Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 217 Cold Zhang Xian, Gentle Yu Dong

Chapter 217 Cold Zhang Xian, Gentle Yu Dong

A few days before the start of school, students have already returned to school one after another.

Not only students but also journalists came.

When Yu Dong passed by the reception room, he saw Uncle Zhou giving a "speech" to a group of reporters.

There is a small blackboard in the communication room, which is usually used to write some announcements, so that students passing by can see them immediately.Now it is used by Uncle Zhou to "lecture". Uncle Zhou can't read much, but he will write the words "the first stop of Jinyi publicity" on the blackboard in a decent manner.

"If you want to know Mr. Yu Dong, you must first get to know our Jinling Art Institute, our Jinyi... I still remember that in the autumn of 1991, Mr. Yu Dong had just graduated from university. The apple that grew on the tree in summer, at that time I thought he was a freshman in our school, so I stopped him and said, boy, from which college..."

After listening outside for a while, Yu Dong felt his scalp tingling.

Uncle Zhou's stories are becoming more and more rich, and the words and sentences are more literary (pretentious).

It's just that the reporters who came to interview had to listen to Uncle Zhou talking about the history of Jinyi, and then tell some short stories, and they had to register their information before they could make an appointment for the next interview.

But they didn't get nothing, at least they could go back and make up a few famous stories after hearing Uncle Zhou's story.

Throughout the ages, celebrity anecdotes are mostly "word of mouth" only come out.

Now, in order to increase the credibility, the sentence "according to people familiar with the matter" will also be added.

In fact, the reporters who came to interview in the next few days did not all focus on Yu Dong, and occasionally paid attention to Bi Feiyu.

From last year to now, Bi Feiyu has published many articles in first-class literary journals one after another. In addition, he happened to be teaching in Jinyi with Yu Dongdu, and more and more media paid attention to him.

Yu Dong knew that as Bi Feiyu became more and more famous, there would be more and more cases like this. Maybe on that day, the media would pay more attention to Bi Feiyu than him.


A few days after Yu Dong left, Zhu Changsheng thought about a problem and went to find He Qizhi.

"Old He, will the title "Xiang Xi" cause some unnecessary misunderstandings?"

Seeing Zhu Changsheng's worry, He Qizhi asked, "Why do you say that? Is there something wrong with the title of the book?"

"Do you still remember the article titled the Eastern Expedition of the Shaanxi Army published by Guangming Daily at the end of May?"

He Qizhi nodded, "Remember, Han Xiaohui wrote it."

"That's right, you see, the idea of ​​the Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition is becoming more and more famous now, if there is a "Xiangxi" coming out at this time, it's fine if the work has no influence, if the work..."

He Qizhi understood immediately, "You are afraid that someone will make a fuss about the title of the book and say that Yu Dong is deliberately targeting Shaanxi writers."

"Yes, that's what I meant."

He Qizhi frowned and said, "Isn't this a bit unfounded? Except for the coincidence of the name, other aspects are not related at all."

Zhu Changsheng didn't speak. Although He Qizhi said so, his expression said everything, and he was a little worried about this matter.

They have handled "Xiang Xi", so they naturally know that the title of the book has no other meaning, but others may not think so.

There was silence in the office for a while, and He Qizhi tapped on the table lightly: "We don't have to worry about this matter, if we are afraid of this little controversy, then we can't do anything. Well... Let's talk to Yu Dong, I Come and call him, and explain to him the possible impact and our attitude, as to whether to change the title of the book, it is up to him to decide."


As soon as Yu Dong returned to the dormitory, he received a call from He Qizhi. He thought there was something wrong with the manuscript, but after He Qizhi finished speaking, he realized it was because of the title of the book.

To be honest, he never thought that the title of the book would collide with "The Eastern Expedition of the Shaanxi Army".Because there are too many titles of this kind, if I really want to say this, my name even collided with "Eastern Expedition".

"If the magazine has no objections, I don't really want to change the title of the book."

"okay, I get it."

He Qizhi didn't ask much, he just needed to know Yu Dong's attitude.

Even if controversy arose in the future, Yu Dong himself would be able to know it well.

After hanging up on He Qizhi's phone call, Yu Dong didn't think about the title of the book anymore.

During the time of school, he is busy. Although he is not needed to greet the new students, there is a lot of work that needs to be done by him.

Zhang Xian also proposed to hold a freshman meeting for Xichuang freshmen, and the teachers and counselors of Xichuang would give a speech to the students together.

These students have basically never been exposed to drama creation before, and they may only have a vague concept of drama creation. Zhang Xian wants to use this method to let freshmen quickly have a general understanding of the major.

It was precisely this freshman meeting that gave Yu Dong a different understanding of Zhang Xian.

Originally, Yu Dong had always thought that Zhang Xian was a reserved, good old man and a gentle teacher.

But as soon as the meeting started, as the head of the department, he gave the freshmen a head-on blow.

"Do you know what major you are studying? You are studying a major that seems to be full of emotion, but is actually the most ruthless. You will never cry again when you watch movies and books. You will think that family, friendship and love are ridiculous and everywhere Love with loopholes. The days when you depended on your parents and treated your parents as shade trees are over. You will feel that the sweetness of your lover is just a sensational fragment that you can write into your article... What you have learned is how to become cruel and cold, you Learn to look on at the pain of others, then dissect this cry, write about this pain, and make your readers miserable..."

After hearing this passage, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu both felt a little depressed, let alone freshmen.

This is simply a mace in the head.

The students below were stunned. They felt as if they had entered an unknowable and terrifying world, like children who had just entered kindergarten. After playing for a while, they found that their parents had disappeared.

After Zhang Xian finished speaking, it was Yu Dong's turn to speak on stage.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the students, Yu Dong couldn't bear it, so he said a little more tactfully: "Students, what you Mr. Zhang said is only one aspect. In fact, advanced writing requires a kind of empathy. Watching other people's pain , and you can still be indifferent. Analyzing the pain of others, you can also be indifferent. You will enter a multi-layered, extremely rich, and different perspective from the past to observe the world. In this Perspective, ruthlessness is only a choice."

In the end, Yu Dong made a conclusion: "Learn boldly, play cautiously, and learn how to fight against coldness and yourself when learning drama creation."

(End of this chapter)

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