Chapter 228 Contract Producer

"This is the homework you handed in this time. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

After the writing class that day was over, Yu Dong left Wang Hailin alone.This kid's homework these two times is really not decent. Last week's was a little better, at least he was perfunctory seriously. This time, he didn't even bother to perfunctory.

Wang Hailin lowered his head and said nothing, obviously he knew what mistake he had made.

Yu Dong opened the homework, pointed to the content inside and said: "I won't talk about the writing, there are a lot of typos. If you don't know it, you think it's a composition handed in by a primary school student. The words are also flying around. I guess there are more than 5000. You can finish writing the prose in less than two hours."

"It took nearly three hours to write." Wang Hailin argued.

"Is there a difference? You can write a prose of more than 5000 words in less than three hours. Master Wang, you are awesome!" Yu Dong patted the table, and then put his thumb up in front of Wang Hailin, "I see I don’t need to teach this writing class in the future, let you, Master Wang, teach it. I’ll sit down and listen, and learn how to write so fast.”

Seeing that Yu Dong was getting more and more angry, Wang Hailin quickly admitted his mistake: "Dong...Mr. Yu, I know I was wrong. I will do my homework well next time."

"Don't do it next time, take this homework back and rewrite it, and give it to me before dinner tomorrow."

When Yu Dong said that, Wang Hailin didn't dare to say more, and nodded: "Yes, I understand."

Wang Hailin took over his homework from Yu Dong, his face was full of grievances, and there were still tears in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong frowned, and his voice softened: "Is there any difficulty recently, or is there another reason? Although you usually escape, you have always been more serious about your homework. What's the situation these two weeks?" ?”

"No." Wang Hailin shook his head.

"Really not?"

"Not really."

Yu Dong stared at Wang Hailin seriously for a while, but Wang Hailin kept his head down. Yu Dong sighed slightly, "Go back first."

After Wang Hai left, Yu Dong went to find Jia Zhangke in the activity room of the Poetry Reading Club.

Jia Zhangke was chatting about poetry with a little girl. As soon as Yu Dong passed by, he stood up abruptly and said with a naive smile, "Teacher Yu, you are here."

The little girl next to him was also very happy to see Yu Dong coming, and greeted with a smile, "Hello, Teacher Yu."

"Hello, hello." Yu Dong nodded in response, and then waved to Jia Zhangke, "Come out with me."

After leaving the activity room, Yu Dong asked Jia Zhangke, "What's wrong with Wang Hai recently? I don't think he's in the right condition."

"Isn't that right?" Jia Zhangke scratched the back of his head, "It's nothing special, but he's been very busy recently, besides the class and association matters, he goes back to the dormitory at night and writes at his desk. I took a few glances, it seems I'm writing a script. But it's okay, right?"

It's really nothing, although Yu Dong advised them not to write the script too early, but the students would always write it secretly.Jia Zhangke also wrote that Yu Dong turned a blind eye to this.

But did Wang Hailin delay his homework because of writing the script?

probably not.

As far as Yu Dong knows, Wang Hailin has been trying to write scripts by himself since a long time ago, but this situation has never happened before.Unless... this script is very important to him, let him take the time to do his homework to write it.


Jia Zhangke hesitated for a while, and then said again: "There is one more thing, I think I need to tell you, Teacher Yu."

"What's the matter?" Yu Dong asked.

"Someone came to our dormitory before and asked me to help him write a script. I didn't agree, but I guess he found other people."

"Did the man say who he is?"

"He said his name was Du Nan, and he was commissioned by a director to hunt for scripts. I asked him which director he was, and he said he wanted to keep it secret and asked me to agree to write the script. He didn't tell me until it was finished."

Yu Dong narrowed his eyes, "He also found Wang Hailin?"

"I'm not too sure about this, but seeing him writing the script so hard, I guess it's probably because of this."

"Okay, you go back first, the girls are waiting."

Jia Zhangke smiled shyly: "Yin Pincui and I are just ordinary classmates."

Yu Dong also smiled: "Did I ask you?"

Jia Zhangke fled in.

Yu Dong left the poetry reading room with his hands behind his back, and what Jia Zhangke said caught his attention.

According to Jia Zhangke's description, the man was most likely a broker or a liar.

Although Jin Yi is strictly controlled, it mainly targets the media from all sides, and it is not difficult for others to get involved.

After leaving the teaching building, Yu Dong went to find Zhang Xian and told him about the matter.

After hearing it, Zhang Xian also attached great importance to it, and immediately said that he would deal with it quickly.

Yu Dong reminded, "Pay attention to the method and don't make things worse."

"I know this."


Zhang Xian was very efficient in handling affairs, and he found out that person the next day. After some interrogation, Zhang Xian found out that the person was indeed Du Nan, and he had worked in the Jinling Drama Troupe for a while.

The year before last, he came out to do business with the wave of going to the sea, and he did several kinds of business before and after, but he couldn't do it well, and then he started to think about the script.

At the beginning, he was eyeing some big writers, but well-known writers didn't like him at all, so he retreated to the next best thing and started looking for those drama students.

Isn't Yu Dong on fire lately, so he set his sights on Jin Yi's newly opened theater creation class.

Du Nan's idea was very simple. He tricked a few students to help him write scripts, and picked out the best ones to sell them under the name of "Works of Yu Dong's Adored Apprentice".

If he can't sell it, he has nothing to lose.But if it is really sold, it will be a lucrative business.

As for the students, 80 yuan is enough to make them happy.They don't even need to pay money, they can't wait for a director to shoot their script.

When Yu Dong heard all this, on the one hand, he felt that Du Nan was really hateful, and on the other hand, he also admired Zhang Xian's interrogation ability.If there was no means, Yu Dong would not believe that the other party would explain it so clearly.

This matter also attracted the attention of the school, and the drama department held a meeting about it.After some discussion, the school promulgated a new school rule: all drama creation majors are not allowed to sell scripts before the fourth grade, and after the fourth grade, if they want to sell scripts, they must report the situation to the department in advance, and those who violate it will be expelled.

This new school rule did not cause much response, because drama creation is different from acting, and most of the students of drama creation never thought that someone would use their own scripts before their senior year.

Only a few informed students knew why this new school rule came out. When Wang Hailin saw the school rule, he was stunned for a long time.

His first reaction was that he was really unlucky to encounter such an incident, and the script he had finally written was about to go to waste.

But after thinking for a while, he recalled that the school rules had some connection with Du Nan.


After the promulgation of the school regulations, Yu Dong and Zhang Xian thought that the matter was over, but what they didn't expect was that within a few days, there were newspapers reporting the matter.

"It's just a fabrication!"

Yu Dong looked at Zhang Xian who was furious, and took the newspaper from his hand, wanting to see why Zhang Xian ran to him early in the morning to pat the table.

After watching the news, Equal East couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Xian frowned, "Old Yu, can you still laugh? What have you read about our school in the newspapers? They say that our school restricts students' creative freedom, and there are big directors who like students' scripts, but the school comes forward to stop them. It is said that our school wants to control the copyright of students' works and sell them in a unified way in order to make a profit from them. Listen, is this plausible?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he slammed the table down again.

Yu Dong looked at the date of the newspaper, "Is this the newspaper from the day before yesterday?"


"Then why did you see it today?"

Zhang Xian curled his lips and said, "I don't usually pay attention to this kind of street tabloids. I met Mr. Lin from the Academy of Fine Arts in the building just now. He told me about this, and I didn't know that someone maliciously slandered us like this."

Yu Dong spread his hands and said with a smile, "Just a small newspaper on the street will make you, Director Zhang, furious. If any well-known newspaper comes forward to denounce us in the future, why don't you go to heaven immediately?"

Zhang Xian sighed, "I understand what you said, but how can we bear to be slandered like this. And now it's a tabloid report, so it's hard to guarantee that there won't be well-known newspapers who will be misled by this news and make reports of the same nature .”

"Isn't that better?" Yu Dong smiled.


"Don't just look at the things that are not good for us in this news, but also look at the things that are good for us. It is said in this news that some big directors have taken a fancy to the students' works, which is a compliment to us The students of the school. Think about it, the scripts of the second-year students in our school can be favored by great directors, isn't this opinion affirming the teaching level of our school?"

"Isn't this self-deception?"

"It's not self-deception, it's making the most of the situation. Leave the matter of public opinion to me. Don't you have to compile your textbooks? Just focus on the textbooks and do our own thing well."

Zhang Xian nodded helplessly, he was indeed powerless to do this kind of thing.

But this kind of thing is not difficult for Dong, as long as he explains it to the people in the company, they will take care of the matter.


On November 27, Saturday afternoon, when Yu Dong was writing "Resident Evil 2", Wu Changxin and Yu Hua appeared at his door.

Yu Dong wrote at his desk for a long time, staring at the paper and pen for a long time, when he suddenly saw two people standing at the door, he was in a daze for a while.

How do these two stand together?And appear at your door?
Seeing Yu Dong's expression, Yu Hua smiled and said, "I said he would definitely be dumbfounded."

"Why are you here?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

Wu Changxin said with a smile: "In the future, you will work together."

"Working together? He came to Jinyi to teach?"

This guy can still teach?Yu Dong didn't say the last sentence.

"Do you think I can teach? It was President Wu who hired me as a contract producer for Jin Yi."

Wu Changxin nodded and said, "Yes, Yu Hua signed with us for one year, and he will live with Jinyi for the next year."

"Then you at the Zhejiang Provincial Academy of Literature..."

"It's over." Yu Hua said with a smile, "I'm also over at the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. I was planning to settle down in Yanjing. At this time, Principal Wu found me. I thought that Jinling is close to my hometown, and it would be nice to stay here." Good."

Yu Dong rubbed his head, he still couldn't figure out why Jinyi, an art school, even signed a contract with a producer, what's the use?Moreover, the contract producer should be the model of the Faculty of Arts, and the school is not right at all.

Later, some schools learned foreign models and produced writers-in-residence, but they were different from contract producers.

In addition, President Wu was looking for Yu Hua, but he didn't even know about it in advance.

Yu Dong really wanted to ask, "Old Wu, what do you want to do?"

"Okay, you two catch up, I still have some business to deal with."

"Principal Wu, go slowly." Yu Hua said with a smile.

After Wu Changxin left, Yu Dong grabbed Yu Hua's arm: "What are you doing here? You came to Jinyi to be a contract producer. What do you think?"

"It's easy to be a contract producer. It's easier than the work of the Federation of Literature and Art Circles. I don't have any specific tasks. I just write every day. This is the life I want." Yu Hua shrugged.

"There is no way to be a contract producer in Jinyi. It's like going to sea, you know? You and Chen Hong just got married last year, and Haiguo is only a few months old. If you come to Jinling, what will they do?"

"I know, so what does that matter? You see through this era better than I do. Is the establishment important to you and me? If there is no establishment now, will there be no establishment in the future? Is the Writers Association unable to figure it out? Chen Hong and the others It’s not that the soles of my feet have taken root, so I have to stay in Yanjing, and when my side is stable, I will arrange for them to come here. Yanjing can live, but Jinling can’t?”

Yu Dong didn't speak, and Yu Hua continued: "I originally planned to be a professional writer. The establishment must be gone. It doesn't matter where I am. Now that Jinyi allows me to be a contract producer, it is beneficial to me. Damn, why didn't I come?"

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong sighed, "I'm afraid that if you are impulsive at the moment, you will regret it later."

"We'll talk about the future." Yu Hua smiled, and grabbed Yu Dong's arm in turn: "Bring me to dinner tonight."

"Tomorrow night. Tomorrow night, I'll call all the writer friends in Jinling to cleanse you up."

"I just said I was right to come."

After the two sat down, they talked in detail about how Wu Changxin invited Yu Hua. After hearing this, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that Wu Changxin really put his heart into inviting Yu Hua. Although the salary was not high, he arranged a set for him and Chen Hong. The apartment with two bedrooms and one living room solved his housing problem.

Yu Dong thought, if Wu Changxin continued to do this, then the writer-in-school model would develop first in Jinyi, and if it developed well, other schools would surely follow suit in the future.

In his last life, he never thought that Wu Changxin would have such courage.

(End of this chapter)

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