single word about your work, and you've all been showing me your grand blueprint."

The implication of Hahns is that Jeff Gonzalez doesn't really like YU.

Jeff Gonzalez did not answer immediately, but raised the cup in front of him.This cup of coffee was served for the first time since it was delivered to him, and the coffee was already cold.

However, he seemed to like drinking cold coffee very much, and drank it with his head raised.

After drinking coffee, Jeff Gonzalez spoke again, "Hahns, I'm different from you. You like to discuss this book with people who have read it, but I prefer to talk about it with people who haven't read it. Book."

"Why?" Hans looked puzzled.

"Because I like to bring what I think is good to others and make them like it too."

Such strong words came out of Jeff's mouth, and Hahns was not surprised at all.

In just over half an hour, Jeff Gonzalez felt like this to Hahns.

"Hahns, you like to communicate with your friends, but I can let you have more friends. I really can't think of any reason for you to refuse me to join the book club."


On July [-], "Soft Knife" was released.

Yu Dong took Cheng Yanqiu to watch the first scene.

Because there is no box office statistics, the movie is not stuck at zero now, and the two went to see the movie in the morning.

I have to say that Zhang Yimou's composition is really beautiful. Although the background is all in the countryside, the picture feels really good.

For the current audience, watching Zhang Yimou's movie, even if they don't pay attention to the plot, the picture alone is enough to make them worth the ticket price.

The performances of several actors are also remarkable. Needless to say, Gong Li, the role itself is very suitable for her.

Li Xuejian performed the role of Yuxi very well.

Yu Xi is not just a bad guy, nor is he a positive guy. He is just a well-known writer who doesn't pay much attention to ordinary people. He thinks about how to write his own novel well every day. As for how his novel will give He never thinks about the harm caused by others.

But Li Xuelian's death still gave him quite a shock.The persecution of Li Xuelian in the village made Yu Xi feel resentful, but when he thought that he was also responsible for Li Xuelian's death, he didn't know where to vent the anger that was born in his heart.

He consciously blamed the villagers for Li Xuelian's death, but in the end he couldn't pass the test in his heart.

When the movie was halfway through, someone in the theater suddenly yelled, "Say your mother, Yu Xi."

The voice came from the direction of the back of Yu Dong's head, startling him.

Yu Dong turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. A man was gnashing his teeth and looking at the screen. There were colorful lights shining on the man's face in the theater, as if he had been included in the movie.

If he can really get into the movie, Yu Dong has no doubt that he will beat Yu Xi up.

Cheng Yanqiu next to her was also startled, but her first reaction was to look at Yu Dong and comfort her in a low voice: "The more he scolds, the more you write, doesn't it mean that you are good at writing?"

In fact, Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, but hearing Cheng Yanqiu's comfort, his heart still warmed up, and he gently held her hand.

In fact, there are not many roles for Yu Xi in the novel. The novel Yu Xi wrote was just an opportunity, and Yu Dong didn't spend too much ink on shaping the character himself.

However, a lot of scenes have been added to the movie, and the portrayal of Xi is more detailed, which is why the audience reacted so strongly.

So this person swears a lot, it has nothing to do with the novel, the main thing is Zhang Yimou's good filming.

After coming out of the movie theater, the two could still hear everyone discussing the plot of the movie.

Not far from the two of them, someone said cursingly: "I think that the actor who plays Yuxi must be such a person in private. This kind of person is too hateful, and it just insults people's innocence."

"That's right, I feel like vomiting when I see his face." The person next to him echoed: "This kind of person deserves to die, and so do the people in the village."

Listening to their discussion, Yu Dong found it particularly ironic.

While they were accusing Yu Xi and the villagers, they were doing the same thing at the same time, thus accusing the actor for nothing.People can always judge others easily, but it is difficult to judge themselves.

However, judging from their reactions, the movie's audience response was pretty good. At least until now, Yu Dong hadn't heard anyone say that the movie was bad. They were all just discussing the characters in the movie.

After walking out of the cinema, Cheng Yanqiu took a deep breath, turned his head suddenly, and looked at Yu Dong with a special look.

"You know, of all your works, I like this novel the most."

"Why?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "I just like it."

 Thank you [Black, White and Gray 2536] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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