Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 224 Drinking like a man

Chapter 224 Drinking like a man

Grandma Cheng Yanqiu kept smiling, and she asked Yu Dong, "Young man, I heard you are a writer?"

"Grandma, I teach at Jinyi and usually write something."

"Teaching is good." Lu Yun clapped her palms and said, "Our family is all teachers. Although your aunt is in the theater now, she also taught for a while before. Which school did you graduate from?"

"Yanjing Normal University."

"Oh, I also studied at Yenching University. Your grandfather and I were teaching at Yenching University, and this time I happened to go back to my hometown. But we teach mathematics, and we usually pay less attention to literature. Your uncle also graduated from the Chinese Department , I used to write something when I was young, but suddenly I stopped writing.”

Speaking of his son graduated from the Chinese Department, the old man snorted softly.

When Yu Dong heard this humming, he immediately thought of an ethical drama in his mind.In a family of mathematics, the only son fell in love with literature and was unwilling to inherit the mantle. Since then, the father and son have turned against each other... It seems that this is not the case, but the old man probably has a problem with his son studying Chinese.

Now the problem is coming, this old man is not tired of the house because he also graduated from the Chinese Department.

At this time, Cheng Liye said: "I was writing blindly at that time... By the way, Yu Dong, I heard that you are teaching writing in the newly opened drama department?"

"Yes, I have taught drama creation for a year since I opened it last year."

"Actually, if you want to teach literature, you can also consider our school's School of Literature. Our Principal Qu admires you very much. We even mentioned to your Principal Wu about letting you teach in our school, but Principal Wu did not agree."

"Wu Changxin's digging ghosts, can you dig people up?" Chen Yuqing came over with a basin of washed fruit, smiled and said to Dong: "Younger, don't listen to your uncle, it's very good in Jinyi." , Jin Yi's reputation has grown a bit in the past two years."

"It's not because of their luck that a few writers came here. Su Tong left on the front foot, and Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu came on the back foot. Bi Feiyu has published a lot of works in more than a year. I think Jin Yi's There will be a lot of light again."

Speaking of this, Cheng Liye was also a little jealous. They didn't take it seriously before, but now it seems that it is really beneficial for the school to produce one or two well-known writers.

Take Jinyi’s newly opened theater as an example. It was originally an art major, but now many students treat it as a serious literature major.

People in the industry will not look highly at writers when evaluating teachers, because people in the industry know that good writing does not mean that they can teach well.But others don't know that the title of writer can add a lot of impression points to ordinary people.

Furthermore, the writers produced by Jin Yi are not ordinary writers, they are all professionals, and they are serious graduates of the Chinese Department.

Needless to say, Su Tong and Yu Dong, graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University, and I heard that Yu Dong himself was excellent in his professional courses, so he almost stayed in school that year.

As for Bi Feiyu, although he graduated from Yangzhou Normal University, although he was not as good as Yan Normal University, Cheng Liye knew that when Bi Feiyu was in school, the Chinese department of Yangzhou Normal University was very strong in all aspects, and it was the most brilliant time for their department.

In terms of professionalism, not to mention Jin Yi, even if a few of them become lecturers at Jinling University, there is no problem at all.

That's why Cheng Liye said that Jinyi's luck is really good, and three such talents have been produced in a few years.

In fact, it wasn't entirely luck. Among them, Bi Feiyu should be regarded as Wu Changxin's discerning eye. When Bi Feiyu was invited to come over, Bi Feiyu was not well-known, and it broke out suddenly in just over a year.

"I think you're purely jealous." Chen Yuqing teased her husband, and then asked Yu Dong: "Are you still used to living here in Jinling? The usual food in Shanghai is much lighter than ours."

Yu Dong replied with a smile: "It's not very bland, I think it's almost the same as Jinling. Maybe I lived in Yanjing for a few years before, and the taste is also mixed, so there is no problem with eating here in Jinling. Speaking of it, I would also like to thank Auntie for taking care of me before, Auntie’s cooking skills are beyond words, even more delicious than the chefs at Jinling Hotel. Bi Feiyu said that I was ill and gained weight instead.”

"That said, I can't compare to other chefs." Chen Yuqing smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"Chefs cook in the process of the hotel. If you really want to say that it is delicious, it is home-cooked. Now that the economy is open, it is popular to go to restaurants. In fact, it is a fresh meal. In the future, when there are more restaurants, everyone will know the home-cooked food. The food is good. And now that the pace of life is getting faster and faster, it is not easy to have a meal at home."

"That's true."

Chen Yuqing looked at Yu Dong with a wide smile, but she didn't expect Yu Dong to have a sweet mouth.The last time we met, I didn't say a few words, maybe because I had a stereotyped impression of writers. Chen Yuqing had always thought that Yu Dong should be quite dull.She was still thinking that her daughter is not good at dealing with people, if the two stunned young people get together, life may be difficult in the future.

Seeing Yu Dong like this now, this concern can be dispelled.

The old lady had the same idea as Chen Yuqing. The young man was clean-looking, and he spoke calmly and smoothly, and his words were pleasant to the ear.

After chatting for a while, Chen Yuqing took Cheng Yanqiu to the kitchen to cook, and Yu Dong chatted with the other elders.

The old man finally said, "Do you smoke or not?"

Yu Dong didn't expect that the first sentence the old man said was to ask himself if he smoked. He waved his hand and said, "I don't smoke."

"drink wine?"

"Drink once in a while."

"How much can you drink?"

"Two or three twos of liquor."


"That's not it."

"Since there is no one, how do you know that you can only drink two or three taels?"


It's really hard for Yu Dong to answer this question. Seeing this, the old lady smiled and said, "Do you have to be drunk? You old man, why are you so concerned about other people's children's drinking capacity?"

The old man raised his voice and said, "Am I asking about your drinking capacity? I'm asking about your emotional capacity. Drinking is like being a human being. On the wine table, you should either not carry the glass. When holding the glass, you must know where your drinking capacity is. Only when you know your own Only by drinking enough can we have a basis for advancing and retreating."

Yu Dong nodded: "The old man is right, I'm taught."

The old lady teased: "It's all nonsense. He likes to drink, so he wants to associate drinking with being a human being."

"You are prejudiced."

Cheng Liye also said, "Yes, Mom, you are prejudiced."

"Heh, when it comes to drinking, you two are united, right?"

Yu Dong heard that his scalp was numb. Looking at the situation, it would be difficult to pass the lunch test.

(End of this chapter)

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