Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 232 Meet you, meet a better self

Chapter 232 Meet you, meet a better self
After sitting in Dante's office for a while, Jimmy left the Bantam Building and headed for Little Bear Books.

Jimmy wants to see how Jeff Gonzalez's reading club is doing, and he knows very well that it will save him a lot of energy to support an organized support club.

According to his recent observation, Jeff is very intelligent and ambitious. The only thing he lacks is experience and understanding of the industry.With a little help from him, this kid should be able to get things done.

When Jimmy arrived at the bookstore, he didn't see Jeff, but he didn't care. He just wanted to see the situation in the bookstore.

Although the Book Club and Little Bear Bookstore have not formally cooperated, the Little Bear Bookstore has now become a base for members. Jimmy chatted with other members as a member for a while, and felt that everyone's enthusiasm is not bad, and the recognition of the book club is also quite good. strong.

After investigating the situation, when Jimmy was about to leave, a young man came over with a stack of forms, "Members of the YU Umbrella Reading Club, please come here."

"Tom, you are here, do you have any news to announce?"

"When will we officially cooperate with the bookstore, Tom?"

It seemed that the members all knew this young man named Tom, and greeted him one after another, and Jimmy also moved over.

Tom smiled and sent the form to the members, and said: "There are two very important news, you should have seen the form, this is the newly released point exchange form of our reading club, which contains the items that can be exchanged and all the points. Points are required."

"No, Tom, a copy of "Resident Evil" costs ten credits, which is equivalent to ten dollars in cash, which is much more expensive than buying in a bookstore, right?"

After looking at the form, one member raised a question.

"Yeah, the difference is quite a lot. If this is the case, why don't we buy it in the bookstore?"

"This exchange is meaningless."

Others chimed in, and Tom pressed his hand and explained with a smile: "Points and cash cannot be simply converted, and the exchange of genuine books is actually provided for those members with relatively poor financial ability. For example For some students, they may not have the money to buy genuine books, but they can participate in some activities in the reading club to earn points, and then redeem books.”

When Tom said this, the others understood.

At this time Tom continued: "Members may not have noticed the last column of the form. We have a big prize for this redemption, which is YU's autographed book."

"I saw it just now. I was about to say that the signed book is really good, but isn't 2000 points too high?"

"That's right, a friend of mine who was on a business trip to China bought a copy for only one hundred dollars. I heard from him that YU held a signing event in China before. Although not many books were signed, there were also More than 1000 copies. And as time goes by, there will be more and more, and $2000 is too much."

"Everyone, please listen to me." Tom raised his hand and said, "The signed book we provide this time is different from all other signed books, because it is the first English version book signed by YU in the world, and according to As far as I know, there is only this one in the whole world. Maybe you will say that it is impossible to verify whether it is the first one. Let me tell you, in this signed book, there is the time written by YU himself, who will dare to question whether it is not the first book in the future, you just need to show them the time."

After Tom's words came out, the members were in shock. Can autographed books still play like this?
If that's the case, $2000 doesn't seem so unacceptable.

Some slightly wealthier members are already considering whether to redeem.

Tom didn't care about their reaction, and continued to throw out the second news: "In addition to the point exchange, we also got news internally that Universal has purchased the film and television adaptation rights of "Second World" and plans to make it into a movie. gone."


"For Universal, wouldn't Spielberg be the one to shoot it?"

"Besides him, who else can take a good picture?"


Jimmy looked at the mobilized members, nodded in satisfaction, and left the bookstore when no one was paying attention.


"Old Yu, my daughter-in-law's voice is so nice, she must be pretty too. Judging from her voice, she is quite tall, and she should also have long hair..."

Yu Hansheng pursed his lips, thinking that his wife's ears are really good, and she can tell whether the little girl is tall or not, and whether her hair is long or not just by listening to her voice.

"Then if she doesn't look good, you won't recognize her."

"I can't hear good things from you." Qin Fang rolled her eyes, and then said: "If you really want to be ugly... as long as your son likes it."

"That's it, I'm always wondering what she looks like. Hurry up, I guess they are already waiting at the door."

The couple quickened their pace and walked towards the exit.

Before they got to the exit, they saw Yu Dong waving at them from a distance.Qin Fang's eyes quickly flicked from her son to the girl next to her, and she burst into a smile instantly.

Even more beautiful than she imagined.

"Old Yu, walk faster, as slow as a 80-[-]-year-old old man."

In turn, Qin Fang urged her husband to quicken her pace.

When he got to the front, Cheng Yanqiu greeted with a smile: "Hello, Auntie."

"Okay, okay." Qin Fang couldn't take her eyes off Cheng Yanqiu: "I told Yu Dong not to pick you up, but he insisted on pulling you over, didn't he wait for a long time?"

In the words, Qin Fang mentioned her son, but she didn't even look at her own son.

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "We have just arrived not too long ago."

Only now did Yu Hansheng come up to him, and Cheng Yanqiu called out again: "Hello, Uncle."

"Hi Xiaocheng, thank you for coming to pick us up."

"Uncle, you are being polite. You have had a hard time on the road."

"Shanghai is not far from Jinling, and we will arrive in a short while." Qin Fang said.

Yu Hansheng also nodded: "Yeah, it's not too far away. Take a look at the scenery on the way, and you'll be there soon."

"The scenery here in Jinling is pretty good. When you get in the car, the further you go here, the fresher the air..."

Yu Dong interrupted his mother with a smile: "There are people coming and going at the train station, what are you talking about here, I'll take you to the hotel."

"What hotel are we going to? Let's go to school first. You have worked for so long and we haven't been here once. This time I just went to see your dormitory." Qin Fang rolled her eyes at Yu Dong, then changed her smile and said to Cheng Yanqiu : "Yanqiu, it's still early, let's go to school first."

"Okay, I'll take you there."


"The closet is a place to put clothes. There are so many books, it's a mess. How much work would it cost you to get a small bookshelf, just across the bedside, it's more than enough to put your books..."

As soon as Qin Fang entered Yudong's dormitory, she started to make troubles, basically because she didn't like everything.

The clothes are not neatly folded, there is still water in the washbasin, the waste manuscripts are piled up in a mess in the corner, and there is so much dust on the window sill that I don’t know how to wipe it off...

Yu Dong stood with his hands down like a good baby, listening to the hadith.

His father helped Yu Dong by saying something: "Don't be picky, I think it's pretty good, isn't it also clean..."

But Qin Fang glanced at it, and didn't dare to say anything further.

Fortunately, Cheng Yanqiu was present, so Qin Fang restrained herself a bit, and after saying a few words, she smiled and said to Cheng Yanqiu: "Yu Dong is usually very particular, maybe he is busy with work and doesn't care about some details."

Afterwards, Yu Dong and the others took the old couple to stroll around the school, seeing students constantly greeting Yu Dong, the couple's "vanity" was greatly satisfied.

"Students respect you, and you should also respect students. When we used to go to school, when students bowed down to say hello to the teacher, the teacher would bend down to say hello. Now it's not fashionable to bend down. Don't respond to others."

Yu Dong nodded, and he would naturally respond if he could respond, but sometimes there are too many people, and it is inevitable that some people can't take care of them.

After visiting the school, Yu Dong took them to the hotel to settle down.

In the evening, Yu Dong set up a big box, and all his acquainted colleagues called him in, and everyone had a lively meal.

The next day, the meeting between the two parents was very harmonious, so harmonious that there was no matter between Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu.

Parents chat about the day of the engagement, figuring out when will be the right time, whether the date will be good, what the weather will be like, and how the relatives at home will arrange it.

Because the place is different, the wedding customs are naturally different.With a serious and responsible attitude, the two parents sat down and carefully studied each other's customs, and discussed a compromise countermeasure when they encountered conflicts.

Not only that, they even talked about the bride price and dowry openly.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu sat obediently, not daring to intervene, and could not intervene. They knew nothing about the wedding customs in their respective hometowns, and even heard many things for the first time today.

Cheng Yanqiu kept her head down, she was not as prepared as Yu Dongzao.Although she knew that marriage would be discussed today, she never thought that it would be so direct and so fast.

In a daze, Cheng Yanqiu was still confused: Am I going to get married soon?

Yu Dong grabbed her hand under the table to make her relax a little.

The two parents finally set the tone, the engagement should be fast, and the marriage can be delayed.Moreover, there is a custom in Cheng Yanqiu's hometown that there must be at least one year between engagement and marriage.

It's already the end of October in the lunar calendar. I'm in a hurry to get engaged this year. I should wait until the beginning of next year.

As a result, marriage has to wait until at least the next year.


After dinner, the two walked side by side on the way back to school.

Winter is really here, the evening wind blows people chilly, Cheng Yanqiu's hand is held in his own pocket by Yu Dong, it's warm and itchy.She leaned on Yu Dong and murmured: "I'm so confused, I'm going to get married."

Yu Dong scratched her palm with his fingers, and said with a smile, "Are you really confused?"

Cheng Yanqiu grabbed Yu Dong's fingers to prevent him from playing tricks, but his thoughts flew back to two years ago.At that time, the two didn't know each other, but she often heard about him and read his novels.

During that time, the real world made her feel difficult to deal with, and she could only read books all day long. Because she didn't know how to deal with the real world, others' misunderstandings about her continued to deepen. In the end, even she herself felt that she was a cold and arrogant person. people.

Especially after a few male teachers took the initiative to express their affection to her and was rejected by her, the real world became even more difficult to deal with. They didn't dare to say too much, they only said that she had a bold style, but this was enough to make people imagine .

She simply became cold and didn't talk to anyone. Even if she had no friends, at least there would be no more messy things.

The first contact with Yu Dong was because of his works.She likes his novels, but every time she sees him, she feels a sense of separation, as if his works belong to two different worlds from him.

But after a long time of contact, these two different worlds began to gradually overlap, and the works and people were truly connected together.

Yu Dong is very different, he always does some things that others are not used to very naturally, and he can always do some things that others seem vulgar with righteousness.

When he is not speaking, he is a restrained literati. When he speaks, sometimes he is like a profound wise man, there is no problem in the world that he cannot solve, and sometimes he is like an ordinary man, all the emotions and desires of mortals have returned.

She remembered the fatalism that Yu Dong had told her, that time, she really put him in her heart.

In the past, she never pretended to be other people in her heart. As soon as Yu Dong entered, it gradually became more and more full, and it was so crowded that there was no room for other people.After that, she discovered that she is not a cold person, but also has a heart that throbs because of others.

So, are you confused?

Of course not, since she met Yu Dong, she has met a better self.

"Do you read Shelley?" Cheng Yanqiu asked suddenly.

"I've read it a bit." Feeling the cold wind of the winter night, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Winter has come, can spring be far behind?"

"I like another sentence, love is like a light, shining on two people at the same time, the brilliance will not be weakened."

Cheng Yanqiu stopped and looked at Yu Dong with affection.

At this moment, Yu Dong seemed to see the spring in her eyes, the bright sun, the warm wind blowing over the grass and the stream, and the long future and the other side of happiness.

Yu Dong smiled. He reached out and brushed the hair on Cheng Yanqiu's cheeks, and brushed away the cold wind by the way, "But I like another sentence better. A kiss is a soul meeting on a lover's lips. Lips are a pair of lovers. A place where souls meet."

Before Cheng Yanqiu could react, Yu Dong had already kissed her.

When the soul meets the soul, even the cold wind in the winter night can't bear to disturb, the rustling leaves are quiet, and the street lamp is like a smiling face, with a gentle radiance, watching the pair of lovers underneath.

 Thanks again [Cheese Flavored Wafer] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
  There may be two major updates tomorrow, and I’m really embarrassed if I don’t add more updates
(End of this chapter)

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