Chapter 235 Miniature
The comments were about to quarrel again, which He Qizhi could have expected.

Among other things, because of the first half of "Xiang Xi", many people have formed a relationship with this book.

He Qizhi has always felt that there are some problems in the domestic critic circles. The problem is that people always like to ask questions.Asking questions is fine in itself, but most questions are too casual.

Critics, before commenting on a work, you should do some serious research before asking targeted questions.But in fact, now domestic critics, once a work that attracts more attention appears on the market, they can jump out and comment on it.

This is extremely unprofessional. If a reviewer can post a review immediately after reading a book casually, what is the difference from ordinary readers?At best, it is just a reader who can talk about professional fame.

He Qizhi believes that critics should spend more time studying a certain writer, or a certain type of writer, so as to make constructive criticism, instead of making comments with a hammer here and a stick at the west.

However, He Qizhi was completely a bystander regarding the previous and the upcoming scolding battle, and he hoped that they would quarrel more.

The more they argue, the better it is for Contemporary.


Yu Dong was dragged by Yu Hua to the "Zhongshan" magazine office.

During the last meal, Su Tong invited Yu Hua to come and have a sit down, but he hasn't been there once after coming here for so long.

Yu Dong is writing "Fatal Identity", and he really doesn't want to waste time, "The magazine office is not far from the school, so you just go there by yourself, don't you think such an adult knows the way?"

"I'm an idiot." Yu Hua said with a smile, "I happened to buy a copy of "Contemporary". Isn't the second half of "Xiang Xi" coming out?"

"There's a newsstand not far from the door, and it's not like you don't know it. Besides, there must be an order for the poetry reading. You just go and see it and spend the money."

Yu Dong muttered, but still got up and went out with Yu Hua.

He was in the house, but he didn't feel it yet, when he went out suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew in his face, causing Yu Dong to shrink his neck.

In a blink of an eye, it was already 1994, and it was also the fourth year since Yu Dong returned to the cucumber garden. In the two and a half years, too many things happened, and many changes were also happening quietly. It's the same in winter, the cold wind blows one arm, one leg, and then invades the whole body, making it difficult to pay attention to other things besides the cold.

Yu Hua also shrunk her neck.

He tried to straighten his neck to feel the cold wind.

"Feeling the cold is an ability."

After saying this for less than five seconds, Yu Hua's neck retracted again. Obviously, he lacked this ability.

The two men curled their arms and walked outside with their heads shrunk.

Yu Hua suggested to let Yu Dong ride him.

Yu Dong glanced at Yu Hua, "Why don't you take me by bike?"

"Forget it, it's not far away, you should walk more in winter to help blood circulation. Don't forget, I'm a doctor..."


Yu Hua rolled her eyes, "Although I'm a dentist..."

"It used to be."

Yu Hua rolled her eyes again, "Although I used to be a dentist, I still need to learn basic medical knowledge. Besides, I come from a medical family, and I have spent more time in the morgue than you in Jinyi's dormitory. So In terms of body conditioning, I have an absolute say in front of you. In fact, people, freezing in winter is good for the body..."

As he was talking, he saw Bi Feiyu riding a bicycle coming from the school gate from a distance.

Bi Feiyu was wearing a black jacket in the style of a jacket, the zipper was halfway, and it was left half open, allowing the cold wind to pour in.But Bi Feiyu didn't seem to feel the cold at all, and the pedals on the bicycle pedaled so hard.

In just two sentences, Bi Feiyu arrived in front of the two of them.

"Where are you two going?"

When he was talking, not only was there a thick white gas from his mouth, but also from his head, like the mist rising from the new rain in the empty mountains, and there were also beads of sweat on his head, which were falling one by one. drip down.

"Where did you go?"

"I have nothing to do. I go out by bike and exercise. This winter, if people don't move, they will shrink more and more."

Yu Dong and Yu Hua looked at each other's tucked arms, and then looked at Bi Feiyu together. Did this kid say that on purpose?

Yu Hua rolled her eyes, and said to Bi Feiyu with a smile, "We're going to see "Zhongshan", do you want to go?"

"I won't go, I'm sweating, go back and wipe it off, or I'll catch a cold in a while. Didn't Yu Dong just get caught in the rain before and didn't take care of it when he went back, and he got a serious illness."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said, "I don't like listening to you."

"Let's go, let's find a place to eat hot-boiled mutton tonight. I know there is a restaurant with authentic mutton, all of which are freshly slaughtered." Yu Hua continued to urge.

Bi Feiyu was a little moved, but then she shook her head, "Forget it, I don't want to go, the health is about you tell me where the shop is, and I'll go there after I wash it?"

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, Yu Hua stopped talking and sat down on the back seat of the bicycle.

Seeing his rascal appearance, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Go, senior brother has towels and water, you can just wipe it off. I'll do the job tonight, let's have dinner together."

Bi Feiyu had no choice but to ride on the bike, and then he looked at Yu Dong: "Then what should you do?"

Yu Hua waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go, this kid is young, let him walk."

"Why don't you sit in the front." Bi Feiyu patted the front beam.

"Forget it, it's not safe." Yu Dong shook his head. In fact, safety is the second priority. The main thing is that he is a big man sitting in front. The picture is really not beautiful.

"Okay, let's go first." Bi Feiyu kicked his feet, and the car started to wobble. He couldn't help cursing, "You are so shorter than Yu Dong, why are you heavier than him?"

"Comrade Fei Yu, don't mess with me, be careful that I die with you..."

The noise of the two gradually faded away, and Yu Dong also quickened his pace. Bi Feiyu was right, once this person moved, he would not be cold anymore.


When Yu Dong arrived at the magazine office, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu had already been there for quite a while.

"The thing you're talking about..."

Su Tong was talking when he saw Yu Dong coming in and pointing at the table with a smile, "Your footsteps are pretty fast, your tea is already poured. Yu Hua and Fei Yu are really both of you, after all, you are older, why not?" It’s better to leave him behind alone.”

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Because I'm older, I can't compare to him in physical strength, so I can only wrong him. If I walk behind, maybe I haven't even halfway there yet."

There is an electric heater in Su Tong's office, which is specially placed under his feet when it is cold. At this time, the three of them are surrounding the small electric heater to keep warm.

Yu Dong also joined in. He took a sip from his teacup and said with a smile, "The main reason is that Yu Hua said that he is a road idiot and doesn't know the road."

Su Tong smiled and said: "Before you came, the two of them were talking about your writing essays. I think this is a good thing. I have stayed in Jinyi longer than you, and I will write a few essays later. , You write now, I write in the past, just to confirm each other. Didn’t Yu Hua already write an article, and I will take it later. I will make a column for you on "Zhongshan" and publish "Cucumber Garden". Sample?"

"You don't avoid suspicion at all." Bi Feiyu laughed.

"Why avoid suspicion?" Su Tong said.

Yu Dong didn't expect Yu Hua and the others to talk so quickly, and they had already told Su Tong about the matter.Now things have changed again. Originally, they planned to write their own contributions, but now "Zhong Shan" wants to create a column. From the beginning, they have been tied together, and there is an extra Su Tong.

"Of course, I want to read the article. If it doesn't work, I still won't post it." Su Tong said again.

Yu Hua patted her chest, "That will definitely work."

"Then I'll just wait and see." Su Tong said with emotion, "A few years ago, whoever told me that Jin Yi would earn a reputation in the literary circle, I wouldn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be only a few years, at least in the In the literary circle of Jinling, Jinyi has become an inescapable topic. Now in Jinling, when people talk about novels, when they talk about a few well-known novelists, they must go to Jinyi. I, who have been out for a few years, also got involved. A few days ago, I heard a saying called the Jinyi Gang. Although I don’t like this saying, it also explains the problem from the side.”

"It has nothing to do with the two of us, it's mainly because of Yu Dong." Yu Hua laughed.

Su Tong shook his head, "Without you, can he be called the Jinyi Gang by himself? People will say it was accidental if there is only one of him, but if there are several at once, no one will say it was accidental."

"Whether to help or not, it looks like some kind of social group." Bi Feiyu obviously didn't like the idea of ​​Jinyi Gang either.

Su Tong said with a smile: "People like to use this term, this faction or that faction, not to mention the far away, just talk about this year's Shaanxi Army, isn't it also called like this, what are the five tiger generals of the Shaanxi Army."

"Speaking of the Shaanxi Army, have you paid attention to the news about the Shaanxi Army during this time?"

All three of them shook their heads, they were too busy with their own affairs, how could they have time to care about these things.Especially Bi Feiyu, who has been writing in retreat some time ago, and has been thinking about her novel collection during this time.

Su Tong is different. He is not only a writer now, but also the helm of the editorial department of "Zhong Shan".Now that the Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition has emerged in the literary circle—it can be regarded as a literary phenomenon, he must pay attention to it, and it may affect the future direction of their magazine.

He didn't spend too much time himself, but asked Liu Xuemin to collect some information.

Among the materials collected by Liu Xuemin, besides some literary reviews, there are also some gossip news.

Su Tong talked about these gossips with the three of them: "In fact, it is not appropriate to call the Shaanxi Army, and they may not be able to unite like an army. Before Gao Jianqun jumped out and said that the concept of 'Shaanxi Army's Eastern Expedition' was originated by him, Later, Han Xiaohui came out to refute the rumors and said it was not. Cheng Hai also called Han Xiaohui and asked if someone was trying to frame him, so that his name did not appear in the report. I was confused and confused."

"Actually, it's also conceivable that everyone wants to be famous, so it's not surprising that this kind of thing happens."

For these lace, several people looked at it with the mentality of watching a joke.

After all, it is now the Shaanxi army's eastward march, not the Shaanxi army's southward march.

If "Guangming Daily" publishes another "Golden Arts Gang Going North", maybe they will pay more attention to it.

After chatting about the Shaanxi Army for a while, Su Tong talked about "Xiang Xi" again, "I read the second half of your "Xiang Xi" this morning, and it seems that there are more changes than the upper part, did He Qizhi and the others propose changes? "

Su Tong had seen the original manuscript of "Xiang Xi" before, so he knew the changes in it.

Yu Dong nodded: "Well, when the manuscript was submitted in the past, the two editors gave some suggestions, but I didn't adopt them all, and only made some changes."

"It's good to hear more opinions."

Su Tong only said this, and did not express any other opinions. Bi Feiyu continued: ""Xiang Xi" should be published as a booklet. I heard Jimmy say it before."

"Well, it should be soon. The details have been discussed. He Qizhi called me yesterday and asked me if I have time to go to Yanjing to sign the sale in May."

"Did you agree?" Su Tong asked.

"It doesn't count as a promise. I said it depends on the time. They saw that my signing in Rongcheng was not bad before, so they only wanted to hold a signing event for me when the booklet of "Xiang Xi" came out."

Yu Hua rested her chin and said, "If you decide to go there, you must be mentally prepared. There will definitely be some troubles when the autograph event is held. This year, Chen Zhongshi's autograph event has just been held, and many media have reported it. The hot scene at that time. If your autographs this year, if the results are too shouldn’t be bad, anyway, the media will probably compare the two autographs anyway.”

"That's right, you already got in touch with them because of "Xiang Xi", and the media will definitely not let go of the opportunity to make a big splash." Bi Feiyu said.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I didn't think about it. Anyway, if it happens, I can't hide it. It's useless to hide."

"I didn't tell you to hide." Yu Hua also laughed, "I want you to go instead. It's a good thing that there is another way in the literary circle. This year is different from last year. Last year, the literary circle was still a pool of stagnant water, but this year suddenly there are many more. Things. Let’s not talk about the Shaanxi Army, Wang Shuo’s momentum has been very strong in recent years, and Wang Meng also put forward the idea of ​​“avoiding the lofty” because of him.”

Su Tong was quite touched by Yu Hua's words, "Since the reform, the economy has developed faster and faster. Especially last year, Mr. Deng's speech on the southern tour can be said to be the turning point of the reform. Almost every day I can hear economic news. News, at such a time of fierce confrontation between old and new thinking, the literary world will inevitably be impacted. Although it is a bit late, we can see some clues now."

Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua looked at Yu Dong at the same time. They had talked about this topic many times, but they never discussed it thoroughly.

However, the general direction has already been discussed, and they all agreed that Yu Dong's development in science fiction is likely to be a microcosm of the future trend of the literary world.

 Thank you [Zhitian Gang Li Kui] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Mo Er Xia aaa] for the 333 reward
  Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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