Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 207: Is Your Mother's Home?

Chapter 207 Returning to her mother's house?

Zhu Changsheng was right. With the fame brought by "Resident Evil" to Yu Dong, the sales volume of "Xiang Xi" booklet will definitely not be too bad.

However, it can only be guaranteed that it will not be too bad.

If "Xiangxi" itself cannot attract readers and does not get good publicity, it will naturally not sell well in the end.

Of course, this is enough for the Humanities Society. In any case, the publication of this book will not make them lose money.

At noon, Yu Dong had a working meal in the agency, and in the afternoon he said goodbye to He Qizhi and the others, and got on the train to Rongcheng.

It's a pity that the time is too tight this time, otherwise I can go to the school to have a look and meet the teacher.

Yu Dong originally wanted to come here by plane, but it was not very time-saving to check the flight later, and he himself had some shadows about Jinling's current airport, so he had no choice in the end.

When I arrived in Rongcheng, it was already noon on July 16.

Xiao Li from the editorial department came to pick him up, and Yang Peng was with him.

Yang Peng was also carrying a bag, and it looked like he had just arrived.

When Yu Dong came to him, Yang Peng said: "Senior Brother, I heard Li Bian said that you came from Yanjing. If I knew you were going to Yanjing, I should have waited for you in Yanjing."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Are you from your hometown?"

"Well, go back and have a look." Yang Peng nodded.

Said that Yang Peng was going to pick up Yu Dong's bag, but Yu Dong stepped aside, "You have more luggage than me, so don't worry about me."

Xiao Li smiled and said, "I'll come, I'll come."

"You don't need to come, let's go to the hotel first."

Xiao Li drove and took Yu Dong and the others to the Jinjiang Hotel. Along the way, Yang Peng kept asking about "Resident Evil".

Then I talked about the school, "Brother, you have become a celebrity in our department now, and many juniors and girls take you as a role model. Now many people have started to write science fiction novels. I dare not think about it. Hehe, because of this, I will follow suit."

"Haha, I'm afraid that our department teacher will say that I have set a bad example."

"Nothing, Dean Hu has publicly supported you many times, and no one will say anything. Besides, brother, you don't just write science fiction. Didn't you win the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award last year? Announcement to the students."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "If we have time later, let's go to school together."

"Good good."

Yu Dong was very happy to hear Yang Peng talk about the school's current affairs.There are not many four years in life, and the four years in university are extremely extraordinary four years in life, so the students' affection for the school is naturally extraordinary.

Speaking of writing, Yu Dong is not surprised. He was like this when he was in school. His classmates would study the hot articles in the market recently and the articles of graduated seniors.

At that time, Su Tong's novels were very famous in school.

The Chinese Department of Yan Normal University is slightly different from the Chinese departments of other schools, because the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University has always had a tradition of writing. Almost every student in the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University has thought of becoming a writer.

However, according to Yu Dong's experience, those who were quite writers in his class before were blocked by the courses of the Chinese department.

The courses in the Chinese Department did not help me become a writer, but hindered me.

Many of Yu Dong's classmates originally had a passion for writing, but after several years of literary theory courses, their minds began to become confused and they couldn't write.In the end, you can't be a writer, you can only be a scholar.

Su Tong and Yu Dong became writers in the end, but their experiences were completely different.

Yu Dong started writing because he didn't touch anything related to literary theory after graduation, and later fell ill.

Su Tong, on the other hand, has been writing from the very beginning, and has been writing throughout his college years, resisting the impact of literary theory.

Someone once mentioned a theory, saying that if those students who applied for the Chinese department did not attend the Chinese department at the time, the probability of becoming a writer would increase instead.Of course, there is no way to prove this theory, because it is impossible to prevent students who apply for the Chinese department from going to the Chinese department.

In fact, there are indeed some people who wanted to be writers and applied for the Chinese department, only to find out later that it was not the same thing at all.


Went to the hotel to take a bath and had dinner, Yu Dong didn't sleep, but took out his notebook and looked at the things written on it, seriously thinking about how to revise "Xiang Xi".

Yu Dong agreed with most of what Zhu Changsheng and the others mentioned, but there were also a few that made him feel unreasonable.

After thinking about it a few times, Yu Dong still felt that it didn't make sense.

So he first crossed out those things that he thought didn't make sense, and then began to think about other items.

dong dong dong-

When Yu Dongzheng was crossing out those few lines with a pen, someone knocked on the door.


He yelled, closed the notebook, and went to open the door.

It was Hu Changqing who knocked on the door. He received another invitation this year, but because Yu Dong was going to Yanjing, the two of them didn't come together.

This year, Hu Changqing published five science fiction novels in "Science Fiction World", which can be described as very productive.Among them, the best response should be the "Iceman" published at the beginning of the year.

A small novelette with about 400 characters tells the story of modern people being frozen for more than [-] years to later generations.

The story is not novel, but Hu Changqing's writing is very interesting and interesting.His novels have an unexpected treatment at the end, so some people jokingly call him O'Henry in the science fiction world.

Coming to participate in the Galaxy Awards again, Hu Changqing is generous, and he is no longer the representative.

He stood at the door, holding a deck of cards in his hand, tiptoed to look into the room first, and asked meaningfully, "Is there no one else?"

Yu Dongchao stepped aside and asked him to go in, "Who else is there, just me."

"Xiao Cheng didn't come?" Hu Changqing smiled gossipingly, "I thought you would be together again this time."

"She went home, I came alone. When did you arrive, Hu?"

"Oh, I'm back to my mother's house. I arrived last night, and you didn't come. It's so boring." Hu Changqing raised the poker in his hand, "How about it? Let's play for a while? I just learned how to whack eggs, and I need actual combat. .”

"Who did you learn from?"

"Feng Ming, if you want to learn, you must learn from the best."

"The most powerful?" Yu Dong pouted, "Feng Ming said it himself?"

Hu Changqing tasted it from Yu Dong's expression and tone, and asked doubtfully, "Could that kid lie to me?"

Yu Dong waved his hand: "It's not that I'm lying to you. In his heart, he himself is indeed the best, and he can often win. It's just that only he himself can win his style of play. Others have learned it." , but it’s hard to win.”

"why is that?"

"Because he can win, it depends on his life."

(End of this chapter)

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