Chapter 204 YU Umbrella

Zhang Yimou told Yu Dong that "Soft Knife" would be sent to the three major film festivals, but Yu Dong was not optimistic about the result.

The Venice Film Festival just awarded the Golden Lion Award to Zhang Yimou's "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" last year. No matter how much they consider this year, they will not give Zhang Yimou another Golden Lion Award.

The Cannes Film Festival awarded the Palme d'Or to Chen Kaige's "Farewell My Concubine" in May, and it is unlikely that Chinese films will win the highest award next year.

Not to mention the Berlin Film Festival, the two Golden Bear Awards awarded in February are all Chinese films.

Therefore, if "Soft Knife" is used to participate in the film festival, there is a high probability that it can only compete for other awards, such as individual awards such as the Silver Bear Award.

In the past two years, many excellent films have been produced in China, such as "Ruan Lingyu", "The Wedding Banquet", "Farewell My Concubine", and "A Lawsuit by Qiu Ju" are all rare and good films.

I have to talk about Gong Li again. In the past two years, she has been a real model worker, and she has basically never had a break.

"Ju Dou", "Raise the Red Lantern", "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", "Farewell My Concubine", "Ruan Knife", "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", "Ruan Knife" and "Alive", which has not yet been released, "Painting Soul" and "The Overlord of Western Chu" are all films that have been filmed in the past few years. Calculated on average, nearly three films are shot a year.

In the past few years, there is no actor in China who can compete with her in performance, regardless of gender.

Of course, in addition to her own efforts, Zhang Yimou also contributed a lot to this. Over the years, he has made a movie a year, and the heroine is still Gong Li.


It is also July [-]th, and the United States is later than China.

Early in the morning, Jeff Gonzalez and Hahns Chris went to the Little Bear Bookstore with a small sign.

two brands.

The sign on Jeff's hand read: always support YU.

The sign on Hahns' hand reads: "Second World" is super beautiful.

The words "YU Reading Club" are written on the bottom of the two signs.

Hahns who was holding the sign blushed a little, and started to fall while holding the sign. Jeff at the side lifted Hahns' elbow: "Hahns, hold on."

The two went to buy two copies of "The Second World" in this way. After buying the books, they held the brand under their armpits and stood beside the bookshelf to read the books.

To be honest, the beginning of "Second World" did not surprise Hahns, but made him feel that the progress of the story was a bit dull.

But as Hans continued to look down, he found a difference.Although it seems to be just a daily life of a college student, his life is very special and has many novel things.

For example, the protagonist went out to buy breakfast in the morning, without paying cash, and just turned on the camera on his mobile phone to take a picture of something called a "convenience code". markup.

For another example, the protagonist can make a video call with a friend through a mobile phone.

It seems that everything can be realized through a mobile phone, such as ordering food, watching TV, calling a car, and buying various tickets with a mobile phone.

The world depicted in the book is very prosperous, people's lives are extremely convenient, and the distance between different parts of the world is infinitely reduced.

Hahns is gradually immersed in the world constructed by the author, and the ordinary life of the protagonist can always make him feel novel.

But when I read the second half, the style of the book suddenly changed, and some supernatural people appeared.

"Oh, no, don't do that."

Hahns couldn't help crying out, is this book going to develop in a fantasy direction?
Or, YU wants to add some biological science elements to this book?

Hahns felt that doing so was completely unnecessary, as it would make the whole book too cluttered with too many elements.

However, if he had to choose one, Hahns would choose the latter, and biological science elements are always better than fantasy.

With puzzlement and doubts, Hans continued to look down.

As the story draws closer to the end, Hahns discovers something different. It seems that those supernatural beings are not what he thought.

Until the end, when Hahns saw the real world, he realized that everything before that was fake, but a virtual world created by the government to paralyze the people.

This virtual world is in the hands of a small group of people, who use this few resources to live a real and rich life in the real world, but let others fall into the virtual world.

And those people with supernatural powers are just because of a bug in the system.

Moreover, this virtual world is also collecting data and doing calculations.The designer put the background before the technological explosion, and then forcibly accelerated the speed of the brains of the people, trying to figure out a feasible path.

If the final result is still going to perish, then the world will restart and recalculate.

In a sense, all the people who entered the second world are the research subjects participating in the experiment, and their role is only to provide data for the experiment.

However, if it weren't for this usefulness, I'm afraid they would have been eliminated long ago.

After finishing "The Second World" in one breath, Hahns finally let out a long breath after holding it in for a long time.

It turns out that the focus of this book is not to describe the technology of the near future, but to paint a picture of the end of the world from the perspective of the virtual world.

Hahns laughed, as expected, he is indeed YU, he once again conquered himself with his new book.

Turning his head to look at Jeff Gonzalez who was still reading, Hans held "The Second World" under his armpit, raised the sign again, and walked back and forth in the bookstore.

Many customers were attracted by him, and couldn't help paying attention to the book "Second World".

In fact, Hahns and Jeff were not the only ones who took action today, and their reading club has now expanded to eight people.

Four of them couldn't come because they had something to do, and the remaining four were divided into two teams and went to different bookstores to do publicity. Hahns and Jeff were divided into a pair and were in charge of the Little Bear Bookstore.

The store manager Hal had already noticed the movements of Hahns and Jeff, but seeing that they didn't affect other customers, he didn't care about them.

During the period, some people saw the words "YU Reading Club" and ran to Hahns and the others for consultation. When they learned that they had organized a reading club, they became interested and wanted to participate.

After this day, the number of members of the YU Reading Club has increased to twelve.

In the evening, the four members responsible for publicity met in the rest area of ​​the Bear Bookstore.

After a day of running around, the faces of the four were exhausted, but apart from exhaustion, they were also happy.

"The situation at Times Bookstore is very good. When we came here, the "Second World" on the bookshelves was basically sold out. In fact, there is no need for us to do any publicity. Today, many people are specially for "Second World The bookstore where the world" enters." The member in charge of Times Bookstore briefly reported today's situation.

Jeff nodded: "This shows that Bantam's recent publicity is very successful. In fact, I also know that there is very little that we can do. My purpose is not to promote "Second World", but to let more readers know our book club. We need to grow fast, and only after we grow can we play a role and help."

One of them was puzzled and said, "Then why don't you write the reading meeting in a larger size? It will be easier for readers to see."

"This is not possible, we still need to highlight YU's works, so as to show our sincerity and make other readers believe in us, and this is also the original intention of our book club, isn't it?" Hahns said.

Jeff smiled and said: "There is one more thing that we should discuss. It is the name of our reading club. We can't just call it YU reading club. There will definitely be other YU reading clubs in the future. It is impossible for everyone to call it this name."

Hearing Jeff's words, the others nodded. This matter should indeed be considered.

When it comes to choosing a name, everyone is very excited and wants to name something special.

It's just that you and I have been discussing for a long time, and there is no name that satisfies everyone.

Hahns thought for a while, and then said, "What do you think of the name of the book club, YU Umbrella?"

"YU Umbrella?" Jeff repeated, suddenly his eyes lit up, "That's a good name, Umbrella is the company in "Resident Evil", and we got together because of this book. In addition, Umbrella has a kind of protection the meaning of."

The other two also nodded, "It's really good."

"Well, from today onwards, our reading club will have an official name, and it will be called YU Umbrella."


Yu Dong, who is far away in China, does not know that he has an extra umbrella in the United States, and he is on his way to Yanjing at this time.

The main purpose of this trip is to go to the "Contemporary" magazine to discuss the publication of "Xiangxi". In addition, he is also going to meet his friends in Yanjing.

He only notified Yu Hua in advance about going to Yanjing.

But after leaving the train station, Yu Dong found that Mo Yan had followed Yu Hua.

Not seeing each other for more than a year, Mo Yan seems to have put on a little weight, and his eyes, which were not big at first, were squeezed by the extra flesh on his face, and there was nowhere to rest them.

Mo Yan patted Yu Dong's arm with a smile, "Why do I feel that you have lost weight?"

"Do you know the theory of relativity?" Yu Dong laughed.

"I know, how do you talk about this?"

"Because it's not that I've lost weight, but you've gained weight. Because you've gained weight, that's why I feel that I, who has not lost weight, have become thinner."

Mo Yan curled his lips, and looked at Yu Hua who was beside him, "Has this guy always been so begging?"

"Occasionally." Yu Hua smiled, and took the bag that Yu Dong was carrying, "The accommodation has been arranged for you, shall we have dinner first or go to the hotel first?"

"Let's go to the hotel first."

Hearing Yu Dong's answer, Yu Hua blinked and looked at Mo Yan, who reluctantly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Yu Hua.

"I accept it." Yu Hua smiled and stuffed the cigarettes into his pocket.

Not knowing why, Yu Dong asked, "What's the matter?"

"Haha, before you came, I made a bet with him on whether you would eat first or go to the hotel first, and now I won." After explaining to Yu Dong, Yu Hua patted Mo Yan on the shoulder, "Yu Dong It's a stinky guy, after sitting in the car for so long in the summer, it's no wonder he didn't go to the hotel to take a shower first."

Yu Dong looked at these two people speechlessly. They could gamble a pack of cigarettes on this matter, but they were really bored.


After Yu Dong took a bath, the three of them went to the restaurant. When Yu Hua asked if he wanted some wine, Mo Yan shook his head repeatedly, "When I hear the word wine now, my head hurts."

"Is the stomachache still not healed?" Yu Dong asked.

The last time I saw Mo Yan, he said he had a stomachache and couldn't drink much.

"It's a stomachache. Didn't he say it's a headache?" Yu Hua said with a smile, "Last month when his novel "The Kingdom of Wine" went on sale, there was no movement in the market. Up to now, I estimate that there are more than 8000 left.”

Yu Hua's statement is exaggerated, but it also shows that "Wine Country" did not sell well.

In fact, it didn’t sell well, but the main thing was that it didn’t arouse any response. There were not many readers, and the critics didn’t move. The book was published as if it hadn’t.

For this reason, Mo Yan was very shocked. He obviously felt that his "Wine Country" was well written, better than his previous works.Before the book was sent out, the blood all over the body was hot, but after the book was sent out, it was poured with pots of cold water to cool down the heart.

In fact, Mo Yan had already been signed by Jimmy, but "Wine Country" had been negotiated with Mo Yan before the signing, so Jimmy didn't care.

Otherwise, the book wouldn't be in such a bad state.

Yu Dong didn't want to say anything to Yu Hua about this matter, they just gave a few words of comfort.Mo Yan felt uncomfortable, but he didn't show it too much. After all, they finally got together today, so they didn't want to spoil the fun.

After lunch, the three of them went to find Shi Tiesheng again.

Shi Tiesheng still sat reading a book under the big cypress tree in the southeast corner of Ditan Park, just like Yu Dong saw him for the first time.

The three of them walked towards Shi Tiesheng. When he heard the movement, he turned around on the wheel.

Seeing Yu Dong and the others, Shi Tiesheng said with a smile, "I can tell it's the three of you just by the sound of footsteps."

"That's amazing."

Yu Dong shook hands with Shi Tiesheng, and then the three sat down on the opposite stone steps.

Yu Hua smiled and took out a pack of unopened cigarettes from his pocket, opened them, and gave Mo Yan and Shi Tiesheng one each.

Mo Yan looked at the cigarette pack, and there was deep resentment in his eyes. This pack of cigarettes was the one he lost to Yu Hua earlier.

"I heard that you came here this time because you want to publish a novel in "Contemporary"?" Shi Tiesheng put down the cigarette Yu Hua gave him, lit up the half-smoked cigarette again, and asked Yu Dong.

Yu Dong nodded: "Yes, the manuscript has been given to them in advance, and I have some details to discuss this time."

"This is a good thing." Shi Tiesheng said with a smile, "You are young and in good health, so you should write more novels. Like me now, there is no way to support a novel. Writing essays is okay, sometimes for a short story Novel, you have to rack your brains, and you have to rest for a few days after you write it."

"How can a novel be so good? I think your article "Fate is Like Strings" is worth five novels, and your article "I and the Temple of Earth" is worth ten novels. You just don’t want to write it. If you want to It's not difficult to write." Yu Hua said while puffing on a cigarette.

Shi Tiesheng shook his head, "You will know in a few years."

 Thank you [Shanshang Ocean] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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