Chapter 234 Collection of Essays (seeking a monthly ticket)
Jimmy didn't ask what the plot of the new novel was. He knew that Yu Dong wouldn't tell him when he hadn't finished writing it.

It was a long time after "Deep Space" was written before Jimmy saw it.

At that time, Jimmy also suggested to Yu Dong that he could add some family and love elements to "Deep Space", because it would sell better, but Yu Dong didn't listen to him.

The reason Yu Dong gave was that this time he only wanted readers to pay attention to the sci-fi elements in it.

Hearing this reason, Jimmy didn't say anything, but he thought in his heart that if a director wants to adapt it in the future, he must add those things.Take this adaptation of "Second World" as an example. Jimmy has read a part of the script and changed it a lot, including adding a love element.

Jimmy came here this time, besides asking about "Resident Evil", there are two other important things to do, one is to help Yu Hua arrange the physical publication of "To Live", and the other is to give Bi Feiyu a collection of novels.

In fact, since the news that "To Live" will be made into a movie, several publishing houses have contacted Yu Hua, wanting to help him publish a booklet of "To Live".However, Jimmy had told Yu Hua before that there was no need to rush this matter and wait for him to handle it, so Yu Hua never agreed to any cooperation request from any of them.

Yu Hua still has a lot of trust in Jimmy now, and the power of attorney for "To Live" before made him see Jimmy's professionalism.

After all, it was a real [-] oceans. If Yu Hua had negotiated on his own, he would never have been able to get so much, and he would have spent so much time and effort.

It's not a big job, but Jimmy is also very concerned.

If the talks go well this time, maybe Yu Hua will become the first writer other than Yu Dong to make money for the company, which is of extraordinary significance.

Before coming, Jimmy had asked Yu Yu to collect the information of those publishing houses that were interested in publishing "To Live", and he planned to start talking one by one in the next two days.

Jimmy was chatting with Yu Dong when Yu Hua happened to come over.

When he saw Jimmy, he was quite surprised: "Jimmy, you are here too."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, I heard Yu Liang said about your coming to Jinyi, and I was going to find you."

"What a coincidence, then you can go to my place for a while."

Seeing the notebook in Yu Hua's hand, Yu Dong seemed to be on something, so he asked, "Why did you seek me?"

Yu Hua raised the notebook in her hand, "I have a plan to discuss with you."


With doubts, Yu Dong reached out to take the notebook, opened it and looked at it. It was blank and contained nothing.

"Don't flip through it, it's blank." Yu Hua said with a smile, "That's right. I wrote an essay yesterday, which was related to Jin Yi. Bi Feiyu happened to come across it. He was very interested and wanted to write it too."

"He wants to write, why do you give me the book?"

"He still wants you to write."

"Let me write?" Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, "This guy is very lenient, and now he even controls what I write. And he wants me to write, why doesn't he say it himself? "

"I'll take a step first, and he will come back later. Mainly, I think his proposal is very interesting. Let's start writing together, and we will write "Essays on the Cucumber Garden", and maybe we can publish a collection in the future. And, you guys Now they are all teachers of drama creation, so it is a good thing to write more essays, so I just use it as a model essay for the students."

After listening to Yu Hua's words, Yu Dong felt that it was not reliable. Can the collection of essays be crowdfunded?
Bi Feiyu thought about it, and Yu Hua also joined in the fun.

Jimmy next to him was very interested, "This proposal is very good. It is a good thing for you and the school. The only thing that is difficult to deal with is the distribution of benefits. Who will own the copyright and income of this episode in the future. If In the case of an equal share, whoever has more articles and who has fewer articles, and the degree of fame of each of you, is weighed in each person's heart, and it is easy to cause problems."

When Jimmy said this, Yu Hua also realized that her thinking was too simple, and she didn't think about many things.

But then Jimmy continued: "Unless you don't care about copyright fees, the income from the collection is managed in a unified manner, or you simply donate it directly, or set up a literary award or something."

"It's hard to get a literary award." Yu Dong shook his head.

"Then get a scholarship, or donate to the school to build a building or something."

Yu Hua clicked his tongue, Jimmy really dared to think that the manuscript fee for a collection of essays was just thinking about building a building.

But this proposal is good, and Yu Hua never thought of making money from this essay, he just listened to what Bi Feiyu said and thought it was very interesting.

The most important thing is that although he is now Jin Yi's contract producer, he looks like an outsider no matter what.It was also because of this that he wrote an essay in order to deepen the connection between himself and Jin Yi.

If this collection of essays can really come out and become a model essay for the students of drama creation to practice prose, he can be regarded as a teacher in the school.

Fame is something that everyone wants.

In fact, Yu Dong didn't mind collaborating with the two of them on a collection of essays. Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua were not only his friends, but also writers whom he admired very much.

But he has two concerns. The first concern is that Jimmy just mentioned it and proposed a solution. The second concern is that once the collection is released, there will definitely be comparisons, readers will compare, and the authors may also compare with each other. In comparison, if you think too much at that time, maybe you will alienate the relationship while playing.

Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua and confessed his concerns.

After hearing Yu Dong's concerns, Yu Hua laughed and said, "If you think like this, you will underestimate me and Bi Feiyu. I also know that human nature is difficult to withstand torture, but I also know that if we Writers are timid and only want to torture the humanity of others in their works, but they are unwilling to torture their own humanity, so that would be a bit of a failure."

Jimmy suddenly patted his head with a smile and said, "I was almost let in by you. In fact, you guys overcomplicated the matter. You write it first, and publish it when it should be published. Later, the company will come forward to find a publishing house to collect these articles and make a collection of them." That's it."

Hearing what Jimmy said, Yu Dong and Yu Hua also reacted.

They always thought about "several people co-authoring a book" just now, but in fact, if you think about it differently, it's just an ordinary collection. There are many such collections of famous authors on the market.

It's just that their collection was decided before the creation, and the direction of writing was the same.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Hey, I'm wasting my time. Then, I won't ask your opinion anymore, let's just write as we like, put it in if we write it, and don't let it go if we don't write it."

Yu Dong also laughed, just now he was still thinking about Yu Hua's torture of human nature, but when he turned his head, the atmosphere became sublimated.

After the matter of the essay collection was settled, Jimmy asked Yu Dong again with some concern: "Will writing essays delay your novel creation? You see, you have quite a lot of plans on hand now, and you don't have two books. Finished."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "To me, essays are no different from eating and drinking, and it won't waste time."

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "Should I also provide you with a computer? During this period of time, I am providing a computer for Mr. Hu, and I will provide you with one by the way. Although I don't like typing at first, but Using it for a long time will definitely benefit your writing speed."

Yu Dong smiled, typing speed...he didn't dare to say anything else, he just said that there is no one who can type faster than him in this Jinyi campus.It's just that he doesn't want to use the computer for the time being, and writing by hand feels very comfortable.

Looking at the piles of manuscripts he has written, he will have a sense of satisfaction, which cannot be obtained by typing on the computer.

Not only are the manuscripts piled higher and higher, but sometimes when the ink in the pen runs out, he will stand up and move his body contentedly, as if he has completed a task.

And he doesn't like the current computer, it's really uncomfortable to use.

"I'll forget it, I don't need it for now."

Jimmy nodded, "Okay."

Yu Hua was very interested in computers. He asked Jimmy, "Is it difficult to learn to type on this computer?"

Jimmy scratched his head. He saw Yu Hua's interest in computers, but he was actually quite surprised.In the past few years, there seems to be a popular saying in Chinese literary circles that computer writing will destroy literature. It seems that many writers have an aversion to computer writing.

Some people think that the words typed by the computer are too cold, without temperature and thickness.

The reason why Jimmy proposed Yu Dong to get a computer was because he knew that Yu Dong's ideas had always been avant-garde.In fact, the ideas of science fiction writers are usually more avant-garde, and Yu Dong is the best among them. His acceptance of emerging technologies exceeds that of everyone Jimmy has met.

But Yu Hua is different. Yu Hua is a traditional writer.

"Computer typing is not too difficult... The main thing is that you need to put some thought into memorizing the roots. Of course, you can also use pinyin. The Chinese Star, which just came out two years ago, is quite easy to get started, but the efficiency may be lower."

"No matter how inefficient it is, it's faster than handwriting, right?"

"Of course, it can't be compared at all. And it's really easy to get started with pinyin typing. Just memorize the position of the letters on the keyboard, and you'll be fine in a week or two."

Yu Hua was a little moved: "How much does it cost to buy one?"

Jimmy pondered, "I really don't know the exact price, it's estimated to be around 1 yuan."

1 yuan is not a small amount for Yu Hua. He has a family with him now, so he has a lot of places to spend his money.The monthly salary is only 1 to [-] yuan. Although the authorization fee was [-] yuan before, the writing is not stable. Spending [-] yuan at once may affect the life of a family of three.

Seeing Yu Hua's hesitation, Jimmy smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, if you really want it, I'll arrange it. Our company will pay for it first, and then we will slowly deduct it from the manuscript fee. If you really want to buy it, now is an opportunity, because the company is working on it." When purchasing a computer, it will definitely be cheaper if you buy it together than if you go to buy it yourself later.”

Yu Hua thought for a while, but she couldn't help feeling embarrassed, nodded and said, "Then thank you."

"You're welcome." Jimmy waved his hand, "After discussing the booklet of "To Live" this time, the manuscript fee is at least enough for you to buy two computers. In fact, I am also more curious, Mr. Yu, why you can accept computer writing, because according to my observation, Many writers in China are very resistant to computer writing, and even say that 'computer writing' will destroy literature."

"Haha, isn't that ridiculous? If literature can be destroyed by a writing method, can it still be called literature? At most, it has changed a little bit. When the times develop in his own way, no one should worry about who will be finished. , Some writers may be finished, but it does not mean that literature will be finished, Shakespeare is finished, literature will not be finished."

Shakespeare is finished, literature is not finished.

These words are very true, but they are also cruel enough. It is estimated that Shakespeare fans will not be very happy to hear this.

Yu Hua is like this. He can always look at problems with a calm attitude. Jimmy has learned a lesson today.

It happened that when it came to the publication of "To Live", Jimmy still had something to discuss with Yu Hua, so the two went to Yu Hua's residence together.

After they left, Yu Dong looked at the notebook left by Yu Hua. Not to mention, when it came to essays, he was really ready to move.

He told Jimmy that writing casually is as easy as eating and drinking, which is really not bragging, because for him, writing essays is just a self-pastime after dinner.

It is different from writing a novel, even if it is a stream-of-consciousness novel, the plot must be considered.But essays can really be just a simple flow of consciousness, the swaying of emotions, and the most natural self-expression.


At the beginning of the new year, the new issue of "Contemporary" has also entered the readers' field of vision, and the second half of "Xiang Xi" has also come out.

The quarrel about "Xiangxi" that had gradually cooled down, once again appeared in the public's field of vision with the new issue of "Contemporary".

The People's Literature Publishing House has already conducted some research on the market, so this issue of "Contemporary" has printed a lot more.

The editorial department has been very lively recently. He Qizhi got good news a few days ago: Yu Dong's "Second World" will be adapted by the great director Spielberg.

He didn't know much about this great director. After asking a few young colleagues, he realized that he was really a great director.

This news was provided by Yu Dong's agent, the foreign businessman Jimmy, and when he got the news, the domestic media didn't know about it.

Before, He Qizhi always thought that it was not a good thing for a writer to find a businessman as an agent, but this time he felt the benefits of a writer's agent, at least when dealing with some business matters, he was very fast.

He Qizhi had never thought that their magazine could be associated with Hollywood before, but now that he has encountered such an opportunity, he thinks it is quite good.

Not to mention anything else, it is unbelievable that Yu Dong, a writer who has just appeared for two years, has such a market appeal.He Qizhi can even imagine the hot scene when Yu Dong came to Yanjing to hold the "Xiang Xi" signing event in a few months later, which would most likely be even more lively than the day of the "White Deer Plain" signing.



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(End of this chapter)

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