Chapter 229 The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan

The next morning, when Cheng Yanqiu came to look for Yu Dong, he saw a man squatting at the door smoking a cigarette.

At first he was far away and didn't see his face clearly, Cheng Yanqiu thought it was Bi Feiyu running over early in the morning, and wanted to approach to say hello, but when he got closer, he found that it was not Bi Feiyu.

Cheng Yanqiu looked at the other party curiously, and the other party also looked at her curiously.

Then the other party slapped his knees and stood up, and said with a smile: "You are younger siblings, right?"


When Cheng Yanqiu didn't know how to answer, Yu Dong came out of the room and said to her, "This is Yu Hua."

"Oh, hello, hello."

Hearing the word Yu Hua, Cheng Yanqiu didn't realize it for a moment, and wondered if he was also Yu Dong's relative because his surname was Yu and his brother and sister.But the more I thought about it, the more familiar the name became, and then I suddenly realized, "You are Yu Hua?"

Yu Hua laughed, "This brother and sister are a little hard of hearing."

Of course Cheng Yanqiu had read Yu Hua's book, but before he knew Yu Dong, after all, Yu Hua was famous earlier than Yu Dong.I've heard Yu Dong mention Yu Hua a few times before, but I'm still very surprised to see the real person now.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "You can say that she can do other things, but you can't say that she has a bad ear. She teaches music, but her ears can't be bad."

"Look at what you said, isn't Beethoven also deaf?"

"Hey, you still know Beethoven?"

Yu Hua tapped Yu Dong with the hand holding the cigarette, "Are you swearing?"

"Probably." Yu Dong smiled and locked the door, "Let's go, the two of us will take you around the school."

The reason why Yu Hua came here so early was because it was agreed yesterday that Yu Dong would take him around school today.Although Jin Yi is not big, but Yu Hua will live here for at least a year, so it's better to get familiar with it in advance.

Just in time for Cheng Yanqiu to come to look for Yu Dong, the three of them went together.

Looking towards the playground from the yard, the sun is just hanging on the treetops. Although Xiaoxue has passed for a week, people running in vests can still be seen on the playground, which shows that there is no sign of winter in Jinling.

On weekend mornings, there were fewer students on the road, but as long as there were students passing by, they would definitely say hello to Yu Dong.

Seeing this, Yu Hua smiled and said, "It seems that you are well-known in school."

"Do you think I've been a fool for two years?"

"show off."

"Yesterday you said you were going to take Haiguo and the others over. How did you plan?" Yu Dong asked.

"No plan, it depends on the situation. My contract here is only signed for one year. If one year expires, I will get out. It doesn't make much sense for them to come. Wait and see."

"If you need help, don't be polite to me."

"I'm so polite to you." Yu Hua smiled, "Since I'm here, I'm ready to trouble you."

"I called my brother yesterday, and he said he would come to school this afternoon. I also called Han Dong and Gu Qian, but Gu Qian is still out of town and can't come back."

"Who is Gu Qian?"

"A local writer."

"Oh." Yu Hua nodded, thinking that this Gu Qian should not be well-known, otherwise Yu Dong would definitely say something he wrote, "I haven't seen Su Tong for a while, and Jinling can be regarded as some acquaintances. Bi Fei Yu is here too, I heard President Wu said that I live in the same building as me, but I didn’t see him yesterday. He has produced a lot of works in the past two years, is it because he came to Jinling and was inspired by you?”

"I can't motivate him." Yu Dong patrolled the playground, "Sometimes he gets up early for a run, but today is a rest day, so he should sleep until late. He is very lazy, even more lazy than you .”

"I'm lazy, but I don't sleep late."

Yu Dong smiled, Yu Hua is indeed not lazy, at least in life, he has a lot of hobbies, and his daily life is quite rich.It's just that he's relatively lazy when it comes to writing, so he's not a prolific writer.

The three talked and laughed, and walked around the school in a short while.

"The school is really small."

After shopping around, Yu Hua made a summary.

Yu Dong looked at his watch and saw that it was still early, so he said to Yu Hua, "I'll take you to the poetry reading club, maybe you will go there often in the future."

"Is there a poetry reading club in Cucumber Garden? I've heard people say that when I didn't come, it is said that members of this poetry reading club can get bonuses for publishing articles?"

"You want to join?"

Yu Hua rubbed her chin and pondered, "Is the purpose too obvious?"

Yu Dong laughed: "Then you should be more reserved, I guess Lao Liu will invite you, when the time comes, you will give up twice, and then reluctantly agree on the fourth time."

"I don't want to refuse anymore. I'm afraid that people will take it seriously and just don't want me."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said: "It's okay, Yu Dong and I are both members, and we will invite you one by one when the time comes, and we will definitely make up three times."


The three of them talked and laughed and came to the activity classroom of the poetry reading club. Not to mention, there were really people there.Feng Ming was chatting with Jia Zhangke and the others. As soon as Yu Dong and the others entered the door, they heard Feng Ming promoting Wang Guozhen to the students: "Sometimes seemingly straightforward language can just reflect the power and beauty of poetry. It can express the most ordinary The language expresses a sense of power, and it can also be seen that the author has a deep foundation..."

Yu Hua nodded straight after hearing that, well said, this is the essence.Recently, he is often compared with Hemingway because his writing is as simple as Hemingway's.

Faulkner commented on Hemingway, saying that he never used a word that had to be understood by the author in a dictionary.

The same is true of Yu Hua's works. The language is simple and he never uses complex vocabulary. Faced with such comments, he laughs at himself because he does not have much literacy.

But in fact, when writing novels, many people with limited literacy prefer to use words that others cannot understand.Therefore, whether the words are simple or not has nothing to do with the level of literacy.

Moreover, Faulkner's evaluation of Hemingway is obviously not just a matter of simple vocabulary. In fact, Faulkner does not think that Hemingway cannot write more difficult vocabulary. He thinks that the reason Hemingway never used it is because Hemingway had no courage to make things difficult for the readers.

While Feng Ming was talking, some students noticed Yu Dong and the others coming and greeted Yu Dong excitedly.

"Teacher Yu, Teacher Cheng."

Feng Ming also turned his head, smiled at Yu Dong and said, "Rare customers, why are you here so early in the morning?"

"Bring a new friend to meet you." Yu Dong pointed to Yu Hua who was next to him and said, "This is Yu Hua, the new writer-in-residence at our school."

Yu Dong arbitrarily changed the name of contract producer to school writer, because he thought the latter title was more appropriate.

Writer in residence?Yu Hua?
Feng Ming and Jia Zhangke were shocked when they received these two messages suddenly.

At this moment, two questions lingered in their minds.

What is a writer-in-residence?
Is this Yu Hua, is that Yu Hua?
Yu Dong knew what they were thinking, and continued, "That's right, he is the author of "To Live", Yu Hua."

After hearing that it was Yu Hua, Jia Zhangke was the first to jump over, nodding and bowing, "Mr. Yu Hua, hello, I am your loyal fan, and I have read almost every novel of yours. Especially "To Live", I really, really like it, and I have been looking forward to the release of the booklet, and I will definitely buy a collection when the time comes."

"Cough cough." Yu Dong coughed lightly beside him.

Jia Zhangke quickly said, "Of course, Teacher Yu's position in my heart will not change. He is an eternal mountain, and like Mount Everest, it grows taller every day."

Yu Dong looked at Jia Zhangke with a flattering smile on his face, and wondered if he had been with Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin for a long time, and now his flattery was getting more and more slippery.

He introduced to Yu Hua, "This is my student, Jia Zhangke."

Feng Ming and the others also came over now, and Yu Dong introduced Yu Hua one by one.

Seeing that the students were so excited one by one, Yu Dong couldn't help sighing in his heart. It really was a foreign monk who liked to chant sutras, and Yu Hua captured the "hearts" of the students as soon as he arrived.

Facing a group of students who admired her, Yu Hua also raised her hand at this moment, and said solemnly: "Everyone can have such enthusiasm for reading poetry and reading. As a literature lover who is slightly older than you, I am also very happy……"

The students nodded straightly, the great writer is really different, his words are simple and approachable.

Yu Dong rolled his eyes straight away. When Yu Hua was visiting the school just now, he had been lacking in interest. This turned out to be the crux of the matter.This guy is just like Bi Feiyu, he likes to be praised by others, and he will float away as soon as he is held.

If I knew it earlier, I should have brought him here.

Yu Hua, a great writer who is approachable and approachable, stayed at the poetry reading for two hours at a time. As more and more people came to the activity classroom, it seemed like a meeting for readers.

When the new students saw this posture, they were a little confused, and asked, who is this, and someone else answered, it was Yu Hua, and then the confused expression faded away, replaced by the same excitement as the others.

Yu Dong was also happy and relaxed, and found a corner with Cheng Yanqiu, watching Yu Hua's performance quietly.

"Didn't you say that Yu Hua is quite shy? You can't tell it." Cheng Yanqiu asked Yu Dong with a smile.

"If a man stumbles, a horse stumbles."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Hua who was surrounded by everyone, and said, "I feel that after Yu Hua's arrival, it will be very beneficial to you. From now on, everyone's attention will not only be on you alone."

"And Bi Feiyu."

"Yes, and Teacher Bi."

Seeing that there was no one around, Yu Dong whispered to Cheng Yanqiu: "When my mother called last night, she said she was going to visit your parents again."

Cheng Yanqiu blushed all of a sudden, lowered his head and said, "I told my parents, and they said it's okay anytime."

"Then I find time?"


Last time after Yanqiu Yu went east, he told his parents about this on the phone, and his mother scolded him a lot, saying that he should have told them in advance.

And since they have already met their parents at home, they should bring up the matter of meeting their parents.

"You went to someone's house, and you didn't mention the business at all. They won't say you are ignorant, they will only say that we parents are ignorant."

What Yu Dong's mother meant was that since he and Cheng Yanqiu had established a relationship, the parents of both parties must have formal contact, otherwise Cheng Yanqiu's parents would not be at ease.

In fact, Yu Dong didn't understand at all. Although he had never experienced marriage, his decades were not for nothing.But he also knew that once the parents of the two sides met formally, they would definitely talk about marriage, which was unavoidable.

But Yu Dong never thought of getting married so early.

In this day and age, the process of getting married is very fast. The relationship is confirmed, the parents of both parties meet, get engaged soon, and get married soon, which may take less than a year.

Cheng Yanqiu naturally knew this too, so he was embarrassed.

Take Feng Ming and Wu Aiyuan as an example. Feng Ming went to Wu Aiyuan's house at the beginning of this year, and then the two parents met and agreed on a day when Wu Aiyuan's family took some close relatives to Feng Ming's house to look after the house.

Watching the house means getting engaged. After seeing the house, not long after, Feng Ming's parents went to a fortune teller to count the date, and it was considered settled.

Originally, Feng Ming's family wanted to get things done this year, but Wu Aiyuan's parents were reluctant to part with their daughter, so they set the date for the beginning of next year.

Now Yu Dong and the others may also be in this process.

In fact, Yu Dong still took advantage of his status as a writer. If he was just an ordinary political counselor, eating and walking with Cheng Yanqiu every day, it would be fine for a few months, and it would still be the same after a year or two, someone would definitely gossip .

Even if the person concerned doesn't care about gossip, it will affect relatives and friends.

It's just that because Yu Dong is a writer, everyone's requirements for him are lower.As a writer, it's normal to be a little wanton.

But no matter how low the requirements are, it will not be good for the woman after a long time.

So after his parents talked about it, he didn't delay it on purpose.


Su Tong and Han Dong came in the afternoon. Originally, Yu Dong wanted to take them to find a place to sit, but Su Tong became interested after hearing what Yu Hua said about the activity room of the poetry reading club in the morning, and the group went again. Over there at the poetry reading.

This time it was even more serious. A group of writers joined the battle, and the poetry reading party was blown up.

Su Tong, Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua, and Han Dong, except for Han Dong who was not very popular before and is a bit outdated now, the others are all popular writers.

And Han Dong is a poet himself, even though he is a bit outdated, there are still many people in the poetry reading club who know him and like him.

So the few of them appearing together at the poetry reading will inevitably cause a sensation.

Originally, there were not many students in the activity classroom, but after spreading the word, many people came one after another.

There are more than 100 people crowded in the small activity classroom, and there are still people squeezing in from outside, all wanting to have a glimpse of the demeanor of several great writers.

Looking at the lively scene in the classroom, Yu Dong tilted his head and whispered to Cheng Yanqiu: "Didn't our great-grandfather wrote "Tang Zhuwen Zhou Jie Biography", do you think we are among the five great talents in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"It's my great-grandfather." Cheng Yanqiu corrected.

"Bite the words, don't they all have the same meaning?" Yu Dongxi said with a straight face, "In the future, we will form a group and call them the Five Great Talents in the South of the Yangtze River. How about it?"

"What if someone else comes over?"

"That's not easy. One of them will be called the Six Great Talents of Jiangnan, and two of them..."

"It's called the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River."

(End of this chapter)

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