Chapter 233 Double-edged sword

Lin Yi rushed into the river behind the school like crazy, trying to find her daughter, even if it was a dead body.

Chu Junshan had no choice but to follow along with a few students. Only Xu Si was injured, so he stayed in the classroom.

But they did not find Lin Xiaoqi's body in the river. The river is very long, but a long section not far downstream is covered by aquatic plants, and the water is not deep. The roots of the aquatic plants have already touched the bottom of the water. It's hard to get down there.

But it does not rule out the possibility that the corpse really floated downstream.

If that's the case, it's not something they can find.If you want to find the body, I'm afraid you can only wait until tomorrow to call more people to find it.

Just when Chu Junshan was about to take everyone back together, he suddenly heard a scream, followed by a plop, and Li Shuang fell headfirst into the lake.

When Chu Junshan dragged Li Shuang ashore, Li Shuang was already dead, and his throat was slit.

Because it was raining heavily and it was dark, no one saw what happened when Li Shuang was killed.Chu Junshan thought that Lin Yi did it and only she had the motive, but Lin Yi denied it.

Things became more and more chaotic, so Chu Junshan could only bring Li Shuang's body back to the classroom with the others. After returning, they found that Xu Si was dead, and died of excessive blood loss.

Faced with such a situation, Chu Junshan was on the verge of collapse. He found a rope to tie Lin Yi and Liu Changlin, and asked Wu Yue to watch them, and then he went back to the police station to call someone.

After Chu Junshan left, Wu Yue looked at the two tied people and the two bleeding corpses, not feeling scared at all, but told a story that no one else knew.

In fact, Lin Xiaoqi was killed by her.

Wu Yue has always had a crush on Li Shuang. She was bullied by her classmates since she was a child. Because of her looks, she was nicknamed Sun Monkey.

At that time, only Li Shuang didn't call her that. Later, he went to the same junior high school and entered the same class. He never told anyone that Wu Yue had such a nickname.

In the evening, after hearing what Li Shuang said about what he and Liu Changlin had done, Wu Yue told Li Shuang not to worry, and they turned back and went behind the school wall.

At this time, Lin Xiaoqi was still in a coma, and Wu Yue also thought she was dead, so she proposed to throw her into the river. Her idea was very simple, she wanted to create the illusion of drowning, and she didn't know the difference between going into the water after death and the real thing. Drowning is different.

If Lin Xiaoqi really died at this time, even if they threw him into the water, it would be easy to find out that he was not drowned, but was thrown into the water after death.

Li Shuang didn't dare to do it, so Wu Yue did it herself, but when she was about to throw Lin Xiaoqi into the water, Lin Xiaoqi's eyelashes moved, and she didn't die.

But Wu Yue threw Lin Xiaoqi into the water when she thought of Li Shuang's dependent eyes on her before, she didn't want to lose Li Shuang's dependence on her.

After telling the truth, Wu Yue complained hysterically. She was a single-parent family, and her father usually drank alcohol and sometimes beat her, but Lin Yi never found out about it.

She only has her own daughter in her eyes.

Later she asked Liu Changlin why she killed people, because if it wasn't for Liu Changlin, nothing would have happened.

Liu Changlin just told her that he wanted to be famous.

Wu Yue slit the throats of Liu Changlin and Lin Yi with a glass, and then slit her own throat with the same piece of glass.


Until here, it is a normal suspense novel, but some humanistic elements are added in it, such as left-behind children, domestic violence, and school bullying.

But then things started to change.

As soon as the picture turned, in a white room, a man was surrounded by a group of people. He closed his eyes and muttered words, which was the previous story.

Someone recorded what he said.

The people surrounding him were actually the police and doctors from the mental hospital.

The man who was surrounded was arrested for attempting to injure someone before. When he was arrested, he was holding a knife and was about to slash someone. It was later proved that he had a split personality.

Everything before was a battle between his personalities.

The final result satisfied the doctors.

They concluded that the man's evil personality has been completely eliminated, leaving only the police personality named Chu Junshan, so there is no need to worry about him harming others.

The police took the advice, and the man did and did not have a felony, he was just threatening people with a knife, so the man was eventually released.

The day after the man was let go, he took a knife and killed the man he hadn't killed before.

At the end of the story, the perspective returns to Chu Junshan.

He rushed to the police station in the rain, but on the way he saw a little girl who was drenched all over.The little girl told Chu Junshan that she was looking for her mother, and her mother was Lin Yi.

Hearing the little girl's words, Chu Junshan was very happy, this was the first good thing he encountered tonight, Lin Xiaoqi didn't die.

He hugged Lin Xiaoqi in the back seat and sat down, ready to take her back to the police station, but after walking a few steps, he felt a pain in his waist. When he turned his head, there was a long piece of glass inserted there, and there was Lin Xiaoqi's weird smile .


This novel not only refers to "Fatal Identity", but also "Confession". The role settings of teachers and students are all from the latter book.

Yu Dong wants to borrow these characters to add more humanistic care to this book.

Although the novel doesn't introduce why men have these personalities, it is not difficult to understand, because these children, including Lin Xiaoqi, all have one thing in common, which is lack of love.

They lack both the care of the family and the care of the teacher.As the final personality of Lin Xiaoqi, the two aspects of family and teacher are integrated together, and her mother is the teacher.

The personality of the doorman is actually the man himself.

The personality of the policeman is the role that men expect to be.

Yu Dong did not say in the novel whether Li Shuang was killed by Lin Yi, but in fact Li Shuang was indeed killed by Lin Yi, because Lin Yi just saw the news the day before yesterday that a student killed someone, but because he was not old enough So no sentence.

Lin Yi knew that if Li Shuang was handed over to the law, then Li Shuang would definitely not be severely punished, so she decided to do it herself, which is very similar to "Confessions".

However, Yu Dong only wrote half of it, leaving the rest to the readers' imagination.

In addition, Yu Dong also set up a small detail in the novel, that is, everyone's names have homonyms of numbers.

Lin Yi, Li Shuang, Chu Junshan, Xu Si, Wu Yue, Liu Changlin, Lin Xiaoqi... From one to seven, each of them represents a number.

Readers may notice this when they first read it, but they won't understand why.After they see the ending and learn about multiple personalities, they will probably realize the reason.


After the outline came out, Yu Dong roughly estimated that the novel may need between 12 and 20 words to complete.But with the outline, the story will be much better, and the book should be out in less than a month.

At the end of December, just as Yu Dong wrote a section of "Fatal Identity", Jimmy came to him.

The first thing Jimmy said when he saw Yu Dong was: "Dong, is the "Resident Evil 2" that I've been thinking so much about finished?"

"No." Yu Dong replied simply.

"Not yet? This efficiency is not your style." Jimmy stretched his head to look at the manuscript Yu Dong was writing, "Is this "Resident Evil 2"?"

"No." Yu Dong shook his head.

Jimmy blinked, "Dong, you won't tell me that you haven't written Resident Evil 2 yet?"

"It's half written, but I have a new plan to write, so I put "Resident Evil" aside for now." Yu Dong told Jimmy truthfully.


Jimmy didn't know what to say.

This is both bad news and good news.

The bad news is that Resident Evil 2 has been delayed.The good news is that Yu Dong has made a new one.

Jimmy decided to ignore the bad news, and asked with a smile on his face, "What is the subject of the new book? Is it science fiction?"

"'s reasoning, let's add some horror." Yu Dong replied.

Reasoning and horror.

This is another bad news, plus good news.

No, it should be said news that is not sure whether it is good news or bad news.

It is of course a good thing that Yu Dong has made a breakthrough in the subject matter, but if this breakthrough is not successful...

For any creator, a breakthrough is a double-edged sword.

Anyway, whether it is good news or bad news, Jimmy has already started to figure out how to market in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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