Chapter 227 Shirtless Battle
"It's nothing." Yu Dong shook his head and responded, "I just didn't expect him to write so well. Compared with before, he has improved a lot."

"Yes, I also think it's very good, he is very talented. But I feel that his writing style still has some shadows of you. Although I have never met him, I can tell that he admires you just by reading the text."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, Ruan Xiaohu was indeed influenced a lot by him.

As for the content written in this novel, Yu Dong didn't think about himself at first, but some details in it made it impossible for him not to relate the things in it to himself.

If what was written in it was true, then the novel Xiaohu was reading at that time should be "One Day".

But Yu Dong is not completely sure about literary creation...Maybe Ruan Xiaohu stayed with him for a long time and felt that he helped him a lot. Later, he saw "One Day" and combined with himself on the train In that encounter, I wrote such a novel based on my feelings.

But no matter whether this matter is true or not, it is inconvenient for Yu Dong to tell anyone, not even Cheng Yanqiu, because it concerns Ruan Xiaohu's future.

If Ruan Xiaohu only writes this novel, and then closes his pen and doesn't publish novels in the future, then it doesn't matter.But if he writes some fame in the future, this matter will have a great influence on him.

Although people are very tolerant of the writer's personal morality, the possibility of ruining him because of this matter is not ruled out.

"How about it, do you have a sense of accomplishment that the students you teach have finally learned?" Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "Actually, the relationship between you is a bit similar to that in the novel. You often borrow his books to read. I still guide him in normal times, doesn’t it also change his life?”

"Sense of accomplishment." Yu Dong also smiled, "Yes, but not much, this kid is still far behind. There are too many traces of imitating me, even you can see it."

"Even I can see what it means, I think you are looking for a fight!"

Yu Dong shrunk his neck, then raised his legs and stepped on the bicycle, "Tahu——"

Cheng Yanqiu yelled twice, then rushed up with long legs, and jumped onto the back seat.She is no longer what she used to be. The whole set of movements of getting on the car is smooth and smooth. After getting on the car, she doesn't need to make adjustments, and her hands don't need to hold Yu Dong tightly. She can hold a magazine in one hand and the other hand can be free. To scratch Yudong's itch.

"Comrade Luoluo, drive safely." Yu Dong twisted his body and said.

"Didn't you brag that you can ride without holding on to the handle?"


In the blink of an eye, it was November, and Jimmy had already negotiated the matter of the novel collection, and finally handed it over to Sichuan Provincial People's Publishing House.

Although the People's Literature Publishing House accepted the form of royalties, the royalty points they gave were four points less than those of the Sichuan Provincial People's Publishing House. Of course, Jimmy couldn't accept such a gap.

In fact, People’s Literature didn’t pay much attention to the novel collection plan this time. They paid more attention to the single edition of "Xiang Xi". During the negotiation, the publishing house also disclosed some information to Jimmy. If the response is good after it is published in "Contemporary", they will consider publishing "Xiang Xi" with a relatively high royalty point.


At the beginning of November, there were not many tourists in Huizhou Prefecture. Ruan Xiaohu was lucky. Although it had entered the off-season, he was still able to lead a small group every day.

Of course, other people may not be willing to accept the small group he leads.

The other tour guides are busy "earning a lot of money", like the kind of "relationship households", tourists who have been greeted and can't be slaughtered, others don't want them, but Ruan Xiaohu never refuses them.

This time I took two old couples, they were well-dressed—those who can go out for a trip will basically not dress poorly, but the temperament of these four looks like scholars.

When Ruan Xiaohu went to pick them up in the morning, he immediately saw one of the old men holding a copy of "Contemporary".

The magazine came out only two days ago, and Ruan Xiaohu hasn't read it yet.

He usually goes to the bookstore to buy one or two of the magazines "Zhongshan", "Harvest", "Contemporary" and "Flower City". The bookstore owner knows him very well and often lends him a few other magazines.

So although the financial constraints, but he can always see these magazines.Now he has enough food for himself, and the whole family has nothing to worry about. Most of the money he earns is used to buy books. Except for reference books related to tour guides, the rest is used to buy literature books.

He published a novel of more than 7000 words in "Youth Literature" before, and received nearly two hundred for the manuscript fee. After getting the money, his first reaction was that he could buy more books later.

Taking the tourists to the hotel for accommodation, Ruan Xiaohu heard the old man holding the magazine say to another old man: "This issue of "Contemporary" has published another long article, only half of it, guess whose one it is?"


"Yu Dong's."

"Yu Dong, he also wrote a novel?"

"Look at what you said, isn't the "Chaos Diary" in "Harvest" just a long story?"

"Hey, I don't think "Chaos Diary" is mediocre, it's a bit of a coincidence. On the other hand, "To Live" published at the same time is very good. Yu Hua's language is more simple, but the vitality seems stronger."

"You, you are biased, I think "Chaos Diary" is very good. Of course, this "Xiang Xi" is obviously better..."

When Ruan Xiaohu heard the word Yu Dong, his eyes started to light up.

Teacher Yu published novels again?
He stared at the "Contemporary" in the old man's hand with piercing eyes, as if he was about to eat the magazine.

Seeing Ruan Xiaohu coming, the old man smiled and said, "Little tour guide, is the room ready?"

Then he noticed Ruan Xiaohu's eyes and asked curiously, "Do you usually pay attention to "Contemporary"?"

Ruan Xiaohu nodded and replied, "I'll read it in my spare time. I didn't expect Mr. Yu Dong's works to be published in "Contemporary". His previous works were basically published in "Harvest" and "Zhong Shan."

"There is also "Science Fiction World." The old man said with a smile: "It seems that you really know Dong."

Ruan Xiaohu was a little surprised, he didn't expect this old man to still watch "Science Fiction World".

"Old Hu, I see you are happy." Another old man said.

Old Hu laughed and said, "I'm not happy, who is happy?"

As he spoke, he handed the magazine to Ruan Xiaohu: "I'm almost ready to read it, let me lend it to you."


"It's okay, just remember to return it to me after reading it." Speaking of this, Hu Yueming suddenly remembered an unscrupulous person who borrowed books and refused to return them.


"Xiang Xi" attracted widespread attention as soon as it came out, and "Contemporary" only publishes a few novels a year, so basically every novel it publishes will attract attention.

In particular, "White Deer Plain" is selling well, and "Contemporary" is very popular among readers recently.

In addition, Yu Dong was really popular during this period. Leaving aside "Resident Evil", the movie "Soft Knife" adapted from "Death of a Widow" caused a lot of repercussions and brought a lot of fame to the original work.

It stands to reason that it is too early to say anything now, the novel has only been published halfway, and nothing can be concluded until the full text is published.

But critics can't wait to get their hands on it.

In the mid-80s, root-seeking literature began to emerge in China, and batches of rural works emerged.

Closely related to root-seeking literature is the Latin American magic realism. Now when people mention root-seeking literature, they will think of magic realism.

"Xiang Xi" is no exception. It was labeled as root-seeking and magical realism in the middle of its release.

Some people think that "Xiang Xi" is just a work of magic realism that is not too magical, a mediocre work in the wave of root-seeking.

But another group of people thinks that "Xiang Xi" has just stepped out of a path of Chinese magic realism. Modern writers can learn from the success of Latin America, but they should not focus on the word "magic", and should fully express the characteristics of domestic literature. .

There are also some people who distinguish "Xiang Xi" from magical realism, thinking that this novel is a panoramic realist novel with a bit of magical color, and can even be classified as a new historical novel.

The critics had a dispute, everyone held their own opinions, and no one could convince the other.

It didn't matter much, and the critics argued with each other without saying anything too extreme.

Critics in recent years have been relatively restrained and courageous, and they have rolled up their sleeves and done much less than before.

But at this time, a fuse suddenly appeared, which directly detonated the bomb.

Because Yu Hua saw someone criticizing Yu Dong, she felt very upset, so she published some "violent comments" in the Literary and Art Works Creation and Exchange column of "Literary News", pointing the finger at the critics.

"I think there's a big difference between a writer and a critic. Critics, when dealing with classic authors, still try to find holes in their work...The truth is that any great novel has flaws, so critics Always righteous. Some critics always like to teach novelists to write novels, just like eunuchs always like to teach others to ***. In my opinion, even if only this half of Yu Dong’s "Xiang Xi" can be called A classic, but even a work like this..."

As soon as this "violent theory" came out, those who scolded Yu Dong before couldn't sit still.

Do it, roll up your sleeves and do it!Fuck this Yu Hua to death, I didn't scold you to death when avant-garde literature was popular before, but this time I won't spare you.

Now they not only scolded Yu Hua, but also scolded Yu Dong even more harshly. Before, they were quite restrained, but now they basically hit the nail on the head.

The most amazing thing is that a critic named Fang Yanwu criticized "Xiang Xi" in sections.

One of the criticisms left a deep impression on Yu Dong.

"The entire Chapter 11, more than 570 characters, is divided into 65 paragraphs, each of which is less than [-] words. The style of this writing has been greatly poisoned by foreign language works, and I have lost the beauty of my Chinese language..."

Critics scolded people, a bunch of outsiders came to fight again, and things became lively.

Yu Dong didn't say anything, but the incident started because of him, and he became the center of the incident.

Yu Hua's statement was a bit too direct, easily offending people, and it was also a bit radical.As a "professional", Yu Dong's views on literary criticism are definitely not completely consistent with Yu Hua's, but his views on some current critics are probably the same.

Many critics now only remember to criticize, but forget to criticize.Critics should not teach novelists to write novels, but should critically present the contents of the works to everyone from a professional perspective.

Being in the Jianghu, Yu Dong responded "involuntarily", but his response was different from Yu Hua's.

Didn’t these people criticize my novels? Then I can criticize my own novels too. Yu Dong had no choice but to pick up the knowledge he had learned before to criticize Xiangxi and wrote a paper. The title of the article is It is called [The Conflict Between the Grand Narrative Background and the Personal Consciousness of the Characters in "Xiang Xi".

The article was published in the next issue of "Literary News", signed by Xi.

Although the signature is Yu Xi, everyone knows it is Yu Dong, because Yu Xi was in "Death of a Widow" before.Moreover, in order to avoid misunderstanding, "Literary News" specially attached a line of small characters, introducing that the author is the original author of "Xiang Xi".

As soon as this article came out, everyone called Yu Dong thick-skinned.

Is there anyone who writes papers and analyzes their own novels? !

Later, some people began to study Yu Dong's thesis, saying that this thesis has a solid foundation and solid knowledge points, and it is very worthy of reference for students who are about to graduate.

On the day the article was published, Yu Hua called Yu Dong.

"You're going to fight a tooth for a tooth, absolutely."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's not all because of you. You said that you are so good at messing with them. Why are you becoming famous in the past two years? You are a little bit flustered."

"A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. I didn't do it all because of you."

"Hey! But put it down, I think you have been holding back those words for a long time, and you just said them through this stubble. Let's stop here, and you don't have to pay attention to what they say later, and you will be fine after a while." It's over."

"Okay, invite me to dinner later, this time for you, I put all my underpants on, and go shirtless."

"It's a big deal to eat. When you come to Jinling later, you can eat enough. Also, it's not like going into battle with your pants on."

"What's that called?"

"That's called going into battle with bare buttocks."

Yu Dong and Yu Hua's side died down, but the debate continued.The main reason is that Yu Dong took advantage of a graduate of Yan Normal University, and thanks to Hu Yueming's help, the alumni of Yan Normal University's department unanimously released this time after Yu Dong's paper came out, and wrote many papers analyzing "Xiang Xi".

But all of this is a matter within the circle, and readers outside the circle don't care about these at all, they only care about whether the book is good or not.

Fortunately, "Xiang Xi" received a good response from the masses. They don't really want to know what literature is or not. Anyway, the language style of this book is comfortable to read, and the characters are interesting. It makes people laugh, cry, and read. Dazed, refreshed.

Yu Dong himself has a good reader base, and the difference between popular literature readers and pure literature readers is not too obvious, and the degree of overlap is very high, so many of Yu Dong's readers are willing to read his new book.

The editorial department of "Contemporary" recently watched from the sidelines, seeing everyone making noise, they were all happy.

As long as you discuss "Xiang Xi", you have to mention "Contemporary".


At the end of November, Yu Liang took the manuscript of "Deep Space" to Rongcheng, while Yu Dong put down the pen in his hand and concentrated on teaching the whip.

During this period of time, the students were a little slack, and he had to work hard for these children.

(End of this chapter)

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