Chapter 222 Game
"My dear brother, my dear brother!"

Bi Feiyu patted Yu Dong's shoulder vigorously, "You have paid too much for my brother."

Zhang Xian was sitting on the other side. He was concentrating on watching the performance, when he suddenly heard Bi Feiyu's words, he asked with a smile, "So it was really specially designed? I thought it was a coincidence. Old Yu, you really paid a lot this time." , our drama department will remember."

Yu Dong didn't bother to talk to them.

He was staring at Cheng Yanqiu on the float, this was the first time he saw Cheng Yanqiu playing the violin - in fact, he didn't see Cheng Yanqiu playing other instruments except the piano.

And the song he played in the piano room last time, he still doesn't know the name of it.

Cheng Yanqiu wore a black dress today, with long hair and shawls. Unlike usual, she looked very elegant today.She doesn't usually wear such clothes. She still remembers the first time she was reborn and saw her, when she was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a plaid shirt on her upper body.

The phalanx of Xichuang 92 walked for a long time, because a bunch of people on the float had to perform, so they couldn’t go too fast for fear of affecting them.

The whole distance was 90 meters, and it took more than three minutes to walk, and the next phalanx did not come out until the whole piece of music was played.The main reason is that Xichuang 92's team is too big, and it will be very disadvantageous if you keep close.

Following them, it is easy to be mistaken for an entourage.

The teachers on the rostrum applauded one after another, and Wu Changxin turned to look at Bi Feiyu: "Feiyu, you performed well this time."

Bi Feiyu said modestly, "It's all thanks to the great help of my colleagues in the music department. I'm ashamed to say that, but the phalanx of our play creation did not show our professional characteristics."

Wu Changxin waved his hand with a smile: "The drama creation has always suffered a disadvantage in this respect, so we can't be too demanding. Besides, the opening ceremony didn't say that it must show professional characteristics. The main purpose is to mobilize the students and present the effect. Good. In addition, being able to invite foreign aid is also considered a skill."

"make persistent efforts."

After Wu Changxin turned his head, Cai Jingmin turned his head again: "Mr. Bi, this time you pulled half of our conservatory over."

"Thank you, thank you." Bi Feiyu thanked repeatedly.

Cai Jingmin smiled and said: "This is a good thing. If there are other activities in the future, we can also invite some teachers and students from our department."



After the opening ceremony was over, Yu Bi Feiyu went to thank the teachers of the Conservatory of Music, and Yu Dong followed suit.

Yu Dong pulled Cheng Yanqiu aside: "Comrade Luoluo, you have done a good job of keeping secrets, and I don't even know anything about it."

"Teacher Bi kept it a secret. He said he wanted to surprise you."

"It's a pleasant surprise." Yu Dong took the violin from Cheng Yanqiu's hand and tried to play it a couple of times. The sound was so bad that he couldn't stand it. "Aren't you majoring in piano and minoring in flute and cello? How can you know how to play the violin? "

"I know a lot of instruments, but most of them are amateur level."

"The violin is also an amateur level?"

"Slightly better than amateur."

These words were quite embarrassing. Just as Yu Dong wanted to hurt her, Qu Aiguo and the others came over wearing makeup, and asked Yu Dong for credit with a smile: "Brother Dong, the performance just now was not bad."

Yu Dongbai glanced at them, pointed to Bi Feiyu who was not far away, and said, "Well, yes, especially Mr. Bi, I like your works very much, and I want to thank you in person. Go talk to him. .”

Qu Aiguo and the others don't know why, even if they like it very much, why should they thank them?
But they went anyway.

After they left, Cheng Yanqiu leaned in front of Yu Dong, "I have something to tell you."

She was a little shy, and she still grabbed Yu Dong's clothes with her hands.Yu Dong smiled and said, "Comrade Luoluo, isn't this your style?"

"My parents would like to invite you to our house as a guest."

"That's it?"

"Well, that's it." Cheng Yanqiu nodded, and then said: "No, what do you mean by that? Are you really not nervous at all?"

"What's there to be nervous about? On the specific day, I'll buy some gifts in advance and take them there. Your dad likes to drink, so it's easy to handle. I'll just go and buy two bottles of good wine. As for your mother, isn't it the beginning of autumn? Go buy a silk scarf for auntie, and buy some nutritional supplements..."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with piercing eyes: "Why do I feel that you are very familiar with this kind of thing, have you done it before?"

Yu Dong quickly waved his hand: "No, absolutely not. I did this entirely out of respect for the elders. Even if they are not my future father-in-law and mother-in-law, but just visit ordinary elders, I will do the same."

Hearing Yu Dong mention "future father-in-law and mother-in-law", Cheng Yanqiu blushed: "Don't yell."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Isn't that right, isn't Jinling called father-in-law and mother-in-law? Or should I call you parents? It doesn't matter to me, do as the Romans do, then I'll turn around..."

"I won't tell you anymore." Cheng Yanqiu snatched the violin from Dong's hand, ran two steps and then turned around and said, "My mother told you to come over at noon the day after tomorrow, don't forget."

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu panicking in the crowd, Yu Dong found it quite interesting.

Bi Feiyu came over and waved his hand in front of Yudong: "Don't look, everyone has disappeared. Look at you, you are so stupid. I think back then, when I was dating your sister-in-law, then I have always been calm. Between a man and a woman, love is necessary, but there must also be a game. In the game, we can win the rights of gay men. Like you, you must be a strict wife in the future. No It is not good to say that a wife is strictly controlled, but being under control for a long time is not good for the relationship between husband and wife..."

Yu Dong glanced at Bi Feiyu: "I hear what you mean, you have the upper hand in the game between you and your sister-in-law?"

"That's not true." Bi Feiyu raised her head, "Our family, I still have the final say...Of course, sometimes you see me being scolded by your sister-in-law, but it's actually my strategy. Let her take advantage of her mouth, I Can't you get benefits? For example, I'm lazy, she can only talk about it, am I still lazy?"

Yu Dong gave a thumbs up: "Excellent."

"It's okay, it's okay, but it's enough for you to learn."

"I mean, you have a knack for deceiving yourself and others. It's amazing."


"Deep Space" has made some progress recently, but Yu Dong still put on the shell of "Interstellar", changing the story to China, and at the same time lengthening the timeline.

The beginning of the story was arranged by Yu Dong in the early 21st century. The protagonists are a pair of brothers. The elder brother is 12 years old and the younger brother is [-] years old. After seeing the successful launch of domestic spacecraft, the brothers became very interested in spaceflight.

In the following ten years, the development of science and technology on the earth has entered the fast lane, and people's exploration of space has also entered a very hot stage.

And the dreams of the two brothers also came true. The elder brother became an astronaut, and the younger brother became a researcher of the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

But a disaster changed everything. Fusarium wilt spread rapidly around the world, and there were fewer and fewer crops that could be harvested. People began to face the problem of famine again, and the population was also rapidly decreasing.

According to calculations, in another 40 years, human beings will cease to exist.

The previous large number of space programs were almost all stopped, leaving only a small part to continue. As an astronaut, my elder brother returned to work in a newly established local agricultural institution and got married because he had studied agricultural machinery.

Later, the plot was almost the same as "Interstellar Crossing". In order to save mankind, the elder brother joined the plan to go to space. After experiencing several planets, he entered the "box" and saw the past. He used gravity to remind the younger brother to tell himself not to leave.

This is different from the movie. In the movie, when the protagonist was leaving, his daughter told him the reminder of "stay", but he didn't listen to it at the time, but he still gave the reminder of "stay".But in "Deep Space", the protagonist has never heard his brother mention this before, so after giving a reminder later, he thought he would change history.

But history has not been changed, because the younger brother did not tell the elder brother about it.

Because the protagonist later got the data and found that human beings can be saved, and gave another reminder to his younger brother, telling him not to block himself.

Because of these two different reminders, the younger brother lived in pain all his life, and when the protagonist came back, the younger brother and his wife were already dead.

In addition, Yu Dong is not going to give any explanation for the existence of the wormhole, and readers can guess as they please.

But there are still many things he wants to explain, such as black holes, wormholes, and high-dimensional spaces.

Unlike movies, novels need to use a lot of information to explain the background setting, especially the one about gravity and high-dimensional space. He made some supplements by referring to the movies and combining them with the books he read recently.

However, he also minimized these materials and explained that the readability of science fiction should be the first priority. If too much scientific data is written, it will greatly reduce the interest of readers.

In addition, it is science fiction itself, no matter how much data is written, there is no way to make it a popular science book, and it is impossible to dispel readers' doubts.

Yu Dong can imagine that many people will definitely question why the protagonist can change the past, and why the high-dimensional space can change time...

When "Closed Loop" came out, a bunch of people questioned that time cannot be turned upside down. If the previous things didn't happen, how could the latter things happen.

In fact, the biggest advantage of the novel "Deep Space" is that readers do not have an intuitive understanding of what a black hole looks like, but Yu Dong has seen pictures of black holes and Gene Thorpe's calculation model.

It can be said that, at least in this era, no one has created a black hole that is closer to the appearance of a real black hole than the black hole he described.

In addition to black holes, Yu Dong also surpassed others in describing wormholes. He had read Keene Thorpe's "Interstellar" commentary book before.So even if this novel may not be popular now, it will definitely be popular in the future, because these two elements are completely sufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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