Chapter 210 Kuafu is Tired

"book club?"

Jimmy was immediately aroused, and he said that the kid in front of him was not as simple as an ordinary reader, but he had set up a reading club and wanted to recruit himself into the club.

This is interesting, they pulled members to their own brokers.

"How many people are there in your reading club now?" Jimmy asked.

Jeff said very proudly: "As of this morning, there are more than 60 people in our book club. In fact, there could be more, but our standards for recruiting members are very high. If we don't really like YU very much, we won't Let them in."

Jimmy asked with great interest: "How can you tell if you really like YU?"

"It took a while to communicate."

"So you came to chat with me, just to see if I can join the club?"

"It is so, sir."

"Then have I met the membership criteria?"

"I personally think that you can join the club, sir, but the key is whether you want to join, sir."

"Of course, I also hope to find like-minded people to communicate with. However, if I join the association, are there any requirements for me, such as paying membership fees or participating in activities."

"No, no, our association does not have any compulsory actions, everything depends on the members' voluntary."

Jimmy frowned and said, "That's not okay. If it's completely voluntary, the enthusiasm of book fans can only be maintained by the author's works, and the book club will have no effect."

"Sir, it can't be said that it won't work. Now we have more people, and we have started to organize activities. Members make their own posters and publicize them on the street. I believe that as our strength grows, we can bring YU More and more help is coming. And if it is forced, it will make members disgusted." Jeff said.

Jimmy shook his head and said, "Enthusiasm is always fleeting. If you want to mobilize the enthusiasm of members, you need some other means."

"What's your suggestion, sir?" Jeff asked.

"Although the reading club is a voluntary organization, the structure must be clear. After members enter, there must be unified management and a grading system. Members with different contributions should naturally have different levels, so as to enhance the enthusiasm of members. .I suggest that your book club establish a point system, such as how many points you get for participating in an event, and how many points you get for donating. These points can not only upgrade members, gain reputation, but also exchange points for real objects.”

Having said that, Jimmy glanced at Jeff, and then at the empty cup, "Before I knew it, I ran out of coffee, and this bookstore is also, and the coffee can't be refilled."

Jeff understood immediately and asked the waiter for a new cup of coffee.

Jimmy nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "You can cooperate with nearby bookstores, let them provide meeting places, and give you some books as gifts, and you only need to call on members to buy books at the bookstore. These free books can be placed Go out and let members redeem points. In addition, when your influence increases, you can contact booksellers or YU’s brokers to get some signed books. I think signed books will be very attractive to members.”

"Let members know that it is good for them to enter the association, not just rely on feelings and atmosphere to keep them. The so-called feelings and atmosphere can only be maintained by a small number of people. Once there are more people , the so-called feelings and atmosphere are useless. At that time, how can you compete with those small reading clubs in twos and threes?"

What Jimmy said made Jeff excited. He didn't expect to meet such an expert, who paved the way for the book club with a few words.

"Sir, please say a few more words, this is really useful to us." Jeff took out a pen and paper from his pocket, "Also, can you explain in more detail, such as how we can contact him Brokers or booksellers? We have no clue about these things."

Jimmy smiled and said, "It's not difficult. The key lies in whether your reading club can grow big. As long as you put on a show, maybe his agent will come to you on his own initiative. If you want to grow big, your reading club must have a It is best to have a fixed meeting point that is completely your own. The environment does not need to be too good, but the location should not be too remote. This meeting point must be arranged very distinctively, so that members can have a sense of belonging. To do it, even if There are no activities at ordinary times, and they are willing to sit in the past."

"It's a good idea, but the place is hard to find."

"Nothing is easy, work hard." At this time Jimmy's coffee also came, and he said with a smile: "Thank you for the coffee, but I don't have time to drink it now, so you should drink it yourself."

The coffee thing was just a test for Jimmy on Jeff, he didn't really want a coffee.

Jeff nodded in a daze, then came back to his senses and quickly asked, "Sir, will you join our study club?"

"Count me in. When your points system is up, I'll sponsor you a little bit. I will come to this store once in a while. See you soon."

"Oh, that's right." After getting up and walking a few steps, Jimmy remembered something again, turned around and said with a smile: "I saw the news that YU is holding a signing event for "Resident Evil" in China today."


When the signing was about to start, there were only about [-] people in the line.

He Hongwei who came with him looked at the not-so-long line and said, "It's less than I imagined."

Yang Xiao on the other side said, "It's only past eight o'clock, and there are more than 20 people is not too small."

Tan Kai also said: "Yeah, I have seen a few signings, it is normal for only a few dozen people to come a day, so many people's signings are only half a day or only one or two hours, It is rare to hold a full day like today."

"Well, it doesn't matter if it takes longer. If there are not many people, I will sign more for them. After all, it is not easy to come here." Yu Dong said with a smile, and then said to Yang Xiao: "Sister Xiao, Let’s start right away, I think they are quite anxious to wait.”

"You're always thinking about the readers, okay, then let's get started."

Yang Xiao talked to the staff, and then let them go.

The one in the front row was a teenager who looked like he might still be in junior high school.

Holding the book and walking in front of Yu Dong, the young man looked at Yu Dong shyly, keeping a distance of about one meter from Yu Dong.

Yu Dong smiled and waved at him, "Give me the book, otherwise I won't be able to sign it for you."

"Oh, okay, I'm sorry." The young man came to his senses, quickly took a step forward with the book, and handed the book to Yu Dong with both hands.

After Yu Dong took the book, he opened the title page, looked up and asked, "What's your name?"

"Ah?" The young man's expression froze. He had never participated in a signing event before. He didn't know the process, and he had never heard that he was going to say his name.

When Yu Dong asked such a sudden question, his mind went blank.

"What's my name?"

He had never found it so difficult to think of his own name.

He Hongwei covered his mouth and smiled, "Little friend, don't you even remember your own name?"

"I... Oh, by the way, my name is An Xin, safe An, the heart of the heart."

"Well, it's a good name."

Yu Dong nodded, picked up a pen and wrote on the title page: An Xin, safe An, heart of heart—Yu Dong.

"Relax, thank you for your support."

An Xin took the book excitedly, looking at the words on it, her heart almost jumped out.

Before he came, he had never heard that the signing would be like this.

And, moreover, Yu Dong wrote his introduction directly.If he knew this earlier, he should have thought of a very domineering self-introduction.

An, who governs the country in Anbang, has the heart of the world...

However, the original simple self-introduction was written down by Yu Dong, and it seemed to be very special again.

"Next person."

Yu Dong's voice sounded again, and An Xin remembered to walk aside, apologized and left.

Because there were not many people queuing up, Yu Dong wrote down the names of every reader who participated in the book signing, and said "Thank you for your support" when he was done.

It's just that after signing more than a dozen, Yang Xiao came over and said in Dong's ear, "I can't sign like this, there are more and more people in the back row. It's not the peak period yet, so don't speed up now." , Waiting until the peak period is impossible to sign. You should speed up first, and after the peak period is over, you can sign slowly."

"it is good."

Next, Yu Dong skipped the process of asking for his name, signed his name directly when he got the book, and then said "thank you for your support" with a smile, and the speed suddenly increased.

After the peak period passed, Yu Dong signed more carefully and kept a queue, but not too many.

When Yu Dong himself feels tired, he will hold a teacup and chat with readers for a while, which is regarded as a rest.

In this way, I worked until 05:30, and finally signed the contract.

In fact, it was not completely signed, and there were a few scattered readers who came over, but they were all stopped by Yang Xiao and the others in advance.

Today's signing event has lasted too long. Yu Dong sat for a whole day, and it took him more than ten minutes to eat at noon. He Hongwei was tired from watching, so he went back to the hotel to rest halfway.

"Good job."

As soon as the signing was over, Li Xinqiang, the office director of Xinhua Bookstore, ran over and held Yu Dong's hand and worked hard.

"Teacher Yu, please rest for a while, and we will have a light meal together in the evening. President Yang and Editor-in-Chief Tan, you two have no other arrangements. We are together, and it is hard to get together."

"I'm really sorry, Director Li, I'm really tired today, and I want to go back to rest early. We still have a long time to deal with, so it's better to save this meal for later."

"This..." Li Xinqiang looked at Yang Xiao, "It's been so hard today, if I don't stay for a meal, I'm really sorry."

Yang Xiao smiled and said, "Director Li, I know what you mean, but Yu Dong is indeed too tired today. Think about it, there are more than 700 books, many of which are specially signed. It's really not easy."

When it came to signing data, Li Xinqiang's eyes were narrowed until there were only two slits left.

He went to ask just now, and a total of 760 books were signed out today, which is definitely a bumper harvest.

At the current signing event, it is very good to have 600 people.

According to the rules of the signing meeting, each person can only sign two copies.Based on the calculation of two books per person, eight or nine hundred people came today.

In fact, most people just signed one copy, so the number of people who came to the signing event today should be much more than a thousand.

The early publicity is really not in vain.

Their bookstore originally only prepared 100 books, but yesterday they sold more than 800 books, and today there are only more than [-] books left.

After signing in the morning, there was not much left, and they hurriedly asked the publishing house to transfer over a thousand copies.

There are [-] copies in total, and now there are only about [-] copies left.

Yang Xiao actually didn't expect that the situation today would be so good. She originally thought that it would be best to keep six hundred against one thousand, but now it has doubled.

After leaving the bookstore, Yu Dong didn't choose to take the car, but decided to walk back to the hotel like this.

He has been sitting for too long today, and he also wants to move his legs more.

Yang Xiao and Tan Kai also accompanied him.

"It's really hard for you today. From sitting in the morning until the evening, the signing party is just a matter of hours."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I won't have many chances to sign a sale in the future, so it's better to spend more time once."

Yang Xiao nodded, Yu Dong had talked with them about this before.He has his own job, and he usually finds time for writing, so naturally he doesn't want to spend too much time on signings.

As for the data of more than 700 copies, Yu Dong didn't take it too seriously.

This will be left to the future, and I only signed more than 700 copies in one day, so I am really embarrassed to say it.

The main reason is that the transportation and communication are underdeveloped now, and many book fans in other cities don't know about the signing event.

The three of them walked slowly along Renmin South Road. It was past six o'clock, but the sun was still high.

The sunset in Rongcheng is much later than that in Jinling. Yu Dong didn't make a comparison deliberately, and the difference is probably an hour by feeling.

Looking at the sun, Yu Dong suddenly asked a question: "If I run towards the sun now, at what speed can I ensure that I can catch up with it?"

He was just asking casually, but Tan Kai answered seriously, holding his chin: "You said you can catch up, you should mean that you can keep seeing it from this angle. If this is the case, as long as the angular velocity is the same as the angular velocity of the earth's rotation The latitude of Rongcheng is about 30° north latitude, and the circumference of 30° north latitude should be about 4000 kilometers. If you divide this circumference by 24, you can get the line speed to be more than 400 kilometers per hour... ..."

Tan Kai calculated carefully, and then said: "This is a rough calculation. If you want to calculate accurately, you need to consider many other factors. Moreover, the data I just listed may not be accurate. Even if the latitude is half a degree off, the distance There will be a lot of difference, how many degrees is the position where we are standing now, we have to check it out to know.”

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It seems that Kuafu was really tired back then."

(End of this chapter)

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