Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 220 Jumps and Fine Chapters

Chapter 220 Jumps and Details

When Jin Yucheng arrived at Jinyi, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu were busy with the sports meeting, and the school will hold this year's autumn sports meeting in more than a week.

Because the school has developed well in the past two years and the number of students has increased, Wu Changxin said at the meeting that it must be more lively.The first thing to change is the medals. The medals in the previous school sports games were small and ugly, and the quality was so poor that some students were too embarrassed to wear them around their necks.

This year, the school allocated special funds to produce a batch of very high-quality medals. The finished products have arrived at the school, and Yu Dong has also seen them. They really look good.

This year's opening ceremony was also different from usual. In addition to the entrance ceremony, the school also planned a half-hour performance program, which was recommended by each college and selected based on merit.

However, each school is different, and the recommended programs are mainly concentrated in the music school and dance courses.

The Academy of Fine Arts actually recommended some programs, and they went back and forth, and finally pushed a cooperation program with the Academy of Music, which can be regarded as participation.

Gongmei 91 is a weak sports class. For two consecutive years, it has only relied on Qu Aiguo's gold medal in the shot put event to hide its embarrassment.And now the shot put competition is getting bigger and bigger. Last year, Qu Aiguo almost lost the gold.

At the mobilization meeting, Yu Dongyu cheered up the students earnestly, "This year, a discus was added to the field competition. Everyone is not familiar with the new event. If you practice it when you are free, you are still very hopeful to win the card. Also, last year Didn’t Li Lu run No.3000 in the women’s 4 meters? This year, work hard to get into the top three, as long as you get into the top three, you will create the history of our Gongmei 91.”

Li Lu expressed a lot of pressure: "Teacher Yu, this year we are juniors, and we are in Group A. It will not be easy to maintain last year's results and finish fourth."

"Yeah, Brother Dong, I think it's better to keep the gold medal in shot put first. Apart from this, we can also win the opening ceremony. Didn't we do a good job in the opening ceremony last year?"

"Yes, yes, the opening ceremony is very exciting, and our ideas this year will definitely surprise everyone."

"That must be."

"This year, our phalanx won't even win an award."

When it comes to the phalanx, Yu Dong gets angry.

When school first started, Qu Aiguo and Li Huixiang ran up to him with "Resident Evil" and asked a lot of questions about the image of zombies.

Yu Dong didn't take it seriously at the time, he just thought they were interested in the novel.

When setting up the square formation a few days ago, he realized that the few of them were holding back nothing.The reason why they asked about the image of the zombies was to line up a "zombie dance" during the opening ceremony.

When he found Qu Aiguo, this guy was setting his makeup, and his face was red and white.

They also researched a set of zombie movements based on the novel, and decomposed these movements one by one into nondescript dances.Recently, the students in the class have been practicing this zombie dance.

Yu Dong originally wanted to persuade them to change to a positive phalanx, but later saw that everyone's participation was quite high, so he didn't say anything else.

It's just that Yu Dong sternly rejected Qu Aiguo's proposal of "zombies and zombie wars".

In Qu Aiguo's proposal, in addition to everyone in the big square being dressed as zombies, a few more people would be asked to pretend to be zombies, the kind of zombies wearing official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty.Then the two zombies start a chasing battle with traditional zombies, enriching the elements of zombie dance.

Of course, Yu Dong couldn't agree to such an evil proposal.

When it comes to the square formation at the opening ceremony, Bi Feiyu has more headaches than Yu Dong.

Although drama creation is an art major like other majors, the class is full of young literary and artistic youths, who really have no specialties. Could it be possible to send two people to read poems at that time?

Not to mention whether poetry recitation is good or not, their vocal music department is much better than them in this regard.

If it was in other schools, it would be fine to just form a square formation honestly, there is no need to engage in those bells and whistles, but Jinyi has this tradition, and in the past two years, all majors have attached great importance to the opening ceremony, and they are all trying Have fun.

In fact, it is very reasonable for everyone to attach importance to the opening ceremony. The main task of the students is to learn, but such group activities can especially stimulate students' creative enthusiasm, expand their thinking, and can also unite the students.

When Bi Feiyu was watching the students experimenting with the phalanx on the playground, she was dragged away by Yu Dong.

"Why, didn't you see that I was busy with business?"

"What's the use of staring at you? Give the students some room to play freely."

"You don't feel back pain when you stand and talk. I have two shifts in my hands, and there is only more than a week left before the opening ceremony. Up to now, I haven't decided on a square formation yet."

"I'll give you some advice later." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Bi Feiyu looked at Yu Dong: "Really?"


"That's something useful, don't fool me."

"Don't worry."

Jin Yucheng had already arrived at the dormitory. When Yu Dong and the others returned, he was staring at the vegetable garden in a daze.

Yu Dong had never seen such a young Jin Yucheng, but he recognized him at a glance.

Jin Yucheng's hair is thick—but only on the top of the head, and only a few sparse hairs are left in the middle to fight tenaciously.

"Teacher Jin Yucheng."

Yu Dong approached and shouted with a smile. Jin Yucheng looked away from the vegetable garden, turned to look at Yu Dong and the others, and then showed a surprised expression, "Teacher Yu Dong, hello, hello, who is this?"

Bi Feiyu took the initiative to shake hands with Jin Yucheng, and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Bi Feiyu."

Hearing that it was Bi Feiyu, Jin Yucheng was even more surprised, "I was talking about how to visit you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door."

This was said bluntly, but it was also interesting. The three of them smiled, and Yu Dong invited him into the room.

As soon as he entered the house, Jin Yucheng first talked about the vegetable garden, "I think this vegetable garden is very interesting. Are there any vegetables grown by you two?"

But it didn't mean Dong and the others answered, and then he said another thing: "When I came here, I saw that the school was very lively, and it seemed that there was going to be a sports meeting. You must be very busy recently, right?"

Yu Dong had known Jin Yucheng's chatting style for a long time, so he didn't take it seriously, but Bi Feiyu was surprised.

Bi Feiyu had seen Jin Yucheng's works, and he wasn't very impressed, but when he came here, Yu Dongyi reminded him, and he still remembered it.But no matter how the work is, the way this person speaks is special enough, and it is very jumpy.

Two questions, Bi Feiyu chose the latter one to answer: "It's not too busy, the main thing is that there are snacks for the opening ceremony. I heard from Yu Dong that Editor Jin went to Jinling for business, and things are going well?"

"It went well." Jin Yucheng nodded, "It ended half a day earlier than I expected. I originally told Teacher Yu that I would come tomorrow morning, but I came early. It was presumptuous. In fact, the reason why I came here was also because of Wang Anyi before. The teacher mentioned two. I have a set of hair cutting tools, which are kept in the closet of the editorial department. I met you in Jinling before we talked..."

Although Jin Yucheng's speech is esoteric, he likes to talk about details. Even if ordinary people insist on talking about haircuts, most of them will not deliberately mention details such as "the hairdressing tools are in the closet of the editorial department". come out.

 Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 2000 tip
  Thank you [Molu Lishang] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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