Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 218 Who's Brother Dong?

Chapter 218 Who's Brother Dong?

Yu Dong said it very gently, but Zhang Xian's strong medicine just now was too harsh, and the students haven't recovered yet.

However, in the future study and life, Yu Dong and Zhang Xian's words will always be with them, pulling them, making them jump back and forth between the two realms.

They will also continue to grow in this constant pull.

Man himself is a contradictory body, and also a dissociated body.

No matter how positive people are, there are times when they are negative, and no matter how indifferent people are, there are times when they are emotional.

If they firmly believe in Zhang Xian's words and observe the world with a superhuman attitude, what they will be confronted with will be their own universal human emotions spontaneously born.

If they pursue what Yu Dong said, let themselves empathize with others, and empathize with others, then they will be confronted with the skills learned in textbooks.

As a political counselor, Bi Feiyu didn't talk to them about anything professionally related.He chatted with them first, and after they relaxed, he told a few more jokes, finally saving them from Mr. Zhang's "threat".

In fact, compared to the current intimidation, the boring study in the later period is even more terrifying.

The curriculum of the Jinyi Opera Creation Class follows the Chinese opera, but it has been changed a lot by Zhang Xian, the most prominent of which is the addition of a lot of prose training in the early stage.

These prose training will make them suffer a lot. Their seniors and sisters, the first students of Xichuang, almost collapsed collectively before.

At the beginning, when Zhang Xian joined a lot of prose training, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu also guessed whether these prose training were designed for the two of them.

Only later did I realize that these prose training had nothing to do with them.Before Zhang Xian came to Jinyi, he made an agreement with Wu Changxin to allow him to experiment with his own teaching methods.

He believes that the theory of Chinese opera is rich and profound, but the summary of teaching experience and the construction of the system are not perfect.

So he wants to use the theories he has learned in the Chinese opera and the experiences he has summed up to construct a complete teaching system. Such teaching experiments may not be able to be implemented smoothly in the Chinese opera.Later, Wu Changxin found him and promised him to develop his teaching plan in Jinyi, so he agreed to come here.

In Zhang Xian's teaching system, prose training occupies a very important position.

The purpose of prose training is to strengthen students' perception and understanding of life, so that they can observe and examine carefully, so that they can see many details that are invisible in daily life.

On this point, both Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu agree very much.

Before writing novels, they have undergone a lot of prose training since elementary school.

When Yu Dong was a child, he had to write at least four diaries a week.

When I first started writing a diary, I just recorded the date, weather, and talk about my mood.Or list the things you do in a day like keeping an account, such as eating buns in the morning and braised pork at noon...

Later, I became more demanding of myself and started to write some essays.

Writing essays is the best way to train people, just like a stock manager reviewing stocks. Only when you look back can you discover something that you haven't discovered before.

As big as a person, as small as an ant, even with a quick glance, you can write a lot in the essay.

Some students always feel that daily life is dull and there is nothing to write about, so writing is as difficult as reaching the sky.

But that’s exactly what makes it so hard to write.

It takes time to forge a pair of eyes that are good at discovering.

Some people think that since they have nothing to write, they insist on writing, isn't it moaning for nothing?

But in fact, this is not moaning without illness, but listening to thunder in a silent place.

There are also some students who want to write earth-shattering stories as soon as they pick up a pen, but they don't know how they can present earth-shattering stories when they can't even write a cup of tea or a bowl of water in life.


After the meeting, Yu Dong, Zhang Xian, and Bi Feiyu walked towards the outside of the teaching building side by side.

Yu Dong looked at Zhang Xian and said with a smile: "Old Zhang, you are too strict with the students. You have just entered university from middle school, and many students have not yet adapted to it. They may not be able to bear it because you are a big blow."

"If they can't bear this, then they don't need to come to this major. They will finally present their works to the public, and the applause they will receive will be far stronger than today. Now they have just stepped into this major, and there is still a way out. By that time , but there is no retreat for them.” Zhang Xian smiled: “Besides, didn’t you comfort them?”

Bi Feiyu nodded, "I agree with Lao Zhang's statement that the real talents are those who persevere in the end."

"Haha, I'm actually more determined now that the three of us can run Jinyi's drama department." Zhang Xian laughed.

"Why did you say that?" Bi Feiyu asked.

"Because the three of us cooperated seamlessly. Didn't you see that the students were both shocked and full of yearning just now? Besides, with you two mascots here, the resistance to teaching will be much less."

Bi Feiyu stared, grabbed Zhang Xian's arm, "Hey, I said Lao Zhang, in your eyes, the two of us are mascots."

Zhang Xian felt the pain and hurriedly said, "Praise, praise, this is a complete compliment."


Fang Tao stood at the gate of Jinyi with a smile on his face. After waiting for more than a month, he finally got his wish and was able to officially enter Jinyi and participate in the activities of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association.

Looking at Jinyi's gate, Fang Tao secretly clenched his fists. He made up his mind that he must achieve great things in the association.

"Hey, I said junior, what are you doing there, hurry up and register."

Fang Tao came back to his senses, saw the president of the Jinling University branch waving at him, and ran over with a smile: "Here we come, senior."

He was admitted to Jinling University. As soon as he entered the school, he joined the Jinling University Branch of Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. Today, the branch president brought him and another new member to visit the headquarters.

After entering the reception room, Fang Tao looked at the layout inside with surprise in his eyes.

This is not a communication room, it is simply a small reading room.

Unlike other reception rooms, there are books everywhere here, mainly various magazines, and they are all recent.

A small blackboard was erected in the middle, on which it was written: Congratulations to Lu Feng for publishing the poem "Fragment" in "Stars".

Next to the blackboard is a notebook with the words "Guide to Masterpieces" written on the cover.

There is a copy of "Resident Evil" on the top of the bookshelf, and next to it is the latest issue of "Star".

Seeing Fang Tao's shining eyes, Uncle Zhou smiled proudly: "Student, this "Resident Evil" is signed by Mr. Yu himself."


The brightness of Fang Tao's eyes suddenly increased, from 20 watts to 40 watts, so bright that it was scary.

Zhu Jing, the branch president next to him, patted Fang Tao on the back of the head: "Look at your ignorance, you are so far away. As long as you behave well, the president will help you apply for an autographed book in the future."

"Thank you, President, I will work hard." Fang Tao said gratefully.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, since you've joined the association, it's nothing to worry about." Zhu Jing pretended to put his hands behind his back, nodded and said, "Let's go in."

After the few people had left, Uncle Zhou looked at their backs and muttered with a smile: "The boy is quite good at pretending. When you came last time, it wasn't much better than this."

Jinyi's campus has no special features, neither grand nor beautiful.However, Fang Tao and another new member looked around as soon as they came in, for fear of missing a little detail.

After walking not far, several people came to the entrance of the government affairs building. Fang Tao saw the big stone standing at the entrance, and ran to him excitedly: "President, is this the wishing stone, the one written in "Lu Xiulan". "

"Isn't that written?"

Zhu Jing pointed to the wooden sign next to the stone. Fang Tao and the others took a closer look and saw that it read: Wishing Stone, in the famous work "Lu Xiulan"...

The wooden sign carefully introduces the origin and allusions of the wishing stone, and also writes the wishing method at the end: when the bright moon is in the sky, touch the stone three times and make a wish.

Too bad it's daytime.

Fang Tao rubbed his hands and asked, "President, have you ever made a wish?"

"Of course, when I was not the president last semester, I came here and made a wish. I hope to become the president and lead our branch to glory. Later, with the blessing of my wish, I finally defeated you, Senior Qi Dongfang, Became the president." Zhu Jing chattered with the two juniors, and then said: "Okay, there will be plenty of time to make a wish in the future. Come with me quickly, the president will be impatient."

In fact, Zhu Jing only came to Jinyi once before.Because he just became the president, the former president came when there were activities before.

And usually it was Qu Aiguo and the others who went to Jinling University, and few members from the branch came over.Because it is not convenient for Jinyi to enter the school, under the influence of the reporters, other people have to register when they come in, and sometimes they can't even register.

Hearing what Zhu Jing said, several people quickened their pace.

But when they arrived at the activity site of the Science Fiction Association, the president, Qu Aiguo, and the others were not there, and only one person stayed behind in the entire activity classroom.

Zhu Jing watched for a while, then walked up to that person: "Student, may I ask President Qu Aiguo, are they here?"

The man closed the book, looked at them with a smile and said, "Qu Aiguo came just now, but the principal has something to do with him, so he just passed by. The vice president, Wang Hailin, should be here soon."

"Oh, okay, thanks."

"Well, you can sit anywhere you want, and you can read all the books here." The man put down the book in his hand, then stood up, "You wait here for a while, I will excuse you first."

"Okay, classmate, you go first."

After this person left, another new member said beside Fang Tao: "I thought he was the president, he looks very temperamental."

"You, you can't judge people by their appearance. Let me tell you, the one who really has temperament is our president. This person is too fair and doesn't have enough momentum." Zhu Jing said with a smile.

Fang Tao and the others became interested, "President, what does the president look like?"

"Our president, at first glance, looks like a big brother. I heard that he is almost thirty. You two little brats, when you see him, you should call him uncle. The president is eight feet long, with a very majestic appearance, and he is different from others. and also."

"Isn't this Zhuge Liang?" Fang Tao asked.

"Nonsense, our president is Kong Ming." Zhu Jing patted Fang Tao's head, "It is said that the president has won two consecutive shot put champions, and his strength is extraordinary."

"Zhu Jing, I've heard you flattering senior brother from afar."

A few people were saying this, Wang Hailin walked in, he looked around, but he didn't see Qu Aiguo, and asked strangely: "Where's senior brother?"

Seeing Wang Hailin, Zhu Jing smiled and introduced to the new member: "This is our President Wang, in our association, one person is under one person and over ten thousand people."

"Nonsense, can our association have 1 people?" Wang Hailin smiled, and Fang Tao and the others said, "You two juniors, welcome, we will be a family in the future, if you need help, just tell me. "

"Hello, President Wang." The two new members shouted obediently.

Wang Hailin nodded, and then asked, "Where's senior brother?"

"He said he went to the principal's office, but he wasn't there when we came. It was a classmate who told us." Zhu Jing explained.

"Classmate? Who is it?" Wang Hailin frowned, "Where are the others?"

"Just left."


Wang Hailin didn't take it seriously. There were so many people in the association, he didn't even bother to think about who that person was.

Then he took a few people from the branch to visit the activity classroom, and told them about the association's constitution and welfare policies.In fact, there was nothing to talk about. Fang Tao and the others had heard Zhu Jing talk about these things before they came.

About half an hour later, Qu Aiguo returned in a hurry. As soon as he entered the classroom, he asked, "Did Brother Dong leave?"

The others were stunned at the same time, "What Dongge?"

"Brother Dong is Teacher Yu. Didn't you see anyone when you came?"

"I see, it's just one..." Zhu Jing was about to describe the person's appearance, and then realized, "President, you mean that person just now is Teacher Yu Dong?"

Qu Aiguo said speechlessly: "Zhu Jing, you also got involved with the president of the branch, haven't you even met Teacher Yu?"

Zhu Jing looked at his two juniors and said awkwardly, "I haven't met them before..."

"Hey, I also said that today's new members are lucky, and I met Brother Dong as soon as I came. I didn't expect that you are really useless, and you don't even know each other in person."


Listening to their conversation, Fang Tao was stunned.

He has been imagining the scene of meeting Yu Dong for the first time, especially after joining the Science Fiction Association, he is preparing to meet Yu Dong all the time.

But he never thought that he would meet Yu Dong in this way.

Fang Tao looked at Zhu Jing, thinking that their president is really unreliable.

Zhu Jing was also blaming himself at this time, he patted his forehead and said: "Oh, I just said how could there be such a classmate with such temperament. When I first met him, I felt that it was unusual, but I really didn't dare Add speculation. Looking back now, I am afraid that only Teacher Yu Dong can have such a detached temperament."

Fang Tao and another new member stood behind trying to hold back their laughter.

They remembered what Zhu Jing said just now.

(End of this chapter)

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