Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 205 Listening to the symphony for one night

Chapter 205
When talking about long stories, the body must be mentioned, and the topic can't be avoided every time, but Yu Hua and the others try not to talk about it in depth.

In fact, Shi Tiesheng himself is very calm about death. He does not deny his illness or even death. When talking about his body, it is like objectively stating something that has nothing to do with him.

But other people can't do it, they don't want to talk about these things in front of Shi Tiesheng, even if Shi Tiesheng doesn't care, they will feel uncomfortable.

After chatting for a few more words, Shi Tiesheng talked about Su Tong: "I think that after Su Tong became the editor-in-chief, his enthusiasm for writing has not subsided. There must have been more than a dozen novels in the past few years."

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded, "I think that after becoming the editor-in-chief, he was confined to Jinling, but he was able to concentrate on creating. In the past two years, he has not left Jinling a few times, and he was able to go to Yanjing last year. It’s not easy to come here on a business trip.”

"When we went to Xiamen together to receive the award last year, I felt that he was also tired, and he was especially happy to stay one more day." Yu Hua said with a smile.

"Last year..." Mo Yan asked halfway, when he suddenly remembered, "Oh, it was the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award. I almost forgot about this award."

Shi Tiesheng knocked on the wheelchair with his hand and said, "Zhuang Zhongwen has passed away."


The other three were a little surprised, especially Yu Dong and Yu Hua. It had only been a little more than half a year since they went to Xiamen to receive the award. In the blink of an eye, the person who presented the award to them was no longer there.

"Well, it's been a while since he passed away. You guys don't read much news, so it's normal if you didn't pay attention."

Yu Hua murmured: "When we met last year, I felt that he was in good spirits. I didn't expect him to leave so soon."

"At his age, death is really close behind him, and any day, he can walk side by side with him. So there is nothing to be surprised about, the time is up."

Shi Tiesheng suddenly talked about death again, and Yu Dong's mind immediately came up with a passage he wrote in "I and the Temple of Earth": But the sun, he is the setting sun and the rising sun every moment.When he walked down the mountain to collect the desolate afterglow, it was the time when he climbed up the mountain burning on the other side to spread the strong sunshine.

This passage can explain Shi Tiesheng's view of life and death very well.

Yu Hua and the others didn't want to talk about death anymore, so they had to ignore the news of Zhuang Zhongwen's death as much as possible.

Mo Yan simply let go of his cigarettes—he had originally made up his mind not to hand out a single cigarette today, but to take back the pack of cigarettes he lost to Yu Hua.

The three of them had just lit their cigarettes, when Yu Hua grabbed Dong's arm, looked at the watch on his wrist, and said with a strange expression, "It's already three o'clock, why isn't it here yet?"

"What hasn't arrived yet?"

"Liu Zhenyun and Chi Zijian, they said they would come, didn't I tell you?"

"No." Yu Dong thought about it seriously, and Yu Hua really didn't tell him about it.

Mo Yan next to him also looked puzzled, "I didn't hear what you said, why is Chi Zijian in Yanjing at this time, isn't she in the Writers Association in her hometown?"

"It is said that there is something to come over, who knows."

Liu Zhenyun, Chi Zijian, Mo Yan, and Yu Hua, the four of them should be in the same class, and they all graduated from the Lu Xun Academy of Arts at the end of the year before last.

At this time, Chi Zijian was still young. Although his works were not rare, he was less famous than everyone present, including Yu Dong.

Liu Zhenyun is older, has won many awards, and is more famous, but he can't compare to Mo Yan and Yu Hua.

The main reason is that their styles are also very different. Liu Zhenyun is the number one student in the college entrance examination, a graduate of the Department of Literature of Yanda University, and a solid "scholarly" background. His writing has a characteristic, and he likes to break everything up and write.

Those who like him will say that he writes delicately, while those who don't like him will criticize his writing for being rambling and not smooth.

Yu Dong was thinking about the two of them when a young woman walked over in high heels. Before she arrived, her hearty voice had already reached Yu Dong's ears: "You cats are here, but let me It took me a long time to find out, the sun in the afternoon is too poisonous, and I feel the soles of my feet are hot when I step on high heels."

It was Chi Zijian who came.

She was dressed professionally, black trousers and a white shirt.She not only has a hearty voice, but also looks quite generous, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, she smiles whenever she speaks, and when she smiles, two dimples appear at the corners of her mouth.

After approaching, she greeted Yu Hua and the others with a smile, and when she arrived at Yu Dong's place, she made an exaggerated gesture of clapping her hands, "You must be Yu Dong, you look too young, and you don't A few years younger than me, why does it feel like the next generation."

"Teacher Chi was joking."

Chi Zijian clicked his lips, glanced at the men, and said with a smile: "I reckon, it's because they are some rough guys as the background, which is too obvious for you."

These words immediately made Yu Hua unhappy, "Praise others as you please, don't hold one and step on three."

"Then what I'm telling is the truth." Chi Zijian spread his hands, "I still suggest that you stop staying with Yu Dongzhan, it really makes people feel inferior."

Shi Tiesheng said with a smile, "It doesn't matter to me, I am just behind Yu Dong. But why are you here alone, and Liu Zhenyun didn't come with you?"

"Brother Shi, why do you think that I will come with Liu Zhenyun? I don't even know he will come if you don't tell me."

Shi Tiesheng looked at Yu Hua, "It's because he didn't make it clear, he only said that the two of you are coming, he didn't say that we were going to separate."

"I said the two of them were coming, but I didn't say they were coming together." Yu Hua puffed out his cigarette and pointed to the distance, "It means Cao Cao is here, so they're here."

The rest of the people looked in the direction of his finger, only to see a literary bum in a white undershirt with a crooked parting coming over.

He is said to be literary because he has long hair that reaches his shoulders, and he has the demeanor of a literary youth.

He is said to be a bum because he is very thin, wears baggy clothes, and walks with his head crooked, with no shape at all.

Yu Dong didn't expect Liu Zhenyun to be so thin and slovenly now. He got his impression of Liu Zhenyun from TV. At that time, Liu Zhenyun was famous and well-dressed. He was completely different from what he saw.

Liu Zhenyun walked up to him, and immediately held Shi Tiesheng's hand, "Teacher Tiesheng, don't come here, I have read your latest work, it is really thought-provoking, and I have benefited a lot."

After filming Shi Tiesheng's flattery, he took a series of farts on several other people, "Yu Hua, you too, I watched "To Live", your style changed a lot this time, and it was very successful. The movie is over, congratulations..."

When I arrived at Yu Dong's place, Liu Zhenyun's flattery was overwhelming, "Mr. Yu Dong, I have always liked your book very much. I have always yearned for it before. Today I can finally see my true face. I must ask you for advice, this novel How can you write as well as you do. Your "Death of a Widow" was made into a movie and just released, I have been looking for opportunities to watch it, but I just can't find it."

Yu Dong's chest felt tight from this blatant flattery.

Yu Hua Yudong who was next to him pulled back, "Don't worry about what he said, this guy is rotten, he's sycophanting, and his stomach is full of bad water."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Mr. Liu is too polite. If you want to ask for advice, I should ask you. I have read all your novels, and they are so thought-provoking and enlightening. Just now Yu Hua said that you are coming, I This makes my heart shudder. If Mr. Liu is Mount Tai, then I will be a pile of mud on the side of the road..."

Liu Zhenyun licked his lips, but felt embarrassed.

He has a bad habit. When he sees a famous person, he will go up and praise him.

It's not really a compliment, he just wants to see these people get carried away after being praised.

He used this trick to play Wang Shuo before, but Wang Shuo didn't resist at that time, and he floated up on the third day, and was even ridiculed by Liu Zhenyun, which made Wang Shuo very embarrassed.

Now that Yu Dong is using his way to return to him, Liu Zhenyun himself can't stand it anymore.

"All right, all right, let's all be normal." Liu Zhenyun raised his hands and surrendered.

Mo Yan picked up Yu Hua's cigarette and passed one to Liu Zhenyun, and said with a smile, "Come, Teacher Liu, smoke a cigarette."

Liu Zhenyun took the cigarette, "Thank you, Teacher Guan."

They both slapped each other with words, and then laughed together again.

In fact, among those present, Mo Yan is the most familiar with Liu Zhenyun.

For "Seahorse Song and Dance Hall" broadcast this year, both of them are screenwriters, and they have cooperated before.

Because of this movie, Mo Yan also made a lot of "big money". I don't know the exact number, but it should be 10,000+.

It's just that Mo Yan later regretted this "going into the sea" experience. He thought that he wrote scripts for money during this period, but he didn't stick to his own literature and walked behind others.

The first thing Liu Zhenyun said after lighting a cigarette was to ask Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, the Chinese version of your new book "Resident Evil" will be released in a few days, right?"

"Yes, it will be released in a few days."

"I heard that this book has sold 200 million copies abroad. It's not easy. Unlike us, the book can't sell a few copies in China, let alone go abroad. After your "Resident Evil" comes out , I must read it carefully to see if I can comprehend some mysteries."

In fact, Yu Dong didn't like Liu Zhenyun's speech. It wasn't that Liu Zhenyun had a problem with his character, but he always had some thorns hidden in his speech, which made people uncomfortable.

This is completely related to personality, maybe Liu Zhenyun doesn't like his style of speaking.

Yu Dong felt that if there were no accidents, it would be difficult for him and Liu Zhenyun to become friends.

Regarding "Resident Evil", Yu Dong had a brief chat, but didn't say much.In fact, Yu Dong had talked with Mo Yan and the others about this matter during lunch, so there was really no need to talk more now.

The few people chatted until evening, when Shi Tiesheng invited Yu Dong and the others to eat at his house, but they politely declined. They really caused trouble for them by going to his house.

Shi Tiesheng wanted to go home, and Liu Zhenyun had to leave. In the end, only Chi Zijian stayed to have dinner with Yu Dong and the others.

After dinner, Mo Yan went to the hotel to sleep on Yu Dong's bed, while Yu Hua went back first.

This guy Mo Yan fell asleep super fast. He took a shower first, and Yu Dong pointed to the bed by the window and said to him, "You sleep in this one", and he fell down.

When Yu Dong came out of the shower, Mo Yan was already lying shirtless on the bed, shouting loudly.


Early the next morning, Mo Yan looked at Yu Dong's dark circles, and asked with concern: "Why, you still recognize the bed, the bed in this hotel is uncomfortable?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "The bed is fine, the main reason is that I didn't fall asleep after listening to the symphony all night."

"Where did the symphony come from? Why didn't I hear it."

Yu Dong didn't answer this question, and patted Mo Yan on the shoulder with a sigh, "Brother, I'm going to the "Contemporary" magazine office, and then I will go directly to Rongcheng, and I won't be coming back to the hotel."

"Aren't you going to tell Yu Hua?"

"I already said it yesterday, so I won't say hello anymore."

"Okay, then wait for me to wash up, and I will send you a while."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "No need, you were quite tired last night, take a good rest."

"I'm tired?"

Mo Yan looked at Yu Dong inexplicably, he wasn't tired at all last night, and he slept quite comfortably, this hotel is much better than their troops.

When Yu Dong walked out of the room, Mo Yan rubbed the back of his head, but he still didn't react.


When Yu Dong arrived at the gate of No. 166 Chaonei Street, it was just after nine o'clock in the morning, and the steps of the small white building were full of bicycles, and a few potted plants that were not growing well were hiding behind the torrent of bicycles, looking downcast.

He searched for a long time in the lobby on the first floor but couldn't find the office layout of the building, so he could only run to ask the guard, and when he found out it was the second floor, he went up.

It's easy to find when you go upstairs, as soon as you come out of the stairs, you can see the "Contemporary" sign.

Entering the editor's office, Yu Dong saw Li Yong at a glance, and walked towards him slowly.

Li Yong was immersed in his work when he felt someone approaching him. He looked up and saw that it was Yu Dong. He stood up suddenly, "Teacher Yu, you are here."

His cry attracted the attention of others, and someone asked, "Is this Teacher Yu Dong?"

Li Yong introduced Yu Dong with a smile, "This editor Wu Fu Wu, this is..."

After Li Yong introduced all the editors in the office, he immediately pulled Yu Dong and said, "Go, the editor-in-chief happens to be in the office. I'll take you to find him."

Yu Dong had no choice but to wave to other people in the office as a greeting, and then followed Li Yong to the editor-in-chief's office.

He Qizhi was cleaning his glasses when he vaguely saw two people walking towards the door and put on his glasses again, only then did he see that it was Li Yong leading a young man.

Seeing the backpack on the young man's body and the excited expression on Li Yong's face, He Qizhi immediately guessed that it was Yu Dong who came, because Yu Dong should indeed arrive in the next two days.

He Qizhi stood up with a smile, and before Li Yong could speak, he greeted Yu Dong first, "Teacher Yu Dong, the journey is hard."

 Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Yi] for the 588 reward
(End of this chapter)

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