Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 213 Lao Bi, what's wrong with you?

Chapter 213 Lao Bi, what's wrong with you?
"Your family's Lao Yu's illness is really protracted."

At noon on August [-]rd, Cheng Yanqiu came to the dormitory area with two thermos buckets, and Bi Feiyu stood on the second floor and laughed and joked.

Before Cheng Yanqiu replied, Yu Dong shouted in the room: "Don't worry about my business. Ten days ago, you said that you would go back in two days, and you would go back in two days. How many days have passed? Why? Didn’t go home until now? Someone won’t return for you? If there is not enough travel expenses, I will make some money for you.”

After hearing this, Bi Feiyu went back to the house in despair.

He and his wife have been arguing all this time, so they can only stay at the school.As soon as Yu Dong mentioned this, he immediately wilted.

When Cheng Yanqiu arrived in the room, he opened the thermos and said with a smile, "Don't keep making fun of Teacher Bi, he took care of you before."

"It should be his honor to take care of me." Yu Dong approached with a smile, "What's for dinner today?"

"Pork ribs and winter melon soup, mashed garlic and water spinach with braised pork. My mother said that you are almost sick now and your appetite has improved. You should eat more meat."

Yu Dong's appetite has increased a lot recently, and he is even more able to eat than before he got sick.Moreover, Cheng Yanqiu's mother is very good at craftsmanship, and the materials are authentic.

Cheng Yanqiu lied to his family that his female colleague was sick and she wanted to take care of her.When her mother heard that her daughter was going to take care of her colleagues, she was very enthusiastic. Every day she tried to buy old hen stewed soup for her to bring to school. She cooked the chicken soup for two days and was afraid that the patients would get tired of it, so she changed the pattern every day.

During the meal, Cheng Yanqiu kept staring at Yu Dong, waiting for him to finish the last sip of soup, and quickly asked, "How is the soup today?"

Yu Dong nodded, "It's pretty good, there's nothing to say about Auntie's craftsmanship."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, a very smug smile.

"I cooked this soup today."

"It's ok, Comrade Cheng Yanqiu." Yu Dong gave a thumbs up, "Keep working hard."

"I found that cooking is quite simple, not as difficult as I thought."

Yu Dong glanced at Cheng Yanqiu, the girl was shaking after cooking soup.

However, poor students still focus on encouragement, Yu Dong said with a smile: "The main reason is that you have talent."

"Then next time I..."

Cheng Yanqiu was about to say a few more words when the phone rang in the room, and Yu Dong picked it up.

It was Bi Feiyu's lover who called, and Yu Dong immediately raised the volume and shouted outside: "Oh, it's sister-in-law, are you looking for Feiyu?"

Before the other side answered the phone, Yu Dong waited until the sound of chair legs scraping the floor came from upstairs, followed by someone running, boom boom boom——in just a dozen seconds, Bi Feiyu appeared at the door.

This guy's usual exercise is still useful.

"he came."

Yu Dong smiled and said something to the phone, and handed the phone to Bi Feiyu.

Then he took Cheng Yanqiu's hand, "Let's go for a walk, you can chat with sister-in-law for a while, remember to wash the dishes for me after the chat. The door doesn't need to be locked."

Bi Feiyu rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay, I got it."

As Dong and Cheng Yanqiu walked away, Bi Feiyu, who was tense, showed a flattering smile, "My wife..."


When Yu Dong went out, he deliberately brought an umbrella. Cheng Yanqiu laughed at him, "Once bitten by a snake, but ten years afraid of well ropes", while Yu Dong argued that he was "preparing for a rainy day".

But in any case, he was indeed a little psychologically shadowed by the previous shower, and it only rained for a while today.

After walking around the school for a while, the two of them felt that there was nothing to do. Jinyi was such a big place, and they had walked around it countless times.

As soon as they were summed up, they left the school gate.

When passing through the guard room, Uncle Zhou looked at Yu Dong up and down, and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, are you feeling much better?"

"I'm sorry, it's almost over." Yu Dong smiled.

"Sigh." Uncle Zhou sighed, "I should have stopped you from going back that day, first wipe it with hot water at my place, and make sure there will be no problems when you go back, you..."

As soon as Yu Dong heard Uncle Zhou sigh, he knew something was wrong.

These days, Yu Dong met Uncle Zhou three times. Every time he saw him, he would bring up the events of that day, break them apart, break them up and talk about them.

It sounded like self-blame, but it was actually a joke.

"Go, go."

Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu and ran away as if fleeing.

Uncle Zhou looked at the backs of the two of them from behind, shook his head and said, "Teacher Yu and Teacher Cheng walk together, it's eye-catching."

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu didn't discuss where to go, they walked towards Xinjiekou naturally after going out the door.There was a light rain in the morning, and now the sun is out again. Although it is not too hot, it is still a little stuffy.

Fortunately, the sun is not very poisonous, and there are occasional clouds passing by, and it is shady and cool.

Unknowingly, he walked to Anren Street again. As soon as Cheng Yanqiu came to this street, he became lively and looked around with his hands behind his back.

She doesn't seem to be bored with this street that she has been strolling since she was a child, and she can find something new every time she comes here.

A new store opened somewhere, selling some food or toys; a new tree was planted somewhere, what was there before, and there was a slight change in the street, and she could immediately recognize it.

Yu Dong is not as familiar with the furnishings in his house as Cheng Yanqiu is with the scenery on Anren Street.

Cheng Yanqiu's footsteps stopped at the door of a hair accessories shop. The shop was small and mainly sold some hair ties. Yu Dong glanced at them and found that they were all old styles and there was nothing to see.

But Cheng Yanqiu was very interested, bent over and carefully selected.

After standing for a while, Yu Dong felt a special gaze.

Following her eyes, a middle-aged woman in her 40s, with a medium build and well-dressed clothes, was holding a bag in her hand and was looking at Yu Dong with an inexplicable gaze.

This look is very complicated, with doubts and scrutiny, it seems to be smiling, but when you look carefully, it doesn't seem to be a smile.

"What do you think of this?"

Cheng Yanqiu excitedly showed Yu Dong a hair rope, but found that he was staring at the other side, so he looked in the direction Yu Dong was looking at suspiciously.

After she saw the woman, she subconsciously wanted to hide behind Yu Dong, but then she remembered something and hurriedly stood in front of Yu Dong.

She was tall and tall, but she was not good enough in front of Yu Dong, and she couldn't stop her at all.Finding that she couldn't stop her, she stepped aside again, and distanced herself from Yu Dong.

Yu Dong is neither blind nor fool, so he can naturally see that the relationship between Cheng Yanqiu and the other party is unusual.


Yu Dong was about to ask, but Cheng Yanqiu called out: "Mom."

"Hello Auntie!"

Yu Dong's reaction speed was astonishing, the speed at which he bent down was half a point faster than the speed at which Cheng Yanqiu's voice fell to the ground.

Even the top dog legs will be convinced by Yu Dong's speed of bending over and screaming.

The bending and calling made Cheng Yanqiu's mother feel a little dazed.

After being stunned for a few seconds, she smiled and said, "Hello, hello. The lunch dishes are delicious, right? The soup is cooked by Luoluo, and I don't know what to do."

Yu Dong frowned, is this a cliché?
But knowing it's a cliché, it's not easy to answer. If you lie now, it will be bad for his image, and it will be difficult to go to Cheng Yanqiu's house in the future.

He glanced at Cheng Yanqiu, his heart skipped a beat, and he said with a smile: "The food is delicious, thank you for taking care of me during this time, I have always wanted to visit you, thank you in person."

Cheng Yanqiu stared at Yu Dong with wide eyes.

She didn't expect Yu Dong to recruit so quickly and sold her out.

Cheng Yanqiu's mother said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, everything should be done. Luoluo, there are still some things at home, you can go back with me first."

"Oh." Cheng Yanqiu walked obediently to her mother.

"Young man, come and play at home when you have time."

"Okay, goodbye, auntie, go slowly, auntie." Yu Dong said respectfully.

After Cheng Yanqiu and the others left, Yu Dong let out a long sigh of relief. Although he lived two lifetimes, it was the first time he saw his partner's parents.

Don't tell me, I was a little nervous just now.

However, why did Cheng Yanqiu's mother call her Luoluo? It was probably a nickname, but she never told herself.


"That was your colleague just now?"

In the Cheng family, Cheng Yanqiu sat obediently on the sofa, and her mother moved a chair and sat opposite her, pretending to be interrogating the prisoner.

"En." Cheng Yanqiu nodded.

"Is he the one who is sick?"


"Is he a woman?"

"No." Cheng Yanqiu shook his head.

"how long it has been?"


"Let me ask you, how long have you two been dating."

"Not long..."

"How long is not long? One day, one month, or one year? There is always a day, right?"

"A few months."

"Does Principal Wu know about this?"

"should know."

"What does it mean to know?"

"The whole school knows." Cheng Yanqiu said weakly.

"All..." When Chen Yuqing heard this, she ran away immediately: "Okay, the whole school knows, but your mother doesn't. I'll ask Wu Changxin later, if he has a long tongue to mess around with?" You haven't told me about it for several months. Just wait until your father comes back to clean you up. "

When Cao Cao arrived, Cheng Liye opened the door and came in. Just as he heard the last sentence, he said with a smile, "Why, what law did our daughter violate?"

"Learn to deal with objects."

"Want?" Cheng Liye narrowed his eyes, "What does your son-in-law look like, where is he from? What do you do?"

"It looks clean, quite eye-catching..."

Chen Yuqing just continued to say something, and then reacted, and said angrily: "You are very happy, and you have called your son-in-law before you see him."

"It's a good thing to be in a relationship. There's nothing to be unhappy about. She's not young anymore. We both had her when we were her age. Let me tell you, it's a contradictory body. Didn't you always say that she doesn't fit in, no It's easy to find a good match. Now she has solved the problem by herself, shouldn't we be happy?"

After doing this ideological work, Chen Yuqing's attitude eased a lot, and she muttered: "I have no objection to the partner, but she shouldn't hide it from us. It's been several months, and I haven't disclosed any letter to my family. She is sick. Yes, she delivered meals every day, and I said how she changed her temper and made soup by herself."

"During the Dragon Boat Festival before, she insisted on eating meat dumplings. At that time, I thought, this thing is also very weird. Now I think it is probably for that kid. Also, let me tell you, Lao Cheng, Lao Wu also knows about this , but he just didn’t tell us.”

"Oh? Old Wu knows too? That means the young man is not bad, otherwise Old Wu must have told us long ago."

"You think about everything better."

"I am seeking truth from facts. By the way, what does the young man do? He is also a school teacher? What does he teach? Where is he from?"

Chen Yuqing looked at Cheng Yanqiu, "You ask your daughter, I don't know."

"Look, you can't grasp the key points at all. You don't ask about such an important matter first. Luoluo, tell us. It's your fault. Being with a partner is a major event in life. As parents, we always know Right?"

Facing the interrogation, Cheng Yanqiu could only confess obediently: "His name is Yu Dong, and he teaches at school..."

"Hey, wait, what's it called? Yudong? Gangouyu, east, southeast, northwest?" Cheng Liye asked quickly.

"En." Cheng Yanqiu nodded.

"How many Yu Dongs are there in your school?"

"Just him."

Chen Yuqing asked confusedly: "What's the matter?"

Cheng Liye smiled and said: "Let me tell you, you know how to make music all day long, and you should also receive more literary influence. Yu Dong, a young writer who has emerged in the past two years, was previously interviewed by the "Yangtze Evening News" , don’t you read "Yangtze Evening News" every day, why didn't you see him?"

"I don't read everything. Isn't it normal if I don't see it? Tell me quickly, how is he? Since he is a writer, why did he go to Jinyi to teach?"

"Hey, don't tell me, I really know him a little bit. The poetry reading he held before made me very anxious. Many students in our school have joined this poetry reading..."

The couple got together and talked about Yu Dong.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at her parents blankly.

Why do you suddenly feel that this matter has nothing to do with you?


When Yu Dong came back to the yard, Bi Feiyu was squatting at the door of his room smoking a cigarette, his sad face could be seen clearly from far away.

"What's the matter, the talk with sister-in-law is not ideal?"

Bi Feiyu took a puff of cigarette, looked up at him, "No."

"Why is that?" Yu Dong knelt down next to Bi Feiyu, "Your expression is quite scary."

"She agreed to come to Jinyi, but let me think about it. Although it is a good thing for her to come, she will not be so free in the future. You don't know, your sister-in-law is very nagging. If I get up a little late in the morning, she will yell. , always say I'm lazy and don't work."

"Aren't you lazy?" Yu Dong asked back.

Bi Feiyu lamented, "Lazy is lazy, I just don't want to be nagged."

"Then you are begging her to come here?"

"It's mainly because no one is nagging, sometimes it's because I'm not used to it..."

Yu Dong stood up all of a sudden, and spat, "Old Bi, what's wrong with you?"

Bi Feiyu shook his head and said, "Brother, you are still too young. After you are married to Teacher Cheng, you will be able to understand my brother's thoughts."

Yu Dong waved his hands again and again, "Don't, I'm not as lazy as you. I'm a well-known hardworking guy in our local area."

 Thanks to [Dream% Love] Big Brother for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Fat Pangtouyu] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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