Chapter 223
The length of "Deep Space" is not short. Yu Dong plans to write about 40 words. Now he writes about seven or eight thousand words every day. Sometimes he may not be able to write so much when he is busy with work.

Calculated, this novel will take about two months to finish.

He planned to wait until half of the book was finished, and asked Yu Yu to send the manuscript to Rongcheng to see if it would be serialized this time.After all, the length is too long, and "Science Fiction World" may not be able to bear it.

The school sports meeting lasts two days in total, excluding the opening ceremony, it is only one and a half days.

In the evening of the next day, Qu Aiguo went to Yu Dong to report the situation.

"Brother Dong, luckily, we won three cards this year, setting a record for Gongmei 91."

He bent down and lowered his head, pretending to present the three medals.

"What a strange look." Yu Dong took the medals and looked at them. There were two field medals, one gold, one bronze, and one track bronze.

In fact, Yu Dong knew the result, and he paid attention to the whole process. Their class performed exceptionally this year, winning bronze medals in the women's 3000 meters and women's discus throw respectively.

Yu Dong also went to watch the women's discus throw. There were only a few people participating in this event. There were only about ten people in total, and half of them couldn't even throw the discus to the front.

The remaining five or six people pecked at each other, and finally Yang Xiuyun of their class won the bronze medal with a slight advantage.

"It's a pity for women's discus." Qu Aiguo sighed, "Yang Xiuyun's result is only about [-] centimeters away from the championship. If I had brought her to practice earlier, I would definitely win the championship."

"Don't be an afterthought. Now that the sports meeting is over, you have to calm down. Now that you are in the third grade, you should think about some things carefully. Is there any student in the class who is going to take the postgraduate entrance examination? If so, you must start preparing now gone."

"Li Huixiang said that he is going to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but I haven't heard anything about it. I'll count it later to see which students are going to take the exam." Qu Aiguo rubbed his hands, "Brother Dong, there is one more thing I need to ask you for instructions."

"What's the matter?" Yu Dong returned the medal to Qu Aiguo.

Qu Aiguo took the medal and said with a smile: "That's right, the students who won the medals, should the class give some extra prizes to encourage them?"

"Do you still want to ask me about this? Didn't you handle it in previous years? Follow the old rules."

"Brother Dong, this old practice is easy to follow. In the past two years, we distributed notebooks and pens, but now everyone's vision is getting higher and higher, and they can't get motivated to distribute notebooks and pens."

"Didn't you win the award alone in previous years? Didn't you get the notebook or the pen?"

"Yes, I was the only one who won the medal in previous years, so it doesn't matter if I hand out something. This year is different, and two students also won the medal. It's such a happy thing, it's nothing to give them notebooks and pens. But if It’s not good to send some expensive things, the class fee is handed over by everyone, and it’s not much at first, if I spend too much on it, I’m afraid people’s hearts will be disturbed.”

Yu Dong turned around, looked at Qu Aiguo, and asked him with interest: "Then what do you want to do when you come to me, let me solve the problem of funding for you, or let me think of a plan for you that doesn't cost money and is cheap?" Doesn't look like a cheap prize?"

"Hey, not at all. Brother Dong, I've already thought about it for you, why don't you give each of the award-winning classmates a signed book."

"Then do you want to divide it into different levels, three books for gold medals, two books for silver medals, and one for bronze medals?"

"That's a good thing." Qu Aiguo said with a straight face.

"What a fart. Let's not talk about whether my signed book can be regarded as a reward, let me ask you, if I give you signed books, is it my reward or a class reward?"

"Hey, aren't they all the same? Don't we all belong to your class?"

Yu Dong pulled his face and said, "Who told you that this class belongs to me, it belongs to the school, it belongs to all of us, it belongs to the collective."

Qu Aiguo raised his eyes and looked at Yu Dong, thinking that this matter must be so serious, but seeing Yu Dong's serious expression, he didn't dare to speak back, nodded and said: "I see, Brother Dong."

Yu Dong also wanted to laugh when he saw Qu Aiguo's deflated appearance, but he wasn't joking with Qu Aiguo about the group versus individual.It's not that he was reluctant to part with those three books, but he wanted Qu Aiguo to make it clear that the group should not be confused with the individual.

"Okay, go back and ask Yang Xiuyun if they want my autograph book. If you want it, come and get it together."

Qu Aiguo said in surprise, "Didn't you say..."

"This is given to you personally by me. It has nothing to do with the class. The prizes given by the class will also be given out as usual."

Qu Aiguo's face turned into a flower with a big smile, "Thank you Dong Ge."

"You're welcome, but remember what I said, the collective is the collective, and the individual is the individual. Now that you are the class leader and the president of the association, you should be more aware of this."

Qu Aiguo's heart skipped a beat, he only realized now that this was what Yu Dong was going to say.

"Brother Dong, I see, I won't let you down."


The next morning, Yu Dong cleaned himself up, changed into decent clothes, and went to Cheng Yanqiu's house with two bottles of Wuliangye and some other gifts.

Cheng Yanqiu's house is on Anren Street, only a few hundred meters away from the place where she met her mother last time.

Standing at the door, Yu Dong straightened his body, cleared his throat, and knocked on the door.

The door opened halfway first, Cheng Yanqiu showed his head, and whispered: "You are here, listen to me, there is a special situation today, not only my parents, but my grandparents are also here. My grandpa and the others were at their hometown in Wu County recently, I heard my mother talk about you, so I have to come and have a look. My grandpa is very mean, so be careful when you chat with him, my grandma is fine. And..."

Cheng Yanqiu also said that her mother Chen Yuqing's voice came from inside the room: "Luoluo, why did you open the door for so long? Is Yu Dong here?"

"Oh, here we come."

At first, Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu's appearance and thought that something urgent happened, but it turned out that it was just grandparents.What's the matter, I'm the best at getting along with the elderly.

Cheng Yanqiu's house is not small, and he walked through a small corridor to the living room.

In the living room, there are three people standing and one person sitting. Without Cheng Yanqiu's introduction, Yu Dong can tell who is who at a glance. The relationship between the characters is very simple.

"Uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma." Yu Dong bowed and greeted.

Chen Yuqing smiled and said, "Come here as soon as you come, and bring any gifts. Luoluo, didn't I ask you to tell Yu Dong that you don't need to bring anything, just come here?"

"He insisted on bringing it."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "A little heart."

Chen Yuqing took the things in Yu Dong's hand, and Cheng Liye called Yu Dong over: "Yu Dong, come and sit down, Luo Luo, go get a glass of water."

After Yu Dong sat down, he realized that the seat he was sitting in was sandwiched between several of them, and an invisible pressure suddenly surged over him.

The main pressure comes from Cheng Yanqiu's grandfather. The temperament of this old man is completely different from that of other people in the family. From the moment Yu Dong entered the door to now, the old man has not smiled, and has been staring at Yu Dong with a scrutiny. He was the one who didn't stand up.

The old man is not tall, but he is quite imposing. He does not look at Yu Dong as if he is looking at a person, but as if he is looking at an object.

Even though Yu Dong was no longer a brat, he still felt terrified when he saw him. He sat up straight, not daring to relax a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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