Chapter 212
Just as Yu Dong got off the car at the school gate, it was raining heavily.

He had expected the rain a long time ago, but he thought it would come so suddenly and so fiercely.

The rain seemed to fall from the sky, and it hurt when it hit my body.

Yu Dong took off the bag on his back and hugged it in his arms, narrowed his eyes and ran towards the reception room.Because of the heavy rain, he could only vaguely see what the reception room looked like.

From the time it rained to when Yu Dong ran to the reception room, in less than a dozen seconds, he was already completely chilled.

Uncle Zhou was closing the door when he saw a person rushing over with his head bowed. He didn't care about interrogating him and opened the door to let people in first.

When someone came in, Uncle Zhou saw clearly that it was Yu Dong, and said with a surprised face: "Mr. Yu, it's you, please wipe it. I don't know what happened now. It seems like there is a hole in the sky."

Uncle Zhou handed Yu Dong a towel, "I'll close the doors and windows first...Huh!?"

Yu Dong was wiping the water with a towel, when he heard Uncle Zhou's suspicious voice, he looked up and saw that the rain outside had stopped.

From the beginning to the end, the rain only fell for half a minute, but Yu Dong caught up with it.


Uncle Zhou muttered, then turned around and said to Yu Dong, "You're drenched so badly, I'll fetch some hot water, take off your shirt and wipe it off, don't catch a cold."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Forget it, the rain has stopped, I will wash in the dormitory."

When Yu Dong reached the gate of the reception room, Uncle Zhou came over with an umbrella, "Bring an umbrella, maybe it will rain again."

"Such a section..."

Yu Dong was about to refuse, when he suddenly thought of what happened just now, he nodded and took the umbrella: "I'll come back later."

"No hurry, I have more here."

The rain stopped falling along the way, and when we arrived at the dormitory, Bi Feiyu was standing on the second floor looking up at the sky.

Yu Dong shouted, "What are you looking at?"

Bi Feiyu looked down and saw that it was Yu Dong. He was surprised and said, "Why are you back? Why are your clothes so wet? Didn't you bring an umbrella?"

"Don't mention it, the umbrella was given by Lao Zhou. I just got out of the car and caught up with the rain just now. When I ran to the reception room, the rain stopped."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said: "You are so unlucky. I just looked up at the sky and was studying it. This rain is rare."

Yu Dong shook his head, "I don't think it should be called a shower."

"What's that called?"

"It should be called Feiyu!"


After returning to the dormitory, Yu Dong opened the bag first, took out the clothes inside, and then sat on the chair for a long time.

After taking the bus all the way, I was already in poor spirits. After the rain just now, I was exhausted physically and mentally.

It's just that when you sit down, you have a problem.

Caught a cold.

Fortunately, it was not too serious. The next day, Bi Feiyu took Yu Dong to the hospital by bike and prescribed some medicine.

After returning, when Bi Feiyu gave Yu Dong the medicine, he said with a smile: "You, you just lack exercise, look at me."

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves, revealing his muscles.

This guy belongs to the category of clothes that make him look thin, and undressed with flesh, which is indeed a bit interesting.

"It's because I came back and sat in the car for dozens of hours, and it was raining again. It has nothing to do with whether I exercise or not." Yu Dong argued.

"Yes, blame me." Bi Feiyu smiled, "Should I call Teacher Cheng and tell her about your illness? This is a good opportunity to enhance our relationship. When I was with your sister-in-law, it was also Because of an illness..."

When Bi Feiyu talked about her love story, she was very frightened.

This guy often said that he didn't want others to pay attention to his appearance, but he got a lot of advantages because of his appearance. Take his wife as an example, if he wasn't handsome, it would not have been so easy to pursue him back then.

When he was chatting vigorously, the phone rang in the room, and Yu Dong was half lying on the bed and couldn't get up, so he answered the phone.

"Oh, I'm Bi Feiyu...Editor Li, Yu Dong is's not a serious illness, a virus's just a common cold, I'll let him tell you..."

Bi Feiyu tugged at the phone cord and handed the phone to Yu Dong.

Li Yong asked a few words about his condition, and then asked him to recuperate well.

As for the press release, Li Yong was not ashamed to mention it.

"What do you want?"

After hanging up the phone, Bi Feiyu asked.

"No, just let me have a good rest."

"It should be because you are sick and you are embarrassed to say that the phone rang yesterday, and it should be him who called. As soon as he answered the phone just now, he asked Teacher Yu if he was back today. There is nothing wrong, it is impossible to call two days in a row .”

"Maybe it's about asking about the manuscript." Yu Dong guessed.

"Don't think about the manuscript, just get well."

"Now I can't even think about it. Human beings are so fragile. This little illness can make people lose their combat effectiveness."

"Actually, I think you are in good condition. I feel like a person who is often sick. I have no surprises when I was sick. I was sick when I was a child? I told you, I really need to exercise. When you get better, you will be fine. It's time to go out with me to play football, run..."

Listening to Bi Feiyu's rambling, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that he was indeed used to being sick.For a long time, pain was the main theme of his life.


As the old saying goes, sickness comes like a mountain fall, and sickness goes like spinning silk.

Although a cold is not a serious illness, it is easy to recur, so Yu Dong is ready for a long-term battle.

He called his family and didn't say anything about his illness, only that he was busy with school and work and might not be able to go home for the time being.

Not two days after the phone call, Cheng Yanqiu came to the school.

She called Yu's house and heard from Yu Dong's mother that Yu Dong was busy with work at school.

After arriving, he found that Yu Dong was sick.

"How sick?" Cheng Yanqiu asked.

"Because of the rain." Yu Dong replied.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Bi Feiyu, who waved his hands again and again: "It's real rain, not my fake rain."

Then Bi Feiyu said: "Since you're here, I'm going to retire, and I'll leave this guy to you. He's very pretentious, and he still has breakfast in the morning, so I have to get up at six or seven every day." .”

"Why are you being pretentious for breakfast?"

"Because I don't eat."

After Bi Feiyu left, Cheng Yanqiu seemed to have received some important mission, asking Yu Dong if he drank water, whether Yu Dong was hungry, and whether it was time for Yu Dong to take medicine.

When Yu Dong stood up, she came to help him.

When Yu Dong sat down, she took a towel to wipe off her sweat, even if she wasn't sweating.

"Sit down for a while. It's not a serious illness. I'm getting nervous when you do this."

Cheng Yanqiu just sat down.

She wore a half-length polka-dot skirt today, with a black v-neck T-shirt on her upper body, and light makeup.

The dormitory was a bit stuffy. She was running around just now, her cheeks were flushed, and the hair on her forehead was also stuck to her forehead due to sweat.

Seeing that she was so hot, Yu Dong got up and turned on the electric fan.

"You're still sick..."

"Is it okay to blow it at you?"

The wind from the electric fan lifted Cheng Yanqiu's hair, revealing her delicate jaw line. Looking at her profile, Yu Dong suddenly remembered a strange saying: A sword is given to a hero, and a fan is given to a beautiful woman.


After Yu Dong got better, he went to the bookstore with Cheng Yanqiu.

After entering the bookstore, Yu Dong went straight to the bookcase of science and technology books, and found a few books related to the universe.

These books cover everything from the birth of the big bang universe to the death of stars, from the electric, magnetic and gravitational fields in the universe to the bending of space-time and tidal forces.

He didn't choose the book randomly, but chose it based on the scientific knowledge involved in "Interstellar". The purpose was naturally to improve his novel "Deep Space" on the basis of "Interstellar".

Last summer, he wanted to get "Deep Space" out, but because of various things, it was delayed until now.

It just so happens that "Science Fiction World" is going to promote the interstellar topic now, and it's time to start writing it.

Cheng Yanqiu came to look for him with a copy of "Golden Age". Seeing him holding a pile of science and engineering books, he said with a smile, "Are you going to write science fiction again?"

"Yeah, this time I wrote it farther."

Yu Dong pointed to the word "Universe" and continued, "It's bigger too."

He looked at the "Golden Age" in Cheng Yanqiu's hand again. He didn't realize it for a while, so he took a closer look. The author's name was indeed Wang Xiaobo.

How did the golden age become the golden age?
Seeing Yu Dong looking at the book in her hand, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "Wang Xiaobo, an author I've never heard of. The writing is quite interesting. It seems that it doesn't sell very well. This is the only book I saw in the bookstore."

Yu Dong took the book and read it. The content was indeed "Golden Era", which was published by a Baodao Publishing House.

The typesetting of the book is so-so, and you don't pay much attention to it at first glance. If it didn't appear here, Yu Dong would have thought it was a pirated edition.

In fact, it is not reasonable to say that piracy.

Pirate booksellers have always only pirated books that can be sold. No one buys books like "The Golden Age" now. If pirates steal such books, they will suffer a lot.

Yu Dong thought about Wang Xiaobo again. The past few years should be the peak period of Wang Xiaobo's creation, and also the last few years of his life.

He couldn't remember the exact year when Wang Xiaobo died, but it was probably in 97 or 98.

It's really unreasonable that "Golden Age" is not popular at this time.

In the past few years, the descriptions of sex in domestic novels have been very explicit, especially in the works of writers from Shaanxi. The "Abandoned Capital" has written all about sex.

If "Golden Age" was written by Jia Pingwa or Chen Zhongshi, even if it didn't become a big hit, it would naturally earn some fame.

The sex written by Wang Xiaobo is different from that of Jia Pingwa. The sex in "Abandoned Capital" always makes people feel a bit evil, but the sex in "Golden Age" is as common as drinking water, which is neither evil nor good.

"Wang Xiaobo is quite interesting." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Cheng Yanqiu was surprised: "You know him?"

"Well, he published "Secret Stories of the Tang Dynasty" a few years ago, and I have read it. I have also read this "Golden Age". " Yu Dong simply explained without elaborating.

Yu Dong was also thinking, when Jimmy comes over next time, talk to him, ask him to talk to Wang Xiaobo, and help him give "Golden Age".

The book in Cheng Yanqiu's hand should have been passed down from Treasure Island, and even the name has been changed, probably because the publication of the book in the Mainland was not smooth.


It's been a week since the phone call with Romero.

Jimmy had been thinking about Spielberg's phone call for the past two days, but he was too busy to forget about it.

Unexpectedly, this morning, I suddenly received a call from the other party.

On the phone, Spielberg was very direct, saying that he was very interested in "Second World" and hoped to have a face-to-face chat with Jimmy.

It happened that Spielberg was also in New York these two days, so the two made an appointment to meet in the afternoon.

The meeting place was a cafe. When Jimmy arrived, Spielberg was sitting by the window, watching the pedestrians coming and going.

Jimmy walked over and apologized repeatedly: "Mr. Spielberg, sorry for keeping you waiting."

Spielberg turned his head, shook hands with Jimmy first, and then smiled: "You are not late, I am early. I have been to this cafe once before, and the coffee is delicious, so I came early .”

“This coffee is really good.”

"Mr. James, I won't waste each other's time. There are two films directed by me to be released this year. I originally wanted to take a break, but after seeing "Second World", I have some ideas." Pierberg got straight to the point: "I want to get the film adaptation rights of "Second World", can you make the decision?"

"Of course, you can rest assured that Romero has told you about me." Jimmy promised.

Spielberg nodded, "He said you are a very cunning businessman."

"Romero has always liked a joke..."

"But I like to work with businessmen. It's very simple, just talk about money. So, Mr. James, how much do I need to pay for the film and television adaptation rights of "Second World"?"

Jimmy looked at Spielberg. It wasn't the first time he had seen Spielberg. As a screenwriter, he had met Spielberg several times in real life, but there was a big gap in their identities before. , so I haven't talked face to face like this.

I didn't expect Spielberg to be so straightforward, and he couldn't fix it.

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "Mr. Spielberg, I don't know if you will shoot immediately after you buy the film and television adaptation rights?"

Hearing Jimmy's words, Spielberg squinted at him, then said with a smile: "It seems that you are not only a cunning businessman, but also a very farsighted businessman."

Jimmy laughed, "I'm just thinking about my author, what YU needs is more than just one or two million dollars."

"So, the price is between one hundred and two million dollars?"

"Five years, 150 million."

"Impossible." Spielberg refused very simply, ""Jurassic Park" is only 150 million, and this 150 million also includes other copyrights, not just film and television adaptation rights."

"Then how much do you think is appropriate?"

"50, five years, as long as the film and television adaptation rights."



The next scene is extremely childish, the two are reporting numbers to each other and slowly leaning towards the middle.

In the end, the numbers converged at 75.

When Spielberg said 75, Jimmy immediately said: "Deal."

(End of this chapter)

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