Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 221 Melting into one body

Chapter 221

While pouring tea, Yu Dong listened to Jin Yucheng's talk. Jin Yucheng probably didn't know that his current speaking style had a great influence on his future works.

The language style of "Flowers" has something in common with the current Jin Yucheng's speaking style, that is, there is no place from beginning to end where a sentence can be broken into a full stop, but it seems that every sentence can be broken into a full stop.

When elementary school students are learning composition, the teacher always tells them not to always "fun to the end".

But Jin Yucheng likes to do it this way, he always uses a lot of commas, and he doesn't like to divide into paragraphs, he always squeezes a large paragraph together.

After Jin Yucheng took Yu Dong's tea, he said thank you, and continued, "When I was in the editorial department..."

After talking for a while, he finally got back to business: "I'm here this time, and I actually want to ask the two of you for a draft."

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu heaved a sigh of relief, and now they can finally talk.

"Shanghai Literature" has its own characteristics in receiving manuscripts. Before the 90s, they were famous for their two banners of "short stories within [-] characters" and "novels for new citizens".

At first glance, it sounds like avant-garde literature, but it is actually different from avant-garde literature.

In recent years, everyone who writes novels focuses on storytelling and begins to ignore textuality. "Shanghai Literature" follows the trend, but still retains some of its own style.

Yu Dong didn't have any short stories recently, so he looked at Bi Feiyu, and the latter smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled: "I haven't had any new manuscripts recently, so I'm afraid I'll disappoint you."

"It's okay, I don't think there are manuscripts now, I just want you to remember me when you have manuscripts. If "Harvest" and "Zhongshan" can be published, we can basically do so."

"Of course it's no problem." Yu Dong nodded, "I've been to the Writers' Association several times before, but I haven't visited your editorial department. I will definitely go there next time."

"Our editorial department is much more chaotic than that of "Harvest". There are mixed fish and dragons. If you are lucky, you may even meet a qigong master."

Yu Dong had heard from Wang Yu about the situation. In fact, "Harvest" was not much better. In recent years, several of their editorial departments have suffered from the same situation.

There are all kinds of people, some are contributing articles, some are borrowing phone numbers, and some old military doctors and old Chinese doctors want to post advertisements.There are also many business talks, but most of them are liars. These days, liars are so bold that even public institutions dare to go in.But maybe in their eyes, what they are doing is a real business, not necessarily a lie.

For example, some so-called "intermediaries" would go to the editorial department to persuade the editor-in-chief to compose the "Deeds of Advanced Entrepreneurs", and generously threatened to provide materials and manuscripts without charging any fees.

Naturally, the editors in the editorial department knew their little jiujiu.The so-called remuneration has already been collected from those "entrepreneurs", and they can just find someone to write a few more manuscripts and send them out.

This kind of wishful thinking is fine in general tabloid headlines, but not in front of magazines like "Harvest" and "Shanghai Literature".

Jin Yucheng left soon. He declined Yu Dong's offer to invite him to dinner, saying that he would visit Su Tong again, and Yu Dong also made a phone call for him to confirm that Su Tong was in the club.

After Jin Yucheng left, Bi Feiyu sighed and said, "Do all of you Shanghainese talk like this?"

Yu Dong asked back, "Is that what I said?"

Bi Feiyu meditated: "The problem is that I can't figure out who is different between you and Jin Yucheng."

"Is that what Wang Anyi said?"

"It's between the two of you... Maybe you are more inclined." After saying this, Bi Feiyu grabbed Yu Dong's shoulder, "Don't forget, you said you wanted to give me an idea."

Yu Dong shrank his shoulders, but without taking them out of Bi Feiyu's clutches, he smiled and said, "Let me think about it."

"Think about it now, I'll wait."

Yu Dong sighed, it seemed that he didn't want to give Bi Feiyu an idea, and he couldn't get away today.

After rolling his eyes and thinking for a while, Yu Dong said, "Why don't you learn from other people's music department and organize some kind of band to sing and play musical instruments."

Bi Feiyu said speechlessly: "What kind of band can I form in my two classes? It's not that there are no musical instruments, but as far as I know, there are basically three musical instruments, erhu, harmonica, and guitar, and the level is not very good. .”

"Foreign help, didn't Feng Ming and his partner Wu Aiyuan play the pipa for their class last year? Today they don't play instruments, and she happens to be free. If you invite her, she must be embarrassed to refuse." Yu Dong suggested.

Bi Feiyu thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "This is also a way..."

Seeing that his hand was loose, Yu Dong ran away, "I still have some things to do, the lock is on the door, remember to lock the door for me."


More than a week later, the Gold Arts Games was held as scheduled.

After the half-hour opening performance, the phalanx of each class began to enter the arena.Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu, two more "favored" counselors, were also invited to the rostrum and got a seat in the second row.

Yu Dong looked at the phalanx of Gongmei 91 from a distance. The students were all standing obediently, and each of them was wearing a hat. From the rostrum, they really couldn't see anything.

Behind Gongmei 91 is the phalanx of Xichuang 92, which looks nothing special from a distance, but there is a float in the middle, and there is no one on the float at the moment.

Yu Dong asked Bi Feiyu gossipingly: "What's the situation in Xichuang 92? You really hired Teacher Wu? Why hasn't she got in the car yet?"

"I guess they haven't come yet." Bi Feiyu said lightly, "It's still early for their turn."

Yu Dong curled his lips and didn't ask any more questions. During this time, Bi Feiyu was very secretive. Every time he was asked what program he had, he refused to tell.Yu Dong asked Feng Ming last time, but Feng Ming couldn't explain clearly.

After the phalanx officially started to leave, Yu Dong saw a lot of people on the float at Xichuang 92, everyone was holding musical instruments, but the distance was a bit far, and Yu Dong couldn't see who was there.

But this situation is really scary.

"Didn't you invite a band from outside?" Yu Dong asked.

"Don't say it, don't say it." Bi Feiyu pretended to be profound.

After a while, the phalanx of Xichuang 92 got closer, Yu Dong noticed something was wrong, the people in this car seemed familiar... I went, it turned out to be Cheng Yanqiu and the others.

Cheng Yanqiu was in position c, and next to him was Wu Aiyuan and several other teachers from the conservatory that Yu Dong had met. There were about seven or eight of them, and each of them had a musical instrument in their hands, including a violin, flute, and trumpet... Cheng Yanqiu held it in his hand. violin.

Can she play the violin?
Seeing Yu Dong's surprised expression, Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "How about it, it's quite impressive."

"Old Bi, why did you call Cheng Yanqiu too?"

"Isn't it your suggestion?" Bi Feiyu asked back.

"I asked you to invite Wu Aiyuan."

"It's not enough to invite one, if you want to do it, just show some momentum."

"You're wrong, what kind of band does your drama creation class run, it doesn't conform to your professional characteristics."

"I didn't think it was right before, but then I thought about it. The drama creation class is a new major, and it is the school's baby bump. It needs the caring care of other majors to thrive." Bi Feiyu patted Yu Dong on the shoulder: " Brother and sister, you should be the first to contribute to this battle. Not only did you make contributions, but your younger siblings also helped you with all your strength. My younger siblings are really loyal. When I asked her for help, she agreed without saying a word. Your sister-in-law cooks a few dishes and rewards you, haha."


In fact, Bi Feiyu has no objection to forming a band with Yu Dong. The key is that their Xichuang 92 is just behind Gongmei 91...

The phalanx continued to march, and soon arrived at Gongmei 91.

After the announcer finished reporting the slogan of Gongmei 91, the students all took off their hats, and then one by one, they became grim.

Not only are their faces ferocious, but their bodies are also twisted, and they move forward neatly at an irregular pace.

The announcer read the design inspiration of this phalanx: "Gongmei 91, they use very modern color matching, seek fusion with fear and horror, novel action design, and..."

The phalanx of Gongmei 91 is actually quite good, at least it is very novel.

It's just that after the Xichuang 92 band behind them took part in the battle, everything became different.

A passionate "Entrance March" resounded throughout the playground, while the "zombie" team in front was still performing ecstatically. The two teams went one behind the other, and it looked as if the band behind was playing with passionate music. Drive away the zombies ahead.

The two phalanxes seemed to be one, forming a complete program called "Holy Voice Exorcising Ghosts".

(End of this chapter)

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