Chapter 206 You Can Still Dig

He Qizhi is in his fifties, with a square face and a thick neck, but he is very thin.

He combed his hair back, his hairline has lost its grip, retreating from his forehead to the top of his head.Wide glasses, behind a pair of small but scattered eyes.

After talking to Yu Dong first, He Qizhi went around the desk and walked up to Yu Dong, holding his hand, "When I was having breakfast, I was thinking, when will Teacher Yu Dong come? After sitting in the office for a while, you arrived."

After speaking, he took Yu Dong's arm and pulled him to sit down, "Xiao Li, help me to pour a cup of tea for Teacher Yu."

Facing He Qizhi's enthusiasm, Yu Dong could only thank him repeatedly.

He Qizhi has been in the Humanities Society for more than 30 years, starting as a proofreader, and now in charge of the contemporary editorial department. He is definitely a veteran and hero of the Humanities Society.

It is very rare for him to show such enthusiasm for Dong.

Li Yong poured a cup of tea for Yu Dong, sat down beside him, and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, you should call in advance so that I can pick you up at the station."

"I made an appointment with a few friends, and I went to meet them first. Besides, I have been in Yanjing for so many years, and I am quite familiar with it." Yu Dong said with a smile: "I am afraid that the editorial department is also very busy. It's not worth my time picking me up."

He Qizhi stared at Yu Dong with a smile. When he saw the manuscript of "Xiang Xi" for the first time, because there was only the first part, he had a bad impression of Dong.

After I made a phone call, the bad impression disappeared a lot. Now that I see the real person, I don't know where the bad impression has gone.

Although Yu Dong is young, he speaks modestly, without the youthfulness of a young writer, nor the arrogance of becoming famous at a young age.Li Yong was a few years older than Yu Dong, and when he sat next to Yu Dong, he seemed a little frizzy.

"We have already read the full manuscript of "Xiangxi", and it is very good in every way. It's just me and Lao Zhu...I'm talking about Zhu Changsheng, the deputy editor-in-chief of our editorial department. We both think that "Xiangxi" Books could be better."

He Qizhi didn't exchange many pleasantries, and directly chatted about the works straight to the point.

Hearing what He Qizhi said, Yu Dong leaned forward and said with interest, "Editor He, please tell me."

He Qizhi didn't answer immediately, but said to Li Yong, "Xiao Li, please go and ask Editor-in-Chief Zhu to come over."

The deputy editor's office was not far away, so Li Yong invited Zhu Changsheng over when he went out.

Zhu Changsheng was a bit older than He Qizhi, but his hairline was well maintained. He was of medium height, with bags under his eyes, and he was smiling.

As soon as he came in, Yu Dong stood up to greet him, he shook hands with Yu Dong, and then sat down Yu Dong, "You're welcome, you're welcome, let's sit down and talk."

After everyone was seated, He Qizhi repeated what he said just now, and then said: "Brother, please talk to Yu Dong."

Zhu Changsheng nodded and said, "Actually, the novel "Xiangxi" is very good in all aspects. Even if we don't make any changes, our magazine can still publish it. However, I discussed it with editor-in-chief He, and I think this novel still has a lot of potential. It can be excavated, and if a better work can be unearthed, it is of course what we all hope to see."

Yu Dong saw that they spoke tactfully, as if they were afraid of hurting himself, so he smiled and said, "The two editors don't have to worry too much. Feel free to ask if you have any opinions. I am not a saint who is happy after hearing it, but I also want to improve. Since I am submitting the manuscript to "Contemporary", I naturally hope to hear the opinions of professionals."

He Qizhi and Zhu Changsheng smiled at each other, and the latter said, "The novel is really good in all aspects, and I really think it has potential to be tapped. If that's the case, I won't talk nonsense."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, compared the content on the paper and said: "I'm getting old, and my memory is not good, so I wrote down some of the contents of the previous discussion. It's a joke. The first one, It’s because we think that the role of Hongzi in the novel is not explored enough…”

Yu Dong looked at the content on the note, and quickly took out a pen and paper to write it down.

When they said they wanted to dig, they were really not joking. Zhu Changsheng followed Yu Dong one by one, and there were a dozen or so in total.

Although there are more than a dozen, most of them are small directions, and there are not many that need to be changed.

There are only a few things that need to be changed more, such as Hongzi’s ink is not enough, the characters lack thickness, and the branch line of family relationship is too little developed, and the conflicts are not enough...

After all the items were finished, Zhu Changsheng said with a smile: "This is just some suggestions from Editor-in-Chief He and I, not that it must be changed. It's still the same sentence, if we don't change it, we are still willing to post it here."

He Qizhi also said: "If you think it's not right, we can publish it according to the original manuscript as soon as possible. Of course, you don't have to rush to reply. You should remember these suggestions, think about it carefully later, and let us know at any time when you have the answer. That’s it. We are editors, and we hope that the work is good, but everything is based on the author.”

Yu Dong put away his notebook and pen, and said gratefully: "Today's trip was not in vain, and these opinions have inspired me a lot. In this way, I will sort it out carefully later, and give an answer as soon as possible."

"That's right." He Qizhi said with a smile, "Let's not worry, the birth of a novel is not easy, and it's not a bad thing to experience more in the middle."

After talking about business, they moved on to other topics.

Then they chatted about "White Deer Plain", and when it came to the publication of this book, He Qizhi invited Dong: "In a few days, the publishing house will arrange for Chen Zhong to sign the book on the North Street. If you have time, go together." Join in the fun, and when the time comes, everyone will get to know each other, and it will also be good for your booklet later on."

Yu Dong wondered: "I'm afraid this will disappoint Editor-in-Chief He's kindness. I'm going to Rongcheng to attend the Galaxy Awards Ceremony in the next few days, and my "Resident Evil" will be officially released on the same day. There was a book signing."

He Qizhi patted his head, "I forgot about it. I have followed the news of "Resident Evil". I heard that millions of copies have been sold abroad. This is a very exciting news for the domestic book industry." Good news. This shows that our domestic books can also enter the foreign market."

"Yeah, actually, old He, your worries are unnecessary. There is no need to think about the booklet of "Xiang Xi". I think that when the novel is published in "Contemporary", we can go through the booklet process."

"Haha, it's true that my vision is narrow. Among other things, the sales of "Xiangxi" will not be bad just because of Yu Dong's readership."

(End of this chapter)

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