Chapter 216 Textbooks
After Zhang Xian got off the train, he also ran into that bookstall, and was also sold "Zombie Passion" by the boss.

The difference is, he bought a copy.

With the book, he rushed to Yu Dong's room as soon as he arrived at the dormitory area. Seeing that Yu Dong was writing, he gently put "Zombie Passion" on the table, and whispered: "Teacher Yu, let me show you something. .”

Yu Dong glanced at the book, then looked at Zhang Xian, and stood up with a smile: "Director Zhang, why are you here so early. There are still twenty days before I leave school."

"Didn't you come earlier?" Zhang Xian replied with a smile, then pointed to the book on the table and said, "Let's read this first."

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "Don't look at it, the pirated version of "Resident Evil", did you buy it from the train station?"

Mr. Zhang nodded unexpectedly, "Yes, the boss sold me when I passed by. I thought it was an imitation of "Resident Evil", but I didn't expect it to be a pirated version. This kind of pirated version is really bad. It not only violates copyright, but also changes the title of the book. , not even a chance to earn a name for the genuine version.”

"Haha, you bought a copy, and the boss made another three and a half dollars in tears."

"Three five dollars, isn't it four dollars?"

Yu Dong smiled, it seems that in the eyes of the boss, Zhang Xian is the kind of "supply and demand" biased towards demand.

"It's not important. What's the important thing for you to come here so early?"

Zhang Xian nodded and said, "Yes, I am going to optimize our curriculum. In addition, I am also writing our school's own textbooks recently, and I already have a clue, so I want to come to the school to do this with peace of mind. It happens that you also We can discuss and discuss when editing, and you can also give me opinions from your perspective."

Yu Dong was not surprised that Zhang Xian wanted to compile the textbook, because they had discussed it before, but Zhang Xian didn't do it for a long time.

Now after a year of brewing, Zhang Xian has a better understanding of the level of the students, and the time is more mature.

Moreover, Zhang Xian previously worked as an editor for the "Drama" magazine of the Chinese Opera, and co-authored "Interpretation of Foreign Drama Classics", so he has the ability to write teaching materials.

Yu Dong nodded and said: "Director Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely spare no effort in this matter. It happens that Feiyu is here, so we can discuss it together."

Zhang Xian was pleasantly surprised: "Teacher Bi is here too? It seems that I went back to school right this time. With the help of you two, I am more confident now. After all, there is the word drama in front of it, so we look at the problem from very different perspectives. I have been thinking about how to train students majoring in drama, technically..."

When it comes to professional matters, Zhang Xian is very excited and seems to be full of inexhaustible strength.Moreover, he is indeed more professional than himself and Bi Feiyu in the major of drama and literature.

Yu Dong noticed that Zhang Xian was still carrying his bag, and knowing that he probably hadn't returned to his dormitory, he smiled and said, "Director Zhang, I'll pour you a glass of water."

"I won't drink the water." Zhang Xian waved his hand, and then remembered that he hadn't returned to the dormitory, so he patted his head: "I—Mr. Yu, I'll go back and put down my luggage first. No one lives there, so there must be a lot of dust. I will talk to you about the textbooks later."

"Okay, the matter of teaching materials will last a long time. You are exhausted from the journey, so go back and rest first. It just so happens that Lao Hu is coming over at night, let's have a meal together."

"Okay, I'll be here tonight."


From that day on, the single dormitory side became lively and busy.

Because his wife will come back in a few days, Bi Feiyu is not in a hurry to go back to Yangzhou. He just stays at school every day, sleeps until he wakes up early in the morning, and then writes and exercises.In addition, there is one more job, which is to provide comments on Zhang Xian's textbooks.

Yu Dong is similar to him, but he gets up much earlier than him. He gets up at six o'clock every day, and starts his day's work after breakfast.

Because he has already recovered from his illness, he is also embarrassed to ask Cheng Yanqiu to deliver food.However, she still occasionally brings food over, but it's all done by herself.

After eating two meals, Yu Dong held Cheng Yanqiu's hand and said with tears in his eyes, "Comrade Luoluo, it's better not to cook in the future, it will hurt your hands, and the oily smoke will still choke you."

Ever since she knew that Cheng Yanqiu had a nickname named Luoluo, Yu Dong followed suit, but Cheng Yanqiu had been unwilling to tell Yu Dong why she was called Luoluo.

Regarding cooking, there are two things that Yu Dong did not tell Cheng Yanqiu. She not only hurts her hands when cooking, but also wastes ingredients and diners.

She said her mother had two hobbies, one was cooking and the other was music.

Yu Dong can be sure that she only inherited half.

At the beginning, Yu Dong was more tactful, and offered Cheng Yanqiu a piece of braised pork ribs to taste, but Cheng Yanqiu ruthlessly refused, "I ate it at home, and this dish was specially made for you. My mother made glutinous rice ribs today, which is very delicious. I ate a little too much, and now I can't eat any more."

Yu Dong's smile froze.

But then it seemed that her mother said a few words to her, and she stopped cooking. Maybe her mother thought she wasted food.

After she didn't bring a meal, she would come early, and then find a book and sit next to Yu Dong to read quietly. Sometimes when she got tired of reading, she would lean on the table and watch Yu Dong.

If Zhang Xian came to ask Yu Dong about the textbooks, she would run to the vegetable garden to weed after hearing a few words.Yu Dong had always been doing this job before, but she took over during this time.

No one would eat the vegetables in the vegetable garden, so she would get some to take home and show off to her mother: "I took care of all this myself."

Cheng Yanqiu had other ideas about the vegetable garden.

Later, she brought a pot of gardenias from home and put them next to the vegetable garden, facing Yu Dong's window.

The pot of gardenias had reached the end of blooming, and after Yu Dong smelled the fragrance for a few days, it stopped blooming.Cheng Yanqiu said that August is not suitable for transplanting, and it will be transplanted into the soil next spring, and it will bloom again in May and June.

She told Yu Dong that since meeting him, she has become very greedy, wanting not only firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar tea, but also music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and hops.

Not long after the gardenias withered, the sky was getting colder, and the pace of autumn was getting faster and faster.

And Yu Dong's new "Xiang Xi" has also been officially completed.

When the school was about to start, Yu Dong went to Yanjing first, and sent the new manuscript to He Qizhi and the others. Although the new manuscript was not completely revised according to their suggestions, but this time they did not say anything, and directly finalized it for publication in November. .

They waited impatiently for this manuscript, and now that the manuscript came, they didn't want to delay it any longer.

Afterwards, Yu Dong went to see his teacher Hu Yueming, and then went back home, where he stayed for a few days.

When he returned to Jinyi, it was already August [-]th.

(End of this chapter)

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