Chapter 231

When the phone rang in the house, Yu Dong was tending vegetables in the yard.

Recently, he has been paying special attention to the vegetables in the vegetable garden. Bi Feiyu's wife, Fu Jing, will invite several of Bi Feiyu's poker friends to have dinner on weekends, and Yu Dong is naturally among them.

His family's meals are relatively simple. A big pot sits on the coal stove, and some pork and tofu are stewed in it. When the soup is boiled and bubbling, a few vegetables are put in. Come up and eat.

The natural green vegetables that have been beaten by frost have an excellent taste.For the sake of stuttering, Yu Dong would spare time to take good care of them. After coming and going, the few of them also had their own territory in the vegetable garden.

Vegetables can naturally be bought in the market, but it will definitely taste better if you grow them yourself.

The phone rang, and Yu Dong wiped his hands to answer it.


"Hello, is this Teacher Yu Dong?"

The voice was a bit distorted, but Yu Dong could still recognize who the other party was, and Xu Zheng's voice was quite recognizable.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Is it Xu Zheng?"

Xu Zheng also smiled, very happy, "Yes, yes, I am Xu Zheng, Teacher Yu, you still remember me."

"Of course I remember, how is it, how has it been recently. If I remember correctly, I am a senior this year, right?"

"Mr. Yu, you have a really good memory. I am a senior this year and will graduate next semester."

"Have you got a job?"

The question of whether a job has been secured is still applicable to current acting students, but it will not be applicable in a few years.Now, for acting students, the first thing to consider after graduation is which unit is willing to take them.

When it comes to work, Xu Zheng is quite confident, "I should be going to the People's Art Theater. I have played a lot of dramas here this year, and the leaders also recognize me."

"That's pretty good. Drama trains people. It seems that your home is not far from the theater, so you can be regarded as the first to get the moon."

"Yeah, when I was in middle school, I often went to the theater. The predecessors of the theater can be regarded as watching me grow up. This is like my second home."


The two chatted for a while, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu came to find Yu Dong, and Yu Dong said to Xu Zheng, "You called today, what's the matter?"

"No, no, I just want to chat with you."

"Well, I have something else to do here, so I won't talk to you for now, let's keep in touch."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Yu, if you have something to do, go and do it, then I'll hang up first."

Then Xu Zheng hung up the phone first.

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Yu Dong smiled, then looked at Bi Feiyu and the others, "Why did you two come here together?"

"Come here and ask you to treat us to dinner. I heard from Manager Yu that "Resident Evil" has been printed again."

"There's also the collection of "Mending the Sky" novels coming out."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's a coincidence for you to catch up. My parents just came over in the afternoon. I'll invite everyone to Jinling Restaurant for dinner tonight."

"Uncles and aunts are coming, why don't we go empty-handed?" Bi Feiyu rubbed his hands and said.

"It's not a matter of empty hands or not. Teacher Cheng and her parents will also go tonight. Is it okay for us to eat and drink together?" Yu Hua said.

"It's okay. Her parents won't be going tonight. They have an appointment to meet tomorrow."

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Then I'm going to take a look. Last time I went to Shanghai, I didn't visit the elders. It's really rude."

Yu Dong said to Bi Feiyu: "You tell your sister-in-law not to cook at night, let's go together."

"Then we're welcome."

Yu Hua thought for a while, and then said, "By the way, this meal doesn't conflict with the reprint celebration of "Resident Evil", right?"

Yu Dong glanced at Yu Hua, this guy was thinking about eating and drinking all day long.

Seeing this, Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Forgive him. Chen Hong is not here now. He is no different from a bachelor. Letting him eat and drink is also humanitarian."

Hearing this, Boss Yu Hua was not happy: "What do you have to worry about? I am a general, and the military order is not acceptable. You go to court every morning, isn't it beautiful?"

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"


"Have you got the sales data of "Second World" and "Resident Evil" during this period?"

In New York, in the base camp of the YU Umbrella Reading Club, Jeff Gonzalez stared at the computer screen and asked about the recent sales of YU's works.

"I have already got it. The sales of both books have been a little weak recently."

Gonzales nodded. This situation is predictable. There is no news recently, and the sales of books will naturally not be very hot.However, this situation will improve soon. According to the information he has received, the copyright of "Second World" has been bought by Spielberg, and it is estimated that Universal will make an announcement in a short time.

The person he met in the bookstore before contacted him later, gave some financial assistance to the reading club, and helped him make a set of internal rules and regulations and development plans for the reading club.

With the start-up funds, the book club has developed rapidly. Now they have more than 300 members in New York, and some of them have paid fees. The total amount is more than 1000 US dollars. Although it is not much, it is definitely a good start.

Their current base camp is just an ordinary office, with a total area of ​​just over 100 square meters.However, Gonzalez is negotiating cooperation with Little Bear Bookstore, and plans to use Little Bear Bookstore as the second activity point in New York, and it will be used as a place for reading parties in the future.

The bookstore owner is very interested in this plan, and now as long as the specific conditions are negotiated, the reading club can enter in the future.

"Tom, tell the members that there will be a big event in the near future, let them have a mental preparation. In addition, the point exchange of the book club will be officially opened, so let them pay more attention."

Tom was a member of the book club and Gonzalez's assistant, the salaried kind.

Jimmy told Gonzalez that the enthusiasm is only temporary, and the benefits will last forever, so now there are formal jobs in the reading club, as long as they are members, they can compete for jobs.

Including Gonzalez himself, now also receives a salary every month.

Hearing what Gonzalez said, Tom pushed his glasses and said excitedly: "Is the point exchange going to start? Chairman, what can I exchange for this opening?"

Gonzalez laughed and said, "It's YU's book, but there is a signed book among them."

"Signed books?" Tom asked in surprise, "Isn't YU Chinese? How did we get his signed books? Chairman, you don't really know YU, do you?"

"Don't ask for details, I got it through a friend."

"Members must be very happy to know this news, but unfortunately there is only one copy, and we have more than 300 members."

"So, we want to use this signed book to redeem points and fully mobilize their enthusiasm. If someone asks where this book came from, you can tell them that you don't know, but you can assure them that it is definitely written by YU. Signature. And..."

At this moment, the phone on the table rang suddenly, and Gonzalez answered the phone and said a few words, the more he said, the more excited his face was.

After hanging up the phone, he excitedly said to Tom: "I have received news that Universal will release a news release tomorrow morning to announce the film plan of "Second World". Let's prepare well and cooperate with the work."

"The movie "Second World"?" Tom asked unexpectedly, he had never heard of it.

Gonzalez smiled and explained: "I haven't confirmed it before, so I didn't tell you. In addition——"

He took out another form from the drawer, "This is the form for point redemption this time, you copy some and distribute them to the members, and tell them the two pieces of information together."

Tom nodded and took the form. When he saw the content on the form, he opened his mouth in surprise, because he saw that the points required to sign a book were as high as 2000.

There are roughly two ways for book clubs to obtain points. One is to participate in publicity activities, such as distributing leaflets and posters, and the other is to give money directly.

The calculation method of points obtained by participating in activities is more complicated, and each activity is different, but if it is money, one dollar is equal to one point.

But now there are so many activities in the book club, it is impossible for someone to get [-] points by participating in the activities in a short period of time. If you exchange money for points, it will cost [-] US dollars.

Just when Tom thought the points were too high, Gonzalez added another sentence: "By the way, let me tell the members that this signed book is the first signed book in English in the world, with YU's own handwriting on it. time."

Hearing this, Tom's mouth opened even wider.He realized how ridiculous his thoughts were just now. If what the chairman said was true, then two thousand points for this book would not be high at all.

Tom himself was a little moved, but two thousand dollars was not a small sum for him. Although there was hope that he could change hands, it was a bit risky.

"Go to work, we don't have much time." Looking at Tom who was in a daze, Gonzalez reminded.

"Oh well."

After Tom left, Gonzalez sighed. He was even more surprised than Tom had been when Jimmy gave him the book.

Jimmy didn't tell Gonzalez what he did, but Gonzalez always felt that Jimmy should have something to do with YU.

Gonzalez once wanted to take the book as his own, but Jimmy seemed to see through his mind and told him to give up this idea, not to lose the big because of small things.


"Universal has confirmed that it will release the news tomorrow, and your round of publicity can also begin."

In Dante's office, Jimmy threw a big message to Dante as soon as he sat down.

Regarding the news that the film and television copyright of "Second World" was taken by Spielberg, Jimmy told Dante a long time ago that Bantam Company has been brewing a new round of publicity recently, and everything has been prepared. Just wait for the news from Universal.

Now, Jimmy is Bantam's guest, as long as he comes, Dante will take time to accompany him no matter how busy he is.

After making a cup of coffee for Jimmy himself, Dante smiled and said, "Just call and come over for this matter, and you don't need to go there yourself."

"I want to drink your coffee now, why, I'm afraid I'll finish your coffee."

"How come, you can drink the coffee here as you like. The main reason is that you are very busy recently. There should be many people in the film and television industry looking for you to cooperate, and some publishers should also contact you."

Jimmy took the coffee and said with a smile, "You want to talk to me."

"No, don't you care about you? We are old friends."

"That's right." Jimmy took a sip of coffee, "Since we're old friends, I'll tell you another news, "Resident Evil 2" is coming out soon."

Dante squinted his eyes and was about to speak, but Jimmy continued: "We don't pay much attention to royalties. YU has not entered the North American market for a long time. What we want is to use North America as a springboard to open up the world." market. But your company seems to be exploring the global market without much sincerity.”

Jimmy's words made Dante's heart skip a beat. It seemed that Jimmy was brooding over what happened some time ago.

A few days ago, other languages ​​of "Resident Evil" had been working, but Bantam really didn't invest too much publicity funds, which aroused Jimmy's dissatisfaction.

But at that time, Jimmy only mentioned a few words without much reaction, and the company didn't take it seriously.

But he didn't expect that Jimmy hadn't forgotten about it at all. He didn't mention it all the time and was waiting until this time to have an attack.

Looking at Jimmy who was calmly drinking coffee, Dante secretly sighed, Jimmy is really not easy to mess with.Jimmy seized this opportunity too well. If he had come to argue before, although the company would have responded, it was most likely just perfunctory.Now that he has a new work, and it is just in time for Universal to release news, if Jimmy mentions this again, the company cannot take it lightly.

Dante had no choice but to say with a smile on his face: "Brother, you know this matter. I can't make the decision. It was decided by the leaders above. I also helped to say a lot in the middle, but I didn't get up in the end. I'm sorry for this, but our cooperation is generally very pleasant..."

Jimmy raised his hand, "You won't tell me that you have no control over this matter, will you?"

"Of course not..." Dante gritted his teeth, "In this way, as long as you give us "Resident Evil 2", everything is negotiable, and I promise to persuade the upper management to increase investment in other language regions. Increase the promotional funds by 30.00%, what do you think?"

"Thirty, not enough." Jimmy shook his head, "The previous base is too low, it doesn't make sense to add 30.00%, double it. Dante, you have to figure it out, "Resident Evil" and "Second World" two Even for the promotion of this book in North America, I have done the main work here. In order to promote these two books, the royalties you settled for me have been spent almost. If we publish a book, we will lose money Some money, so what's the point to us?"

Hearing Jimmy's words, Dante secretly slandered that Bantam had paid Jimmy close to 200 million in royalties, and it would be nice if Jimmy spent a tenth of this money on publicity.

But Dante couldn't expose Jimmy face to face, so he could only smile and say, "Brother, I know your difficulties, and I've always been on your side. You said you want to double, and I need to discuss it with my superiors." I can give you an answer, what do you think?"

"Dante, sometimes you need some courage to go further." Jimmy squinted his eyes and nodded.

Dante knew what Jimmy meant, and Jimmy wanted to tie himself to him completely, so that in the future, everyone will prosper and everyone will lose.If Dante helped Jimmy desperately, as long as Jimmy's writers kept up the momentum, his office could move east.

But if Jimmy was just a flash in the pan, maybe he'd have to run off to work in the lobby, or even leave Bantam straight away.

This choice is difficult for Dante.

(End of this chapter)

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