Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 214 Away from the ocean, I miss it every day

Chapter 214 Away from the ocean, I miss it every day
"A well-known hardworking guy from all over the world?" Bi Feiyu glanced at Yu Dong, "Then I'm going back."

Yu Dong felt that there was something wrong with his eyes, so he hurried into the room to take a look.

Sure enough, the dishes were not brushed.

"Bi Feiyu, you—"

When Yu Dong came out again, Bi Feiyu had already run upstairs.

Looking at the thermos and chopsticks that hadn't been cleaned yet, Yu Dong sighed. Comrade Cheng Yanqiu was "intercepted" by her mother, and she didn't come to take the thermos back. It seems that she will go foraging by herself tomorrow.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Even if you take the thermos back, I'm afraid you won't have to eat it tomorrow."

Bi Feiyu was hopeless, so Yu Dong ran to the side of the well to clean the bowls and chopsticks.

After returning to the room, Yu Dong took out the manuscript of "Xiang Xi" and was about to start revising it.

During his illness, Li Yong called several times, but each time he didn't say anything else, he only asked how Yu Dong was doing.

However, the intention is obvious, and it is still aimed at the manuscript.

Feeling the urgency of the editorial department, Yu Dong himself wanted to revise "Xiang Xi" as soon as possible, so he started directly.

On the side of "Science Fiction World", Tan Kai also called and told Yu Dong about the "Interstellar Topic".

Young people are still young, Yang Peng and He Hongwei both sent short stories, and the next issue should be published soon.

Tan Kai did not positively urge Yu Dong's manuscript, but he deliberately mentioned Yang Peng's affairs, probably because he wanted to give Yu Dong some tension.

But Yu Dong wasn't nervous at all.

Taking out the manuscript of "Xiang Xi", Yu Dong thought at first that he hadn't touched the pen for more than half a month and would be unfamiliar, but found that his thoughts were more relaxed than before.

It's as if a person has two brains, one brain is used everywhere in daily life, and the other brain is used secretly for practice.

Once Yu Dong enters the state of writing, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.Even when the sky was getting dark and the light in the room was getting weaker, he didn't seem to feel it.


It was bright again in the room, Yu Dong squinted his eyes, and looked towards the door, Bi Feiyu was standing there with a smile, he was the one who pulled the lamp just now.

"Your eyes are so good, you can see even in such a dark place?"

Yu Dong looked outside, it was almost dark.

"Yo, it's past seven o'clock."

"Yeah, it's past seven, let's go eat."

"You invite?" Yu Dong put down his pen and said with a smile, "I'll go if you invite me."

"Okay, please. I just received a batch of manuscript fees."

Yu Dong stretched his arms, "You have received a lot of manuscript fees during this period, why haven't you seen any articles?"

"It's all in the back. "Zhongshan" has suppressed four of my articles, and I don't know when it will be published. It doesn't matter, anyway, they gave me all the manuscript fees, and I can't lose money. Let's go, go by bike, you last time I am very interested in the duck blood fans mentioned, let's go eat today."

Yu Dong teased, "You're going to treat me to duck blood vermicelli after paying the manuscript fee? At least you should set a table at the Jinling Hotel."

"You are just recovering from a serious illness, it's not good to eat too greasy."

"People's restaurants are not just big fish and meat, there are also light ones."

"Duck blood vermicelli is better, it has everything you need, it's neither greasy nor bland."

"That's a good sentence for you. Go back and tell the boss, write an inscription for them, just write 'neither greasy nor bland'."


The next morning, Jimmy arrived at Jinyi.

"East, North America, we have won all round."

He was in a good mood, and was about to hug Yu Dong as soon as they met, but Yu Dong pushed him away, "Did you arrive this morning?"

"I arrived yesterday, and I went to the hotel to rest for a while. Let me tell you, before I came, I met with Spielberg, and "Second World" was sold to him for $75."

Hearing Spielberg, Yu Dong was a little surprised, "Does he have time to shoot now? As far as I know, he should be very busy recently."

"It's not just busy. "Jurassic Park" swept the market as soon as it came out in June. The box office in the United States has exceeded 5000 million. The global box office is not yet clear, and it is estimated that it will not be low. It should be [-] to [-] million. Tsk tsk, maybe it can become the box office champion of film history."

Yu Dong smiled. Although he didn't remember the specific box office of "Jurassic Park", he knew that "Jurassic Park" did break the box office record. It seems that "Titanic" surpassed "Jurassic Park" "became the first in film history.

"Which movie is the highest-grossing movie in movie history?" Yu Dong asked.

"It's ET."

"Isn't that his too?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "Yes, but who doesn't want their grades to get better and better? This time he can make a lot of money himself. He will have a "Schindler's List" released later, but I guess the box office will not It would be great. I heard that the movie cost more than 3000 million U.S. dollars, and it is difficult to make money. But it doesn’t matter, even if "Schindler's List" didn't make a dime at the box office, Universal would have nothing to say, the two movies themselves are tied together .”

"Groundhog Day now ranks sixth at the box office, and there are not many competitive films behind. It should be able to keep its top ten position."

Jimmy was talking about the box office, but Yu Dong was thinking about "Schindler's List".

In his impression, the box office of this movie is not very good, but it is definitely not bad.

He absolutely loved the film, and in his opinion, it should be one of Spielberg's best films.Of course, this doesn't mean that Spielberg's other films are bad, it's just that this type of film is very cheap here.

"Second World" can be filmed by Spielberg, which is a very good result, but Yu Dong does not doubt Spielberg's ability to control this genre.

He has just filmed "Jurassic Park", and his understanding of special effects and props is one step ahead of other directors. Since he is preparing to film "Second World", he should be confident.

"Actually, I didn't sign a contract with him blindly. As far as I know, Spielberg first used a batch of new technologies developed by Industrial Light and Magic."

Jimmy also touched on technical issues.

Yu Dong nodded and said, "He is really suitable."

"By the way, what about the novel you wrote before?"

Yu Dong pointed to the manuscript on the table, "It's being revised."

"Want to change?" Jimmy frowned, "Is there any big problem?"

"It's not a big problem, just change it and post it."

Jimmy felt relieved, "That's good, I already know the situation of the signing event, it is very good. It seems that President Yang and the others are quite reliable, but if the signing is in the United States, the data should be better. I will report to you Let's take a look at the sales of "Second World", this time the situation is even better than I expected..."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Let's talk slowly, don't worry, look at you, have you stopped since you came here?"

"Haha, hasn't it been a long time since I saw you? But then again, I haven't seen you for so long, and you are too indifferent to me. You don't know, these days, across the ocean, I miss you every day... ..."

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 1500 tip
  Thank you [Li Shilang] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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