Chapter 219 Jin Yucheng

After Zhu Jing finished talking to Qu Aiguo, Fang Tao approached Qu Aiguo and asked, "President, does Teacher Yu often come to the activity room?"

"Brother Dong doesn't come here much. It happened that the principal was looking for me today, and he came to call me."

In the face of new members, Qu Aiguo has no airs.He is not surprised by Fang Tao's question, because almost every member will ask Yu Dong immediately.

In fact, a large number of people in the association came for Yu Dong.

Although the official has never said that this science fiction association has any relationship with Yu Dong, but from all aspects, the association and Yu Dong are inextricably linked.

The situation at the poetry reading club was the same, so when others mentioned the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association and the Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club, they thought they were founded by Yu Dong.

Seeing that Fang Tao was a little disappointed, Qu Aiguo patted him on the shoulder, smiled and comforted him and said, "It's okay, I will definitely be able to meet Dong Ge by participating in more association activities in the future. In fact, the students in our school are already close to Dong Ge. Immune."

Fang Tao pursed his lips, Qu Aiguo's comfort not only failed to comfort him, but made him feel sour.

"By the way, President, I read the news that Mr. Yu's signing event in Rongcheng was very successful. Do you think he will also hold a signing event in Jinling?" Fang Tao asked another question that he was very concerned about. question.

Qu Aiguo shook his head and said, "Who knows, but don't worry, as long as you perform well, there will definitely be signed books. Let me tell you, I have several signed books by Brother Dong, like "The Last "The City", "Resident Evil", and several magazines where he published novels. They are all in my drawer, and they are all very special autographs, basically each one has a gift."

Wang Hailin on the side smiled strangely when he heard Qu Aiguo's words.He had seen the signed books in Qu Aiguo's collection, and indeed, as he said, almost every book had a gift, but none of the words were very pleasant.

Qu Aiguo once begged Yu Dong for an autograph with "The Last City". I.

Fang Tao also laughed, but very bitterly. He always felt that President Qu did it on purpose.

This is not comforting, it's obviously just showing off, okay?


When Yu Dong returned to the dormitory, Bi Feiyu was walking out with the quilt in his arms, and his wife Fu Jing followed, carrying a bundle of books.

"sister in law……"

Yu Dong was about to say hello, but Bi Feiyu stuffed the quilt into his arms: "It's okay now, stretch your hands. It's evil, it happened that when I moved, neither of you could find anyone."

"Who told you not to tell me in advance?" Yu Dong threw the quilt up and asked, "Uncle Zhou has a cart, why don't you borrow it?"

Bi Feiyu said unexpectedly: "Where is Uncle Zhou still a cart?"

"It's been there for a long time, fire extinguisher, cart, ladder, everything. The cart and ladder are at the back of the reception room, don't you know?"

"I didn't pay attention." Bi Feiyu shook his head.

Fu Jing gave Bi Feiyu a white look, and scolded: "I told you that your life is muddled, but you still don't believe it. Yu Dong didn't come a few days earlier than you, and the school situation is much more familiar than you."

"Yes, he came a few days earlier than me, and he has developed a partner in school. Do I want to learn too?" After Bi Feiyu said this, he had already taken several steps forward and quickly fled the battlefield, " Old Yu, let's go, let's borrow a scooter."

"Then this quilt?"

"Hold it over here, it doesn't weigh much."

Yu Dong didn't listen to him, put the quilt in his room first, and then ran to borrow a scooter with him.Fu Jing couldn't see it, and said, "Yu Dong, don't listen to him, just let him borrow the scooter by himself."

"That trolley is hanging on the wall, so it's really hard for one person to handle it. Let's borrow something, and it's not easy for the doorman to help."

Yu Dong said with a smile, and followed Bi Feiyu's footsteps.

When the two borrowed a scooter to go back, Liu Changmin and Feng Ming also came back, and Bi Feiyu made a big move: "It's just in time, move me."

Liu Changmin and the others had just come back, and they were called to do coolies before returning to the house. Naturally, they were reluctant and cursed, but they still ran over to help.

The school apartment is not far from the bachelor's dormitory, and Bi Feiyu doesn't have many things, so a few people pull a cart and get it done.

The condition of the apartment is average, with two bedrooms, one living room and one kitchen, cement floor, and whitewashed walls.

However, compared with the single apartment, the conditions here are much better. What Liu Changmin and the others envy most is that there is running water in it.

After moving to a new house, Bi Feiyu was also very happy, and said very generously: "If you want to improve the food in the future, just come here."

Fu Jing is also a straightforward person, nodded and said: "What he said is also what I want to say. I am very grateful to you for taking care of him here before. Come over more often when you have nothing to do. You are welcome."

Everyone said a few words politely, and then they said goodbye together. Bi Feiyu and his wife just moved here, and they had nothing, so it was not easy to start a fire, so they agreed to have time to come over for dinner next weekend.

After coming out of the apartment, Liu Changmin has been preoccupied.

Yu Dong and Feng Ming didn't ask, they both knew what Liu Changmin was thinking.

He came many years earlier than Bi Feiyu, but he is still living in the single dormitory. The school's apartment is tight for dual-careers to come first, so he has not been in the queue.

Seeing that Bi Feiyu lived in now, he felt a little bit lost, this is human nature.

However, Yu Dong knew that this situation would not last for too long, and it would not be long before Liu Changmin could live in an apartment.In the past few years, Jinyi will build a new apartment, and many teachers who meet the conditions will be able to share an apartment.


After dinner in the evening, Yu Dong was about to sit down and conceive a new book, when Feng Ming and He Yu came over and dragged him to play cards.

"Old Bi is gone, you have to step up." Feng Ming said.

"Yeah, how long has it been since you played cards with us?" He Yu said.

He Yu's tone of resentment when he said this made Yu Dong get goosebumps all over his body.

Unable to resist the two of them, Yu Dong could only let them go, "Okay, but only play for two hours at most, it is now 07:30, and it will end at 09:30 at the latest."

"That's enough." Feng Ming said with a smile, "Which time we don't end at ninety o'clock? Besides, tomorrow is Monday, and everyone has classes. If you want to play later, we won't accompany you."

Yu Dong sat down and played with them for a while. It has to be said that after a long time of hard practice, these players' card skills are no longer at the rookie level of those days.

In addition, Yu Dong himself has been neglecting to practice, and he has gradually felt a little strenuous when playing with them.

After playing for less than half an hour, when the battle was in full swing, Bi Feiyu tiptoed in with a slipper on.

When they saw Bi Feiyu coming, they were all surprised: "You guys just moved, why are you here now?"

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "After dragging for a long time, my arm hurts. Fu Jing is cleaning up the kitchen. I'll come over and take a look."

"You're really lazy." Feng Ming teased.

"What laziness, you can't say that a person who has been procrastinating for a long time is lazy, it's very immoral, you know?"

With that said, Bi Feiyu stretched out his head to look at Yu Dong's cards again, "Are you tired, may I help you for a while?"

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong knew he was addicted to poker.During the two months of summer vacation, Liu Changmin and the others were not there, and Bi Feiyu couldn't get any cards to play, so he couldn't stand it any longer.

After school started, they would get together almost every night, as if to make up for the game that fell behind in the previous two months.

"As for playing cards, you are very kind-hearted and willing to help others." Yu Dong handed the cards to him with a smile: "It's just right, I still have some things to do, so come on."

If Yu Dong wanted to leave, it didn't matter to the others, as long as there were enough people playing cards.

Back in his room, Yu Dong took out a pen and paper, ready to conceive the new book "Deep Space".

The text of the book has not been written at all, and Yu Dong has been thinking about the blight for the past few days.

The wilt is a setting in "Interstellar". Yu Dong wanted to use it, but was worried that some readers would not accept it.

It's just that he thought for a long time, but he couldn't find a more reasonable setting, so that the earth was in a state of near destruction, but many things could function normally.

Recently, he looked through a lot of biological and agricultural materials, and found that the blight is actually possible, but it requires a lot of conditions, and it is very coincidental.

But if the blight comes true, some kind of chlorophyll-destroying pathogen appears, and photosynthesis slowly stops as the plant dies...

Things slowly get complicated.

In the version of "Deep Space" written by Yu Dong, the setting of blight was directly applied without much explanation, because he wrote that book based on "Interstellar" as a template, and the setting of blight was already used. The setting of illness is treated as a well-known setting by the public.

But now, there is no "Interstellar Crossing" in this world. If he wants to use this setting, he must write it in detail so that readers can understand it.

Recently, there have been many scientific books in Yu Dong's room.

After graduating from high school, he has not been exposed to this kind of knowledge for a long time, and the knowledge he wants to study now is much more advanced than what he learned in high school.

He began to miss the Internet era. With the Internet, at least it will save a lot of effort to learn new knowledge. Many materials that cannot be found in the library can be found on the Internet.

It's just that the conditions are like this now, and he can only come step by step.


On Monday morning, Yu Dong received a call from Cheng Yongxing.

As soon as the call was connected, Cheng Yongxing complained to Yu Donghao.

"Tell me, if I don't call you, can't you take the initiative to call me? Your school is on vacation for summer. I thought you would come to the club to have a look."

Yu Dong replied with a smile: "I wrote back to Wang Yu before."

"Wang Yu is Wang Yu... I heard from Wang Yu that you have a novel, but it is too long to publish in "Harvest". What is the situation now? Did you find "Contemporary"?"

"Well, it has been given to "Contemporary", and it is said that it will come out in November."

"Since it's decided, that's good. Although we can't accept it this time because it's too long, but if you have a long story in the future, you can also show it to us. Maybe you can publish it too, right? At worst, it will be serialized a few more times. Since we can serialize two issues, we can also serialize four or five issues... If not, when the time is right, we will also open a feature-length issue.”

"Okay, I'll make a note of it." Yu Dong smiled, and then asked: "Do you want to show the science fiction to you too?"

Yu Dong was just joking, but Cheng Yongxing said, "Science fiction is fine, and you won't suffer from it if you look at it."


"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. There is an editor of "Shanghai Literature" who is going to Jinling on business. He came to me and asked for your contact information. I'll ask you what you mean and if you want to meet. Go You may have heard the name of the official editor, Jin Yucheng, who has also published many articles in "Harvest."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes, unexpectedly it was Jin Yucheng who came.

Later, Jin Yucheng became famous because of "Prosperity", but now he is considered a minor celebrity, and frequently publishes novels on "Harvest".

And the novel "Bird in the Wind" previously published in "Shanghai Literature" also won the "Shanghai Literature" award.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "It's okay, don't talk about anything else, since we are all fellow villagers, we should meet each other."

Cheng Yongxing smiled and said: "Since you agreed, I will give him your contact information later. I am worried that you will not agree. They are all brother units, so it is really hard to refuse."

"It's okay, you can give it to him."


After hanging up on Cheng Yongxing, about half an hour later, the phone rang again.

"Hello, is this Teacher Yu Dong?"

"Yes, I am Yu Dong, and you are Teacher Jin Yucheng, right?"

"Yes, I'm Jin Yucheng. Editor-in-chief Cheng told you that I'm going to Jinling in the next two days. I hope I can pay you a visit. I don't know if it's convenient."

"It's convenient, just tell me the specific time before you come. By the way, do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, no, I still have some tasks assigned by the society. I have to get things done before I can pass. This time, I mainly want to meet with you, Teacher Yu. It's hard to go to Jinling. So I went out of my way to ask Editor-in-Chief Cheng for a phone number..."

Yu Dong didn't expect Jin Yucheng to be quite nagging, and he talked endlessly, and listening to him was like listening to those old men and aunts chatting in the alley, and the things he said were very trivial.

He spoke slowly and not loudly.

If Cheng Yongxing's speech was like a cannonball, then Jin Yucheng's speech was like a repeating pistol with a silencer, beeping endlessly.

After hanging up his phone, Yu Dong felt a little dazed in his head and ears.Although Jin Yucheng didn't speak fast, but the rhythm was constant, making it difficult for people to get in the conversation.

This is still a phone call, Jin Yucheng has to consider the phone bill, if it is a face-to-face chat... Yu Dong really can't imagine the scene at that time.

He looked at the phone and thought about it, and decided to call Bi Feiyu when the time came.

(End of this chapter)

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