Chapter 230
Before dinner at night, Su Tong and the others took Yu Hua to play for a while.

At the end of the poker game, Han Dong still couldn't get enough of it and said, "Now I'm addicted to poker, and I can't find any poker friends, so I can have a good time eating with you."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "What's the problem? If you have time, you can go to Jinyi. It just so happens that Yu Hua is also here now, and we can make a table together."

"Specially to play cards? It's not good for me to drag you three busy people by myself."

Su Tong flicked a cigarette to Han Dong, "Old Han, you are always so sour."

Han Dong took the cigarette and said with a smile: "Haha, it's not sour anymore, it's not sour anymore. But I really want to go to Jinyi more in the future, not for playing cards. I stayed at the Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club for a while today. I found that Jinyi All the students of art are very poetic. Especially the young man named Jia Zhangke, who has very good taste."

The others looked at each other and smiled. Han Dong was flattered countless times at the poetry reading today, and the main player who flattered him was Jia Zhangke.

During the last meal, Yu Dong told Han Dong that there was a student in his class who liked his poems very much. He also said that he would find time to meet him, but he never found the opportunity.When I went this time, I found that Yu Dong's words were conservative. Jia Zhangke liked him to the point of madness.

How crazy is it?
Han Dong has published many poems, some well-known and some unknown, some of which Han Dong himself doesn't quite remember, but Jia Zhangke is so familiar that he can memorize every poem and every poem word for word.

Even during the chat, when Jia Zhangke talked about a poem, Han Dong had to think about it for a long time.

Most people in the world are like this, willing to be with people who like themselves.Everyone is saying that a high hat is not good, but they are all willing to wear a high hat.

During the meal, Su Tong first mentioned "Soft Knife" and complained to Yu Dong, saying that he shouldn't have given "Death of a Widow" to Cheng Yongxing, making them miss a good novel from "Zhong Shan".

Later he mentioned "Alive", because "Alive" will also be changed into a movie.

Speaking of "To Live", Su Tong sighed again: "How come the novel published by "Harvest" is so easily adapted into a movie?"

Han Dong smiled and said, "You have no position to complain about this."

"Why do I have no stance, I am the editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan", isn't this stance enough?"

"I said you have no position, and you have no position. Let me ask you, where is your "Wives and Concubines" posted?"

Su Tong stopped talking.

His only novel adapted into a movie was published in "Harvest", and when the novel was published, he himself was the editor of the magazine.

In fact, Su Tong brought this up because he wanted to talk to Yu Hua.

Everyone knows that Yu Hua has a very close relationship with "Harvest", when the main work is published, "Harvest" is the first thing that comes to mind.But now that Yu Hua came to Jinling, Su Tong wanted to win the moon first if he was close to the water, so he pulled Yu Hua over here, so that he would also think about "Zhongshan" when he had a work.

Yu Hua naturally understood what Su Tong meant, but he thought it was not easy to talk about it at this dinner, so he said with a smile: "You guys have seen the current trend, right? Film and television adaptation is a fierce tiger, and it broke into literature all at once. Circle. I am afraid that we people should stick to it or adjust it.”

"Where do you start with this? These film and television adaptations didn't come because of adjustments." Han Dong said.

"Mr. Han, you can't just look at what's in front of you. According to the current trend, the adaptation of film and television dramas in the future will be different from what it is now." Bi Feiyu said.

Bi Feiyu walked closest to Yu Dong and Jimmy, so she knew more about film and television adaptation than the others.When communicating with Yu Dong and Jimmy, he could feel that future film and television adaptations would drift away from literature.

In terms of film and television adaptations, he is more optimistic about Yu Dong's less literary works.

However, Bi Feiyu didn't feel the need to adjust. He continued: "I think, let's not focus on film and television adaptations. We should maintain a normal mind. It is of course good to have adaptations. If there is no adaptation, we still have to stick to literature." .”

Yu Hua who raised this question nodded in agreement: "That's right, we still have to stick to it."

"Since you have the answer, why are you still asking? You deliberately tested us." Han Dong smiled, then looked at Yu Dong again: "I saw an article in "Yangcheng Literature" today saying that you were selected for the new novel. The name "Xiangxi" is actually aimed at the Eastern Expedition of the Shaanxi Army, and it is written in a serious way."

"Yangcheng Literature, I don't pay much attention to it, who wrote it?" Yu Dong asked.

"Liu Fahao, have you heard of it?"

"It sounds familiar, but I can't remember where I've heard it before."

Su Tong smiled and said, "Someone in "Yangcheng Literature" published an article criticizing your "Mending the Sky" before, and this is Liu Fahao."

Yu Dong suddenly realized, "It turned out to be him."

Yu Hua asked with great interest, "Why, it sounds like there are not only new grudges, but also old grudges?"

"It's not a matter of new or old hatred. Just a few months after the publication of "Back to the Sky", this Liu Fahao published an article criticizing me when I was still unknown. It may be said that my article is reactionary. Specifically I don't remember the details," Yu Dong said.

"Reactionary people are reactionary in everything they see. Who here has not been criticized as reactionary?"

Several people glanced at each other, it was true, not even Han Dong, a poet, was spared, and then they laughed together.

After laughing, Yu Dong went back to the topic, "The title of the book was discussed with me by the editor-in-chief of "Contemporary" before, just because I was worried that someone would deliberately refer it to the Eastern Expedition of the Shaanxi Army, but in the end I insisted on not reading it. change."

"It's fine if it hasn't been changed. Why change the title of the book because of the Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition? If so, it will not be used in the east, west, north, and south." Yu Hua said.

Bi Feiyu nodded, "I think it's right not to change it. When Yu Dong wrote this book, I paid more attention to it because I lived close to him. The name Li Xiangxi was decided from the very beginning. At that time, there was no such thing as Shaanxi Army East. sign for this."

Su Tong said with a smile: "This Liu Fahao is a mangy dog. He is purely trying to sow discord, just ignore him. As long as the Shaanxi writers don't take it seriously, he won't be able to make waves."

"Then what if some of them take it seriously?" Han Dong asked.

"Let's take it seriously. Small quarrels are up to him. If you have to quarrel on the stage, at worst, just scold them with them."

Although Su Tong didn't say it clearly, the meaning was obvious.There are groups of people in every industry, and the circle of writers is no exception.If the Shaanxi army really ganged up to make trouble, they would definitely not be afraid.

Of course, this possibility is small, and everyone is not stupid.


The writers from Shaanxi did not speak out, but public opinion still rose. In the past two years, domestic newspapers have been a bit chaotic, and a lot of news outlets have been opened, so there is a soil similar to entertainment news.

On the one hand, there is a group of writers from Shaanxi who are rising strongly, and on the other, there are popular fried chickens who are suddenly popular and full of commercialism. If the two sides can fight each other, it will really satisfy the hearts of domestic media people.

When Xu Zheng went to Shanghai Renyi early in the morning, he saw Zhou Rui, the senior of Renyi, smirking while holding a newspaper, and muttering, "I'm going to do it, I'm going to do it."

"What are you going to do?" Xu Zheng asked behind Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui was taken aback, turned around and saw Xu Zheng, and said angrily, "Little Xu, why are you walking silently?"

"Brother Rui, it's not that I walk silently, it's that you are too absorbed in reading the newspaper, what are you reading?"

"Big news." Zhou Rui pointed at the newspaper with a smile, "Yu Dong is going to fight the Shaanxi army. When I read "Xiang Xi" before, I felt something was wrong. I didn't realize it at the time. The title of the book is a bit interesting. what."

"Yu Dong?" Xu Zheng heard a familiar name, but he had never heard of the Shaanxi Army.

Just hearing Zhou Rui's words, it seems that Yu Dong is quite famous.

"Is this Yu Dong very famous? And who is this Shaanxi Army? He's also a writer?"

Zhou Rui was amused by Xu Zheng, "Shaan Jun is not a writer, but a collective term for a group of writers, referring to writers from Shaanxi. For example, our Shanghai writers can be called Shanghai Jun."

"Why does this group of writers sound like they are about to go to war?"

"It's interesting to call it that way, and besides, don't you know who this Yu Dong is?"

Xu Zheng really didn't know how to answer these words. If he didn't know, he had met him twice and knew that he was a writer.But if he knew it, he also knew that Yu Dong was a writer.

"Brother Rui, tell me."

Zhou Rui shook his head, "Fortunately, you are still a student of the Drama Academy, so you don't usually pay attention to movies? You know "Soft Knife", right?"

"I know, I've seen Director Zhang's movie. The protagonists are Gong Li and Li Xuejian. Although it's a new movie, it's quite famous. Our teacher said that it's just bad luck. prize."

Zhou Rui said with a faint smile, "Then do you know who wrote "Soft Knife"?"

"Isn't it Liu Heng? He's a screenwriter."

"I mean the original book of this movie... By the way, the original book is called Death of What... Oh, Death of the Widow, do you know who wrote "Death of the Widow"?"

Xu Zheng asked tentatively, "Yu Dong?"

"That's right, that's why you haven't observed carefully enough. Your teacher is also, since "Soft Knife" is mentioned, why don't you talk about the original work... That's right, maybe your teacher doesn't know much about literature. Sigh, Those of us who study drama should know more about literature. Don’t think that just because you read Shakespeare, you also understand literature. It’s not the same thing, you know?”

"Yes, yes." Xu Zheng nodded again and again, and then asked: "Then this Yu Dong became famous because of this "Death of a Widow"?"

"You seem to be interested in Dong Ting."

Xu Zheng thought for a while and said, "I seem to know him."

Zhou Rui pouted, "I still know him. There are many people who know him. You can ask the teachers in our theater, how many of them haven't heard of him?"

"No, I mean I met him and talked to him."

"Really or not, isn't it the same name?"

Xu Zheng shook his head, "I'm not sure, anyway, he also said that he is a writer. By the way, he is from Shanghai, and he also said that he teaches at Jinling Academy of Art."

"No way." Zhou Rui patted his thigh and said with a look of surprise: "Yu Dong is indeed teaching at Jinyi, please tell me what Yu Dong looks like, according to the information, he is quite young. A few years after graduation, some news reports said that he looked very good."

"It's really good, the kind that ranks high in the acting department." Xu Zheng nodded to confirm Yu Dong's appearance, "I'm about the same age as me..."

Zhou Rui glanced at Xu Zheng's hat, "Do you mean before or after your hair loss?"

"Brother Rui..."

"Haha, I'm not kidding anymore. Don't you want to know Yu Dong? Brother Rui, tell you well..."

Xu Zheng found that when Zhou Rui talked about Yu Dong, his whole body was full of energy.It seems that Zhou Rui likes Yu Dong very much, and Zhou Rui is more inclined to Dong when Yu Dong wants to fight with the Shaanxi army.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, Yu Dong is also from Shanghai.

Listening to Zhou Rui's narration... In fact, Xu Zheng felt that Zhou Rui's speech was a bit subjective, and he praised Yu Dong as a god-like figure inside and outside the words.

What just swept the literary world as soon as he debuted, Vega overseas, and established his status as a literary master in just two years, he just opened his mouth.

But anyway, after listening to Zhou Rui's narration, Xu Zheng realized that Yu Dong was not just a small writer like he thought before.

Other Zhou Rui may boast subjectively, but Zhou Rui will not falsify the data.Zhou Rui said that Yu Dong's two books have sold millions abroad, which should be true.

A writer who can sell millions of books is not unknown no matter how you look at it.

And the "Resident Evil" that Zhou Rui mentioned, Xu Zheng seemed to have seen someone read it at school before, but he didn't pay attention to who the author was.

Seeing Xu Zheng's surprised expression, Zhou Rui said with a smile, "How about it, do you feel like you don't know Taishan with your own eyes?"

"Brother Rui, you are right, I wish I could slap myself twice."

"It's because you don't read much. If you pay more attention to literary news, how can you not hear the name of Dong Dong. Let alone literary news—" Zhou Rui clapped the newspaper in his hand, "Look, The entertainment section will still report on him. I advise you, if you have the opportunity, hurry up and seek help. It may be helpful to your acting in the future. In the future, more and more of his books will be adapted into film and television dramas. You have to establish a good relationship with him. , are you still worried about not having a movie?"

"Brother Rui, I didn't expect so much. Now I just want to perform the drama well and learn more from you seniors."

"Don't mess with me, it's fake if you don't want to make a movie. But if you really have a good relationship with him, remember to ask me for a few signed books. I was very greedy at the last signing in Rongcheng, just There's no way to go." Zhou Rui patted Xu Zheng on the shoulder: "Little Xu, work hard, I'm very optimistic about you."

Zhou Rui left with the newspaper in his arms, Xu Zheng froze on the spot, he was seriously considering Zhou Rui's words, wondering if he would find a chance to meet Yu Dong and build a good relationship.

By the way, didn't Yu Dong call last time, where did he go?

 Thank you [Cheese Flavored Wafers] for the 1500 tip
(End of this chapter)

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