Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 209 More Active Than My Agent

Chapter 209 More Active Than My Agent
Seeing the reporter holding "Resident Evil", the other reporters secretly slandered that this book could only be bought from the bookstore this morning. They followed the Galaxy Award all day today, and they ate in a hurry at noon. How could they have time to spend so long? Read a book.

Yu Dong also knew that they definitely didn't read it, but he didn't expose it. He just smiled and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask them one by one. Today is ample time, but you should also pay attention to maintaining order. If there are too many people asking questions, you can ask them one by one. I'll take the roll call."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, the reporters couldn't squeeze any further, so they could only keep a distance from Yu Dong and the others and raise their hands to ask questions.

"This gentleman in red." Yu Dong clicked on one.

"Hello, I'm Wu Dong, a reporter from Yanjing TV. It's a coincidence that both your name and I have the word Dong in it. It's really lucky that you were the first to click on it today. And you and our Yanjing Jing is also very destined, as far as I know, you graduated from Yenching Normal University..."

"Ahem, Mr. Wu, time is precious, please ask questions directly." Yu Dong reminded with a smile.

If Yu Dong didn't remind, the other reporters could hardly bear it anymore.It's a good thing for this kid to have such a good opportunity to ask questions. There is no nutrition at all for a long list of knotty words.

"Okay, then I'll ask a question." Wu Dong said with a smile, "Your "Resident Evil" is officially released today. Do you have any expectations for sales?"

"There are really no expectations. After the writing is finished, the rest is out of my control. These things should be left to President Yang and the others to worry about. I can write the book with peace of mind."

"Then tomorrow..."

Just as Wu Dong was about to continue asking, Yu Dong ordered another person: "This lady."

The female reporter who was pointed out had a completely different style from Wu Dong, she didn't even introduce which newspaper or TV station she was from, and went straight to the point: "Teacher Yu, tomorrow is your first autograph session, now sign Sales meetings are becoming more and more popular, and writers are starting to hold signing meetings. I don’t know what you think about this type of commercial behavior. Will too much commercialization affect the development of literature itself?”

The other reporters all looked at the female reporter, thinking that she was quite daring to ask, this question was a bit sharp, obviously not easy to answer.

"Very good. If a writer can make money by selling books, it is a good thing. As for whether it is too commercialized, there is no specific standard. As long as the writer's writing is sold, it is already related to business. In this world, no one can escape from commercialization, and writers certainly cannot.”

Yu Dong didn't deny that writers make money, but said that writers can't break away from commercialization.

Then he said: "Today is the Galaxy Awards ceremony, everyone should ask more questions about the awards. These outstanding science fiction writers around me are all treasures, waiting for you to dig them out. For example, this The two first prize winners live in the same room, and they call themselves the Old Tree Group..."

"And these two guys, it's not the first time for them to participate in the Galaxy Awards ceremony. They are still students, and the future is limitless..."

While speaking, Yu Dong leaned back and let the others be interviewed by the reporters.

The interview lasted for more than an hour. Wang Jingkang and the others were "examined" by reporters for more than an hour, and they were exhausted when they left the venue.

On the way back to the room, Yang Peng couldn't help feeling, "I didn't take it seriously before, I thought it was just answering the questions, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult. At first I saw so many reporters, I was a little bit guilty. Last year's battle was like It’s not that big, so we chatted for a while and let it go.”

He Hongwei nodded and said: "That's right, the reporters this year are much more enthusiastic than last year. But it can be seen that they are mainly concerned about Brother Dong."

"It depends?" Yang Peng said with a smile: "Isn't this something that should have been expected a long time ago? If I were a reporter, I would definitely stare at my brother and ask. But there is still a problem. Although these reporters are sent to Participated in the Galaxy Awards ceremony, but I really don’t know much about sci-fi, you can see that they didn’t ask a few questions about sci-fi.”

"It's because they didn't prepare enough themselves. They knew they were going to interview the Galaxy Awards ceremony, so they should have looked up the information earlier."

Wang Jingkang shook his head and said, "You can't blame them, they can only find some superficial information in a short period of time. I think some authors mentioned Ye Yonglie and their seniors, which proves that they have checked the information. .”

"That's right, I probably took the time to read the award-winning works. Take your time, they will become more and more professional in the future."

Science fiction writers need to be cultivated, and these professional journalists will naturally also be cultivated slowly. As the general environment gets better and better, all this will not be a problem.

During dinner, Yang Xiao asked them if they were in a hurry to leave, except for Wang Jingkang, everyone else said they were not in a hurry.

Wang Jingkang works in the factory, and it is not easy to ask for a few days off work, and there is no way to delay it any longer.

Yu Dong and the others are either teachers or students, and they are all on summer vacation at this time, so they naturally have plenty of time.

"I ask you this because I want to hold a discussion meeting in the magazine the day after tomorrow to discuss the direction of our magazine in the coming year. We are going to draw up a few topics, and everyone chooses a topic as our main direction of attack in the future." Yang Xiao Said.

Tan Kai continued: "Let me explain to you why we did this. Drafting a special topic, and publishing novels of the same type in the next period of time can quickly set off a wave of market enthusiasm. Of course, drafting a special topic does not mean that future You can only write works on this topic, but the magazine will definitely prefer to accept such manuscripts in the next period of time."

Yu Dong and the others nodded, expressing their understanding.

Yang Xiao looked at Wang Jingkang, and asked again, "Mr. Wang, is there really no way to stay for another two days?"

Wang Jingkang shook his head embarrassingly, "There is really no way, the factory is very busy now. I'm not saying that the factory can't move without it, but it's just that the work will be difficult if there are fewer people. I'm still the project leader , it is not appropriate to leave for too many days."

"That's really a pity. Mr. Wang's academic level is very high. If you can participate in the seminar, it must be very helpful to us."

"Just kidding, President Yang was born in Yanhang, and he must know more about emerging technologies than I do. How dare I play tricks on others."

Yang Xiao smiled heartily: "Let's stop bragging about each other. This matter is settled like this. We will have a meeting together the day after tomorrow. We won't drink tonight. Everyone go back and have a good rest, especially Yu Dong. You will be the general tomorrow."


"Second World" is going to be printed again.

Because of the fires of "Resident Evil" and "Groundhog Day", the Bantam Company decided to print 100 million copies.

They originally thought that there should be no problem for the time being after so many copies were printed, but what they didn't expect was that it had already sold more than 50 copies, an average of [-] copies per day, in the past week since the first release.

Although there is still a lot of leeway, the printed book cannot be printed in a day, so Bantam must start preparing immediately.

This time, Bantam directly printed another 100 million copies, for a total of 200 million.

In addition, "Resident Evil" has also begun to print, and also printed 100 million copies.

As the sales of "Second World" are getting better and better, the sales volume of "Resident Evil" has also been boosted. Now it can sell an average of more than 1 copies every day, which is better than the sales volume of many new books.

The previous 160 million volumes were about to be sold out, so they had to continue printing.

However, Bantam has just printed 100 million copies of "Resident Evil", and the great director Romero publicly stated that his next movie will be "Resident Evil".

This heavy news made Bantam a little dizzy. They are now considering whether the 100 million copies printed will last long enough.

Jimmy has been in high spirits during this time. The busy early stage has now come to harvest.

He basically didn't need to do the later publicity. Romero is also a person who plays by ear, otherwise he wouldn't announce the plan for the new movie at this time.

Romero wanted to take advantage of Yu Dong's enthusiasm, and at the same time promoted Yu Dong's new book.

It has been less than a year since "Second World" was not favored at the beginning, and it is now popular in North America.

In the past year, Yu Dong was born in the United States, and he became famous directly with one movie and two novels.

Although the sales of "Resident Evil" and "Second World" are not impressive, but for a newcomer, this is already quite a miracle.

If Romero can hold his breath and shoot "Resident Evil" well, Jimmy has every reason to believe that Yu Dong will become the darling of Hollywood.

In the past two days, when Jimmy has nothing to do, he will go to a nearby bookstore, order a cup of coffee, and sit quietly for half a day. Now he likes to come to the bookstore more and more, and watching the novels he handles mobilizes the readers. Emotions, spontaneously give birth to a sense of accomplishment.

Beep beep——

While drinking coffee, Jimmy's mobile phone rang. In order to facilitate his work, he bought two mobile phones, but not many people know the numbers now.

It was Romero who called, and Jimmy recognized the voice as soon as it rang.

"Jimmy, I have good news for you."

"What good news?" Jimmy's mood didn't fluctuate much. He had heard too much good news during this period, and it seemed that no news could surprise him.

"Steven asked me for your number," Romero said.

"Steven, which Steven?" Jimmy asked.

"Steven Spielberg."

Jimmy sat up suddenly, "You mean that Steven Spielberg?"

Romero laughed back, "Which Steven Spielberg is that Steven Spielberg you're talking about?"

"It's just..." Jimmy patted his head, "What does he want my number for?"

Jimmy's first reaction when he heard this was that it had something to do with "Second World", but he still had to ask.

Romero said: "He didn't say the specifics. He saw the news that I was going to shoot "Resident Evil", so he asked me for YU's contact information, so I told him about you. Whether he will give him the number, he is Waiting for my reply."

"Of course I will."

"Okay then, I'll contact him right away."

After hanging up Romero's call, Jimmy kept staring at the mobile phone in a daze.

He waited for Spielberg to contact him, but the phone didn't ring again after more than an hour.

Just as he was getting a little restless waiting, a young man suddenly walked up to him, "Hello, sir, is there anyone else beside you?"

Jimmy looked at the tables around him, and there were not only empty seats on his side, so he stared at the young man with some doubts.

The young man explained with a smile: "It is such a gentleman, I see that you have taken a copy of "Resident Evil", and I want to ask if you are a fan of YU's book?"

"Yeah, are you too?" Jimmy looked at the young man holding a copy of "Second World" and said with a smile, "Do you like "Second World"?"

"Actually, I like to read all of YU's books—even though he's only published two books now, I mean, I like both books very much."

Jeff Gonzalez looked at the man in front of him, and for some reason, he suddenly became a little nervous, and he smelled a similar smell from this man.

He had been watching the man for a while, and the man seemed to be waiting for someone, or a phone call.

A man is supposed to be rich, and his clothes and the mobile phone on his desk show that.

Therefore, Jeff believes that if such people can be absorbed into the reading club, it will definitely be very beneficial to the association.

Hearing that the young man said he was Yu Dong's book fan, Jimmy smiled and asked him to sit down, "Since we are all book fans, let's sit down and chat for a while."

After Jeff sat down, Jimmy said again: "Which of these two novels do you like better?"

Jeff looked at the "Resident Evil" on the table, and then at Jimmy's expression, trying to figure out which book the other party liked, but he found it was useless, the other party's expression was just smiling, and nothing could be seen at all .

He can only say: "I like both novels very much. In my heart, there is no distinction between superior and inferior. They are both the best in different fields."

Jimmy nodded, "It's really good."

Seeing Jimmy's reaction, Jeff breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and continued: "YU's story structure is very good, and it's hard for me to believe that he is a new writer. Of course, I heard that he is from China, and maybe he is already a writer in China." A very well-known author. I had been looking forward to "One Day", the original novel of "Groundhog Day", but I was waiting for "Second World", but "Second World" surprised me ..."

Jimmy's feeling is very strange. He used to recommend Yu Dong's novels to others, but now it's the other way around.

He couldn't help but wonder, does this young man love Yu Dong so crazy?He is completely more active than his own agent.

"Actually, there are more and more readers who like YU. We even set up a book club to support YU."

Jeff talked a lot, and finally led the topic to the book club.

 Thank you [ywtt123] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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