Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 226 Little Tiger, Little Tiger

Chapter 226 Little Tiger, Little Tiger

After leaving Cheng Yanqiu's house, the two of them went to Anren Street in a short while. Since it was not too late, they were not in a hurry to go back, so they held hands and walked slowly.

There are far fewer shops open on Anren Street at night than during the day, and most of them are restaurants.For example, some grocery stores selling accessories are closed at the moment, because the night market here has not yet opened.

In the evening at the end of September, the cool breeze was blowing, and I felt comfortable. The wine I drank at noon in the east has almost dissipated.

After walking for a while, Cheng Yanqiu saw a bookstore, so he broke away from his hand and ran to the bookstore.

It is said to be a bookstore, but it is actually more like a bookstall, and the inside and outside should be less than ten square meters.

The boss was eating with a porcelain jar. When he saw a guest coming, he swallowed twice, got up and said with a smile, "Girl, what about reading? Novels or magazines?"

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "Just take a look."

Guests always say to read casually, but the boss can't just casually, so he took the initiative to recommend, "A few new books by Qiong Yao have arrived, such as "On the Water Side", "Deep Courtyard", and "Green Riverside Grass" It's all, the stories in it are more touching than the last one, even a grown man like me can't help but cry after reading it."

The boss saw that Cheng Yanqiu was unmoved by Qiongyao, observed her temperament again, and recommended: "This book "Know How Many Flowers Fall in Dreams" and this "Story of the Sahara" are both good-looking, Sanmao His works are delicate and poetic.”

Cheng Yanqiu still didn't respond, but picked up a copy of "Resident Evil" from the stall.

The boss saw her picking up "Resident Evil" and scratched her head. This girl looked like a young literary girl, how could she like such books.

But since the guest liked it, he didn't ask too much, and said with a smile: "Girl, you really know how to choose. The best-selling book recently is this "Resident Evil". tens of millions of copies."

"The King of Science Fiction?" Cheng Yanqiu raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Yu Dong beside him.

Yu Dong shrugged, indicating that he didn't know what was going on.He didn't care either, the book stall owner, how can he sell the book if he doesn't give the author a few powerful titles?
It's just that this book looks like a pirated copy. Although the layout of the cover is the same as the genuine one, the printing and paper quality are quite different, and even the trimming is not neat.

The boss noticed the eye contact between the two, and pointed to "White Deer Plain" and recommended it to Yu Dong, "Sir, apart from "Resident Evil", the best-selling book recently is this "White Deer Plain". This is a literary masterpiece, take a look." Just know."

Although the boss is talking about literary masterpieces, his eyes are full of meaning: men understand.

Yu Dong glanced at "White Deer Plain", it was also a pirated version.

"Boss, what does the king of science fiction mean? Is the author's surname Wang? Is there a little king of science fiction?" Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile.

The boss's expression froze, "Girl, you really know how to joke. Didn't I tell you that the author's name is Yu Dong, not Wang, but because he is now the most famous in the science fiction world, so I call him the King of Science Fiction."

Yu Dong smiled, the boss has a pretty good temper, and he even explained it to Cheng Yanqiu sternly.Yu Dong didn't expect Cheng Yanqiu to be so skinny.

Cheng Yanqiu picked up another copy of "The Last Hun" and asked, "Boss, is this book also selling well?"

"Okay." The boss smiled and said, "It's very easy to sell."

"What about this?" Cheng Yanqiu picked up "Ordinary World" this time.

"Recently, it's not so good. At the end of last year, it was particularly popular. Didn't Lu Yao pass away? Readers miss him very much."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, and finally picked up a copy of "Popular Movies", "Take this one."

"Okay, girl, I'll find you a bag."

Although Cheng Yanqiu only bought one magazine, the boss was still very happy. Originally, he didn't think the girl asked to buy a book.

After shopping, the two walked for a while, and Yu Dong asked, "Why did you buy "Popular Movies", do you want to watch a movie?"

"I want to buy a novel, but they are all pirated copies. The magazine is fine, and the cover of this magazine is very beautiful, isn't it?"

Yu Dong looked at the cover of "Popular Cinema", a female star he didn't know very well.

"Average, not as good-looking as you."



The National Day came a few days after the sports meeting, and Yu Dong didn't go home because Jimmy came to talk to him about the novel collection.

After "Soft Knife" was released, more than one publishing house offered to help Yu Dong put together a collection of short stories and novelettes in the past two years.

At that time, because "Resident Evil", "One Day", "Second World" were busy publishing, Jimmy meant to wait, now that the first wave of "Resident Evil" has passed, it is time to think about it .

This collection of novels is going to include all Yu Dong's novels published in "Harvest" and "Zhong Shan" except "Chaos Diary".

"I screened it out, and the most worthwhile choices are People's Literature Publishing House and Sichuan Provincial People's Publishing House. Accept the royalties, even if you accept them, you should not be able to give too much." Jimmy analyzed.

"Have you contacted People's Literature Publishing House?"

"I made a phone call once, because your "Xiangxi" will be published in "Contemporary", so the chat was smooth, but they are still not used to mentioning royalties."

"It's normal to not get used to it, and they haven't done it before."

Jimmy nodded: "Yes, now there are only two authors who publish books according to royalties in the whole country, one is you, and the other is Wang Shuo, and Wang Shuo's royalties are not as high as yours."

Yu Dong's royalty rate is higher than Wang Shuo's, not because he is more famous than Wang Shuo, but because of a professional agent like Jimmy, he can always negotiate a higher royalty point.

"I think both publishers are fine, you can talk about it."

"Okay, do you have any opinions on the title of the collection of novels and the order of the novels? Although these things will be discussed later, if you have an idea, you'd better tell me first, so that I can tell them in advance."

Yu Dong frowned and thought for a while, the name of the novel collection is usually the name of a certain novel in it.

Houyi, Death of a Widow, Lv Xiulan, Butian, these names seem to be slightly better than Butian, and "Butian" is his debut novel, so it seems to be more suitable for the occasion.

"I prefer to use Butian for the title of the book. As for the order, I have no objection."

"Okay, I'll make a note of it. After the National Day, I'll go to Yanjing to have a good chat with the People's Literature Publishing House. If the issue of royalties can be discussed clearly, I personally prefer to give it to the People's Literature Publishing House."

After talking about the business, Jimmy asked again with a smile: "Dong, when will the second part of "Resident Evil" come out? Readers are waiting for your new book to come out."

"Aren't I working on "Deep Space" recently? It's not like you don't know."

"I know, but "Deep Space" has to be written, and "Resident Evil" can't be left behind. Let's grasp it with both hands, and both hands must be strong. The most important thing is that once the second part comes out, it will be a real series. It will be very helpful for us to sell game copyrights in the future.”

Yu Dong glanced at him, "Little Jiji, I..."

"How many times have I said, don't call me little Jiji."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, good luck."

"That sounds much better."

"Well, Mr. Dajiji, I suggest that you don't catch me alone. Now you have a lot of authors under your command. If you have nothing to do, go and urge their manuscripts and give them a boost." As he said, Yu Dong pointed upstairs: "Old Bi is very lazy now. Since his wife came, his creative enthusiasm has plummeted. Finally, he found some time to play cards with Feng Ming and the others. And Lao Hu, who talks to me every day Said that handwriting is too tiring, and he wants to buy a computer to type. In fact, he doesn’t think typing is slow, he just wants to experience high technology.”

Jimmy smiled and said: "Lao Hu's matter is easy to solve. I will get him a computer later, anyway, it will be deducted from his royalties in the future. I am not afraid that he will not be pressured. I will calculate the interest for him. It is not high. I will charge him five dollars." Six points, the interest alone is several hundred dollars a year, and he promises to have a sense of urgency. As for Bi Feiyu, I really have no choice but to rely on your supervision."

"He doesn't live here now, and I can't supervise him."

Jimmy held his chin for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go talk to him about it."


Yu Dong didn't know how Jimmy chatted with Bi Feiyu, but since Jimmy went to him, his creative enthusiasm increased a lot, and he stopped playing cards every day. Feng Ming and the others couldn't drag him.

On the last day of the holiday, Yu Dong met Bi Feiyu in the playground early in the morning, which surprised him very much.

"Feiyu, the sun came out from the west today, you got up so early?"

Bi Feiyu glanced at Yu Dong and continued running, "Please don't disturb me, I'm going back to create after running."

"Hey! The flu has been severe recently. Didn't you get caught, and your brain is burning?" Yu Dong asked as he trotted behind.

"Brother." Bi Feiyu slowed down, "Recently, I have a bit of an epiphany for my brother. I feel that time flies, and life is in a hurry for more than ten years. It is time to show enthusiasm. Young and strong do not work hard, and the boss is only sad. , I use this poem to share with my virtuous brother."

After finishing speaking, Bi Feiyu quickened his pace and ran around. After running, he greeted Yu Dong and went back.

It was only later that Yu Dong found out that Jimmy asked Bi Feiyu to tell him that when he published six more novels in major magazines, he would help him publish a collection of novels, and if there were any novels, he would publish a booklet for him.Even if no publishing house is willing to publish it, the company will help him with the money.

Bi Feiyu is very obsessed with the booklet now, so Jimmy's proposal is particularly attractive to him.

After running, Yu Dong returned to the dormitory and was washing his face when Cheng Yanqiu came over with a stack of letters.

"When I came, Uncle Zhou saw me and asked me to bring you the letters. I didn't count them in detail. There must be a dozen of them. Here."

Yu Dong wiped his hands, took the letter and flipped through it. There were letters from readers, magazines, publishing houses, and newspapers. He was used to these. Now more and more letters were sent to him, and he could basically collect them in two or three days. to a dozen.

And there are still many letters sent to "Harvest", "Zhongshan" and "Science Fiction World". A few days ago, Cheng Yongxing yelled for him to get the letters, and the magazine office was almost unable to put them down.

Turning to the back, Yu Dong suddenly saw a familiar name and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yanqiu noticed the change in his expression and asked.

Yu Dong smiled and pulled out the letter by himself, "It's nothing, a kid I met before hasn't written for a long time."

"It can be regarded as the voice of the empty valley."

"It seems that you are very happy to receive this letter."

Yu Dong nodded, opened the letter and said, "I'll see what he said in the letter."

It is true that he has not received a letter from Ruan Xiaohu for a long time, and he does not know how this kid is doing now, whether he is still working as a tour guide.

The letter was not long, and Yu Dong's first reaction was that Ruan Xiaohu's handwriting had improved a lot. It seems that this kid has at least practiced his handwriting during this period of time.

"Teacher Yu, long time no see, since last time..."

In the letter, Ruan Xiaohu briefly described his current situation. He is still working as a tour guide, his life has gradually stabilized, and he usually reads books.

After talking about his own situation, Ruan Xiaohu wrote at the end of the letter: Teacher Yu, I have two mixed feelings of timidity and joy to tell you a message. Some time ago I tried to write a novel and submitted it to " Youth Literature", has been published in the September issue.Originally, I didn't want to tell you, but after thinking about it, I couldn't help but tell you.

The letter ended here, and Yu Dong shook his head with a smile. Since this kid has published a novel, what are you embarrassed to say.

After reading the letter, Yu Dong explained to Cheng Yanqiu: "When I came back from Rongcheng, I met a young man. Although he dropped out of high school, he loved reading. He worked in Jinling for a while and often came to my place. Reading books. Now he has returned to his hometown and worked as a tour guide. He has a good life and even published a novel in "Youth Literature."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "Then let's go."


"Go buy a copy of "Youth Literature" and read his novels."


The two bought two copies of "Youth Literature", and couldn't wait to go home, so they stood next to the newsstand and read them.

Ruan Xiaohu used his real name, so it was easy to find his novels.And the title of his novel is "Little Tiger", even without looking at the author's name, Yu Dong can recognize it.

"In May 1991, Xiaohu became a thief."

When Cheng Yanqiu saw the beginning of this, he felt a little familiar. After thinking about it, it seems that Yu Dong likes to write the beginning of many novels like this. It seems that Yu Dong, a little friend, has been influenced by him a lot.

In the novel, Xiaohu dropped out of high school in his second year of high school and went out to work with a fellow villager, but he did not expect to become a pickpocket.Most of the time, Xiaohu wanders around with his fellow villagers, and sometimes he will stay in a certain place.

Later, Xiaohu stole a "big family" in the train station, only to find that what was in the file bag was not money at all, but a stack of handwritten manuscripts.

And it was this manuscript that brought a turning point in his life. He was moved by this manuscript and resolutely left that fellow villager to find another way out.

The story is very simple to sum up, but in the novel, how Xiaohu became a thief, how he struggled in his heart, and finally decided to turn back because of a handwritten novel, the writing step by step is very touching.

Cheng Yanqiu even wanted to see the follow-up, she was eager to know what happened to Xiaohu.

Thinking of this, she looked at Yu Dong again, only to find that Yu Dong was frowning and worried.

Cheng Yanqiu grabbed Yu Dong's hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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